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      2. 話題英語作文

        時(shí)間:2021-04-21 10:42:09 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




        話題英語作文 篇1


          假如你是Han Mei,下面是一封你的筆友Alice 給你發(fā)來的e-mail,請(qǐng)你根據(jù)e-mail 的內(nèi)容給她寫一封回信,與她交流看法,并幫她排憂解難。

          提示詞語:listen to,mother’s love,care about,communicate with,get along with,smile





        Dear Han Mei,

          I’m afraid I’ve got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me," Be careful while crossing the street.”“Put on more clothes.”“Did you do a good job at school?” And so on. I’m annoyed(煩惱). What shall I do?



        Dear Alice,

          As a teenager,I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you.

          Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it’s not a good way, but it shows your mother’s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother’s,you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about. If your mother doesn’t take your advice,just keep silent and give her a smile.

          I hope what I say here can help you a lot.


          Han Mei








        話題英語作文 篇2

         。ê笔撸┘偃缒阏跁曩彆。你對(duì)Around China和Olympic English這兩本書愛不釋手,但你只有40元錢。請(qǐng)參看下表,就這兩本書的相關(guān)內(nèi)容(content)進(jìn)行比較,選擇購買其中的一本,并簡要陳述你的理由。




          Books Price Contents

          Around China 39yuan the history, culture, places of interest about China

          Olympic English 27yuan English and knowledge about the Olympic Games

          I will buy ______________________ . _________________________________________________


          I will buy Olympic English. It is said that learning a new language can open up another world. I am also able to understand a new way of life. So I want to learn how to speak English well. Furthermore, the 20xx Olympic Games will be held in Beijing soon. This book teaches me a lot about the Olympic Games, too. And it is cheaper than Around China. Therefore, I think it's better for me to choose Olympic English.

          I will buy Around China. Though it is more expensive than Olympic English, I believe it is a more careful choice. I am interested in traveling. And I dream of going sightseeing throughout China in the future. The book is full of knowledge about Chinese history, culture and places of interest. It can take me into a wonderful world. At the same time, reading Around China is a good way to relax. So I will decide to buy Around China.

          2、網(wǎng)上購物 Doing Shopping Online

          With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room.

          It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes online.

          Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.

        話題英語作文 篇3

          Everyone is eager for success and is afraid of failure. But in fact, failure is almost inevitable on the way to success. Failure and success just like a teacher and student. It is the large number of failure to guide us to success step by step.

          Failure teaches us too much. First of all, failure make us see ourselves clearly. No one in the world is the wizard almighty, and we are all just good at some aspects. Failure let us know our own strengths and weaknesses, and enable us to find what is the most suitable for our own direction. Only concentrate investment can create a good self. Secondly, failure gives us a deeper view of things. There are always causes for failure, both subjective and objective.

          After analysis subjective factors, we should seriously think about the objective factors that caused the failure, so that makes us see things more comprehensive. This in itself is a process of learning. Thirdly, failure make us have sense of shame and then courage. After each failure we are very painful, but also makes us more eager to succeed. We will turn grief into strength to meet the challenge again. Finally, failure makes us humility. Humility has always been the core of human nature. With it we can close in with each other. As Nelson Mandela said, “Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.”

          As the saying goes the best things are difficult. To achieve good results, certainly will not happen overnight, and definitely need to go step

          by step. Only those people strong enough to face the failure, and learning successful methods from failure, can thay achieve desired success.


          失敗教會(huì)了我們太多太多。首先,失敗讓我們看清自己。世界上沒有全能奇才,我們都只是擅長某些方面。失敗讓我們了解到自己的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),使我們找到最適合自己的方向。專注地投入,才能成就一個(gè)優(yōu)秀的自我。第二,失敗讓我們對(duì)事物的看法更深入。失敗總是有原因的,有主觀的也有客觀的。分析完了主觀因素,我們也應(yīng)該認(rèn)真想想導(dǎo)致失敗的客觀因素,這樣會(huì)使我們對(duì)事物的看法更加全面。這本身就是一個(gè)學(xué)習(xí)的過程。第三,失敗讓我們知恥后勇。每一次失敗之后我們都很難受,但也使我們對(duì)成功更加渴望。我們會(huì)化悲痛為力量,去迎接再一次的挑戰(zhàn)。最后,失敗讓我們謙遜。謙遜一直是人性的核心。有了它,我們才能與彼此親密無間!皠(chuàng)造和平的人不僅誠實(shí)、正直,更重要的是他們謙遜。”納爾遜??德拉(Nelson Mandela)如是說。


        話題英語作文 篇4

          Last weekend our school had a school camping activities.

          I joined in the activities with my close classmate who's name is Tom. We arrived the destination at 10:00 A.M. The leader told us " Now you can find a place where you want and put your stuffs on the ground. " Tom and I collected the leaves of maple and spruce there are many different colors and are beautiful. We saw the other students were watching the ants that are moving the food the ants are line up walking like army troop it's very funny.

        話題英語作文 篇5




          1. 這種單車的使用方法(如:APP查看車輛、掃碼開鎖等);

          2. 這種單車的優(yōu)勢(shì);

          3. 你對(duì)這種單車的看法。

          注意:1. 詞數(shù)不少于80;

          2. 開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。

          提示詞:智能手機(jī) smartphone, 二維碼 the QR code


          Dear Jim,

          I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike--mobike mentioned in your latest letter.

          It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip.

          Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well.

          Hope to ride a mobike with you in China.


          Li Hua









        話題英語作文 篇6

          Nowadays, there are more and more (某種現(xiàn)象) in (某種場合). It is estimated that (相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)). Why have there been so many (某種現(xiàn)象)? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is (原因一). Besides, (原因二). The third one is (原因三). To sum up, the main cause of (某種現(xiàn)象) is due to (最主要原因). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, (解決辦法一). On the other hand, (解決辦法二). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某種現(xiàn)象).


          Recently _______, what amazes us most is______________, it is true that__________. There are many reasons explaining__________________________. The main reason is________________.

          What is more_________. thirdly_____. As a result____________.Considering all there,____________.For one thing_____,for another____.In Conclusion______________.

        話題英語作文 篇7





          比賽當(dāng)天,參加把何必三的同學(xué)們一個(gè)個(gè)摩拳擦掌,聲勢(shì)浩大,耀武揚(yáng)威的走上pk臺(tái)。呀!我們的對(duì)手怎么回事六(5)班呢?oh my god!六(5)班的同學(xué)一個(gè)個(gè)人高馬大,而我們班的主力軍之一費(fèi)芳琳同學(xué)很不幸得了膽結(jié)石,去醫(yī)院做手術(shù)了……怎么辦,我們只剩下了體格較為瘦弱的的隊(duì)員了,我們拼得過他們嗎?沒辦法,我們只能背水一戰(zhàn)了,與他們展開“殊死拼搏”。

          隨著嘹亮的哨音響徹云霄,屬于班與六(5)班的啊“戰(zhàn)斗”拉開了帷幕!傲(3)班加油!六(3)班加油!”啦啦隊(duì)員們鼓足了氣拼命地吶喊著。我不知是因?yàn)槁牭搅死怖碴?duì)員的助威,還是怎樣,感到熱血沸騰,像是得到了某種強(qiáng)大的力量。我拉著繩子,想把繩子朝我所在的地方靠近,兩只手被繩子了的火辣辣的疼,為了班級(jí)的榮譽(yù),這點(diǎn)疼算什么。我看見繩子上的紅布條正一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的向我們班的“戰(zhàn)區(qū)”靠近,心中感到無比欣慰,剛準(zhǔn)備再加一把勁,誰知六(5)班的同學(xué)一下爆發(fā)了。第一輪他們贏了?蓱z的我們呢,太認(rèn)真了,大多都摔倒在地上,揉著各自疼痛的身軀,踉踉蹌蹌地爬起來,準(zhǔn)備第二輪比賽!袄匣⒉话l(fā)威,你當(dāng)我是hello kitty”大家的斗志被點(diǎn)燃起來。比賽開始后,各自的能力紛紛展現(xiàn)出來,鼓足了勁拉繩子,吶喊聲助威聲也是此起彼伏,繩上的紅布條似乎也同意乖乖的跟我們“回家”……隨著結(jié)束哨音吹響,張校長莊重的宣布了這輪比賽的結(jié)果:“六(3)班勝利!”“耶!”屬于我們的笑聲在操場上空飄蕩。大家歡笑著,蹦跳著,好似這次比賽鐵定就是我們贏一樣。可惜,好景不長,我們終究不敵強(qiáng)敵,與六(5)班的較量以失敗告終,在年級(jí)中排名第四。雖然,我們輸了比賽,但我們贏了志氣,贏了骨氣。















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