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      2. 英語作文600字

        時間:2022-03-21 10:57:27 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




        英語作文600字 篇1

        Dear David,

          I’m glad to know that you are launching a campaign “Approach to China” aiming to introduce your peers to a thriving China and be of some help.

          From my perspective, the activities may range from Chinese calligraphy competition to paper cutting, martial arts, appreciation of Beijing Opera and so on. As for Chinese elements, the Great Wall with a long history symbolizes the national fighting spirits while high-speed railway representing the cutting-edge technology takes the lead in the world. China’s booming economy is marked withmobile paymentand One Belt and One Road Initiative.

          By the way, mascots like pandas and Monkey King will enjoy great popularity among participants.

          Wish your campaign a success.

          Yours sincerely,

        Li Hua

        英語作文600字 篇2

          Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want.

          When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study.

          What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.


        英語作文600字 篇3

          I'm in No.8 Middle School in Guizhong province.Because I'm in Grade 9 now, I must compete with my classmates. So I have a busy school life.

          I often get up at 6:30 to go to school every week day .I feel tired because I cannot have enough sleep.I have to burn the midnight oil at ningt because of too much homework and much books.I have 4 classes in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.I have 2 evening classes in the evening as well.I can have a nap at noon. I sometimes play sports with my classmates after class.But as usual,I go over my subjects in the classroom.

          Though I have a busy school life,I did not make myself unhappy.I known I must put my heart into my study.There will be a very important exam in June next year.I will study hard for my bright future.

        英語作文600字 篇4






          As it is known to us all ,LuXun is a famous Chinese writer. He is not only a writer, thinker, but also the founder of Chinese Literature . He wrote many classic novels and his stories, which are translated many languages, were made into film,such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year's Sacrifice,which deeply showed people's suffering in the old days.

          Because of his achievement to Chinese literature, Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Besides, some of his works were selected into the text books in high school and university. I think you'll gain a lot from reading his works.

        英語作文600字 篇5

          Oh behalf of the University Students’ Union, I, the Chairman of the Union , am earnestly calling for yo ur active participation in our environmental protection campai gn. It is the duty of every global villager; man just can not sustain his glorious c i vilization without a rewarding environment, which will be possible only if man makes considerable efforts to protect the environment.

          Do you cherish precio us opportunities to volunteer in our joint efforts in environmental protection? Here is a great one not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth; Right next Saturday, our university is to run a publicity campaign to advocate environmental protection across the city. The University Students‘ Union will be in charge of recruitment of volunteers. Let’s join our h ands and take action immediately.

        英語作文600字 篇6


          Parents’ Being Slaves to Children

          Parents’ being slaves to their children or “child’s slave” is nowadays a hot topic in China. It refers to young parents who have to spend a large part of their income on children. These parents feel great strain under the burden of raising a child and struggle hard to make as much money as possible.

          The cost of raising a child in China is becoming greater and greater. But economic pressure is not the only reason that makes young parents “child’s slave”. Parents’ competing with each other in trying to provide the best possible living conditions for their children should also be blamed.

          If this problem continues, it would affect parents and the development of our country. These parents would suffer from huge economic pressure, which may pose a threat to their marriages or physical and mental health. On the other hand, to avoid being slaves, some couples are unwilling to have children.

        英語作文600字 篇7



          她每次一進(jìn)教室,動作都是那么利落。黑板擦完,緊接著快速寫好板書,準(zhǔn)備上課。她的字是那樣的蒼勁有力,拿起粉筆,只聽見一陣“咚咚咚”敲擊黑板的聲音。粉筆在她的手中好像被施了魔法似的 ,立即就飛舞起來。三兩下,一排整齊而均勻的英語就出現(xiàn)在我的眼前。



          國慶節(jié)回校的第一天,我一共錯了兩處,字也寫得難看。全班就五個人全隊,其中就袁嘉潤一個人的字寫得還可以,更別說我們錯的人了。朱老師大發(fā)雷霆,下令除袁嘉潤外其他人都重寫。我心想:重 寫是對的,因為我假期里貪玩,作業(yè)草草了事。拿到作業(yè)本,我一筆一劃認(rèn)真重寫。后來,我去批的時候,朱老師拉長了臉,生氣地說:“啊,連你這個班長七天在家都不會做作業(yè)了,那別人就更不用 說了!不像話!”我聽了臉紅得像一只大蘋果,不禁羞愧得低下了頭,我暗暗下定決心不再犯同樣的錯誤。


        英語作文600字 篇8

          I have a little sister, she is a daughter of my auntie. Her name is Winnie. She is three years old. She has two big eyes with very long eyelash. And she has a small nose and a small mouth. She is very lovely. I like to play with her very much.

          When she is angry, she will cry, and she cries very loudly. Sometimes, she threw something if she wasn’t happy. It was very terrible then.

          One day, we were in a restaurant. I was sitting on a chair. Winnie wanted to sit in the chair which I was sitting in. I didn't want her to sit in mine, so she cried very loudly again. I gave up and let her sit. And she cried more loudly, she might think I wouldn't play with her anymore. At last, I comforted her, gave her something to drink, and she smiled through tears.

          Oh, how lovely my little sister is!

        英語作文600字 篇9

          I and father mother go to dragon boat festival together grandmother home celebrates a festival.

          I arrive in grandmother home, see grandmother only busy in the kitchen, aunt father, maternal aunt Mom is in helping, I run over to ask at once: What are you doing? " grandmother is laughing to say: We are being done delicious, it is what is delicious that you are guessed? I say not to know, let me well want.

          Father says serve a meal, see full table is appetizing only dish, I say, either when peace same? I go by to fill a meal. Open high-pressured boiler. . Ah! Still have plump palm so child with salty duck's egg. Oh, original grandmother wants what I guess is a zhongzi. Of my too impatient to wait take out big sweet zhongzi, poke palm leaf, gently bit. Really delicious! I gave one person of everybody to divide.












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