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      2. 寫(xiě)動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文

        時(shí)間:2021-03-26 10:18:15 其他類英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿




        寫(xiě)動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇1

          A triple bacon cheeseburger seems like a heart attack on a plate.


          So how can polar bears thrive on their version, seal blubber?


          Turns out they've stocked up on genes that let them clear fats from their blood.


          That's according to a study in the journal Cell.


          Polar bears are well adapted to life on the sea ice.


          Up to half their body weight's fat, which gives them extra insulation and buoyancy, and provides them with a ready source of energy.


          But how can an animal so fat also be so fit?


          Researchers compared the genomes of polar bears with those of brown bears, and found that polar bears have accumulated genetic changes that boost their heart health and fat metabolism.


          One gene in particular, called ApoB, helps move cholesterol out of the blood—where it causes problems in humans—and into cells.


          These genomic changes happened quickly, evolutionarily speaking.


          Polar bears and brown bears diverged from a common ancestor less than half a million years ago.


          But if that seems super speedy, the ability to digest lactose didn't spread through human populations until we domesticated cows, just 10,000 years ago.


          A moooving testament to the power of natural selection.


        寫(xiě)動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇2


          My favorite little animal is a kitten, and we have a kitten in our house. It was sent by a neighbor. Because the kitten is dead now, so I often think of it.


          The kitten was beautiful. He had a snow-white coat, and the pads under his paws made him walk without a single sound. The most unique is his eyes: one eye is blue, the other eye is green. Blue eyes are like sapphires, green eyes are like emeralds.


          Kittens are voracious, and sometimes a pound of fish will soon be wiped out. Once, my mother cooked a bowl of soup. The cat jumped onto the table and ate it with relish. While I was eating, it was discovered by me, so I gave him a hard lesson. The little cat drooped its head as if to say, "I dare not."." I laughed at once.


          Now that kitten has died, since then, every time I see a kitten, I have to play with it. Kitty, where the hell have you been?

        寫(xiě)動(dòng)物的英語(yǔ)作文 篇3

          If you ask me what the little animals I like, then I'll tell you that the little animal I like is the puppy.

          My dog's hair is snow white, like snow falling on the dog like, pretty very beautiful! A pair of eyes watery, as if just under a spring rain, rain fell into his eyes like; Long tail, if the dust on the street, you can use the tail to sweep the dust clean.

          Once I came home from school, I went to see the puppy. I bite it to eat it, but it not only does not eat, but also motionless, as if what was annoying. The original, the dog will have a baby ... ...

          Baby is born, I love the dog more. But did not last long, the unfortunate thing happened. One day, the dog squatting in the mother's parking position, when my mother came back, my mother could not see, the dog fell asleep, do not know. At this time, my mother parked in that position. At this time, the dog was killed by her mother. See this scene, I was sad, continuous cry for 2 hours.

          At this time, my feelings about the dog is still so deep, I feel reluctant to love the dog's death. Puppy i love you.












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