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      2. 開學第一天高中英語作文

        時間:2023-09-18 10:35:13 禧雯 開學 我要投稿
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          開學第一天高中英語作文 1

          Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year. I was excited as well as worried.

          Entering new school, I was curious about everything, new classrooms, new teachers, new classmates etc. It would be a new start for each student. And what I was worried about is that I had no friends here. I wondered if no liked to play with me. Were the teachers strict with students?

          I fell relaxed when the teacher asked me, What else could I help you, freshman?". I found that the teachers were kind and polite, and the classmates around me were friendly. While I was thinking about how to get on well with my classmates, my desk mate showed me his favorite Ipad4s. He wanted to play with me, but I didnt know how to play, so he taught me patiently, and we played happily.

          Worries have gone, and happiness is coming.





          開學第一天高中英語作文 2

          he vacation time is always fleeting, the school day is absolutely sudden.

          Now, I have been sitting in the classroom of high nine classes have meet some old classmates, but we just say hello to smile, time, time is a thief, when we found that the time has stole our talk about.

          Everything in the new class is new, the students are new, the teacher is new, and I have been updated. I used to read novels in class, sleep in class, pick up the teacher, give the teacher a change, dont go home after school, go to my "brother" to fight, to drink, to sing... At that time, I was a child, but I realized that there is no end, there is no way out, I gradually realized that learning, in high school, college is a student should have the goal! Then, I changed, in the beginning of the day, with the change of time.

          Now I am in the high school classroom, the classmate does not know, the teacher is not familiar, never mind, time will tell the person who wants to know to want the answer!





          開學第一天高中英語作文 3

          Start a dream, a blink of an eye, a relaxed and happy winter life has ended, the new semester has come.

          Today is the first day of school, the weather is particularly clear, long time thestudents like a group of lively and lovely birds, happily flew into the beautiful campus. In the bright and spacious classroom, the teacher gave us a new textbook. I stroked the new textbooks, looking at the shiny cover, smell the fragrance of ink, and my heart can not tell the joy and emotion. Hey, the old man, you can not go slowly?

          We have not enough! After school, we are facing a tense study, no longer like a big black bear to sleep as 9,10 oclock, and 6 oclock 50 minutes of the alarm clock, you have to get up immediately, no longer as easy as the winter vacation. Because you just a little lazy little, learning is possible to regress, "the first group" of the team may not find your position. I will never forget every semester at the end of the sacred podium, to receive "Miyoshi students", "excellent class dry" and other awards, the hard training of my growing teachers face that affectionate, happy smile ... ...

          "Learning is a pleasant thing, we like a sponge, trying to learn from the book of knowledge of water, grasp now, will have a better future." Besides, after a few months of intense study, colorful holiday life will come again. Students, let us in thenew semester, more hard to learn, for greater progress it.





          開學第一天高中英語作文 4








          The gentle morning sun caresses your face, and the familiar gentle breeze blows towards you. I opened my arms and hugged my old friend I had just met.

          Three years of sweat have built the road to learning.

          On the first day of reporting, I met a familiar face, which was dyed with a faint pink like white silk, with curved eyebrows hanging under my forehead. On his high nose was a pair of thin framed glasses, and the clear eyes behind him seemed to be able to see through peoples hearts, but he felt incredibly kind. As long as she smiles, those crows feet are like hiding cats caught and exposed. Her petite body, paired with a large bicycle, also appears exquisite. When the wind blows, the bangs are like drifting away from behind.

          On the first day of reporting, I met an unfamiliar face. The tall teacher said, Quiet!; The teacher in the skirt asked, "What size are you; The chubby teacher said, "To become a high-quality talent, one must know how to listen, read, and express oneself

          On the first day of reporting, when I stepped into the class gate, I realized that my vacation had passed away in a blink of an eye, and the learning task was rushing towards me. Its time to get ready and charge towards the learning battlefield again, raising a gun to attack.

          On the first day of registration, when I heard the teacher give a lecture, I already knew that I was no longer the third year student, but more like a worker in society looking for opportunities. In this cruel society, opportunity is to favor those who are prepared, look forward to talented people, and follow those who are brave enough to showcase themselves. For me, who is timid, it is nothing more than an experience.

          I opened my arms and couldnt wait to embrace my old friend I had just met for a long time. I quickly let go and went to the battlefield.

          開學第一天高中英語作文 5







          This week is the first week of school, and everything is new: a new school, a new environment, new classmates, a new special class group. Our classmates in our class are impoverished students from all over the province who have excellent academic and moral character. Each student has their own bumpy and unusual life experiences, and has honed their perseverance and spiritual qualities. We are a big family and will spend three years of high school together. We are full of curiosity about the new school and teachers.

          Our new campus is beautiful. Looking out from the window, large and tidy green lawns are laid out like wide carpets on the campus, with several tall ginkgo trees towering among them. Unfortunately, in the late autumn season, I have no eye for the colorful butterflies and hardworking bees dancing gracefully in the flower bed. A winding river quietly passes through the campus. As the breeze passed, willows were spreading their slender branches, fluttering like the delicate hair of a graceful girl. Whenever I come to a spacious sports field to relax my muscles and bones, I always feel energetic and refreshed.

          We not only have beautiful schools, but also excellent teachers.

          The Chinese language teacher is in his twenties, wearing a pair of small and thick glasses, with short hair, and wearing simple clothes. Teacher Ren has a very profound knowledge, which can be said to be a master of astronomy and a master of geography. From ancient times to the present, he knows everything! So when he started teaching, he was also very relaxed, with a profound joke and exaggerated posture that always enabled his classmates to gain knowledge through laughter and intoxication. My Chinese foundation is not good. Teacher Ren often helps me and even lends me books to read. Its really a pleasure to have such a good Chinese teacher!

          Our history teacher is very eloquent, knowledgeable, and eloquent. The English teacher often tells us interesting stories and anecdotes about his visit to the United States, and also tutors us in English. Chemistry teachers not only teach chemistry well, but also sometimes speak a few English sentences! Teacher Ren, the homeroom teacher, is even more concerned about us.

          Having such a good class, school, and teachers is truly a great happiness. I believe that our three years will definitely be fulfilling and enjoyable.

          開學第一天高中英語作文 6






          Oh, its time to go to school again, "I muttered, walking reluctantly towards the school with heavy steps. Suddenly, I noticed the flowers on the roadside looking up and smiling, and the grass also changed into bright green clothes. In my eyes, all living things have become so vibrant. My originally helpless mood has also become much more positive. When I think about how long other teachers and classmates have been in school, I cant wait to rush to school. The streets are filled with students and parents, with smiles on their faces and enthusiastic greetings from each other. Unconsciously, I had already walked to the school gate, and the clean and spacious classroom immediately appeared in front of me. Wow! Our school has become more beautiful.

          However, as the start of school approaches, pressure and competition will definitely increase. Can I withstand it Is it because of nostalgia for holidays? Perhaps, life after the start of school is definitely not as easy as during the holidays. However, time flows like water and never returns... After my classmates learned my thoughts, they said, "Why do you need this? If you come, take it easy!" However, facing a new beginning, how could your heart be as calm as before? Entering the new semester, it is natural to make some preparations and approach the learning and life of the new semester with a new face. However, there are a few things that can make me relaxed and happy, and I can meet my old friends again.

          My classmates have also undergone significant changes. Of course, this not only means that students have grown much taller, but also due to various reasons such as increased pressure and age, everyone no longer enjoys playing as much as they did when they were young. The problem of cute speaking still hasnt changed, everyone chatters incessantly, like old friends weve seen for many years. Some say where they went to play during their holidays; Some are complaining about being too busy during holidays and not taking a break; Some are inquiring about how homework is done; Even more, they even said to me, "I finally heard your voice again!" It seems that although the old problems have not changed, everyone is still ready to welcome the new semester with a new face.

          The hard work of studying on the first day was both unexpected and unexpected! Teacher Weis class was both lively and lively, and we had bursts of laughter and laughter in class. What surprised us the most was that Teacher Wei conducted a one minute speech and five minute essay training to improve our writing skills. The school has invested a lot of money in purchasing new multimedia equipment for us. As soon as you enter the multimedia classroom, a complete set of state-of-the-art equipment has been fully equipped, bringing a brand new atmosphere. The principal said that we should encourage students to engage in learning in the best teaching environment. We are extremely happy to think that this will bring us many conveniences in our studies, but it also adds intangible pressure to us. However, we will start the new semester with the fullest enthusiasm.

          The new semester is a new beginning, classmates, lets work hard and cheer!

          開學第一天高中英語作文 7








          On September 1st, we ended our long summer vacation and welcomed the first day of school. In the morning, while I was still sleeping soundly, my mother woke up and said, "Lets go to school

          Just arrived at school, the classmates were talking and laughing, it was really lively!

          At first glance, the school has changed a lot! The scrolling subtitles have increased, the number of table tennis tables has also increased, the basketball rack has taken on a new look, and even the flag raising platform has grown; In the new classroom, the desks and chairs are all new. The classroom has become larger and a book corner has been added.

          As the bell rang, the first class began. Thats the class meeting. The teacher sent us a new book. As soon as I received a book on the new subject of chemistry, I couldnt wait to open it. I found many interesting experiments. This also reminds me of some common sense. It made me understand that all substances are composed of atoms and molecules. It taught me the names of experimental equipment and many chemical substances. I didnt know about this before.

          The second class is math. When the math teacher walked in, everyone was stunned. Later on, I realized that this is our new math teacher. His class was very interesting, which made me understand that my interest in mathematics has increased.

          At the beginning of this semester, I was in my first year of high school, which meant an increase in stress. Therefore, I must work harder to prepare for the final exam. Regarding my weaknesses: English and politics, I need to study more seriously, listen to lectures, find easier points, and actively correct them.

          I need to find confidence in my studies, which is beneficial for my progress in learning. My learning direction is to learn well and strengthen better. In the new semester, I must improve my grades, strive to achieve good results in the middle school entrance examination, enter my ideal high school, and live up to the expectations of my family!

          開學第一天高中英語作文 8

          剛剛告別了初三最后的沖刺, 昨天的忙碌及疲憊在漫長的暑假中漸漸釋放了。

          在這丹桂飄香, 豐收的金秋九月,對于一些人來說,一切還會有如從前,是那么的熟悉;可是,對于很多人 來說,這個月,他們將告別從前,走進人生中另一段新的旅程,而我,就是其中之一。

          昨天我還在母校聽老師講課,今天卻要與他們道別;昨天我還在操場和同學嬉戲玩耍,今天 卻要與他們離別。當我與過去的一切揮手告別時,有幾分留念,有幾分眷戀不舍。留念"捧著一 顆心來,不帶半根草去"的師生情,眷戀"海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰"的友情。當我與現(xiàn)在的一切 親密接觸時,心里有幾分不適,有幾分陌生,有幾分煩躁…..不適應新的環(huán)境,對新的同學感到 陌生,煩躁這里老師新的`講課形式,對這里的一切感到非常陌生又充滿著期待與向往。

          在開學的`第一個禮拜里,我也漸漸熟悉了親切的同學,和藹可親的老師,與同學們一同 制定了班規(guī),參與了班級文化建設,慢慢地融入到這個新的環(huán)境中去。雖然我對有些老師的 上課方式和速度感到些許的不適應,我告訴自己要堅強一些;我告誡自己要自信一點;我警示 自己要努力去拼搏于是,我已找回往日的壯志凌云,并不再失落,;我已找到過去的躊躇滿志,并 不再迷茫;我已尋得以前的信心百倍,并不再彷徨我相信"長風破浪會有時,直掛云帆濟滄海";


          也許,我的高中生活是瑣碎的、平白的,我不知該用什么語言和文字來修飾它,它是真 實的,是屬于我們每個親歷者的一段心情告白。不管高中三年殘酷、平淡也好,歡喜、憂愁 也罷,再回首,再翻開發(fā)黃的日記時,心中會充盈著一種溫馨的感覺,就同如今憶起兒時被 父母打罵的情景一樣。

          我微張著嘴,眼睛似笑非笑,但卻充滿憧憬,陽光迎面而來,如金如暉。蔚藍的天幕,飄浮 的 白云,好美!我相信我的高中生活同樣美麗。而此時,生命的較量要開始了。

          I just bid farewell to the final sprint of the third year of junior high school, and yesterdays busyness and fatigue gradually released during the long summer vacation.

          In this golden autumn September with the fragrance of osmanthus and abundant harvest, for some people, everything will still be as familiar as before; However, for many people, this month, they will bid farewell to the past and embark on another new journey in life, and I am one of them.

          Yesterday I was still listening to the teachers at my alma mater, but today I have to say goodbye to them; Yesterday I was playing and frolicking with my classmates on the playground, but today I have to bid them farewell. When I wave goodbye to everything in the past, there is a bit of nostalgia and a bit of attachment. Remembering the teacher-student relationship of "holding a heart and not taking half a blade of grass", nostalgic for the friendship of "a bosom friend in the sea, and a distant land like a neighbor". When I am in close contact with everything now, I feel a bit uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and irritable in my heart Not adapting to the new environment, feeling unfamiliar with new classmates, annoyed by the new teaching style of the teacher here, feeling very unfamiliar with everything here and full of anticipation and longing.

          In the first week of school, I gradually became familiar with friendly classmates and teachers. Together with my classmates, I formulated class rules, participated in class cultural construction, and gradually integrated into this new environment. Although I feel a bit uncomfortable with some teachers teaching methods and pace, I tell myself to be stronger; I remind myself to be more confident; I warned myself to work hard and strive, so I have regained my former ambition and will no longer be disappointed,; I have found the complacency of the past and am no longer lost; I have regained a hundred times the confidence I had before, and I no longer hesitate. I believe that there will be times when the wind and waves break, and I will sail straight to the sea;

          I remember I am born with a talent that will be useful, and a thousand pieces of gold will scatter and return

          Perhaps my high school life was trivial and plain, and I didnt know what language and text to use to decorate it. It was real, a confession of emotions that belonged to each of us personally. Regardless of whether the three years of high school are cruel, mundane, joyful, or sad, looking back and flipping through Kaifeng Huangs diary, there is a warm feeling in my heart, just like recalling the scene of being beaten and scolded by my parents when I was a child now.

          I opened my mouth slightly, my eyes half smiling, but full of longing, and the sunlight came towards me like gold. The blue sky and floating white clouds are so beautiful! I believe that my high school life is equally beautiful. At this moment, the battle of life is about to begin.

          開學第一天高中英語作文 9






          在10 點左右,開學典禮完滿地結束了。每一個班按照順序地離開操場。這次的開學典禮,是新一個學期的起點,我一定要贏在起跑線上直到最后。

          With the arrival of September 1st and the arrival of a new semester, our school held a grand opening ceremony. The venue is located on the school playground, and colorful flags are also planted around the playground. On this day, the weather was clear and there was no trace of clouds. The opening ceremony was attended by leaders from the Education Bureau and all teachers and students.

          The ceremony begins with the students entrance ceremony. At 8:30, students from each class arrived at the designated location one after another, holding flowers and waiting in line to enter the school broadcast. At this entrance ceremony, the entire schools 60 classes will form a 60 square formation. Following the order of the classes, they will pass through the podium along the plastic track of the playground and enter the center of the playground. The fast-paced "Athlete March" sounded, and students held flowers in their hands one by one. With the "Athlete March" rhythmically arranged up and down, they walked with neat steps, full of energy, and entered the playground in high spirits.

          Next, the male host of the student announced confidently, "The opening ceremony is now starting! The first item is to stand in awe, raise the national flag, and play the national anthem." The brass band played the national anthem of the Peoples Republic of China. The female host said in a loud voice, "Salute!" In an instant, more than 3000 right hands were raised high above our heads, and countless pairs of eyes were fixed on the national flag. Our hearts were tightly connected to it. The playground was extremely quiet, only the national anthem could be heard echoing above the campus. The national flag is gradually rising! Rise up! How solemn and vibrant it looks against the backdrop of the teaching building! The national flag has risen to the sky of our motherland and also to our hearts.

          Next, sing the national anthem. Under the command of the teacher, all the teachers and students in the school sang their hearts out. The magnificent and powerful song resounded throughout the entire campus, singing the national anthem, as if seeing soldiers bravely fighting against the enemy on the battlefield, fighting for territories occupied by the enemy. Thinking about our learning environment, they exchanged their blood and life for it. Can I not study hard?

          Then, the leader began to speak. Although the students bodies were baked as hot as oil pots on the playground, their hearts were even hotter than this, and they listened attentively to the leaders speech. When Principal Zhou said, There is a road in the mountains of books, and diligence is the path, and the sea of learning is endless.. Yes, on the path of learning, there are no shortcuts to take, no smooth sailing to follow. To gain more knowledge from the vast mountains of books and the sea of learning, "diligence" and "dedication" are two essential and the best conditions.

          At around 10 oclock, the school opening ceremony ended completely. Each class leaves the playground in order. This opening ceremony is the starting point of a new semester, and I must win at the starting line until the end.

          開學第一天高中英語作文 10






          Another year of blooming and withering flowers, another year of falling leaves, another year of refreshing autumn, and another year of separation and reunion, another year of school opening and registration

          Last September, I was still a middle school student who was nervous about the upcoming high school entrance examination, while this September, I was already a high school student who had walked through the "alchemy furnace" of the high school entrance examination. I always feel lonely when I come to a strange environment. Girls are not as good at making friends as boys, and for them, strangers may start calling each other brothers in a few minutes. But girls are different. Girls have richer emotions and are very nostalgic. I am just like this person. Sitting alone in the classroom during the break, I always miss the time when I used to joke with my good friends at school; Walking alone in the hallway and playground, one always remembers the busy but precious days of junior high school... I think most students have the same feeling, after all, junior high school is unforgettable. However, facing the new environment, I need to slowly open my heart and accept those beautiful new things.

          After spending a few days with new classmates, I quickly made many new friends, and the bright smile of the past finally reappeared on my face. It has been half a month since the start of school, and although I still feel a bit uncomfortable, I feel like I have integrated into this new collective. In the past half month, the classmates have been getting along very harmoniously, and the classroom is also filled with laughter and laughter on weekdays. On September 10th, we also offered our deep blessings to the teacher together. Some students wrote touching poems and recited them to the teacher, while others picked up the flute and played beautiful music for the teacher; Everyone also took the initiative to help the teacher clean the office during their lunch break, reducing their burden. In this way, the "first performance" of this new collective came to a perfect end

          I havent forgotten every bit of my junior high school life: good friends who never say a word, teachers who carefully cultivate us... I have placed them in the most beautiful place in my heart, where my junior high school life is exclusive. And now what I need to do is to cherish today and contribute all my strength to this new collective. Three years from now, I can also place my high school life in another beautiful place in my heart. After a long, long time, I can also reflect and taste it carefully

          Another year of fruitful results, another year of fallen leaves covering the mountains, another year of golden sunshine, and another year of acquaintance and fate, another year of hard work and struggle

          開學第一天高中英語作文 11








          Maupassant once said, "People live in hope. If a hope is shattered or realized, new hope will emerge." The new semester is a new hope, a new hope, a new journey. In the new semester, lets embark on a journey once again

          For us high school seniors, school time is within reach, and we are about to face our first challenge in life - the high school entrance examination. In order to successfully enter our ideal school, we must work diligently and give our all from now on.

          In the new semester, with new plans, we cannot still immerse ourselves in the happy time of summer vacation, but should immerse ourselves in learning. After entering the third year of high school, my studies became even more intense. The third year of high school is the last and most important year of my life, which serves as a summary. Whether one works hard or not in the third year of high school is directly related to whether one can enter the gate of high school. It is necessary to lay a solid foundation for high school.

          Even if you have done well in the past, you cannot be arrogant or complacent; Even if your previous grades were poor, you should not be disheartened. Because that is already the past, the past has become history, does not represent the present, let alone the future. The key to success is not to be arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat. Dont be shrouded in the shadow of the past, work hard, strive for progress, look at yourself again, and move towards a successful future. Dont be surrounded by the glory of past success. Keep up your efforts, pack your bags, and take this success as the cornerstone to move on to the next success.

          Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent sweat. We should grasp the key to success, work hard, establish confidence, and believe that we can create miracles. You should know that there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb, and not be addicted to the beauty along the way. There will be more beautiful scenery waiting for us on the mountaintop. Believe in yourself, step on difficulties, pave a firm path for yourself, and let time prove everything. The dawn belongs to you!

          Behind success lies hard work and sweat, without cultivation, there is no gain. Tao Yuanming once said, "If the prime year does not come again, it will be difficult to wake up in the morning. Encourage yourself in time, and time waits for no one. We are in the prime of youth, the golden time to learn knowledge and improve our cultivation. We should firmly seize opportunities. Lets raise our ideal sail and pursue a beautiful future!

          Senior three! It will be my new starting point! Success starts here!

          開學第一天高中英語作文 12







          In my heart, high school life is a symphony. It plays the notes on the strings of life, making the melody of life rich and colorful. It records every word and action of its students at all times, and it constantly expresses every true emotion in the world.

          The second year of high school life is colorful and colorful, like colorful flowers embellishing the beautiful spring of life. It quietly opened the door to my already dusty thoughts. Those crying words will teach you various exquisite ways of flying, making us no longer passionate about misty poetry or dreaming misty dreams. In the passage of time, recognize oneself behind the veil of mist - the path of life is winding and long, but the key points are often only a few steps. Whether you go good or bad, it will deeply affect your life. High school sophomore, its precisely this critical point ! Or rather, this is an opportunity to bloom your youth, at least it is also an opportunity to let your dreams fly.

          I like Chinese, just like I love life. Entering high school, I realized how narrow my horizons were, while the ocean of knowledge was so vast. The famous sayings and phrases that the teacher came to me with open mouth during class made me envious, and my profound knowledge sounded the alarm bell for the fragility of my Chinese language. The pinnacle of science awaits us to climb, and the palace of art awaits us to open. Learning Chinese well is a comprehensive packaging of ones own spirit. From this moment on, I was filled with infinite enthusiasm and passion for high school life.

          It was from this moment that I became confident, conscious, and proactive. I will start a more mature life again. In exciting activities and self challenges, I will constantly transform myself: I will gradually understand the importance of creative learning; Only by working hard can there be new horizons; Understanding competition requires wisdom and ability... Constant exploration, effort, and competition will lead to continuous improvement, progress, and maturity. I think even without a brilliant future, there can be a past without regrets. I believe that when I am gray haired, recalling this period of life will still be the sweetest memory.

          It was it that taught me the true essence of success: one must be friends with will, advisors with experience, brothers with caution, and guardians with hope, in order to achieve success. If there were no such things in life, it would be the greatest regret in peoples lives. The training of listening, speaking, reading, and writing has greatly improved everyones quality. Every process makes us feel the happiness of hard work, and every process makes us feel the beauty of life.

          It can be said that my high school sophomore life, no matter when or where, is as bright as the brilliant sun, as open-minded as a young eagle soaring in the sky, and as comprehensive as the vast sea. It will benefit us for a lifetime - making us full of vitality, confidence, and creativity! Make our lives beautiful and colorful!

          開學第一天高中英語作文 13







          Today is the 16th day of February in the lunar calendar, which is also the first day of our school year. As time passes, the winter vacation passes in the blink of an eye.

          Oh, on the first day of school today, I was almost late. This morning, I slept really comfortably when my mother woke me up and said, "Get up quickly!" I rubbed my eyes and asked my mother what was wrong? My mother said, "Its already 7:15 now. Today is your first day of school, get up quickly!" After listening, I quickly jumped out of bed, hurriedly put on my clothes, went straight to the washroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and left without even having breakfast.

          Fortunately, I was not late. Fortunately, my mom drove fast and fiercely, otherwise I would have finished playing. As soon as I entered the class, why havent I seen these people before? It took me a second to realize that I had taken the wrong shift. In the real class, I found that my classmates were busy with their own tasks, some were collecting homework, some were doing homework, and some were playing, playing, and talking.

          I put my backpack in my seat and just sat down, the teacher came in. I and the other classmates went to move the books. After I finished moving, I sat down and wanted to drink water. The teacher asked me to become the Chinese language team leader and let me check my homework now. Oh my goodness! It makes me unable to live anymore! Because this is the teachers order, I can complain, but I dare not neglect it.

          After more than an hour of fighting, I finally checked our groups homework and handed it over to the teacher together. Finally, school was over, and I dragged my tired body back home.

          On the first day of school, its really tiring!

          開學第一天高中英語作文 14






          The beautiful winter vacation passed in an instant, and today is the first day of school. In the morning, I went to school and met my long lost teachers and classmates. Everyone was so happy!

          Entering the classroom, I saw most of my classmates coming, but Xiao Ang didnt come. It wasnt until later that the teacher told us that Xiao Ang had transferred to another school that I realized the reason why he didnt come. Suddenly, I felt a sense of disappointment in my heart because Xiao Ang has always been doing well in his studies, and every time he takes an exam, his grades are always at the top of the class. In class, when the teacher asks questions, he can actively raise his hand and speak, and his answers often receive applause from everyone. Xiao Ang not only has good academic performance, but also writes well with a brush, so I have always regarded him as a competitor in my studies. At this moment, I think to myself: Although I have lost one competitor in my studies this semester, I must not relax in my studies. I must also work harder!

          Although we didnt have class today, the teacher still put forward many learning requirements to us, such as: completing homework seriously and on time, thinking more when encountering problems, learning to preview and review independently, and making a study plan for ourselves

          At noon, when I returned home, I silently thought to myself: In the new semester, I will set a new goal for myself and strive to surpass my classmates who perform better than me in my studies. Every day, I have to finish my homework well and write my words one by one. In class, one must focus on listening attentively, avoid making small gestures under the desk, actively answer questions raised by the teacher, and take good classroom notes to ensure that each subject is excellent. At home, I need to help my grandmother wash dishes, mop the floor, tidy up the room... I want to be an obedient, sensible, and not let my parents worry about my good child.

          In short, in the new semester, I want to be my best self! Come on, Xiaole!

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          On the first day of school, the red flag fluttered on the campus, and the bright sunshine brought us a good mood. The good omen and diary also indicate that our school will continue to develop healthily, stably, and orderly.

          Unfortunately, there are still some phenomena on our campus that do not match our school, among some of our classmates. For example, some classmates may have conflicts, not just seeking mutual care and coordination to solve them, but seeking revenge and leading to serious fights. At the beginning of the new semester, I would like to remind every student to re-examine themselves.

          Classmates, if you want to achieve good grades, you must study like a butterfly. At first, it was a crawling caterpillar. In order to fly, it first made a cocoon, confined itself inside, transformed into a pupa and completely transformed. After hard work, it will break free from its cocoon and soar freely in the air.

          Classmates, lets learn from butterflies. We accept all of this calmly, accept the warmth, richness, and fulfillment of high school life, and make it flourish and unforgettable for a lifetime.

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          Autumn has arrived, and the wheat is ripe. The weather has cooled down, and I have started school again.

          On the first day of school, when I walked into the gate of the campus carrying a backpack full of brand new stationery and books, my heart was filled with tension and unease. I was afraid that after a summer vacation, my classmates and teachers would become very unfamiliar. However, when I stepped into the classroom and faced familiar teachers and classmates, the tension and unease were swept away, as if I had not spent this long summer, everything remained unchanged.

          With the familiar sound of class is over!, the students walked out of the classroom and into the playground as usual. The girls gathered together to chat about the holiday, while the boys rushed into the playground and started playing. Everything is still the same as before, only the door number of the class and our quietly growing age have changed.

          The bell for lunch break rang, and as usual, I stood in line and walked out of the school gate. I had intended to enter the noodle shop that I often went to, but it had already closed down. I didnt feel disappointed, but instead took this as proof of the new semester, after all, there must be changes in the new semester!

          The lunch break quickly passed, and in the afternoon, I focused on listening to the class. I believe that I will pay close attention to every class this semester. Because I will give a beautiful answer sheet to the new semester, making it more perfect! New semester, Im here!

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          Today is the first day of school, and with joy on my back, carrying a brand new backpack and wearing a neat school uniform, I happily arrived at the school.

          As soon as I enter the school gate, I see the new environment on campus, shaded by green trees. The campus is very clean and tidy, and the plants in the biological garden are growing vigorously.

          Entering the classroom, I saw it boiling and bustling, and I saw my classmates talking about their holiday anecdotes all over the place. As I spoke, laughter surged one after another.

          A familiar figure appeared at the entrance of the classroom, with a smile on her face, sparkling eyes, dressed in neat teachers clothing, and proudly walked into the podium. She was our Teacher Zhong, and her kind smile seemed to have returned to the classroom of our Grade 6 high school.

          Firstly, Teacher Zhong greeted us with regards to whether we were happy or not during the summer vacation and the completion of our homework. Then, Teacher Zhong emphasized several things to us. Then, Teacher Zhong announced the textbook we were eagerly waiting for. After receiving it, we focused on reading the textbook.

          As the sun sets and the first day of school is about to end, the students have to reluctantly leave the classroom, but they will never forget this first day of school.

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          Today is the first day of the second semester of the first year of high school. The classmates woke up early in the morning, eager to meet their friends who hadnt seen them for a few weeks. I am no exception. My mother used to urge me in the morning, "Hurry up, youre going to be late!" Today, its my turn to say to my mother, "Hurry up, youre going to be late

          When I arrived at school, I found that many of my classmates had already arrived. I immediately found my seat and sat down. I found that my classmates have already talked about the happy time of winter vacation. After class, the teacher from Class Six talked to Teacher Chen about something, and for a while, the students had a lively conversation. A classmate asked me; What did you write in your winter vacation essay? "I said of my" Fire "and" If You Give Me Three Days of Light ". The students were dumbfounded at the sound. In just a few short weeks, a terrifying fire broke out upstairs in our house.

          After dinner, those of us who went out to eat would chat with great interest within a short distance from the class to the entrance.

          I havent seen you for a few weeks, thats all I want to say to my classmates. It can be seen from this that in just three years, our classmates have a deep emotional connection.

          I love your dear classmates, respected teachers, and never separated learning.

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          Our high school career has begun, and we have also started some different learning lives from before.

          With a new beginning, there will naturally be some changes. The original classroom no longer belongs to our class, we are in our first year of high school. So he willingly moved to a new classroom. The blackboard has changed from traditional black to dark green; The classroom is also brighter than before, with windows on both sides of the four walls; There are no longer rewards and learning sections on the wall that we used to be familiar with... There have also been significant changes in classmates. Of course, this not only means that the students have grown much taller.

          More importantly, due to various reasons such as high pressure and increasing psychological age, everyone no longer enjoys playing as much as they did in junior high school. But the habit of being talkative still hasnt changed. Everyone chatters incessantly, like friends they havent seen in years. Some say where they went during the vacation, some complain about being too busy during the vacation, some inquire about how they do their homework... Some even say to me, "I finally heard your voice again!" It seems that although the old problems have not changed, everyone is still ready to welcome the new semester with a new face. The new semester has begun, and the life record has been updated again.

          Everything has become the past, why bother to remember? They are just old files. At the beginning of the new semester, facing everything that is about to begin with a new face, leaving no regrets, and challenging old records is what we should and will do. Come on, lets showcase a new self together!

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          Today is the first day of school, and as I step into the gate of the campus again, it feels like a new beginning.

          At the school opening ceremony, we first met the new team counselor, Teacher Wang. She was small and dressed in simple and elegant clothes, giving people a sense of approachability. After she gave a brief self introduction to her classmates, it was my turn to give a presentation on the summer activities.

          I mainly introduced my experience and feelings as a "one yuan philanthropist" after experiencing Yunnan during this summer vacation. At first, I was a little nervous, my eyes fixed on the speech, carefully reading it, afraid of missing a word. When the class teacher showed the photos I took back in Yunnan to all my classmates on PPT, my confidence returned. It seemed like I was back in Yunnan, eating, working, and playing with my friends there

          During my time in Yunnan, I not only experienced many difficulties in life, but also learned a lot of gratitude towards life. When I expressed my feelings in Yunnan word for word and combined them with photos to show my classmates, I felt that they were also greatly shocked. I believe that my trip to Yunnan has brought many emotions and thoughts to everyone.

          I remember a saying: "A good beginning is half the battle." I believe that in the new semester, my classmates will also work harder and make progress like me! In the new semester, give the homeroom teacher and our parents a brand new look and start our new journey.

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          Today is the first day of school, and in the afternoon, the teacher announced that the school will hold an opening ceremony tomorrow.

          All the students hearts were tense, hoping for the ceremony to start soon, because they all wanted to have that glorious certificate. The four white large characters of the "Opening Ceremony" are pasted on the red cloth in the center of the second floor, with the podium below. The old locust tree in the center of the campus has become a loyal audience!

          Then, playing the national anthem, the solemn and majestic voice made a persons blood boil in their chest. Its time for Principal Li to give a speech, and the principal said with deep affection that today is a special day - the school opening ceremony. He told us about the study plan and requirements for teachers and students for this semester. Before the words fell, a burst of enthusiastic applause broke out on the stage.

          Next, it is time to read out excellent teachers. The exciting moment has finally arrived for the class and student list. The teachers name is like a mischievous child playing hide and seek with us, may we escape the "Five Finger Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha"? Although I failed in the exam, I am genuinely happy for the students who won the awards, and I will not be so easily discouraged.

          Todays school opening ceremony was successfully held, and finally, I wish all the students progress and happiness in the new semester.

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          Today is the first day of school, and I got up early in the morning. I dont want to be late for school on the first day and make people laugh. Brushing your teeth, washing your face, braiding your hair, organizing your backpack... The 10 minute task for winter vacation was completed in 4 minutes today. After breakfast, I took big steps and hurried to school.

          The school, which has been quiet for a winter vacation, is now bustling again. The school gate is bustling with traffic and people coming and going. The classroom presents a brand new look: some of the students have changed their hairstyles, tables and chairs have been replaced with new ones, and the windowsill is also filled with flowers.

          The opening ceremony is about to begin, and we all come to the playground, standing neatly. The principal gave us a lecture and talked endlessly about the great principles of life. Tick, tick... "In a blink of an eye, 15 minutes passed, and we were all standing with back pain and leg cramps. The principal finally finished speaking. We thought the ceremony was about to end, but to our surprise, another teacher came on stage and talked for a long time. So, a morning passed in a daze.

          In the afternoon, we had our favorite physical activity class, where we ran, played, and played various games without restraint... I got together with a few good friends and talked about interesting things during the winter vacation.

          This is my first day of school, a very special first day.

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          This morning, I woke up earlier than the alarm clock, maybe I was too excited. Why do you want to ask? Because today is the first day of school!

          The thought of seeing my dear teacher and classmates soon made me want to rush to school immediately. Despite the biting cold wind today, my excitement has long forgotten the cold.

          I walked briskly and joyfully to the school. As soon as you enter the gate, wow! Why is it so lively! Four cute calves waved and danced to the sound of drums. It must be the teacher dressed up and welcoming us. The principal warmly waved to the classmates. The papaya tree at the entrance of the school is still tall and straight, but the difference is that it is covered with red lanterns, like a festive and lively New Year.

          I walked into the classroom step by step. Many students have already arrived. A winter vacation has passed, and some of the students have grown taller, some have gained weight, and some have lost weight. Several students are chatting enthusiastically around the world, and they must be talking about interesting things that happened during the vacation.

          I looked up and saw the words lucky cow written on the blackboard. Eh? What does this mean? I was just thinking, and Teacher An walked into the classroom with a smile on his face. She told us that the meaning of lucky cow is: as long as you work hard, persist, and work hard, you can become a lucky cow. So it is! I also want to become a lucky cow this semester.

          After class, I found that the cherry trees on campus were blooming pink flowers, striving to grow and welcoming the arrival of spring. The new semester has begun, and I will also work hard like a little flower, studying hard, and blooming myself! Come on!

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          Today is the first day of school. We put on backpacks that we havent carried in a long time and started learning textbooks that we havent read in a long time.

          At the beginning of the class, the teachers did not simply go straight to the ground to teach new lessons. Instead, they like to "sharpen the knife and not miss the woodcutter" and first said some essential tools and precautions for learning, educating us to forget everything from the past, take back our hearts from the fun of the holiday, and then face learning with a new face.

          Among these speeches, I think the English teachers speech is the most philosophical. She didnt put in too much effort on precautions, but put in a lot of effort in moral education. She said that no matter how good your past grades are, they can only prove your past and cannot represent your future. She also encouraged students who did not do well in the exam: "If you fail an exam, it may be a lifelong failure, or it may be a mistake for a wise person. However, no matter what, it has become a thing of the past. As long as you are not bound by the past, seize the future, cherish your future learning time, and strive for the flower of success, you may be able to win." She also taught everyone: To capture the flower of success, one cannot do it without hard work. The flower of success is not easily obtainable. Bing Xin once said, The flower of success is often envied for its brilliance when it blooms. However, in the beginning, its buds were soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood and tears of sacrifice! These thoughtful and thought-provoking words made me feel at ease.

          In the future, I will work hard and work hard as the teachers say. Strive to achieve good results every time and step forward towards the flower of success.

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          Today is the first day of school, and it is also the first day for our teachers here to work. All these feelings have given me an impulse to write. Although I feel tired, I still want to express myself.

          The first feeling is one word: tired. Perhaps it was due to a loose holiday! I usually wake up naturally every morning, but this morning I had to adjust my alarm clock and wake up at six oclock. I went to school with a drowsy and tired state. Starting from 7 oclock, I had a concentrated meeting and registration, and was busy until 11:30 pm. In the afternoon, I continued to register. During the registration, I had a good opportunity to communicate with the parents of the students, and encouraged them to work hard in the new semester. I went to the instrument room to borrow teaching aids, and went to the teaching office to ask for teaching reference books... It was really like ants on the hot pot - they were spinning around, and after a whole day, I felt my bones were scattered, It may be a bit exaggerated, but its really tiring!

          Next is freshness. The school leaders renovated the doors and windows of the classroom during the summer vacation, and the flowers and trees on the campus were full of vitality. In the morning, stepping into the campus in the gentle breeze gave people a refreshing feeling, which was extremely comfortable!

          Once again, there is a sense of familiarity. A long summer vacation has passed, and today the leaders and teachers are gathered together again. Everyone is chatting and laughing together, looking at familiar but unseen faces, a sense of familiarity that has long been lost comes with them. Accompanied by their parents, the students came to the school to register one after another, with a hint of excitement, longing, and shyness on their faces. With a crisp "Hello teacher", this feeling is really sweeter than eating honey!

          On the first day of school, there are both excitement and longing, as well as a belief in hard work and progress. When I was preparing to start school, a friend sent me a blessing saying, "Im ready to start school and work. Pay attention to adjusting my mood. At the beginning, Im not used to it anymore. I wish you better this year than last year." Although my abilities are limited, I want to achieve a certain level of enthusiasm and success. Although I may be very busy and tired at work, I will make myself live a wonderful life amidst my busy schedule!

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          In the blink of an eye, we were about to start school again, and the colorful summer vacation was over again. In the morning, while still sleeping, I was awakened by a sudden alarm clock. I finally looked forward to this day. I immediately left my "treasure land" - bed and quickly had a delicious breakfast. I walked happily towards the warm campus.

          In a moment, it was time for the school I hadnt seen in two months, and the long-awaited classmates flew into the beautiful campus like a group of lively and lovely birds in high spirits. Our school is still so beautiful, with the morning sunshine and vibrant vitality. The soft green grass covers the green belt at the edge of the playground, and there are several large trees planted on it. These trees are thriving like us.

          I walked to last years classroom and everything in it was so familiar. There were many memories in it, and now I have to move to a new classroom, which I really cant bear to part with. When we arrived at our new class, we saw that the floor was spotless and the glass on the windows was clean and shiny. This was the precious time our class parents took out yesterday to clean it carefully for us. We should thank them for their hard work.

          After sitting in my seat, I looked around and found an old face missing - Wu Wenjie. I heard that he had transferred to another school. Although he was usually mischievous, he still had some emotions after getting along for a long time. Teacher Shi, who taught us mathematics, was also transferred to teach fourth grade. I miss them so much!

          During the break, Teacher Ling asked us boys to go downstairs to move books. We rushed downstairs in a hurry, and in the spacious and bright classroom, the teacher handed us new textbooks. I caressed the new textbook with both hands, looked at the shiny cover, smelled the fragrance of ink, and felt indescribable joy and emotion in my heart.

          Class is over, and I found that my classmates are all focused on listening to the teachers lectures. Its completely different from last year. Now, the class is very quiet, not as chaotic as before, like a vegetable market. No matter how the teacher shouts, it wont be quiet. It seems that my classmates have really grown up.

          As the saying goes, "No effort, no gain." Learning is a pleasant thing. We should be like sponges, strive to absorb knowledge from books, grasp the present, and only then can we have a beautiful future. Classmates, lets work harder and strive for greater progress in the new semester!

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          Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. A long summer vacation has passed, and a new semester has begun again. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we have entered a new and unfamiliar campus and embarked on our three-year journey of high school.

          In the past journey, we have had laughter and sunshine, which have become our eternal memories. Now, with a lock to lock it up, everything in front of us is new. Look! The new semester is beckoning to us. After the ups and downs of the past, we have encountered many opponents who want to defeat us. However, due to our perseverance, we have now steadily defeated them, so we have ultimately achieved success with our own strength.

          This time we have ushered in a new semester, and at each new starting point, each of us has an expectation: we hope to run faster and higher in this new semester, and we also hope that our future can be better. Therefore, I will definitely showcase my new plans to welcome the new semester in my longing for a better future. Also, make a good plan for your semester, so that you have a clear direction and goals. Of course, in the new semester, I will work harder than before to learn every subject well, and at the same time, I will change my learning attitude in terms of learning. I will listen attentively in class, not make small moves, and not disturb classroom discipline.

          As long as one believes in ones own abilities and believes that one can exchange ones efforts for ones gains. Learning is not a task at a certain stage of life, but a benefit. It is something I should do and must do well. At the same time, learning comes with a certain amount of pressure and hardship, but these hardships can enable us to learn knowledge that can be used for a lifetime. Therefore, it is absolutely difficult to experience the hardships of learning without suffering and experiencing setbacks in learning, and learning requires effort and struggle We need to bravely overcome setbacks in order to reap success. In success, we need to work hard, and behind success lies our hard work. Without cultivation, there is no gain, no effort, no gain. So it is even more important to cherish this precious time and enrich oneself, turning ones ideals into an unstoppable driving force!

          The mountain of books has a path of diligence, and the sea of learning is endless. Strive forward towards your goals and direction! The new semester has already come into our sight, starting our new journey and setting new sails! I will work hard and work hard. In the colorful school life, I should be a good charge for myself, so that I can fly higher in this new semester.

          Facing a new journey, there may be ups and downs, and I will surely overcome all difficulties, avoid all shallows, and ultimately reach the other shore of success.

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          Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. The cold winter has passed, and the cool spring has also arrived. The winter vacation has also come to an end. Today is everyones first day of school, with a sunny and sunny day.

          I got up very early this morning, and on the first day of school, no one wanted to leave a bad impression on the teacher.

          I walked from home to school full of energy all the way. Thinking to myself: From now on, I must boldly raise my hand to ask questions, boldly raise my hand to speak, boldly express our ideas... Be the "locomotive" of the class, and make everyones class more and more outstanding! New semester, new starting point. I must strive to learn common knowledge in various subjects, read more extracurricular books to enrich myself, and make every day full of color.

          Arriving at the classroom door, I felt very happy. Due to being very lonely during winter vacation, I am alone at home every day. When I arrived at school, I had teachers and classmates accompanying me to study diligently and play happily! Entering the classroom and arriving at the seat, looking at the table and chair, I remembered the happy learning scenes with my teachers and classmates before

          At this moment, the teacher came in. The students immediately sat upright. And then the teacher come to the laboratory, find the books from Class 3 of Grade 1 and start moving them separately. I moved Character and Life to the classroom on the fourth floor in one go, while the other students also moved the book back and forth until they finished. Everyone was sweating profusely, but their faces were still full of smiles.

          At the beginning of the English class, the students held their backs straight and placed their hands on the table, waiting for the teachers arrival. Suddenly, a teacher entered. The students thought that the teacher had entered the wrong classroom, but the original English teacher had been replaced. Since then, the new teacher has been teaching everyone English. I truly deserve to be an English teacher. During and after a class, I teach everyone in English. Some students may not understand, but the teacher carefully explains in Chinese first and then speaks English again until everyone understands.

          In the afternoon, there was a computer class. When the students heard the class bell, they immediately picked up "Information and Technology" and rushed to the computer room. The computer repair teacher said that the computer is broken and cannot be accessed. The students had to return to the classroom disappointed. After a while, the computer teacher came to the classroom, and everyone looked at the teacher in surprise, feeling really strange - how was it from the past? English teacher! It turns out that in the future, computer classes will be taught by this former English teacher, and everyones hearts are filled with joy!

          A new beginning will definitely have a new end, I believe I will get better and better! It takes double effort and dedication to have a complete ending!

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          Today is the first day of school, and I came to school with a backpack on my back in high spirits. The flowers and grass in the school seem to be smiling at me and saying, School is starting. I wish you good health and progress in your studies!!

          Firstly, we came to the playground for the flag raising ceremony. After the flag raising ceremony, we all returned to the classroom. During the class meeting, Teacher Chen said to us: "In the new semester, we need to study diligently. I wish our classmates all the best in their studies. The teacher also praised 20 classmates in the class, and I am glad to be rated as a "Three Good Students" and an active member of the second class. At the same time, I also received a certificate of commendation that ranked second in the total score of Chinese and mathematics at the end of last semester. With these three certificates, I feel very happy in my heart, as sweet as honey. I am determined to work harder and strive for better grades in the future.

          On the first day of school, I had a very happy and joyful time.

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          Today is the first day of school, but in fact, I woke up early in the morning and waited for school. I have reorganized all my summer homework myself, as well as the health commitment letter printed by my mother. I also pasted my class and name on my water glass.

          After lunch, my mother let me sleep for a while, which made me more energetic to go to school. As I arrived at school, I suddenly felt a bit confused. My mother forgot everything she had told me at home and asked me to go to the second floor to find a class. I ran to the sixth floor and immediately ran downstairs to find my own class. After running around, I finally found my own class. On the first day of today, the children may be quite excited! Its always noisy, but I always obediently hold my arms and sit on my seat. Occasionally, the teacher would let us lie down on the table and rest for a while! Thats how we spent the afternoon!

          In the afternoon, my aunt came to pick me up and my brother after school, and I went to her house with her. After dinner, we waited to watch CCTVs "First Lesson of School". The doctors, grandparents, and uncles inside deeply touched me. At this moment, I am inspired to grow up and want to become a doctor, so that more sick people can be safe and healthy! I hope I can also contribute to society!

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          On the first day of the new semester, we heard that we were about to change teachers.

          We are in a very hopeful mood, guessing which teacher will lead us towards our own dreams on the occasion of another Teachers Day?

          The class bell finally rang, and we sat in our seats. The classroom was silent, staring intently at the entrance, waiting for our teacher to appear.

          Suddenly, a tall and slender teacher with a ponytail walked in. He introduced himself to us with a smile and a sweet voice. So this is our new teacher - Teacher Ren.

          From then on, we saw Teacher Ren often with a smile on his face, curved eyebrows and eyes, and relaxed smile lines, and we felt very warm and friendly, without any sense of distance from us.

          Listening to the sound of your lecture, watching the way you lecture, listening attentively to your teachings, and watching you write chalk on the blackboard with your body on your back, I have a very respectful feeling in my heart. I must listen carefully to the teachers lectures, help the teacher do what I can, and share the teachers work more.

          Under the diligent cultivation of your knowledge, we must all grow and become pillars of our country.











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