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      2. 我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文

        時間:2023-12-06 17:15:14 浪龍 夢想 我要投稿
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          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 1

          If anyone ask me what i want to be in the future,it is no doubt that my answer is “a programmer!”.

          Fist,i like playing computer,and i think that typing on the keyboard is very cool.Second,if i were aprogrammer,i can design all kinds of Apps and beautiful Web by programing,ithink it is very useful.finally,because iam very shy and i dont like to talk to people,so if i became a programmer,i wont need to communicate with others when i am working.

          This is my dream for the future,and what about you?

          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 2

          If I were a programmer, I would make my own game. This game wont cost any money, but it requires you to know a lot of knowledge. The higher your knowledge, the more levels you will pass in the game, which will be very powerful. Moreover, it requires an anti addiction system.

          If I were a program, I would strive to turn the programs on my computer into reality, so that the future world would be a high-tech world.

          If I were a programmer, I would create a soul swapping machine that can exchange souls between two allowed people. This can make people and animals think from different perspectives.

          For example, exchanging the souls of hunters and rabbits for a short period of time allows hunters to experience the pain of being chased and potentially leaving this world at any time. Now hunters can feel the sadness of animals and know how to love them. If this system is really developed, I would most like to exchange the souls of parents and students in a short period of time, so that parents can experience the pressure of their students. And students also experienced the efforts and hardships of their parents. In this way, students will work harder to study after returning, but parents will reduce a lot of pressure on students.

          If I were a programmer, I would design various futuristic things. For example, for future cars, once I have designed this blueprint, I can create various types of cars. If I had imagination and drawing ability. These dreams for the future are not a problem, and I really hope to become such a programmer.

          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 3

          Today is December 2nd, Sunday. On this rainy day, I came to Chaohui Junior High School to participate in a small journalist activity. I am a small programmer.

          We searched for a long time before finally finding Computer Classroom 2. After a while, the activity began. The teacher first controlled our computer and let us watch a short video that the teacher made up himself. In that video, there were two little people who were arguing all the time. In the end, they reconciled and ate mooncakes together. In the end, there was only one mooncake on the table, and they were grabbing and grabbing. The mooncake suddenly broke and both of them fell to the ground. Although it was just a short video, the teacher used over 500 pictures to make it.

          Then, the teacher watched another game, Aircraft Battle. That game was also created by the teacher himself. After the teacher demonstrated to us, we were asked to raise our hands and play. Many people raised their hands. This game is really interesting, but it only has five hearts and was killed in no time. How can we make it less likely to be killed? The teacher added a repeating loop on the block next to it, haha! Now it has become the invincible version, and even if you fight, you wont be able to kill it.

          Finally, the teacher got another flying cat and let us play a few times before it was our turn to program ourselves. What we are going to create is a game of playing tennis. But what should we do?. Why wouldnt it come even though there are blocks?. It turned out that the teacher caused some minor damage in the middle. Lets watch what the teacher did and then lets fix it.

          After a period of repair, our tennis game was finally fixed by us. We added decorations to the tennis balls and played happily... Finally, when we arrived downstairs, the teacher gave us a small gift!

          Its a pity that I didnt play real tennis this time, but programming is really fun!

          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 4

          Ideals are the direction of life, with ideals, there are goals. My ideal is to become a proud yet unknown programmer behind software.

          I once thought about how magical those software were! But how did he actually do it? Can it be said that "Buden" was transformed by a phone or computer? At that time, I didnt know there was still the profession of a programmer, so I went to ask other people.

          Someone told me that it was created by programmers who made countless modifications and reviews. Since that day, I have had unlimited imagination about this profession. How could it not be difficult to become this profession? But he cant undermine my confidence!

          I started using the internet to understand this field. At first, I searched for information to understand what programmers are and what programs are; I will also look up the nouns I see in the materials. Sometimes, even when I come across an article online that is related to programmers, I would flip back and forth through the posts that are related to them. Perhaps I would also leave a few comments and express my own opinions. I always hope to learn something from it. I often think that I have become a proud programmer, sitting at a computer desk writing my program!

          Fantasy is ultimately a fantasy. I cant just think about becoming a programmer without putting in effort. No matter how much I know in that field, I cant just become a programmer. I need to take care of the present: I want to learn mathematics well, so that I can have stronger logical thinking and computational abilities, learn Chinese and English well, and have better expression skills. And only by mastering these skills can I be admitted to university and lay a foundation for the future, so that I can further my ideals.

          While studying cultural courses well, I also need to use software on the internet to learn simple programming, so as to make my logical ability soar and surpass my current self.

          Its not years or years before I become a programmer! I will persevere and stay grounded. I believe that one day, I will definitely become a programmer!

          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 5

          You must have heard of "alpha dogs". What kind of dog is an alpha dog? Actually, it can be seen but not touched. Ultimately, it is a line of code written by programmers.

          On Sunday afternoon, I worked as a "little programmer" once. I walked into the computer classroom of Chaohui Junior High School, and rows of computers were already turned on. The screen displayed an animated cat and rows of instructions. The teacher is here, and he first showed us the program he had written. The operation was very simple, but if you think writing these programs is also very simple, then you are wrong. The teacher sent us a folder, and when we opened it, it was a teenage programming software. I heard from my classmates next to me that they have already written programs using this software, looking like they are old hands. I was also a bit eager to try it out.

          But when I take a closer look at the screen, with various colored boxes and unfamiliar words inside, I feel dizzy. Fortunately, the teacher began to explain. He took a few steps out of the already programmed program and then asked us questions, step by step inspiring us to add what steps should be added. I learned some simple steps, such as cloning, repeating, and moving, and these steps must be like drawing a design before building a house. They must be thought out in our minds, and then carefully written in computer language without missing any steps or instructions, Otherwise, the entire program will be unable to execute.

          Today, we only learned to write a very simple program, and a program that is as smart as an Alpha Dog and can learn on its own requires countless intelligent programmers to put in countless time and effort. When a small programmers activity, I felt the mystery and excitement of computer programs, and even more felt how mysterious and exciting the human brain is.

          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 6

          As the ancients said, one cannot be without ambition. A person without ideals is like a person with an incomplete soul. They will only live in drunkenness and dreams all day long, without the concept of life. They will only live mechanically, thinking only about today, not the future. Everyone should have their own ideals, whether grand, small, grand, or ordinary, each with its own differences, but they are all the most beautiful wishes of a person.

          A good ideal is like a streetlight, illuminating the path forward and making the future no longer uncertain. I am no exception, and my ideal is to become a programmer.

          Some people may be curious: what is a programmer? Although people may not know him, they must not underestimate him, because without him, there would be no current life. I believe everyone has used WeChat, which is an essential software for chatting and communication. Well, she was compiled by programmers using a string of code. When you see the cold and ordinary code behind WeChat, arranged like ants, it makes your scalp tingle. And it is precisely this "terrifying" thing that has created a convenient life today.

          Why do I want to become a programmer? Its no wonder. The 21st century can be described as the era of information technology, with various electronic products emerging and eye-catching. Well, technology has made people feel like they are far apart. I, who have a strong curiosity, feel strange about this. Whenever people use electronic products, I always watch from the side, hoping to discover the mysteries behind them. Later on, my mother discovered that I was very interested in computers and enrolled me in a computer programming training class. On the first day of class, the teacher broadened my horizons. The teachers hands were very rough and had a few calluses, but when he touched the keyboard, his hands were like a pair of flying white doves, so fast that it was difficult to see clearly. What surprised me even more was that the programs were able to solve some problems that I didnt even know about. At that moment, I was stunned. In my heart, I silently planted the seed of my ideal - to be a programmer.

          Of course, having ideals without taking action is also not enough. Its like talking on paper, useless. I have put in a lot of effort for my ideals: I study Chinese and mathematics hard to strengthen my mental thinking and speed in analyzing problems. I also need to practice my hand sensitivity in order to complete a program in the shortest possible time. And the most important thing is to have an unforgettable brain. Programmers have to browse through a lot of code every day, identify errors, and correct them. Sometimes I have to sit for several hours just to find something, and my poor health is unbearable no matter what.

          If I could really become a programmer, I would definitely feel happy and joyful. Even if not, when I look back on the past, I still feel satisfied with my hard work and not wasting time to achieve myself.

          Ideal may sound very distant, but it is not so. Life is like a road, ideals are like streetlights. The road is at your feet, and the goal is ahead. Only when you are willing to persevere and reach the end, can you look back and not regret wasting time!

          我夢想將來成為一名程序員英語作文 7

          I dream of becoming a programmer in the future. Programming is an interesting and exciting field that requires creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. As a programmer, I would have the opportunity to create software applications and websites that can help people in their daily lives.

          To become a programmer, I know I need to study hard and gain the necessary knowledge and skills. I will start by learning the basics of programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++. I will also need to understand computer science principles and algorithms.

          In addition to learning the technical skills, I will also need to develop my soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management. As a programmer, I will need to work with others to design and develop software applications, and I will need to be able to explain technical concepts to non-technical people.

          Ultimately, I want to use my skills as a programmer to make a positive impact on the world. I believe that software can be used to solve real-world problems and improve peoples lives. As a programmer, I will have the opportunity to create software that can make a difference in the world.

          In conclusion, becoming a programmer is my dream and I am willing to work hard to achieve it. I believe that with determination and hard work, I can make my dream a reality.


        英語作文:I dream of becoming a programmer in the future 我夢想將來當(dāng)一名12-23










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