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      2. 中考英語(yǔ)作文:考前焦慮癥

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          中考英語(yǔ)作文:考前焦慮癥 1

          I bet every student will feel nervous before they take the exam, exam is very important for students, teachers will assess them according it, so all the students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, hey can’t sleep and eat well,as they are afraid of failing it.

          In my opinion, there is no need for students to feel anxious, it only makes you work worse and can’t help you get a better score. Students should not take the exam too serious,it just a way of assessment,if they do well, just keep it,while if they fail,adjusting the study plan. Exam will not decide you all the time, only your attitude.

          中考英語(yǔ)作文:考前焦慮癥 2

          I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams.

          Most of us feel nervous whenever were taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them.

          First of all, in my opinion, its important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.

          Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep.

          (Wed better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.)

          中考英語(yǔ)作文:考前焦慮癥 3

          That day, the sun was shining brightly, but my heart was as turbulent as the sea, anxiously waiting for tomorrows exam.

          This is my first piano exam. Although the CET-5 score is not difficult to play and I have become very proficient in it after years of practice, I am still very nervous and afraid of making mistakes and playing the wrong keys, which may cause the teacher to fail. The scenes of being beaten and failing one by one came to my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more scared I became. All my troubles suddenly focused on that moment.

          I ran to the study, holding the exam score and reading it over and over again, trying to calm myself down. The agony before the exam was like a snake coiled around my heart.

          Open the window, hoping to bask in the sunshine. UV rays can alleviate my anxiety, distract me from the nervousness of exams, and stop thinking about it. I was very confused and helpless. Suddenly, a sense of tension and compulsion surged into my heart, filling my mind like a blooming white lotus being interrupted and opened. How can I calm down!

          I am alone in the study, struggling, with warm sunlight shining through the window frames and spreading out on the table. I suddenly understood why I couldnt have fun once and let the pressure and compulsion disappear. Perhaps only this way can I stop thinking about the exams that have been bothering me for so long.

          I walked alone to the garden, where it was quiet and the faint fragrance of flowers lingered on my nose, causing me to immediately let go of my troubles. Wandering in the fragrant fragrance of flowers, I am intoxicated

          中考英語(yǔ)作文:考前焦慮癥 4

          The English exam will start tomorrow morning, and I need a quiet sleep. However, I didnt expect that I couldnt sleep at all. I just looked at the time like this, only to find that time was passing, and I didnt have any drowsiness!

          I found that the people around me had already fallen asleep, and someone had started talking in their sleep. It seemed that they didnt know how they were sleeping for a long time, but I still couldnt sleep. I tried my best to sleep, but found that I couldnt sleep at all, and I was getting more and more awake, so I prepared to play with my phone again for a while. I looked at my phone like this and realized that it was not very interesting either, but at this moment, there was nothing else I could do besides my phone!

          Although the power of my phone reached its lowest point, I found myself still not drowsy, so I took out my power bank. It seems that I bought this thing for tonight.

          I seem to have been like this for a long time. I always cant sleep before exams, which may have been a bad habit for a long time. I think this is exam anxiety disorder, and I was in this situation before exams.

          Its already past two oclock in the morning, and I have to work hard to sleep again. Theres an exam tomorrow, and I have to sleep today. I dont know when I fell asleep like this!

          中考英語(yǔ)作文:考前焦慮癥 5

          As the new college entrance examination approaches, I wonder if the younger students preparing for it at my alma mater are ready to face the challenge? As your senior sister who has graduated for two years, I would like to share with you some of the things she did before the college entrance examination. I hope it can help you relax and adjust your mindset, approach the college entrance examination with a positive and optimistic attitude, and I also hope that you can achieve good results.

          I remember one or two days before our exams, the classrooms were all sealed off and used as exam areas. We were forced to move to the building opposite the classroom, which was full of chemistry laboratories and surrounded by some laboratory tools. We kept moving our books back and forth between the two buildings. During evening self-study, everyone sat in their seats and diligently reviewed. As soon as it was time for class break, they started talking loudly inside.

          I heard my classmates discussing which university to prepare for, what to do if I was nervous before the exam, and I havent finished reviewing yet... To be honest, my senior sister was also very nervous and anxious at that time. Because I am not a good learner, I spend most of my time every day memorizing knowledge from books in order to remember it. Only by using the most clumsy methods can I make a lasting impression of the knowledge in my mind. When it comes to not complicated math problems, I also need to memorize the steps carefully. In case of similar problems, applying the same method can earn points.

          Before the exam, teachers and homeroom teachers from various subjects came to the classroom to provide us with some skills, soothe our emotions, and encourage us to carefully review questions... It was only then that I realized that three years in high school were so short, and it was almost over in an instant. We were about to reach the finish line from buying tickets to getting on the bus. Time passed so fast, and there were both hardships and joys involved. I hope that younger students can overcome all their fears and achieve good grades in exams.












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