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      2. 美國英語作文

        時間:2022-01-22 12:53:47 美國 我要投稿




        美國英語作文 篇1

          Recently, the movie American Captain is very hot, the third episode has been brought into the screen.

          Since I see the first episode, this great hero catches my attention all the time.

          he is so handsome and brave, what’s more, he fights for the justice, which makes him a charming person.

          I will support this movie, American Captain is my hero.

        美國英語作文 篇2

          The Culture of the United States is a Western culture, and has been developing since long before the United States became a country. Today the United States is a diverse and multi-cultural nation.

          The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin, and Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine or Italian-American cuisine often eventually appear. German cuisine also had a profound impact on American cuisine, especially the mid-western cuisine, with potatoes and meat being the most iconic ingredients in both cuisines.Dishes such as the hamburger, pot roast, baked ham and hot dogs are examples of American dishes derived from German cuisine

          The primary, although not official, language of the United States is American English. According to the 20xx U.S. Census, more than 97% of Americans can speak English well, and for 81% it is the only language spoken at home. Nearly 30 million native speakers of Spanish also reside in the US. There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States—some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. American Sign Language, used mainly by the deaf, is also native to the country. Hawaiian is also a language native to the United States, as it is indigenous nowhere else except in the state of Hawaii. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States, and is one of the official languages, and the most widely spoken, in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

          There are four major regional dialects in the United States: northeastern, south, inland north, and midwestern. The Midwestern accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.

        美國英語作文 篇3

          Americans sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that American values are universal ones. We can't always see that our values are actually typical American values. Instead, we assume the things Americans value are obviously what everyone should believe in.

          But we should remember the saying: when you "assume," you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me." We only need to look at what happens when Americans go as advisors to developing countries to see how wrong our assumptions can be. Some Americans go thinking they're sharing pearls of wisdom with the backward natives about how to get things done right. They assume that stimulating competition and giving financial incentives for individual achievement will naturally change people's behavior and lead to success. When their projects barely get off the ground, they can't understand what went wrong. They mistakenly think that people must just be lazy or that they don't really want a higher standard of living.

          So the advisors wind up getting discouraged and going home, grateful to be surrounded by hardworking Americans again.

          In these situations, we should realize that American values may come from America's unique position as the land of opportunity. We are brought up with the American dream that everyone can work hard and get ahead. But we should realize that in countries with a different history and different opportunities, other values might be more important, like avoiding conflict or saving face.

        美國英語作文 篇4

          fortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleasantly cool.

          years ago, people in the cold parts of the united states didnt often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits (新鮮水果) during the winter. today, however, trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the united states.

          in this way, americans "send their climates" to people in other states.

        美國英語作文 篇5

          (American Students in Countryside )

          eleven students from world college, west of the united states, kissed their newly-made chinese fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters “zaijian”(goodbye), tears in eyes, when leaving jiangwan township, in shanghai suburbs. these students, who are studying on a program of international relations, are believed to be the first hatch① of foreign students to live with chinese village families.

          the students stayed in the village for two months. at daytime, they were given chinese language and history courses in the village classroom and took part in agricultural practice in the fields. they spent the rest of their time with the peasants, carrying water from wells, making a fire for cooking, even feeding babies.mr. carlos liked to take little children for a ride in bicycle whereas mr. david often played cards with his young chinese friends. miss tracy, a pretty l9-year-old girl, concentrated her enthusiasm on giving english lessons to pupils at jiangwan primary school. mr. richard with his video camera② finished a tv documentary③ about chinese village life.“we like the life here. its so quiet, so plain, yet so interesting,”said miss sandra, one of the students.

          lunch time was the most enjoyable for both guest and host. they talked about everything that interested them. the villagers regarded these students as their own sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters.“this new form is also beneficial④ to ourselves,”said u hongming, deputy director ⑤ of jiangwan township. “we are looking forward to welcoming more foreign students to come here.”

          indeed, the students not only learned chinese, but also knew more deeply about china within the two months. “weve learned a lot which we couldnt just at chinese colleges,” said miss nona from canada. when asked about the purpose of going to china and staying with chinese villagers, tracy showed her several articles published in an american newspaper:“living, studying and learning to accept and work within another entirely different culture is an important aspect⑥ of every society. communication, understanding, and above all, love are imperative⑦ for world peace.”


         、賖atch [h$tm] n. (小雞等)一窩;(喻)一群,一組(年輕人)

         、趘ideo camera [vidi u k$m r ] n. 電視攝像機

         、踕ocumentary[?d&kjument ri] n. 紀錄影片

         、躡eneficial [benifim l] a. 有利的;有益的

          ⑤deputy director[depjuti direkt ] 副鄉(鎮)長

         、轪spect[$spekt] n. (問題、事物的)方面

         、 imperative [imper tiv] a. 絕對必要的












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