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      2. my happiest day作文250字

        時(shí)間:2021-09-10 13:12:02 其他類(lèi)英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿

        my happiest day作文250字

          在平平淡淡的學(xué)習(xí)、工作、生活中,說(shuō)到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是通過(guò)文字來(lái)表達(dá)一個(gè)主題意義的記敘方法。相信很多朋友都對(duì)寫(xiě)作文感到非常苦惱吧,下面是小編收集整理的my happiest day作文250字,希望對(duì)大家有所幫助。

        my happiest day作文250字

          Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.

          Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. They bought me lots of beautiful presents. They all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.Then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!"

          At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was!

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