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      2. 媽媽,我誤會(huì)了你 Mum,I Misunderstood You

        時(shí)間:2021-10-30 19:19:07 媽媽 我要投稿

        媽媽,我誤會(huì)了你 Mum,I Misunderstood You

          My mother is always strict with me,especially after I entered the junior middle scbool.

        媽媽,我誤會(huì)了你 Mum,I Misunderstood You

          After I became a junior student,mum often pressed me to study.After school,as soon as I got home,mum hurried me up to do my home-work.Even on weekends,mum wouldn"t give me free time.She asked me to take many tutorial classes.I had litlle time to play.Why shouldn't I play? Although I felt very unhappy,I was obedient to mum.After a period of hard work,I made great progress in my study.In the midterm examination,I got the first place in my class.When being told the news,mum said she was proud of me.Now I am full of confidence in my fu-ture I have uderstood my mum.She has done all the things for the sake of me.I will work even harder as repayment.



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