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      2. 以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文

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          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇1

          Knowledge is power, especially scientific and technological knowledge. Science and technology are the motive power of the social development. Without them human society could never have developed from primitive society to modern society. Therefore, to conquer and transform nature, we must master scientific knowledge.

          However, social knowledge is also essential. Without it we can not understand society and don't know the law of the social development. As a result we are unable to tovern society. Therefore, besides scientific knowledge we need to master social science, philosophy, politics, history, aesthetics, etc, so that we can know society from all perspectives and form a correct world outlook.

          To meet new challenges in he 21st century, we university students should lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we will become qualified successors of the socialist cause.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇2

          Recently there has been a discussion regarding the issue of knowl- edge in the newspaper. As can be seen from the picture, knowledge is symbolized by a clenched fist as power. The fist sends out a message for "obedience", threatening to crack with power any hard nut. The more demanding and challenging a task is, the more powerful the fist seems to grow. Similarly, knowledge, the strongest power for human beings, feeds up the field of science and technology. The more ad- vanced and developed a field is, the more profound knowledge seems to become.

          A specific example is the dunaping of Mir, Russia's space station. As is the case of the Russian space program, the country could no longer afford to keep Mir aloft in orbit because of lack Of financial support. Therefore, Rus- sia decided to dump the space station. The effect is both immediate and far -reaching. As far as the present is concerned, the successful launching and dumping of IVrLr has proved to the world that mankind, armed with pro- fca. md knowledge, cannot just build things but can operate them welt. For the distant impact, the once- in- a- lifetime success of/VFtr provides man with valuable and indispensable experience for manned space flight in the years to crane. Then, someday in the furore, them might appear in space more Mirs, visiting Mars, spreading friendship, parading the perfect maste- ry of knowledge.

          As to the best way to master knowledge, I suggest that everyone of us "ask not what others will learn from you, but what you can learn from the others." By so doing, I sincerely believe each person, pro- tected by' the "fist", will be learned and knowledgeable.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇3

          The saying "Knowledge is power" becomes universally accepted in that it reveals a simple yet brutal fact: It is the brain rather than sword that makes an individual or a nation strong.

          The truth the saying speaks has been proven in man's civilization, which is, to the greatest extent, accelerated by man's knowledge in the form of science and technology. A century ago, it took many-years to send a message to the other end of the world. Nevertheless, we can have it done in seconds today with just touches on computer keyboard.

          "Knowledge is power" means something particular to us Chinese since China remains backward. We must sweat over knowledge so as to build China into one of the world's economic giants.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇4

          The reason why man can distinguish from a general animal is that he has infinite knowledge and rich emotions. Indeed, what is the difference between a man and a walking corpse without knowledge? So people need to have knowledge, because knowledge brings infinite power.

          Knowledge is a light that guides you in the direction of your progress and changes the fate of the person.

          The life of Zhu Geliang be learned in books, from the "model" I read his "rate of the armed forces, North Central, Xing Fu Han domineering, from kongchengji I see he witty and intelligent. The reason why Liu Bei will be the three request Zhu Geliang again, it is because Zhu Geliang has infinite knowledge, it is because of his knowledge of the Shu from weak to strong, he also made a commoner to become a prime minister of china. Obama, the president of the United States, showed his desire for knowledge from his childhood. Although his family was poor, he still insisted on buying books and studying independently, because his knowledge became the first black president in the United States. It can be seen that with knowledge, people will become valuable, and that knowledge can change the fate of people.

          Knowledge is a dynamic engine, making the country moving forward, developing and becoming stronger.

          After the liberation of the country, the Chinese government hopes to study abroad, and the developing scientists can return home to build their motherland. Tsien Hsueshen and other famous patriotic scientists home construction, which indicates that one country to powerful, cannot do without the construction of knowledge workers, which is why both ancient and modern should be carried out to test election talents, the construction of the country can not do without the knowledge staff support, without the support of knowledge. But before the reform and opening up, Chinese is very backward, the main reason may be because many have the cultural knowledge of personnel in the countryside labor transformation, the lack of knowledge of cultural workers, so China's decades of development, far behind many countries, visible knowledge for a country also is very important.

          Knowledge is a ship that explores the unknown world, making human beings constantly changing and progressing.

          From cold weapons to aircraft and tanks. From primitive society to modern capitalist society, from the ignorance of chaos to the exploration of the mysteries of the universe. Human beings are constantly improving. When man stepped on the moon, I saw the vast expanse of the universe, the stars glittering, and people could not help exclamation of the greatness of knowledge. It is because of knowledge that human beings can make progress. Maybe there are many things that humans do not yet know. But human beings believe that knowledge changes human beings, knowledge makes human progress, and knowledge is infinite power.

          Time is limited, but knowledge is infinite, like Lu Xun to buy Pepper as we stayed up reading, but also to seize the time to learn, so maybe we don't have to stay up like Lu Xun, but we can do in school learning seriously, so full of life, cherish the time for good.

          Knowledge is power, it is infinite power, which makes all people on the earth benefit, so hurry to feel this power.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇5

          Everyone wants to get ahead. If we want to get ahead, we need to be capable and competent. We must have culture. Friends often ask me, Wen mountain elder brother, how can have the ability to deal with their side of what happened? How can you make yourself mature? Actually, to tell you the truth, we can only give you a symbolic answer to all these questions, but we can't give you the real answer. Even if I tell you how you should do it, you probably can't do it. So let's talk to you about this topic today.

          Is actually very simple, want to let yourself not to be eliminated by the society, not being a joke, not by others as a child, you have to have some attractions. So Wenshan still recommends that if you have time, you can read more books or buy a few books on the Internet, or download it to your mobile phone. A beautiful woman in the book, the book house of gold, so I want to get knowledge, reading is a good way. Choose the book you should see according to your needs. Some friends always say, mountain brother, I did not learn how to learn, there is no culture, do not understand. Or I'm sleepy when I read a book. How can I remember it? In fact, these are all excuses, why don't you say money is not your print, you don't spend money? So don't make excuses for your laziness. You are lazy and lazy, so please pay more attention to it.

          So here to introduce some of the books that Wenshan has read, do not know whether you can help friends, there is a like to see a look.

          Thirty-six, the Analects of Confucius, historical records, Huangdi Neijing, shuijingzhu, concentration and crystallization of these books are China 5000 years of splendid culture, we can take a long look at knowledge.

          In addition, Sherlock Holmes, ghost blows 1, 2, how the steel was tempered, one thousand and one nights, Ukiyo-e, history of European architecture, the secret of life, these books is a personal hobby, and broaden their horizons, to accommodate some books of eastern and Western culture.

          There are other, the history of the development of capitalism, the theory of marketing management, psychology, communication and exchange, on the opposite side of the people, and knowledge, these books are more complex, but includes many aspects, so long to knowledge friends must see more complex, more knowledge, and you can see the knowledge in mind and in life, let you see the book becomes a part of your life, the light of hope for you!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇6

          I don't know why. Recently, I always hated learning very much. As long as I mentioned something related to learning, I would be particularly annoying and even quarreled with my parents.

          Today, my father talked to me about a heart. Dad asked me why I didn't want to learn. I told my father, because I feel good in performance, which is useless, because no one will give me a math problem or a Chinese topic in the future. When Dad listened, he laughed and asked me if I knew what one plus one was equal to. I disdain to say, equal to two, this is not simple. Dad asked again, if I asked you the question when you were very young, could you answer it? Obviously not. Because you have so much knowledge, you can easily answer these questions now. In the future you work the same way, although the content you learn now will not be used directly, but these things are your foundation! Only a good study, in the future can be able to handle their own work, to remember, knowledge is power!

          I listen to my father's words, heart inside feel bright, knowledge is power, right, I must study well, because knowledge is power!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇7

          Since the human being on the earth, knowledge will sprout in human wisdom, from ancient to contemporary rumaoyinxie high civilization, every society. It shows the great effect of knowledge. The progress of knowledge has promoted the development of history and promoted the civilization of mankind. Knowledge is power.

          At present, there is a popular saying in the world: to see whether a country or a nation is prosperous or prosperous depends on people's cultural knowledge level. I think this statement is justified. Even if a country is not rich enough for a while, but as long as its intelligent people have knowledge of tradition, we can conclude that this country has a bright future. But if a nation is very rich, but to support a group of "acts, the results have neither learning nor skill" must be sad. It is bound to fade away.

          In the history of the Tang Dynasty, the prosperity of the "Kaiyuan flourishing world" was formed. In addition to the emperor's enlightened, the most important reason was that the science and technology of all walks of life were fully developed at that time. The strong national power, a galaxy of talents, Megatron seas.

          In ancient times, natural phenomena such as wind and rain, thunder and lightning were regarded as the behavior of God. During the drought, the people butcher sheep. Send up the altar, kowtow to God, obey the Taoist priest call the rain. In today's view, these seem too silly and ridiculous, but it is the inevitable result of no knowledge. Now we have scientific knowledge, and we have artificial rainfall. Even if we meet the drought, the crops can grow very well. "God" can't be stuck to our neck. Rendingshengtian, that is because people have the knowledge.

          Thus, it can be seen that the prosperity and strength of the country can not be separated from knowledge.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇8

          In the sixth Century B.C., there was a famous philosopher, Telles, in ancient Greece. He is learned, the pursuit of truth, never take the money for their rich. He was often in rags and hurried to the streets.

          One day, a businessman walked in front of him, pointing to his sarcastic way: "Telles said," you are a knowledgeable philosopher, but in my view, theory is useless. Theoretical knowledge can neither bring you gold nor bring you bread, but it can only bring you poverty and cold acid. " Telles was very angry, and he retaliated, "I can't tolerate your use of my poverty to disparage and attack the theory. I'll teach you the truth, wait and see. "

          Telles refused to be humiliated and determined the theory as strength. With his extensive knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and agriculture, he concluded that next year it would be the year of olive Dafeng, after careful prediction and calculation. In the winter, he took out all the money, and rented all the nearby utensils of olive oil with a fairly cheap rent.

          There is no surprise. In second years, the great harvest of the olive was unprecedented, the need for the oil press increased sharply, but all the oil press had been monopolized by Telles. He was also on the opportunity to rent, and many people who wanted to hire the oil press were crowded in front of Telles's door. The once Telles sarcastic businessmen also sweating in crowd. When Telles saw him at one glance, he went up to him and said to him with a mockery: "the noble businessman, see? These oil press are all my theoretical knowledge. I want to make a fortune it is easy, as long as the precise parameters, can be as rich as you, even more money than you. But I do not rarity these small money, because there is no great power that money can't buy in the world. "

          By virtue of his theory and knowledge, Taylor fights the arrogant merchants.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇9

          Everyone wants to get ahead. If we want to get ahead, we need to be capable and petent. We must have culture. Friends often ask me, Wen mountain elder brother, how can have the ability to deal with their side of what happened? How can you make yourself mature? Actually, to tell you the truth, we can only give you a symbolic answer to all these questions, but we can't give you the real answer. Even if I tell you how you should do it, you probably can't do it. So let's talk to you about this topic today.

          Is actually very simple, want to let yourself not to be eliminated by the society, not being a joke, not by others as a child, you have to have some attractions. So Wenshan still remends that if you have time, you can read more books or buy a few books on the Internet, or download it to your mobile phone. A beautiful woman in the book, the book house of gold, so I want to get knowledge, reading is a good way. Choose the book you should see according to your needs. Some friends always say, mountain brother, I did not learn how to learn, there is no culture, do not understand. Or I'm sleepy when I read a book. How can I remember it? In fact, these are all excuses, why don't you say money is not your print, you don't spend money? So don't make excuses for your laziness. You are lazy and lazy, so please pay more attention to it.

          So here to introduce some of the books that Wenshan has read, do not know whether you can help friends, there is a like to see a look.

          Thirty-six, the Analects of Confucius, historical records, Huangdi Neijing, shuijingzhu, concentration and crystallization of these books are China 5000 years of splendid culture, we can take a long look at knowledge.

          In addition, Sherlock Holmes, ghost blows 1, 2, how the steel was tempered, one thousand and one nights, Ukiyo-e, history of European architecture, the secret of life, these books is a personal hobby, and broaden their horizons, to acmodate some books of eastern and Western culture.

          There are other, the history of the development of capitalism, the theory of marketing management, psychology, munication and exchange, on the opposite side of the people, and knowledge, these books are more plex, but includes many aspects, so long to knowledge friends must see more plex, more knowledge, and you can see the knowledge in mind and in life, let you see the book bees a part of your life, the light of hope for you!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇10

          Recently there has been a discussion regarding the issue of knowl-edge in the newspaper. knowledge is symbolized by a clenched fist as power. The fist sends out message for "obedience", threatening to crack with power any hard nut. The more demanding and challenging a task is, the more powerful the fist seems to grow. Similarly, knowledge, the strongest power for human

          If we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work. Why? Because knowledge is power. With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. We can send messages by telegram. We can talk with our friends by telephone.

          As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation. She (It) needs us very much. If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)?




          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇11

          Recently there has been a discussion regarding the issue of knowl-edge in the newspaper. As can be seen from the picture, knowledge is symbolized by a clenched fist as power. The fist sends out a message for "obedience", threatening to crack with power any hard nut. The more demanding and challenging a task is, the more powerful the fist seems to grow. Similarly, knowledge, the strongest power for human beings, feeds up the field of science and technology. The more ad- vanced and developed a field is, the more profound knowledge seems to become.

          A specific example is the dunaping of Mir, Russia's space station. As is the case of the Russian space program, the country could no longer afford to keep Mir aloft in orbit because of lack Of financial support. Therefore, Rus-sia decided to dump the space station. The effect is both immediate and far-reaching. As far as the present is concerned, the successful launching and dumping of IVrLr has proved to the world that mankind, armed with pro-fca. md knowledge, cannot just build things but can operate them welt. For the distant impact, the once- in- a- lifetime success of/VFtr provides man with valuable and indispensable experience for manned space flight in the

          years to crane. Then, someday in the furore, them might appear in space more Mirs, visiting Mars, spreading friendship, parading the perfect maste- ry of knowledge.

          As to the best way to master knowledge, I suggest that everyone of us "ask not what others will learn from you, but what you can learn from the others." By so doing, I sincerely believe each person, pro-tected by' the "fist", will be learned and knowledgeable.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇12

          Knowledge is power.

          Knowledge is the source of all power, is the capital of the literati poet expresses lofty sentiments and aspirations; is the prosperity of the country, the power source of the scientific development is the cornerstone of the independent; people in the forest of the world culture. For knowledge is power.

          "There are talented people in the Jiangshan generation, and they have been coquettish for hundreds of years." Are men of literature and writing of the desire for knowledge, to express the literati talent, is eager to aspiring people. "Pavilion of Prince Teng" in order to let Wang Bo fame, express the profound and forceful feeling. Ten years of studying only for once he succeeded, he is now the ambition to express the moment, but he died young, ill fated, let a person feel sorry. But Hou Meng was different. A "Linjiang immortal" made him full of hope for the future, and returned to the people who laughed at him. After his promotion of prime minister. It is knowledge that gives him the opportunity, and knowledge enriches himself. For knowledge is power.

          "Science is the first productive force, and knowledge is the source of scientific development." It is the state's attention to knowledge, because the development of the country is inseparable from knowledge. It is the foundation of the country's prosperity and independence from the forest of the world. Tso of Guan Yu's attention on people like hunger and thirst to, behaved most incisive. Wen Jiuzhan osuga, win glory in battle, there is public recognition of Cao Guan Yu to have a gorge Cao Cao Huarong road. Also reflects the feelings for Duke spit feeding. Because the development of the country needs talent and the state of managing the country with talent.

          And knowledge is also the cornerstone of the forest that is independent of the world's culture. The Nobel prize is a compliment to the people who have knowledge. Lu Xun, contradiction, Mo Yan is not the owner of knowledge, knowledge brings them power, and brings the breath of life value. Because they believe that knowledge is power.

          It may be confusing: how can a person with a lot of knowledge become a bookworm? Some people do not read much in their careers but succeed? In my opinion, people who become nerds are because they do not know how to use knowledge. But the success of less reading is that they are good at making hard work and hard work.

          Knowledge is power, and you are full of hope for life.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇13

          recently there has been a discussion regarding the issue of knowl- edge in the newspaper. as can be seen from the picture, knowledge is symbolized by a clenched fist as power. the fist sends out a message for "obedience", threatening to crack with power any hard nut. the more demanding and challenging a task is, the more powerful the fist seems to grow. similarly, knowledge, the strongest power for human beings, feeds up the field of science and technology. the more ad- vanced and developed a field is, the more profound knowledge seems to become.

          a specific example is the dunaping of mir, russia's space station. as is the case of the russian space program, the country could no longer afford to keep mir aloft in orbit because of lack of financial support. therefore, rus- sia decided to dump the space station. the effect is both immediate and far -reaching. as far as the present is concerned, the successful launching and dumping of ivrlr has proved to the world that mankind, armed with pro- fca. md knowledge, cannot just build things but can operate them welt. for the distant impact, the once- in- a- lifetime success of/vftr provides man with valuable and indispensable experience for manned space flight in the years to crane. then, someday in the furore, them might appear in space more mirs, visiting mars, spreading friendship, parading the perfect maste- ry of knowledge.

          as to the best way to master knowledge, i suggest that everyone of us "ask not what others will learn from you, but what you can learn from the others." by so doing, i sincerely believe each person, pro- tected by' the "fist", will be learned and knowledgeable.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇14

          After reading, I want to invent a machine after put the book into the machine, into a book after a few seconds of delicious food, can not only a good dinner, after eating can also master the knowledge from books. With such a machine is love reading, students mastering all aspects.

          We use master knowledge, invention of the world's most advanced equipment; Let robot help us do dangerous work; Abandoned factory into dense forest; Dirty and smelly drains into a clear stream; All is to use solar power, the sky has no ozone layer; Blue sky of the motherland will be more profound; Humans don't need any tools, flight can the moon like superman, still can live on the moon, to play, the five-star red flag flying high on the moon...

          We must study hard, do a glorious successor, the construction of the motherland more prosperous!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇15

          What will win, money or knowledge? I look upon this matter for a long time and came to a conclusion that knowledge is more important than money. Without proper financial planning, we might eventually face financial problem even though we are filthy rich. Another similar situation would be, without a good understanding in English we will not be able to write good post to entertain our readers, isn’t it? So for a long run I think it is bad. Well, that’s only my personal point of view.

          Knowledge will forever be the best & future ingredients of life as we know it.

          If you got stuck in the middle of no-where (or maybe on another planet) with no transportation or no one around - will money get you home any better?

          If you have to pick between a billion knowledgeable thoughts or a billion dollars - wouldn’t you rather spread your knowledge to others instead of thinking about becoming a billion dollars for yourself?

          Money governs our system in which we live right now, but knowledge will defy & yet prove the facts about endless dollars that are spent in our worldly developing lifetime.

          I would much rather (in almost any lifetime) have all the knowledge in the world than all the money in the world! Not because I don’t need to be rich, but because spreading that knowledge would be infinitively more bliss-full & pleasurable than passing around money to people everyday.







          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇16

          Our country is known as “nation of the etiquette” the laudatory name, the advocation etiquette is our country people's traditional moral excellence.From ancient times till now, our country's etiquette standard is the Chinese unique civilization symbol, is Chinese nation moral excellence manifesting.The etiquette, took one traditional moral excellence, has the historical inheritance, has vitality which does not fade.

          The etiquette involves which in the commercial contact are very many, but from basic speaks between the human and human's contact, therefore we are used to the commercial etiquette limits art which associates for the commercial personnel.

          As the name suggests, the commercial etiquette is refers in the people commerce contact the suitable etiquette standard, is in the commercial contact, by the procedure, the way which certain, is established by usage indicated respects opposite party the process and the method.The ritual stems from vulgarly, popularizes for the ritual.The commercial etiquette operationality, how is should do, how shouldn't do.Achieves in the commercial contact “restrains oneself, respects other people” to be able to cause the people with ease happily to associate.Not only “considers for other people” is the commercial contact, also is between the human and the human the normal contact basic principle.Therefore said the study and the correct utilization commerce etiquette not only is a person intrinsic tutelage and the quality external performance, also is in the human communication the suitable one kind of art, one human relations way or the human relations method, are in the human communication are established by usage show respect, the friendly custom procedure.Carries on in the human communication communicates mutually certainly must grasp the commercial etiquette the skill.Looked from individual angle that, grasps certain commercial etiquette to be helpful in enhances people's own tutelage, beautifies own, the beautified life.And can the very effective promotion social contact, the improvement interpersonal relationship, but also is helpful to the purification social convention.Considers, a smile, a concern all can give human's by mind in warmth, and may cause own mood to be also happy along with it, why not?

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇17

          there have been a lot of ways of acquiring knowledge. and the number is increasing unepectedly owing to the popularization of modern mass media.

          however, reading books has always been the major and convenient approach to knowledge. one may acquire most of his knowledge through reading books, since they can be carried easily and read leisurely everywhere at any time. another equally important means of acquiring knowledge is through practice, especially learning from others. it is unlikely for a person to get all-round knowledge by merely reading books. as a matter of fact, genuine knowledge comes from practice.

          although books and practice are indispensable to the enrichment of one’s knowledge, other means shouldn’t be turned aside. with the development of it industry, people tend to hunt for knowledge by means of internet. internet is changing people’s traditional approaches to knowledge. it has found its way into every field of the world.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇18

          My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday. When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried. I did't know how to swim, but I had to save my friend's live. I was shouting and asking someone to help. After that, the most impressive thing happened which was a young solder that jump into the lake without thinking, swimmed to the palace where my friend were, and got him out of the lake. After the young solder checked if there was nothing wrong with my friend, he went away. In conclusion, this young solder is the one who i respect a lot!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇19

          Finished reading the book the great navigator zheng he ", I feel from zheng he's navigation experience knowledge is power, if there is no advanced knowledge of zheng he's sailing cannot tell direction on the vast ocean, if you do not understand the customs of western countries, he can't normal trade in other countries; If he doesn't know military knowledge, he can't handle military disputes well...

          I was deeply impressed by the mention of such a thing in the book. A zheng he himself learned pirates to attack, then pretend to have no protection against its rise to the bait, surrounded by then all around, the cannon with a torch, a clean kill the pirate gangs rampant megalodons, sublime.

          Why is zheng he so much learned? It is inseparable from his clever and studious upbringing. When he was very young, he often listen to my grandfather and father speak pilgrimage of disasters, the mountains and rivers landscape and customs of western countries, like magnets tightly attracted by the zheng and heart. From then on, zheng he was filled with endless thirst for knowledge.

          Only those who have knowledge can become like zheng he. Remember once a kite, in the beginning, everyone's kite is flying in the air, but suddenly the wind changes, many schoolmates kite fell down in succession, but a "little naughty" Ma Yongjian kite in our class didn't fall down, as he stood one side loudly shout: "run against the wind, lala fly." Some of the students were busy trying, but they did. You can't help admiring his rich knowledge of flying kites.

          Yes, life is full of knowledge. Only those who win knowledge can win the future.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇20

          It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, when a person stops breathing, open his/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his/her breathing at once, using a mouth to mouth way. Third, if a person is hurt badly, try at once to stop the bleeding. Then take him/her to a doctor. If a person loses one third of his/her blood, he/she may die.

          Many accidents may happen at home. All parents should know first aid in order to deal with common injuries which may happen to their children. When a person is bitten by an animai, wash the wound with cold running water before he/she is taken to see a doctor. When a person is burnt, wash and cool the area of the skin under the cold tap for a while. Then put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burn. If the person is badly burnt, take him/her to the doctor. If a person cuts his/her finger, clean it and put a piece of paper round the cut. Every body should know some first aid in order to save othe people's lives.




          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇21

          I have some good advice for your work. If you can do the following things, you will succeed in doing everything.

          Firstly, whatever you do, you must be punctual and hard-working. If you sow a good seed, you will get a good harvest. If the seed is in poor quality, the harvest will also be very bad. And if you sow nothing, you will get nothing at all. Nothing.

          Secondly, you must be honest. As honesty is the moral tuition that everyone should have. If you treat other people friendly and sincerely, others will also respect you.

          Thirdly, you must be tolerant to others, since no one is perfect in the world. Everyone has his own faults, but if you can see everything on other person's perspective, there will be no problem at all.

          What's more, when you are in a big company, you should not only respect the leaders, but also get on well with the colleagues. Sometimes, you should try to please your boss, so that you could have more chances to be promoted.

          Last but not the least, don't ignore the little things, because such a little thing will have a great effect on your life. So you should start yourselves at the bottom, in order to get enough working experience. As you have enough working experience, nothing you will be afraid.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇22

          In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market,some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills,just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.

          However,it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea.Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.

          It is universally known that opportunity is important,but you could do nothing with it if you are not equipped with competitive forces,such basic reading and calculating skills,to seize it.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇23

          Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.

          For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game I would like to give a brief introduction. 2 teams of 11 players compete on a soccer field at once. They can only touch the ball with their feet, head and chest. If they use their hands, the ball is given to the other team. Only the goalie can use hands. The objective is for each team to score on the opposing team's goal.

          In 2004, the president of the International Confederation of Association Football, or FIFA for short, confirmed that soccer originated from China during the Warring States Period in 476-221 B.C. However, even though they followed the no-hands rule it was still very different from the soccer we know and love today.

          Soccer changed and developed over the next centuries as it traveled through different countries around the world.

          Modern day soccer started in England about 200 years ago. In May 21 1904, FIFA was established in Paris. From 1930, a World Cup would be held every 4 years.

          Soccer is already a sport that we need in our life. There are about 800 thousand teams that usually play in matches. There are about 40 million players that signed up. There are a 100 thousand professional players.

          As I mentioned before, traditionally, soccer matches have consisted of 11 players; however, now other competitive options are available including, five on five, seven on seven, and even beach soccer.

          Soccer is really a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and ability. I have loved playing for more than half of my life and I know that if you start today you will too.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇24

          Do you know what biggest living animals on land are? The answer to this question is elephant. There are two kinds of elephants. They are African elephants and Indian elephants. Elephants always eat a lot ?100-1000 pounds of grass about one day. Elephants can live up to 60-70 years .There are no bones in the back of its feet ,only flat .Isn’t it amazing ?It is also interesting to know that elephants walk on tiptoe ,so they walk quietly as well as cats .Maybe you know elephants’ trucks are very expensive . Hunters kill them to get trucks.


          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇25

          Recently, the frequent earthquakes in Japan, so our school will hold the earthquake drill.

          As the rain on Monday, Tuesday, so exercise held in Wednesday morning, in the morning short class. Alarm, earthquake drill started, our teacher zhang still standing on the platform at the table, as if nothing had happened, we secretly said: "teacher zhang really have." Chapter "true to the earthquake, the teacher had been smashed." Some students think of at this time also in choir rehearsal, said: "dancing group may be killed." We will bag cap on his head and ran out of the classroom, we had 5, and 6 minutes in the hallway. In the playground, everyone comment in succession, and some said: "if it's an earthquake, we had pinned upstairs." Some jokingly said: "it is heaven here?" "No, there are too many bad things you do, here is hell!" I have heard, laughing play the thigh. Some also said: "the school also is really of, don't won't earthquake when it rains? If you can, why not Monday in earthquake drill?" I don't think we wenzhou will earthquake, because listen to mom and dad said, wenzhou is in the midst of a plate, history also does not have a record of the earthquake.

          I thought: let's the prevention is the fire and the tsunami. But practice is also quite good, and they were afraid to one thousand.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇26

          On April 20, 2013 2 points at 8 o 'clock in the morning, at this moment, sichuan ya 'an 7 · 0 earthquake happened, people panic, a mess, after the earthquake, people were displaced, the homeless. Ya 'an earthquake is terrible, you again let me involuntarily thought of the wenchuan earthquake in 2008. I remember, it was a big earthquake of wenchuan in 2008, at that time, many people were buried under the rubble, and narrowly escaped, and some children sitting on the ruins howled. And one more thing is my personal experience, that day, my teacher said to us ya 'an in sichuan earthquake, have four children, two sacrifice, there are two very dangerous, the teacher let us dedicate a love, I donated 2 yuan, others than I donate, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan... So many earthquake, reminds me of a song "unity is strength", so many earthquake, let us every day spent in fear of life. Disaster, how much you heartless, you don't have a thought of people's feelings, disaster, how cruel, and you are homeless. Disaster, in order to make our motherland stronger, become rich and strong, to flourish, please don't hurt people. One party hard, p plus support. Yoann compatriots, you must be strong. I believe that you will be out of the shadows. I believe you, come on!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇27

          We can’t ignore the fact that the the total amount and depth of knowledge of human society can shock anyone who comes from the ancient society: we explore petroleum, fly to the moon and even study the atom. But we can’t have a philosopher better than Socrates, Plato,or Aristotle. It because that knowledge can be accumulated, if human have a foundation, we can accumulate knowledge through experiments and observations. Wisdom is not. It can’t develop with the development of the data confirmed. In short, wisdom is not science.

          The function of wisdom is to lead and control knowledge. Without wisdom, science will control us not be controlled by human. We will be mad for the power of knowledge. We may study arms or drug to satisfy our own desires. This kind of knowledge will destroy us. Thanks to the wisdom that God gives us as a gift, our affection can be controlled. At the same time, we can see what our knowledge systems are actually look like.

          Having the wisdom , we can use knowledge more accurately,safer and enjoy the knowledge what we have accumulated. Until today, we still need study wisdom from ancient Greek philosopher or Renaissance philosopher to keep our society developing.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇28

          On April 20, 20xx 2 points at 8 o 'clock in the morning, at this moment, sichuan ya 'an 7 · 0 earthquake happened, people panic, a mess, after the earthquake, people were displaced, the homeless. Ya 'an earthquake is terrible, you again let me involuntarily thought of the wenchuan earthquake in 2008. I remember, it was a big earthquake of wenchuan in 2008, at that time, many people were buried under the rubble, and narrowly escaped, and some children sitting on the ruins howled. And one more thing is my personal experience, that day, my teacher said to us ya 'an in sichuan earthquake, have four children, two sacrifice, there are two very dangerous, the teacher let us dedicate a love, I donated 2 yuan, others than I donate, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan... So many earthquake, reminds me of a song "unity is strength", so many earthquake, let us every day spent in fear of life. Disaster, how much you heartless, you don't have a thought of people's feelings, disaster, how cruel, and you are homeless. Disaster, in order to make our motherland stronger, become rich and strong, to flourish, please don't hurt people. One party hard, p plus support.

          Yoann compatriots, you must be strong. I believe that you will be out of the shadows. I believe you, come on!

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇29

          “Knowledge is a treasure,but practice is the key to it.”,goes the saying,which indicates that most of our knowledge need to be combined with our practice.Or else,the knowledge will just remain theoretical and meaningless.

          As we all know,knowledge is power.We can’t do anything perfectly if lack of sufficient knowledge,or rather,we may face a lot of trouble.Naturally,we may pay much attention to learning knowledge but neglect practice,whichis equally important to us in our daily life.What's learned from books is superficial after all.It's crucial to have it personally tested somehow.Take employment for example,a company may hire someone who has a lower academic degree than you just because of his abundant practical experience for the job.In their opinion,you’re new to the job,who is just a learner but not a doer.Furthernore,if we want to learn more,we should learn to practice more ,and not be afraid of making mistakes.

          In conclusion,practice is to knowledge what water is to fish,so we must practice them over and over again.Only in this way can we be truly understand what we have learned and reap some other new knowledge.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇30

          at present some people think that money is everything. they say that you can do everything if you have money. you can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious ear and have all sorts of delicious food.

          i don't think so. indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. but there are many, many wonderful things in the world that cannot be bough/; with money.

          for example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. one cannot be rich in knowledge unless he studies hard. time cannot be bought with money, either. who can buy even a second with money?

          there are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health,life, happiness,friendship, love and so on. just think, if a person hasn't these things at all, is the money still useful?

          now, do you think money is everything?

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇31

          The saying "Knowledge is power" becomes universally accepted in that it reveals a simple yet brutal fact: It is the brain rather than sword that makes an individual or a nation strong.

          The truth the saying speaks has been proven in man's civilization, which is, to the greatest extent, accelerated by man's knowledge in the form of science and technology. A century ago, it took many-years to send a message to the other end of the world. Nevertheless, we can have it done in seconds today with just touches on computer keyboard.

          "Knowledge is power" means something particular to us Chinese since China remains backward. We must sweat over knowledge so as to build China into one of the world's economic giants.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇32

          Of all the knowledge we have, some comes from the books we read, some comes from personal experience in our lives. Different people attach different importance to different sources. The young and the educated, for example, may emphasize the former, the old may, however stress the latter. In my opinion, both book knowledge and personal experience are of equal importance.

          Knowledge gained from experience may be firsthand, direct, and unforgettable. Books in the library may be outdated, giving you useless information. Everything is changing and so is knowledge. If you go out to make on the-spot investigations instead of depending on books, it is likely that you may be pleasantly surprised. Moreover, knowledge you get from your own experience will be everlasting. Therefore, it is important that students get involved in practical activities to accumulate different kinds of experience.

          Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. It is impossible for anyone to experience everything to get the knowledge he needs. In addition, society is developing so fast that new problems come up with surprising speed. Over depending on experience could, therefore, make a person narrow minded and prejudiced.

          Books are a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors. The best way to gain know ledge is, of course, to read books, and in the meantime, participate in various kinds of practicaL activities. A combination of the two will sure[y make us full and well informed.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇33

          Where does the konwledge come from? Confronted with the question, I can tell you so many ways to gain konwledge.Here,I sum up them as two ways:one is books,and the other is practice.

          When we were in our childhood,we had to learned and mastered words in order to read the books.The more words we mastered,the easily we can read a book.Reading a book is a very helpful way to teach by yourselves.A good book is similar to a dumb teacher who is patient enough to answer your questions whenever you need him.Reading a book efficiently means that you have the ability of learning well.

          At the meantime,only to gain konwledge from the book is not enough.As a vivid saying:"there is a long distance between theory and practice.". So we should try our best to apply what we have learned into practice and learn konwledge from the practise.That's why Senior students have to take their internship.Some abstract concepts are hard to learn just through the books while it is easy to understand them well through the practise.

          There comes a conclusion naturally:we can sum up two ways to gain konwledge and we should integrate them well.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇34

          It is always a hot topic that what should a boss focus on more, someone pay their attention to ability, and what they think is "ability is everything" ,but at the same time, some others argue that the opposite one--diploma is more important.

          In my opinion, different choice should be made on different occasion, in other words, in different situation. If person the boss faced are young men who just graduate from universities, then diploma and how does the man show in university should be think about more, there is an old saying: a man should always be responsible for his job,as a student ,he has an obligation to do his study well ,and at this point ,a beautiful school report card is great, at least it proves his study ability, which is very essential for the coming days, and because he is so young that he owns the enthusiasm on work, which is also a necessary factor. But if whom the boss faced is a forty old man and just fired a company or be fired by the original corporation , then the boss would think a lot of such things as work ability , experience and so on. Then the diploma would be seen nothing as it is just a history to him.

          All in all ,both of them are important, of course ,there are some else are also indispensably, to the boss ,before making a choice, think about what he want best, namely, which person he need best is most important.

          以知識就是力量為話題的英語作文 篇35

          We gain our knowledge about the world and our life from two sources: from experience and from books. These two resources are both important, but which of them is more important?

          Knowledge from books forms a very important part of our knowledge structure. In schools and colleges, we learn knowledge which is fundamental to our future career. We learn knowledge from books in order to make our contributions to this society in the future. A student learns mathematic equations and other scientific knowledge and become a scientist or engineer. We will be illiterate and ignorant without learning knowledge from books. Moreover, we acquire knowledge about life and the world by reading books, magazines and newspapers. This is also very important as we cannot experience everything all by ourselves. Therefore books are a very important source of knowledge.

          On the other hand, we can't learn everything from a book. “Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliché, but I agree with it. The most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. We learn how to get along with others or how to have self-respect from our experience, not from books. We cannot learn emotional feelings, such as love and care, through books; they come from our real life experience. Knowledge from experience is also a very important supplement to knowledge from books.

          Needless to say both learning sources, books and experience, are very important to us. But in my opinion knowledge from experience is more important, because without knowledge from experience, it is impossible to get a real understanding of knowledge from books, and how to apply this knowledge to real world situations.

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