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      2. 學生面對疫情應該怎么做英語作文

        時間:2022-03-11 14:54:52 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




          學生面對疫情應該怎么做英語作文 篇1

          The outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia is raging.The outbreak has damaged people's health and has also caused a huge psychological impact.This continuous online teaching work has brought the determination of children and parents to overcome the epidemic.At the same time,it also provides some guidance for parents and primary and secondary school students on self psychological protection during the epidemic.Parents and students have expressed that they will actively do a good job in self-protection of body and mind.

          Do the management and guidance work of good students in time.Teachers,students and parents use mobile phones and other electronic devices to listen to the teacher at 9:20-9:30 every morning and 2:30-2:40 every afternoon to explain in detail the common psychological symptoms under the epidemic situation and the maintenance methods of mental health in primary and secondary schools under the epidemic situation.Tell students to believe in the information and knowledge of science and the authority of the hospital,not to believe in rumors,not to spread rumors.Rational acceptance of facts,neither blind self-confidence,nor anxiety and panic.During the epidemic,it is also a good opportunity to learn health knowledge and develop health habits with children.The novel coronavirus is transmitted through droplet transmission,air transmission and contact,washing hands frequently,disinfecting and wearing masks to prevent virus infection.At the same time,cooperate with the school's epidemic prevention work and declare the health status on time.

          The school helps students and their parents to do a good job in psychological care during the epidemic prevention and control period,so that we can start from ourselves,use scientific epidemic prevention methods,stable emotions and healthy mentality,and actively face and overcome the difficulties together! Only when we are physically and mentally healthy and safe can we win the epidemic prevention war together.

          學生面對疫情應該怎么做英語作文 篇2

          In 2020,novel coronavirus infection attack cities and capture territories.

          It originated in Wuhan,Hubei Province.Because of the appetite of a few people,it entered the human body with wild game such as bats.Over the course of a few days,the number of people infected has continued to rise,frightening.

          In an instant,my new year's plan was completely lost,including going to the movies,libraries,relatives and friends.Mother said that now the epidemic is serious and masks are in short supply.If you can not go out,don't go out.At first,I was a little disappointed,but I thought,"finally it's time to lie down and do nothing to contribute to the society"! "Otaku man" lived for more than ten days,and I found that the days we envied were not easy to sleep when we were full and eat when we woke up - it was boring!

          After learning through the Internet,I saw such a group of people on TV: as soon as they heard the outbreak of the epidemic,they could not care about the reunion with their families during the new year,they immediately set off for Wuhan,and even the whole Hubei Province,and threw themselves into the major hospitals to fight against the time,the virus and the epidemic.They are medical staff and "angels in white".When all of us live at home,they rush to the high epidemic area without hesitation.They are "the most beautiful rebel".They either wear heavy isolation suits to treat the patients,or push the bed to fight against time It's them that bring us hope.

          In addition to medical staff,many people also play the role of "rebel".Workers from the central government's guidance group to Hubei,construction of "huoshenshan" and "leishenshan" hospitals,people who donate money and medical equipment In the fight against the epidemic,we all need to start from ourselves and around us in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control.We need to go out less,not gather,wear masks and wash hands frequently,do a good job of self-protection and shoulder the responsibility of epidemic prevention and control together.

          As long as we are united,we will surely win the epidemic resistance war! Come on,Wuhan,come on,China!

          學生面對疫情應該怎么做英語作文 篇3

          The Spring Festival in 2020 is coming to an end,and all the plans for the Spring Festival holiday that I have calculated in my mind have been changed by a sudden epidemic.The traffic that should have been flowing on the road seems to have disappeared from the sky.The shops on both sides of the road are closed,and the busy streets and parks in the past have become cold and clear Where does it look like half of the Spring Festival?

          The arch criminal of novel coronavirus in my father's mouth is the main culprit,and I also understand that the epidemic started in Wuhan,Hubei.It is very serious that people are infected by air every day.I saw many doctors wearing heavy protective clothing to rescue patients all night.They are not only hard-working but also the closest to the virus.They are always facing the risk of infection! They are the greatest and most respectable people,the holy "angel in white"!

          I'm just a second grade primary school student.I can't share and help them out.All I can do is to stay at home as much as possible to avoid the source of disease,keep healthy and not make trouble according to the instructions of my teacher and my parents.Although my daily life is not as wonderful as usual,at least I'm accompanied by my parents and sisters.Compared with those infected and "angels in white" children To say,I am happy,but also lucky.Here I appeal to all of you: less going out,no party,wearing masks when going out; frequent hand washing at home,more ventilation; early medical treatment,no concealment; no rumor,no rumor! All of you work together to defeat the virus,return to the colorful life of the past as soon as possible,refuel for Wuhan,refuel for China!

          學生面對疫情應該怎么做英語作文 篇4

          For the novel coronavirus,like the SARS in 2003,the natural disaster is "man-made disaster".In other words,some Chinese people are fond of eating wild game,which not only induced SARS in 2003,but also induced the new type of pneumonia.

          This year's Spring Festival is destined to be a different one.There is no visiting relatives and friends between relatives and relatives in the past years,there is no traffic in the streets of my hometown in the past years,the joy of the festival is replaced by the panic of the virus,and even many places are closed by digging roads,stacking soil and other ways,which is not indifferent to human feelings,on the contrary,it just reflects people's attention to the epidemic,respect for relatives and friends,and everyone actively responds to the preventive measures.Prevent the spread of the virus by self isolation.

          During this period,we should pay attention to: wash hands frequently,wear masks reasonably,avoid contact with wild animals,pay attention to personal hygiene,be alert to abnormal symptoms,and seek medical advice in time.This is not only responsible for myself,but also for my family.We all work together and actively cooperate.We believe that we will be able to overcome this problem in the near future.

          Finally,I appeal to you: cancel all parties,do not believe in rumors,do not spread rumors,do not panic.Believe in the angel in white and the motherland!

          Through the study of online class,it is helpful to adjust the tired psychology of students staying at home in this period of time,and it is more helpful for students to change their learning state and make a schedule close to the school.The reasonable division of a day into several parts can effectively avoid the inefficiency caused by long-term concentration and doing one thing.

          At the same time,through these days of learning,I also feel the strong interactive ability of online classes,students have a more flexible way of learning,and have a high interest in learning.

          In order to achieve good results in online learning,in addition to the supervision of teachers and parents,the most important thing is our attitude.Prepare well before class,do not rush in class,adjust the learning state and keep a good attitude.During the online class,listen carefully,pay high attention and concentrate; finish the homework consciously offline,consolidate knowledge and give full play to self-control ability.

          Really from our own starting point,do not suspend classes.

          學生面對疫情應該怎么做英語作文 篇5


          A few days ago,I got to know something through the picture book of coronavirus sent by my teacher.It's a kind of virus transferred from animals to human body! This virus has infected many people now,most of the infected people will have fever,cough,dyspnea,serious life-threatening!


          Now there are many doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to treat patients every day.They are very,very hard! So if we want to help them,we can only fight against the virus if we protect ourselves.You must remember that you must wear masks and wash your hands frequently when you go out.Do not go to crowded places! After the Spring Festival,we can go to school and play happily!


          I know that only by doing it myself can I do no harm to others! Also hope that the sick uncles and aunts can recover soon!












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