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      2. 五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文

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        五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文(精選10篇)

          在學習、工作或生活中,大家都跟作文打過交道吧,作文是一種言語活動,具有高度的綜合性和創(chuàng)造性。怎么寫作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小編精心整理的五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文,歡迎大家借鑒與參考,希望對大家有所幫助。

        五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文(精選10篇)

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 1

          Patriotic movement Youth Day origin of the May 4, 1919 outbreak in Beijing China people against imperialism, feudalism. In 1914 the outbreak of the first World War, Japan's excuse to declare war on Germany, captured Qingdao and Jiaoji railway line, take control of Shandong, Germany in Shandong occupied various rights and interests. In 1918 the end of the war, the defeat of germany. In January 18, 1919, the victors held "peace conference in Paris".

          The government of Beijing and the Guangzhou military government coalition Chinese delegation, to participate and will be victorious, proposed to abolish the powers of the privileges in China, the abolition of the Japanese imperialists made with Yuan Shikai's "Twenty-one" unequal treaties, the right to demand the return of Shandong during World War II from Germany to take in hand. And Paris will be manipulated by imperialist powers, not only refused to China requirements, but also in Germany and some provisions, the privilege of Germany in Shandong, all transferred to japan. The Beijing government was prepared to sign the "peace treaty", which has aroused strong opposition China people.

          The afternoon of May 4th, more than 3000 students from Peking University, higher normal school and other thirteen schools, broke through the police to obstruct the party before the meeting speech, after a demonstration, put forward "outside the sovereignty dispute, in addition to traitor", "cancel twenty-one", "refused to sign the treaty" and other slogans, also called for punishment Japanophile Cao Rulin Zhang Zongxiang, Lu Zongyu. The parade Lane toward the East, the embassy Yanbu was blocked, then went to the home floor alley Cao Rulin homes. Students into caodu, Cao Rulin rushed into hiding, it is Zhang Zongxiang by students beaten, Cao Zhaiye burned, police arrested more than 30 students. Beijing student strike, protest the national electricity.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 2

          Youth Day in the People‘s Republic of China is on May 4. It was established in December 1949 by the Government Administration Council to commemorate the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. This day is known as May Fourth Movement,Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement (1917–21)。

          In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism.

          On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijing‘s students against the Versailles Peace Conference‘s decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan.

          After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and refuse to have anything to do with of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany.

          The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 3

          The classmates! Today is May 4 "May 4th youth day!"

          Let me to explain what it is a holiday! The May 4th youth day: for the early years of the republic of China and the festival of the People's Republic of China, is a memorial on May 4, 1919 outbreaks of the may fourth movement and set up. It comes from China's anti-imperialist patriotic "the may fourth movement" in 1919, the May 4th patriotic movement is a thorough opposition to imperialism and feudalism patriotic movement. Is the beginning of the Chinese new-democratic revolution.

          Today told the school teacher to organize all the schools to "martyrs monument" worship offering there! We walk together hand in hand in the past, to the destination after our serious solemnly to bow to the front of the "monument", the teacher organization we want everyone to a bow, and let each person to send a flower, we listened to the shock of the national anthem, the in the mind have a kind of very exciting! We worship offering everyone sitting on the ground after listening to the teacher explained the militia and the situation of our country, we all listen to the class very seriously, even common attention not too seriously classmates today is particularly serious.

          After we finish listen to my heart has not said out of grief and respect! Teenagers to new China, fear no sacrifice, the spirit of not afraid of blood. We really want to good good study!

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 4

          The May 4th youth day.

          people often talked about our old subei always feeling great. subei earth, are a beautiful and magical land, our region has yanfu at the history of the chinese revolution had left a glorious chapter. army horse , the land side, once for the chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price. after new china was founded, the people here with their own hands, with people subei diligence and wisdom, so that their homeland has undergone enormous changes. speaking of all this, our hearts are always filled with pride. however, we should also see that here with the motherland when pared to other developed regions have a large gap between the individual places where poverty has yet to be further management. here is the economy as a whole have to be further off. us, as subei youth, first of all should feel what? calligonum duty, duty should be felt. "health is my land, take care of me are this piece of land." we loved this piece of land at the foot. we have to assume the construction of homeland, prosperous homeland responsibility.

          in my homeland, there is a father with my peers. he is nationally renowned for its rural technology iron man. him based on farmland, tirelessly studied the wheat, cotton, how to land on the homeland can have higher output. when his research has made the preliminary results, the cancer again and again to hit him. he did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the agrocybe visited farmers at home. tireless efforts, he produced the fine varieties have been promoted by the popularity of plant technology, grain output increased peasant hands wele such agricultural members. put him as the "agricultural iron man." he is our example of good old youth. last year, his swearin.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 5

          Five four youth day is to commemorate the May 4, 1919Chinese patriotic student movement and the establishment of the festival. In order to inherit and carry forward the " five four" Chinese youth movement since the glorious revolutionary tradition, in 1939, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region of the Northwest China Youth Federation set May 4th as the youth festival.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 6

          What is the spirit of the May 4th? Considered to be patriotic, democracy and science, some think is to emancipate the mind, continuous innovation, some think it is rational spirit, personality liberation, some think it is brave to explore, the pursuit of truth, some think it is worn out new revolution or change, some think it is thorough anti-imperialist and anti-feudal, and so on. These arguments are justified, in fact is linked to.

          Patriotism is the source of the may fourth spirit, democracy and science is the core of the may fourth spirit, have the courage to explore, dare to innovation, emancipate the mind, the change is put forward and the way to achieve democracy and science, rational spirit, personality liberation, anti-imperialist and anti-feudal is content of democracy and science. And all these, the final purpose is to revitalize the Chinese nation. Therefore, the memory of the may fourth movement, carries forward the spirit of the May 4th, should combine these aspects, strive for the revitalization of the Chinese nation.

          In a word, the may fourth spirit represents honest, progressive, positive, free, equal, creative, beautiful, kind, peace, love and mutual assistance, labor and pleasant, society as a whole continuum of happiness.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 7

          Some people say that youth is a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.

          80 years ago, in order to expel darkness for light, for an independent homeland and the rich and powerful, a group of high-spirited youth with blood and lives to write the song the most magnificent song of youth, drawn on a most magnificent picture of the youth.

          Today, "54" Sports as a glorious page has been included in the annals of the Chinese nation. However, "54" is much more than just a historical case, it is a spirit, to show young people of our nation fiery love for the future and destiny of the country concerned about the performance of duty and mission of young people.

          Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the "54" the spirit of thinking seriously, and they should have a kind of youth, what kind of life. Recall that the initial start Know "54" is a history lesson from the primary and secondary

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 8

          Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement . In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism.

          On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijings students against the Versailles Peace Conferences decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan. After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and refuse of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany. The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 9

          Dear leaders, teachers: Hello! I am Li Chunyu, who is five years old. Today, the topic of my speech is "inheriting the spirit of the May 4th, striving for national pillars. " With the hard breeze, with the warmth of the silk. Five Four Youth Day, accompanied by the footsteps of spring. People will not forget the "May 4th " patriotic movement of the era, will not forget the pioneers who raise the national banner, create the national independence and the new era of the ethnicity, will not forget the peak fire of the revolutionary war, will not forget, Truth and throwing the heating of the blood! In the eyes of the father, we are a scent under the new social chief in the national flag. It is the tender seedlings in the greenhouse. We don't know what we do under superior conditions. But today, I want to say that although we grow under superior conditions, we have a bloody heart like a hot blood.

          Remember that the 13-year-old girl is 13 years old in the 5.12 earthquake? She realized that she has already taken the earthquake, not rapidly escape, but ran into the dormitory, wakes more than more than ten students from the bed from the bed, but they lose the best escape time, pressed in the ruins Down. After 50 hours, she was rescued with the help of rescuers with huge desires and amazing perseverance.

          He Cuiqing is the last rescued student in the Miya Middle School. Since the weight is extruded with the muscle tissue necrosis, he will never lose the right leg. The reporter asked the strong girl "Do you regret it? " She said with his head and said: "Do not regret, regret is that I have not rescued more students. " When the 3-year-old little boy was still rescued, he didn't forget the hard-moving right hand to save his armed police uncle salute. The move of the little hero is not only our example, but also proves that we are not a peony in the greenhouse. We can do winter plums in front of the disaster, independent in the cold. Our delicateness is because the motherland is rich, social stability.

          Our motherland has entered a new historical period, revitalizing China's responsibility, has fallen to us, "May 4 " Torch is glorious to us. Once it faces difficulties, we can stand in difficult frontiers, wind and break the waves, and go forward. Every year, there are characteristics of one year. Maybe we have no fathers and hard work, and diligent. But we pioneered innovative and confident quality without losing them. We have a grateful heart like it. Thanks to the parent's raising, the teacher's careful cultivation, we touched the teacher in front of the night to change the figure in front of the window, touched the wisdom of the teenagers in the disaster area, maybe we grow delicate under the wings of the parents, but today, this is full of this The passionate festival I want to shout through the world, as long as we give us a chance, we can radiate the light, give us a sky, we can directly rush!

          The spirit of the May 4th is a banner. May 4th spirit will never live, we remember the performance of the May 4th Pioneers and review the hardships of the Chinese people through the whole century. As a contemporary young team should adhere to the national spirit, holding high five or four torches, shouldering is responsibility. Let the May 4th spirit spread through every corner of the world. In the future, students let us use knowledge and sweat.Water, with full enthusiasm, go to create, create, to hug a better tomorrow.

          五四青年節(jié)的Youth Day英語作文 10

          Boys and girls, do you remember this historic day on May 4, 1919? Remember square before the party more than 3000 students in Beijing? Remember "fire zhaojialou community, beating ZhangZongXiang" scene? On May 4, 90 years ago a group of extremely excited deeply touched, Beijing students chanted "to punish kleptocratic inside outside our sovereignty," "article 21 cancel traitors" "back to the Qingdao" slogans such as "refused to sign the contract", held a huge demonstrations.

          This is a profound great patriotic movement, thought liberation movement and new culture movement. Our ancestors used their youth, their passion wrote a heroic piece of music, in history left a part of a pen. On this day, were identified as the May 4th youth day. Another youth day, we stand here, to celebrate our youth. We had the privilege of living in an era of peace, an age of happiness. Here we have the most beautiful youth. Youth is wonderful, youth is short. She may be just a post of your life, but even if she like fleeting meteor, we also try to let her become a brilliant flashes, light our life. Not afraid of hardship, dare to struggle, than the sky. Youth is not regret, once read in a book a depicts the story took place in the years of youth, and how many people in doubts

          We should not let the youth regret.

          If you want to the youth without regret, you must learn to grasp today. Youth poetry:

          The youth blossom flowers, let me tired but I do not regret.

          The four seasons of rain snow flying, but let my memories and gaunt.

          . How many yesterday is past, tomorrow's out of reach, only seize today can calmly look back at the past, confident hope in the future.

          In high school, is an important milestone in our life. We know that the wind and rain will make us strong, setbacks can make we don't become strong. Mature thought and noble quality, from the baptism of wind and rain and life of hone, we have to brave in the face of mountain, and enjoy the beautiful sceneryof the summit, facing the future, for the glory of life, so as to reflect the value of life, the meaning of life, rushes out their own piece of heaven and earth.

          The college entrance examination will be one of the biggest turning point in our life. But we will accept. Because we will all savings strength to meet the challenge of it. Because we will grasp every today, our youth without regret.

          High school is also the most cherished. Our high school, young, high-spirited. We cherish and love, cherish affection, life step solid every step for the future. We hold every minute in life, experience the wonderful life, build up our strength, for only one day to spread your wings and fly, fly higher and further the sky.

          Youth is a beautiful song, how many stories was born in the song, eventually interweave memorable melodies. Youth not eternal, but can not regret.

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