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      2. 和平英語作文

        時(shí)間:2024-06-08 16:54:07 和平 我要投稿





          International Day of Peace September 21st In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 20xx, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace. The Assembly declared that the Day be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day. It invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.Peace Day for Young People at the United NationsSince 1997, the World Peace Prayer Society has assisted the United Nations Department of Public Information in producing a program for New York school children at UN Headquarters, including a World Peace Flag Ceremony. On Sept. 23, 20xx, this program included greetings by Mrs. Nane Annan, Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor, and a videoconference with children in five countries that had recently experienced war.International Day of Peace VigilThe goal of the International Day of Peace Vigil is: "To encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, 21 September, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world."This Vigil is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual observances in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. Support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 September.The World Peace Festival Celebrating the International Day of PeaceThis year, the annual World Peace Festival in Amenia, NY, will be held on Sunday, September 21, 20xx. The Festival, always a joyful multi-cultural gathering of music and dance, activities for children, and a magnificent World Peace Prayer Ceremony with the flags of all nations, will serve as a focal point for festivities worldwide honoring the International Day of Peace.


          War and Peace

          Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome.While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know

          that there hasn‘t been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars?

          To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. It also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropy and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.



          要將戰(zhàn)爭的可能性降至最低程度,我有兩點(diǎn)建議:首先,必須落實(shí)教育,以去除人性中的殘酷與;知識源于教育,同時(shí)也是通往智慧較穩(wěn)當(dāng)?shù)腵一條路。智慧使我們明辨是非,同時(shí)也教導(dǎo)我們自制與容忍。 自制與容忍乃防止任意殺戮和破壞的兩條有效途徑。另一帖良方是宗教。世界上大部分的宗教主張博愛與寬恕,而博愛與寬恕可化解仇恨和報(bào)復(fù)。因此,教育和宗教相輔相成,能夠?qū)⒁靶U人轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)槲拿魅恕S辛酥腔酆蛺,全體人類定當(dāng)厭惡戰(zhàn)爭、擁抱和平。


          Our world today is faced with many major threats. The most dangerous threat of all is war. Each war starts for a particular reason, but there are a number of steps countries can take to prevent its outbreak.

          On main reason for war is the difference in ideology. In order to control the world, capitalist countries never stop trying to tam over the communist governments. Land ownership is also a reason that countries declare wars on their neighbors. For example, if oil is found on the land in one country, that land may be claimed by another country, for historical reasons, and the latter is likely to declare war in order to recover the land containing oil.

          To prevent the mutual slaughter of human beings, countries shouldtry to solve their differences through international organizations such as the United Nations or by other peaceful means. In addition, the world people should never stop condemning those warmongers and send them to their graves if they dare launch new wars.


          When I was very small, my grandpa liked to tell me his tough year and I liked to listen to him.

          At that time, wars were everywhere, people ran away for keeping alive. My grandpa was so hungry all the time because he had no food to eat.

          People had the very hard life before the found of new China. Today, Chinese economy develops so fast, we live the good life, we are no longer struggle for the hunger. Thanks to our great predecessors, they build the road for us.

          We enjoy the peaceful life and I know it is not easy to achieve.

          My grandpa educates me not to waste the food and I keep his words in my mind. Peace is the main theme of today’s world, we can chase our dreams and enjoy our life, but we must remember the contribution which is from our predecessors.






          Human war is endless, the Chinese along with the smoke of war, also came up. While we love peace, war can and can not stop coming ... ...

          Cloud shortage of land, deserted, this is the ancient battlefield. Looking back at ancient years, after much hurried retreat, we - the long history of survivors. Here was a prosperous city, but that war is inevitable, in order to seek an interest in the rulers, at launching a campaign to mobilize millions of soldiers and war. With the advent of the war, the people's homes were destroyed, the people's money can not be guaranteed, people's lives have been mercilessly deprived of ... ... wives and children, family members dead.

          Old saying: Kill a thousand, loss of soldiers 800. Can be a knowing, behind victory in the war, both sides paid a heavy price, this price is that the living and countless, bloody naked life ah!

          War! You drown in the dark outline. War! Ism in the end you are what confuse pale. Peach out to see what results, people look more desolate than the moon light.

          Peace, thousands of years, see through your lost soul, could not guess ... ...


          We love peace, we don't like war, but in this world, guns, guns, explosions, far more than the sound of firecrackers and salute sound. We are against the war, don't like war is for the war days of gunfire licks the heavens. Are everywhere. Smoke cigarette a large, not only pollutes the air and the ozone layer, but also let a lot of people lost their lives, bereavement, loss of homes. In the biosphere of plant, animal and is scanty.

          Now that the war is lost, but in China, the war has become almost homely food, let the people can live and work in peace, every day be always on tenterhooks life . This is not only so, if cause destruction to both sides, it is let the human has to pay a heavy price. On the battlefield, everywhere bloody one, shed blood like water, too terrible. We don't want the world people to kill each other, do not want to let the people of all nations is arch-criminal, we love peace, longing for peace.


          In the modern world, peace and development have bee two major themes. But some areas in the world are still involved in wars. Take the ongoing lraqi War for example.

          The war is hurting people's welfare. So people all over the world pay a lot of attention to these issues.

          People usually pare wars to disasters. They are right because wars often bring about not only great harm to people but also a lot of waste of wealth.

          During wartime, people's lives bee so miserable that they don't have enough food to eat and no shelter to live in.

          And in destroyed cities, the residents find themselves homeless all of a sudden, in addition, if a country wants to win a war, it has to spend a lot of money on both arms and armed forces.

          Then there is very little money left to develop its economy. Even if the country wins the war, it is still difficult for it to recover from the damage of the war.

          In a word, whether the world can develop steadily depends on whether the world is at peace.

          So peace and development are still hot topics in the world. I am sure that the majority of people who love peace will appeal for a world without war.


          As you all know, the war is horrible and hated. In the history of China, there was a history that has been forgotten by the Chinese people so far, that is, nine of the war of resistance against Japan for eight years.

          During the war of resistance against Japan, the Japanese invaders made the Nanjing massacre that shocked the world. In the Nanjing massacre, the Japanese aggressor troops massacred more than three hundred thousand of the Chinese people, what a shocking number! The total number of a small country equivalent to an African region.

          For decades, although China is now in a state of peace, there are still many countries in the world that still smoke the smoke of the war. In 20xx, in the Olympic Games in China, only one athlete came from Iraq, and none of the athletes came to China. Why is this? This is because many athletes' countries are still at war, some of them are running out of the enemy's blockade line, and they are unfortunately killed when they come to China to participate in the Olympic Games. Others are restricted by the state, unable to compete in China. This is the hateful part of the war. The war made people killed, their wives and children; the war made people more poverty, disease frequently; students can not make war Study hard in the bright and spacious classrooms, not happy to spend his childhood, light of heart from care.

          Although we can not stop the war, but we can cherish the wonderful time, now Study hard, grow up to become a brave and strong peacekeeping team, to defend world peace, let all the countries in the world have no war; let the world have solidarity, live together in this beautiful home in the earth.

          So, we should love peace and oppose war!



          You must be familiar with autumn, right? Autumn is the beautiful season, peace square is the beautiful scenery, green flowers and grass, green twigs and grass, as if to say: "autumn has not arrived!" To the south of peace square, there are rows of green trees. When the sandstorm comes, the soldiers in this row seem to be defending us. The trees in the center have no leaves, which shows that autumn is coming secretly. The lotus in the middle of Mochou Lake and peace square has withered. It's a vast expanse. At night, it's like a happy world. Some people jump happily Dance, and some people are enjoying it, it is incomparable happiness...


          Once, again and again, never end.

          War, the evil demon of the world, has a bloody mouth full of bedbugs, and the greedy eyes squeeze the black hole's eyes out of the dark eyes. I kneel down, or resist, only to Kang jump, began to seek martyrs' life.

          I am in the dark, for peace of the shadow, but always there is a movie back to the sun without shadow. In my dreams, seek peace song, can the dream is always silent, the sound will return to reality.

          I am tired of the sun, and continue to look for the shadow of peace in the dark. I'm tired of reality, continue to explore peace in a dream song.

          Peace, a distant place, is the horizon that I can't get to. War, a world of cruelty, is the misty palace where I can't escape.

          In my dream, I saw my tears as dead as I could, and I couldn't see it in a moment. But still can't escape the cage.


          Throughout the ages, this world war is always constant。 In our China, Qing Dynasty from the summer to change, for a number of rulers? How many times after the war? But who are the real victims?

          War, not only means a winning or losing the game, as well as tears, blood, pain and joy。 Tears, in the flow of people lost loved ones in war out; blood, martyrs who die on the battlefield is the flow out; pain, is a national decline from prosperity to the nation's pain; and joy, is the successful expression。 People do not want war, but can themselves lead to war, Why? Can expand their territory to do? To the people's happiness? No, no。 To their desires, to their ambitions。 Xing, the people suffer; death, the people suffer。

          World War II, Yes, it is very intense。 But please think about this fierce war, the result of what is it? It is not enough for people to give warnings? However, as time goes by, the painful history has been forgotten, and also have the pain。 Nanjing Massacre, Mukden Incident, Pearl Harbor ...... ...... sort of war, which is not full of smoke, no parting, no pain despair it?

          People sincerely from the heart cry out one word - peace。 Peace can be painful into joy, peace smoke into the sky can be blue skies。

          We love peace, we need peace。


          I believe everyone is eager for comfortable, peaceful life and hating wars. So the United Stations decide to set up an International Day of peace. It falls on the third Tuesday of September every year, aiming at celebrating the day that the global realize ceasefires and non-violence. Its symbol is a flying dove. It represents peace. This festival is the day for people from all walks of life.

          The international community including the United Nations has made uemitting efforts for the realization of regional stability and world peace over the years. However, nowadays, War, terrorism, regional conflicts and other forms of violence hostile activities still exist.

          It is a long way to go for people to realize the real peace ideal. So everyone should make contribution for their common dream. Only with the effort of all people in the world, they can realize their dream one day. I have confidence in it.


          On August 28, 1937, it should be her happiest day, because they will visit the outer grandmother of her else. But her parents stepped into the train door, and the back stepped into the ghost door.

          When they first took the train, they listened to someone shouting: "Aircraft, plane ..." Then it is the thunder of the rumbling, and then it is the explosion of the daily bombing, which is a heavy bomb that the Japanese devil's bomber is cast ...

          They are in bustling The railway station exploded, and they explode in a dense population ... At that moment, her parents became the victim of war, and her, and her grandfather forever; at that moment, her parents did their last love, Through her safety zone; at that moment, she was fortunate to live, but she couldn't see her parents.

          I couldn't see her grandparents ... She, very small, will not speak. Will not yell. But her cry is the most loud call: she calls the peace of this world. She, very small, maybe not know, but she knows that her father and mother should not say goodbye to her; she also knows that her grandfather should only be happy, but I can't see her.

          Children and granddaughters ... Yes, all this is because of the hateful war, let us live in the peaceful teenage children in peace, call the orphans in the photo: Let each family can be happy, let Every child can smile full; let the war never look at the earth, let the peace forever ...

          Let the tragedy will not repeat.


          It is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war started.On September 11,20xx,the Twin Towers in New York as well as parts of the Pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made George Bush declared to fight the country’s enemies.It was said that Iraq still possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to the country by the UN to find the clues.Though no evidence was found, America still wanted to go to war with Iraq and the main target is Sadam Hussein. The war was just like the quiet battle between France and China in 1800s.It was said that a relation of Sadam betrayed him.I think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family fight. It is related to so many victims’ inrerests . As a leader, one must always think for all the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.


          In the modern world, peace and development have become two major themes. But some areas in the world are still involved in wars. Take the ongoing lraqi War for example.

          The war is hurting people's welfare. So people all over the world pay a lot of attention to these issues.

          People usually compare wars to disasters. They are right because wars often bring about not only great harm to people but also a lot of waste of wealth.

          During wartime, people's lives become so miserable that they don't have enough food to eat and no shelter to live in.

          And in destroyed cities, the residents find themselves homeless all of a sudden, in addition, if a country wants to win a war, it has to spend a lot of money on both arms and armed forces.

          Then there is very little money left to develop its economy. Even if the country wins the war, it is still difficult for it to recover from the damage of the war.

          In a word, whether the world can develop steadily depends on whether the world is at peace.

          So peace and development are still hot topics in the world. I am sure that the majority of people who love peace will appeal for a world without war.


        關(guān)于和平的英語作文 世界和平03-23



        和平的生活 Peaceful Life-英語作文07-19

        英語作文:戰(zhàn)爭與和平War and Peace03-31


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