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      2. 美國英語作文

        時間:2021-11-03 09:00:58 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




        美國英語作文 篇1

          The United States of America, also known as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., and America, is a country in North America that shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and a sea border with Russia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, the United States is a federal republic, with its capital in Washington, D.C.

          The present-day continental United States has been inhabited for at least 15,000 years by indigenous tribes.[1] After European exploration and settlement in the 16th century, the English established their own colonies—and gained control of others that had been begun by other European nations—in the eastern portion of the continent in the 17th and early 18th centuries. On 4 July 1776, at war with Britain over fair governance, thirteen of these colonies declared their independence. In 1783, the war ended in British acceptance of the new nation. Since then, the country has more than quadrupled in size: it now consists of 50 states and one federal district; it also has numerous overseas territories.

          At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.5 million km), the U.S. is the third or fourth largest country by total area, depending on whether the disputed areas of China are included. It is the world's third most populous nation, with nearly 300 million people.

          The United States has maintained a liberal democratic political system since it adopted its Articles of Confederation on 1 March 1781 and the Constitution, the Articles' replacement, on 17 September 1787. American military, economic, cultural, and political influence increased throughout the 20th century; with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War, the nation emerged as the world's sole remaining superpower.[2] Today, it plays a major role in world affairs.

        美國英語作文 篇2

          The Americans are much in love with food. This is part of being American too. Baseball is Americans' national pastime1, but what's a ball game without hot dogs, peanuts2 and Cracker Jacks (sweetened popcorn3)? Hollywood is America's symbol of glamour4 and excitement all over the world, but who would watch a movie in America without asking for an extra large bag of popcorn? And the astronauts took instant orange drink [Tang] with them.

          Americans love all kinds of food, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Greek, French, Japanese and many others. The Americans are in fact

          “The UN of Food.”

          To get familiar with the American eating custom, one must know two things. First, one must know the sequence5 of service. There is something special in terms of the sequence, or order, of dish service in America compared with ours. Here is the order:

          1. Aperitif6—a small cup of alcoholic drink to increase one's appetite7. The host or hostess will ask: “Do you like a cup of aperitif?”

          2. Hors d'oeuvre8—some tasty food offered in small quantities at the beginning of a meal.

          3. Appetizer —or called starter, it is a small serving of juice, fruit or seafood or something else, at the beginning of a meal, to stimulate9 people's appetite.

          4. Now the main course is under way:

          a) Soup—it is usually the first course in a dinner.

          b) Fish—it is usually served after the soup and before the entree10 in a formal meal.

          c) Entree—the third course of a meal, generally it is made up of a hot meat.

          d) Savory11—the last course in a formal meal, it is something pleasant to eat but with a salty rather than sweet taste.

          5. Dessert12 —sweet food served toward the end of a meal, usually it is a pudding, chocolate cake, or cheese and biscuits sometimes.

          6. Coffee—that's the last stage in a formal present-day European and American dinner. It's served either at table or in the living room.

          In a family treatment, the above-mentioned No 1-3 stage may be omitted13, though No 4 is the essential part. And the main course generally includes no more than 5 dishes of nutrient14 food. Ostentation15 is never under consideration.

          Another thing to mention is that serving oneself from one's own plate is popular in Europe and America, except for the soup and bread which is taken and enjoyed according to one's need.

          The second one we must know about the American eating custom is the taboos at table.

          (1) Don't circle your plate with your arm. If you do so, you will become the focus16 of the table. Everyone would wonder: “Is there anything wrong with the food?” This may give a false message that you don't like the food or something like that.

          (2) Don't push the plate back when finished. Leave it where it was. Do you mean to remind17 the hostess that you've just completed a labor?

          (3)Don't lean18 back and announce that “I'm through” or “I'm stuffed19.” Just put the fork and knife quietly across the plate, that's all.

          (4) Don't cut up everything before you start to eat. Cut only one or two bites20 at a time.

          (5) Never take huge mouthfuls of anything. Do you mean to show how hungry you are? Don't do that! Be gentlemanlike or ladylike.

          (6) Don't crook21 your finger when picking up a cup or glass. That looks too affected22, far from ladylike!

          (7) Never wear too much lipstick23 to the table. It may stain the napkins24 and look gaudy25 and embarrassing on the rims26 of the cup or glass.

          (8) It's never acceptable to reach across the table for anything (a serving dish, for example). If the item you want is not at hand, simply ask for the nearest person for help, like “Mrs. Smith, would you mind passing me the butter (or a dish)?”

        美國英語作文 篇3

          June 6th Thursday Sunny

          This afternoon a young American friend called Mike came to our school. He visited our lab, library and school factory. At five o'clock he had a free talk with some of my classmates. I was lucky to be one of them.

          Mike spoke English slowly and carefully, so we could understand what he said. We talked about our English study for about an hour. Before he left our school, I asked him in English, "What do you think of our school?" He answered with a smile, "Oh, it's wonderful!"

          This is the first time for me to talk with a foreigner in English. English is really userful.


          6月6日 星期四 晴




        美國英語作文 篇4

          today, even-increasing people think studying abroad is a good approach to students. i think its main advantage is that students can learn foreign languages better because of the good language environment. it helps them to improve the level of foreign languages. outstanding language level can enhance their core competition when finding jobs in the future. secondly, studying abroad provides people golden opportunities to expand their horizon and learn advance foregin technology. moreover, it is useful to spread and exchange different culture. however, there exist numbers of disadvantages. first, those who go to abroad for studying usually are much young. generally specking, they lack of experience of life and cannot take good care of themselves. second, students will feel lonely and miss their hometowns, especially on Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn festival. furthermore, living and tuition generally are too high that people cannt afford it. so, if you want to study abroad, you should consider the above points carefully.

        美國英語作文 篇5

          I am going to Hawaii for vacation .I am going in December ,and I am staying for three weeks.Hawaii is comprised of a chain of 132 islands.We usually think of the eight main islands when we think of Hawaii.This is not surprising as the other 124 islands only total about 3 square miles in land area.

          Hawaii is home of the world's most active volcano,the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa.Sandy beaches,towering volcanoes,and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise.

          Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union,a mix that includes Caucasians,Americans of Japanese descent,and Polynesians,among others.Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years.Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language.Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history,but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States.

        美國英語作文 篇6

          The story about Valentine‘s Day.

          There is a touching story about Valentine‘s Day from Europe. However, it is in honor of the great brother Valentine.

          Long long ago, the tyrant Claudius was in chare of Roman. His tyranny made all the people angry and indignant. Not only lost people their home, but also wars were broken everywhere. What a worse, all the men must join in the army so that increase power. When the news was spread, every couple was forced to separate. Even if lovers must damage the marriage contract. This was more than people could bear. However, tyranny could not stop loving and love moved Valentine. In order to finished lovers’ dream, he helped them to hold weddings. Unluckily, Claudius heard it and he decided to sentence Valentine to dead on Feb.14th.

          移民美國后,相信很多移民者都對美國的節(jié)日有很大的興趣,也曾有人咨詢過移民專家,美國人過情人節(jié)嘛?回答當然是肯定的。美國人怎樣過情人節(jié)?最傳統(tǒng)和流行的做法是給愛的人送鮮花送巧克力,或者一定要提前預定餐廳座位,吃一頓浪漫晚餐。 美國人并不認為上了年紀的人就沒有必要過情人節(jié),在美國,情人節(jié)可不是年輕人的專利,而是所有年齡段的情人節(jié)。另外,還有人總是錯誤的以為,情人節(jié)是屬于未婚思維情人間節(jié)日。



        美國英語作文 篇7

          There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine‘s Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.

          Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer‘s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it From Your Valentine. Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

        美國英語作文 篇8

          This is a report in an English newspaper about city life in the United States. In many cities in the USA hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. Some of these people have even formed a group called “Bike for a Better City”. They ask people to ride bikes instead of driving cars so that the city may have cleaner air.

          For several years ,this group has tried hard to get the city council to make life easier for bike riders. For example,they want the city council streets.The council has not yet decided what to do . It wants to keep everyone happy.But,so far the only cycle paths that have been built are in parks. To this day the safest place to ride a bike may still be in the parks.



        美國英語作文 篇9

        ladies and gentlemen,

          welcome to our school. we are glad to have such a group of experienced teachers visiting us. we are sure the exchange of views among us will promote① the friendly relationship between china and america. i hope you will enjoy your stay in china, make new friends and take away memories of pleasant, productive ② days.

          after your visit,we sincerely hope you will give us your valuable suggestions.

        美國英語作文 篇10

          The United States of America (USA) is the only superpower on this globe now. It is a developed country with diversified cultures such as Asian, European and African. Some people call USA "the melting pot" because of the diversity.

          USA has a dominating power over economy, education, policitcs, milatary and culture all around the world. It has advanced industries, ideas and some of the smartest scientist on this earth.

          But it also has its own problems such as racial discrimination and the widening gap between the rich and the poor.















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