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      2. 英語作文

        時間:2021-03-19 09:31:57 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




        英語作文 篇1

          I lve fur seasns.

          Spring is green with flwers and sngs .The weather is sunn and war .There are lts f beautiful flwers everwhere .The are red,pin,ellw ,purple and white . I lie the ver uch. In spring , I can fl a ite , g n s picnic, ride a bie and plant trees and flwers . I ften g n a picnic with fail n the weeend. I feel ver happ .

          Suer is ht and das are lng . The weather is ht and ht . I can g swiing in the sea .It is ver fun .I ften eat ice-crea, fresh peach and watereln .The are sweet and delicius.

          Autun is glden and farers are bus .The weather is cl and clud .The leaves fall and fall .The clurs are ver beautiful . I can g n a trip,have a sprts eet and pic a lt f fruits .There are apples ,pears,peaches and grapes. It is fun .

          Winter is white and the ear is gne .The weather is ver cld and snw.There is a lt f snw .I can ae a snwan ,pla in the snw ,sate and eat ice icecrea .What ? Eat icecrea ? es! In winter ,eating icecrea is cute and cl ! ust have a tr!

          Fur seasns are s beautiful . I lve the .What abut u ?







        英語作文 篇2

          Now that we are in a new millennium, we can assume there will be changes in the world. Ipredict that the changes will be in the areas of information dissemination, global alliances, andfamily structure.

          In the past decades, the computer was responsible for changing the way information wasorganized. Now, the computer plus the Internet is changing the way information is spread.Information will now be universally available to anyone with a computer. You will not have to goto libraries to do research; you will not have to travel to visit scholars; you will not have to goto a bookstore to buy a book. You can do all of this from your home on the computer.

          In the past decades, the nations of the world aligned themselves with the United States, theformer Soviet Union, or with one another in a loose alliance. In the future these alliances will bemore fluid. Some countries will align politically with one country, but economically with another.Some countries will share technology and other information, but will not trade together. Somecountries, which have long been enemies, will align militarily for regional security.

          The family structure will not be based on a mother/father/child pattern. Single parent familieswill be more common and often the child will not be a biological child of the single parent, but willbe adopted. Other family structures like domestic partnerships will become more accepted.

          Whatever the changes may be, whether in the way we receive information, the way nationsalign with one another, or the way family units are defined, you can be sure that there will bemore change. Change is a constant.

        英語作文 篇3

          Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty miles from the city. We planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.

          As soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. How great the sight is! We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. There are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. As the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.

          Before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. Unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. Suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. As the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds moved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. Just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. Up, up it rose, adding to itself strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.

          We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak till it was time for our return.





        英語作文 篇4

          It’s going to be Spring Festival next week.

          Next Monday I am going to my cousin’s house. He lives in a village. I am going by ship. Next Tuesday I am going to have a picnic. Next Wednesday I am going to go shopping in Nanhai Plaza and to have K.F.C. Next Thursday I am going to Jihuayuan to fly kites. In the evening I am going to clean my room. Next Friday I am going to visit my uncle’s family and my grandpa. Next Saturday I am going to play football at school. Next Sunday I am going to hot spring in Kaiping.

          I am going to be very happy.

        英語作文 篇5

          Mark is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesn't look very Italian.

          He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isn't fat and he isn't thin. His build is average.

        英語作文 篇6






        英語作文 篇7

          I am now a student of Dongzhou Middle School, but I still remember that day when I was in a primary school.

          That day, the weather was so bad. When school was over, it began to rain. All of us looked very worried, so our teacher let us go home at once.

          When I went out of the school gate, I saw my father standing there. I went to him at once. My father had a raincoat, because he'd just had a meeting and he went to school as soon as the meeting finished, so he had no time to return home. When he saw me, he took his raincoat off and gave it to me. I didn't want to receive it. He looked at me and said, “Take it.” I had to put on the raincoat, but my heart was not still. I cried, and I couldn't let myself stop. Since that day, I knew my father loved me. Oh, I can't forget that day all my life.




        英語作文 篇8

          As the summer has ended, the fall comes quickly.

          Last night, it rained, I stayed in the house and appreciated the scenery through the window.The sound of the rain was like the music to me, I enjoyed hearing it. the coolness came to me and I felt so comfortable, I love fall and it is nottoo hot and cold, I can do a lot of outside activities.

        英語作文 篇9

          What is the best selling paper in the world? The answer is amusement newspaper. When people are having a chat, they always talk about the celebrity, it has become part of our life. People like to chase after the famous person, they even treat them as their idols, as fans, they want to know everything about their idols. So the journalists like to peep at the celebritys private life, they want to expose everything about them, so the paper can sell more. As celebrities, they condemn the journalists behavior, they call on the public to give them more private space. Though they are celebrities, they should have space, the public should let them take a breath. When they are in the public, the journalists can shot whatever they want, while the celebrity goes home, the journalists should not follow celebrities any more, because they are off work.


        英語作文 篇10

          初次拜訪桂林 My First Visit to Guilin

          Last week, my parents went to Guilin to visit their friends, so I have the chance to go to Guilin with them. I felt so excited, I had heard about Guilin many times, people told me that the scenery there was very beautiful. When I arrive there, I could feel the air was different from the city I lived, the air there was so fresh. The second day, my parents went to see the scenery, we rent a boat, enjoying the magnificent mountains and clean water. At that moment, I felt I was one member of the Guilin people. People claim that Guilin’s mountain and water rank the first in the world, now I believe. I want to go to visit Guilin again.


          灰姑娘的故事 The Story of Cinderella

          For most girls, I believe they must have read the story about Cinderella. The story tells about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother dies when she is very small, so his father marries another lady who has two daughters. When the father dies, Cinderella is bulled by his step-mother and step-sisters, but she keeps nice to them. One day, Cinderella meets a prince and when she joins the party, she has to run away before midnight. The prince finally finds her by his missing glass shoe. Finally, Cinderella lives a happy life and her step-mother and step-sisters are punished. The story tells people that if we are kind to others, we will have the good return.


          祝賀朋友 Congratulations to My Friend

          I have a good friend, when I was five years old, I met her, she is my neighbor, we became friends and play together all the time. Last week, my friend took part in the female basketball match, she is good at basketball, so I encouraged her to join our school team. The team played so well that they came to the final yesterday, the match was so excellent, at last, my friend’s team won the first place, I feel so happy, I plan to buy her a present and congratulate her. I feel so proud of her, she inspires me, too. We give each other encourage to move on. We will be good friends forever.


          第一次野營 Going Camping For the First Time

          I always want to go camping, because I think it is cool. But my parents think that I am too small to do it, so they refuse me. One day, I told my parents that my friends and I planned to go camping, the place was very close to my friend’s home. So my parents allowed me. I was so happy, we put up the tent and took out the food we prepared. When it was dark, we set the fire and we song and dance, we played the games happily. Before we slept, I laid on the tent and talked secret with my friends. This is the first time for me to go camp and I enjoy it so much.


          朋友的到訪 Friend’s Visiting

          Last week, a friend of mine came to visit me, I felt so surprised, because we lose touch for many years, he was my classmate when I was in primary school, now five years has passed, both of us have entered college. My friend told me that he was doing a research, he remembered my home address, so he came to visit me. We talked many things in primary school, it was a beautiful memory, both of us were naughty at that time, but we loved sport, we played the basketball match and won the first place. When the time he left, we made the deal to be gather for the next time.


          我的早期偶像 My Early Idol

          When I was in middle school, I heard the English song Baby One More Time. Then I saw the music record, the girl was so sweet and pretty. She danced so well in the record, she was full of energy. Since then, I fell in love with Britney Spears, every girl wanted to be her. She was not only beautiful, but also could sing and dance so well. Britney Spears was my early idol, her energetic image attracted me so much. I was so crazy about her at that time. I believe that in every teenager’s dream, they will have an idol.

          當(dāng)我上初中的時候,我聽到了一首英文歌曲叫《寶貝再愛我一次》。然后我去看了音樂錄影帶,里面的女孩是那么的甜美和漂亮。在錄像中,她舞跳得很好,充滿了活力。打從那時候起,我就愛上了布蘭妮斯皮爾斯,每一個女孩子都想要成為她。 布蘭妮不僅長得好看,而且她能歌善舞。她是我早期的偶像,她充滿活力的形象讓我留下了很深的印象。那時候我是那么的為她癡迷。我相信在每個青少年的夢里,都會有一個偶像。

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