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      2. 春節(jié)的英語作文

        時間:2022-03-30 08:50:39 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇1

          The spring Festival is coming soon! The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It is on the first day of lunar year. It is also the day of reunion among family members.

          During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wish you make fortune! to each other. They would also visit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers is also a popular game for children.

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇2

          According to the rules of our hometown, we have to make dumplings, eat rice, paste couplets and so on during the Spring Festival. Spring Festival is an ancient Chinese festival and the most important festival, so we all want to celebrate the Spring Festival.

          Spring Festival comes, it is our children's favorite holiday! Can get lucky money again after the Spring Festival! Get lucky money, you can go shopping! I went out to the store and bought a big bag of firecrackers. As soon as I got home, I took my mother and asked her to accompany me downstairs to shoot the gun. Listening to the sound of firecrackers, my heart is very happy at once!

          When the gun was finished, I went to the house to make dumplings with my grandmother. I looked at the lovely dumplings and I was so happy!

          During the Spring Festival, the evening is very lively, and people should stay up until twelve o 'clock. Many people put up their guns at twelve o 'clock, and they all lit up the sky! After we had finished the electric light, we opened the window. Wow! Just like in the day! If we walk on the road, we can see without lights!

          In a blink of an eye, it is time to go to school again, we are going to school again, I really miss the Spring Festival! Chinese New Year composition 400 words about the Spring Festival composition.

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇3

          New Year's Day, I and cousin, cousin to grandmother home New Year. A step into the grandmother's door, grandmother came out from the room, warmly entertain us. Then, the gods secretly said to us: "for a while, my grandmother to give you a gift." Finished, Minzui smile, walked into the room.

          Really a ripple, grandma, then let us excited. My mind instantly flashed countless strange ideas, the hearts of a kind of excitement can not tell. When I imagined, my grandmother carrying a plate, smiling and walked out. I could not contain curiosity, the probe a look, the original plate stood three red envelopes. Grandmother sat down, pointing to the red envelope, solemnly told us: "three red envelopes, grab one of your favorite red envelope!" I heard, my heart immediately called a question mark: Do these three different red envelopes The A look of three red envelopes: a thick; a thin; there is not a thick or thin.

          Grab the red envelope action began, I thought: cousin in the three of us is the smallest, I have to give the thickest red envelope to cousin, cousin is one of the three of us the largest, but with his character Refused to take the thinnest, then I when a good man, that is not thin is not thick red envelopes to him; Finally, the remaining one of the thinnest red envelopes, it had to give me. The results really no thing I expected: I saw the cousin can not wait to take that thick red envelope, happy to say: "You see, I took the thickest." Finished, triumphantly blinked, happy dancing. And cousin it, took a thick and not thin red envelope, standing on the side of complacent, as if thinking: Fortunately, I start with fast, took a medium red envelope, there Bao poem bottom. Otherwise, they will laugh at me, dignified a man, actually grab even two kid actor. Only the last red envelope, I took it in the hands of course. Look at all this, my grandmother is only a mysterious smile, people puzzled. So, the three of us to open the red envelope, the results are very unexpected, although the cousin's red envelope is the thickest, but the red envelopes inside the New Year's money is the least, because the red envelopes are all change, a total of only one hundred yuan; Red envelopes have one hundred and fifty yuan; and I was the last winner, red envelopes which have two hundred dollar bills!

          In the action to grab the red envelope, I understand a profound reason: do not want to take advantage of the people, life will not let him suffer!

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇4

          The bell of the new year rounded, I was ten years old, I think I grew up, what can I do when I grow up? Of course, I would like to be home, hehe, so I suggested that the first day of the new year let me be a family, mom and dad discussed it, and then agreed. They "bestowed" me on "power", and of course I was pleased to accept it.

          Let me first talk about the experience of doing housework.

          What I have to eat on the first day of the new year's breakfast has become my worst brain problem. Just as I cudgel thinking occasion, my mother told me to eat an egg on the first day of her hometown New Year, because eating egg can take a year of good luck to roll it. Yes, just make the eggs. Think, I do, I first take out 3 eggs from the refrigerator, and then pour the oil into the pot, quietly waiting for the oil to boil, 5 minutes have passed, huh? How come the oil hasn't opened yet? I look at it, alas! It turned out that I didn't even open the gas. It was in vain. To open the gas, when the oil to take an egg and break it into the pan, is preparing to give "executed", the shell was found, the shell was I accidentally fell in the pot, I hastened to salvage, be careful to handle hot pot along is red, it's striking one snag after another! Not easy to Poached Egg well, the kitchen has been like a battlefield: cover into lecythus trash barrel, was on the point I fell to the ground; not out of range hood, make the kitchen The atmosphere was foul. Hey! I wish I would have wizardry and clean it all at once, but is it possible? We have to work hard and carry out the cleaning. Whining...

          Secondly, I used the "power" and went to the amusement park to play a crazy game, and it was called "the combination of labor and work".

          Finally, my mother and I took a look at today's expenses, God! It used more than 200 yuan! My mother said to me: "baby, you probably put our money house factory now, after be afraid to let you" ruling "." Listen to this, I feel shy, scratched his head.

          This year's new year, I have been very meaningful, not only let me understand the need to grow up a lot of things, but also understand the hard work of my parents.

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇5

          Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. From first day to fifteen, it is very busy every day. Although during the Spring Festival everyone is very busy, but this is a busy busy, is a busy busy.

          New year's Eve is the most deserving day for us to celebrate, because today, all of our family get together to chat, enjoy delicious food and enjoy the joy of reunion. The whole family was surrounded by laughter. We are more happy, wear new clothes, and bring new hats. And the money, oh, huh. Look at the beautiful fireworks blooming in the air, listen to every blessing everywhere. In every street and street, you will really feel the exciting moment. Our country is surrounded by blessing and firecrackers.

          Every year with us and that wonderful spring festival gala, sweet songs, wonderful dance, magic, and then let us laugh and laugh and comic sketches. The 12 point countdown brought us into a new year. The new year is good and the new year is good. Wish you a good new year. In the end we staying-up late on new year's Eve blessing. Beautiful and beautiful into the dream.

          On the morning of the first year of the year, we all have to visit friends and friends to visit the year, with carefully prepared gifts, with a blessing to each other "good new year". In the bustling in to the fifteen Lantern Festival, every family will eat dumplings, on behalf of us together, the United States and the United states.

          The Spring Festival in my hometown is colorful and we are happy. This is the Spring Festival in my hometown.

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇6

          Spring arrived, my father and grandmother at home mom ready to go New Year. Today is my happiest day because I want to see the grandmother had not seen for half a year, I miss her. Mom said, I gave birth and has been a grandma with a big, until last year and only returned home grandmother. The relationship between me and grandma Ke Hao, and she was very hurt me. Today, at last see her. I have written during the Spring Festival of the operation, and had a jolly New Year's preparations.

          New Year two, we got up early in the morning, and put on new clothes, are all geared up, we set out. To the train station, I saw a lot of people picked up gifts for visiting relatives and friends. Soon the train came, and we are happy on the train, looking for a good seat to sit down. I would like to grandma eating snacks while they are doing. I guess they must have been preparing sumptuous meals to meet us.

          To Nanjing, we ride buses back to Kuni. Within a short while, Mom's cell phone rang, and was originally called the uncle that they have to drive to meet us. Bus 1 arrival, I saw uncle's cars. I quickly ran off uncle, I loudly said: "My uncle Happy New Year", uncle, all smiles, said: "Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

          We got on, uncle, while chatting with us while skillfully drove.

          Along the way, looking ahead, on the rolling hills, winding river, the river flowing Qingqing, as well as that over crop fields, one looked, green, wheat, rape his mother said. Really look at is also endless. Car along a winding mountain road, then after a period of major dam reservoir, a short while went to the grandmother at home. Grandma has been waiting for us at the gate. The car, I ran to my beloved grandmother and says loudly: "Grandma Happy New Year!." Then, we put the luggage door grandmother's room.

          After a while, neighbors heard the girl to her grandmother at home in Suzhou, and were coming over to see me. Who know me say that I like tall, and even more beautiful. Say that this little girl did not know where he comes from, I really beautiful, tall so high, there must be more than 10-year-old bar, my mother said: "Once a year, virtual nine-year-old." We shocked the age of nine so high!

          Also after a while, the most loving of my eldest sister came. Sister, said: "Oh, indigo indigo longer so high, and became the United States girls, and I have almost not recognize them." Then we went to the cousin, opened a toy factory visit. Toy factory getting bigger, and there was a lot of toys, cousin from the display cabinet where the samples come up with a doll given to me.

          Evening, grandma come to us for dinner, and her grandmother are now ready to table a tasty dish, all the people are happy, drink and chat for adults talked business, work. Cousin chatted study, encouraged me to better eager to learn, especially foreign languages, and the future use big. Only an early age to learn in order to find a good job. I Sidongfeidong, I think of Mom and Dad usually said, I think we must seriously study the future!

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇7

          The children had a jubilant street, everywhere decorated. Old friends have a joyous gathering, children wear new clothes, happily dancing and singing, my mother is busy making dinner, my father was busy doing Boiled dumplings, I also help make a Boiled dumplings on the side, like a large gold ingot. I wish the whole family health, father and mother are very happy, I wish me good study, day day up. We also go to give my grandparents a new year, and grandparents are happy.

          I am in the new year. I have to study well and get good grades. Be a useful person, be a brave policeman, be a three good student, go up a floor. Try harder to let mom and dad do not have more heart. Protect my sister, let my sister learn well, not let her sister learn bad, I also want to let my sister and me as a useful person, if my dream come true, I want to thank my parents and teachers.

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇8

          今天是大年三十,我和爸爸媽媽在家里過春節(jié)。媽媽買來許多蔬菜,有拜神的公 雞,有香噴噴的年糕,還有各種各樣的糖果和水果等。

          It's thirty of the year. My parents and I spent the Spring Festival at home. My mother bought a lot of vegetables, a worship rooster, have the flavor of the rice cake, there are a variety of candy and fruit.


          We have chicken, rice cake, candy, fruit on the table, and then take the three incense sticks, put incense lit, then clasped his hands toward the Buddha worship three times, you can put the incense to the Buddha in front of the mud.

          拜完了神,我喝了一碗黃糖水,就拿起兩盒火柴炮到樓下去炸雞。來到樓下,我瞇起眼睛向四處掃視。終于,我發(fā)現(xiàn)在不遠出的一棵大樹下一只肥大的大公雞正蹲在草地上“閉目養(yǎng)神”。我拿 出一顆火柴炮小心翼翼的向公雞走去。突然,大公雞睜開了眼睛,我連忙站在原地不動。過了一會大公雞又閉上了眼睛。我連忙拿出刮紙,對著火柴炮用力一刮,火柴炮就冒出了火焰,就在我扔出火柴 炮的那一刻,大公雞醒了,當他發(fā)現(xiàn)火柴炮在它腳下的時候,火柴炮已經(jīng)爆炸了。我高興的笑了起來,此刻,大公雞好像已經(jīng)怒火沖天,“咯,咯,咯”的叫了起來。我連忙 跑回了家中。

          After the God, I drank a bowl of yellow sugar water and picked up two boxes of matches and shot up the fried chicken. When I came downstairs, I squinted around and looked around. Finally, I found a big cock on a big or not far from a tree was squatting on the grass "eyes closed". I took out a match gun and walked carefully to the cock. All of a sudden, the big cock opened his eyes, and I stood still in my place. After a while, the big cock closed his eyes again. I hurriedly took out the scraping paper and fired it against the match gun, and the match gun came out of the flames. Just at the moment when I threw out the match, the big cock woke up. When he found the match gun was at its feet, the match gun had exploded. I am happy to laugh at the moment, big cock seems to have "slightly, slightly, surge of great fury, and cried.". I hurried back to my house.


          Today is a wonderful and happy day!

        春節(jié)的英語作文 篇9

          When the year of the tiger came, I was one year older.

          I received the lucky money from my grandma and grandpa. My father gave me a New Year's gift. It was a rolling and rolling car. I was very fascinated. On the evening of the 30th, my grandfather made us a delicious dinner, including my grandma and I dumplings, and I ate my dumplings, which was delicious! After the dinner, I go down to set off firecrackers, this year I dare to set off firecrackers! I put the thunderbolt, burst into the sky, exploded into a rainbow of colorful fireworks, too beautiful!

          Our family watches the Spring Festival gala together, and I have a very happy New Year!












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