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      2. 保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文

        時(shí)間:2024-03-29 09:15:11 玉華 海洋 我要投稿




          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 1

          In the distant universe, there is a blue planet that is our home - Earth. And the source of life on Earth is that vast and boundless ocean. The ocean not only provides us with abundant food resources, but also serves as an important tool for regulating the global climate, and is a home for countless organisms to survive. However, todays oceans are facing unprecedented threats.

          Pollution is a major problem facing the ocean. Industrial wastewater, household waste, pesticide residues, and other pollutants are continuously discharged into the ocean, leading to a continuous decline in seawater quality. This not only damages the living environment of marine organisms, but also poses a threat to human health. In addition, overfishing has also led to the depletion of marine resources, causing many rare fish and marine organisms to be on the brink of extinction.

          In order to protect the ocean, we must take practical and effective measures. Firstly, the government should strengthen the supervision of pollution sources and strictly control the discharge of industrial wastewater and household waste. At the same time, promote environmental protection concepts, raise public awareness of environmental protection, and make everyone aware of the importance of protecting the ocean.

          Secondly, we should make reasonable use of marine resources and avoid overfishing. Scientific fishing policies can be formulated to limit fishing quantities and methods, ensuring the sustainable utilization of marine resources. In addition, it is possible to develop marine pastures and increase the number of marine organisms through artificial breeding to meet human needs.

          Finally, we need to strengthen international cooperation and jointly address marine protection issues. The ocean is global, and pollution from any country can affect other countries. Therefore, countries should strengthen cooperation, jointly formulate marine protection policies, and jointly address issues of marine pollution and ecological damage.

          The ocean is the source of life on Earth and also our common home for humanity. Lets work together to protect the heart of this blue planet - the ocean. Only in this way can we ensure the ecological balance of the earth and leave a beautiful home for future generations.







          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 2

          Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

          I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.Its easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

          I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

          We must act now before it is too late!





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 3

          Several problems are caused by the non-organic substance. We ought not to pour wastes into the ocean, because it not only pollutes the ocean, but also lead to a series of harmful consequence. First and foremost, the non-organnic things, for instance, plastic bags, may kill fish and whales. Second, fishes cant digest them. Finally, some of the rubbish is inherently toxic, they will posion marine life.

          We must take actions to protect our whale from dying. One thing we should do is creating a better system of disposing of rubbish. Another effective solution is making ships environmentally friendly. Sypermarkets shall stop the giving of plastic bags.

          As a captain of the ship, you should spare no efforts to think more helpful ideas and stop dumping rubbish from now on. We all need to raise awareness of these problems. It now becomes necessary that we must act now, before it is too late!




          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 4

          Today,I saw a shop was selling the coral when I walk on the street.I was very angry.Perhaps many people still dont know that selling coral is illegal abroad expect in Indonesia.Because Indonesia is so poor that it has to earn money through digging and selling the coral,which accuse many marine organisms have to move from their home-ocean.As you known,if coral leave the ocean which they adapt,they might die.Thats why I feel so angry.

          Please try our best to protect the marine organisms.They are also our friends!



          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 5

          The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, reduction and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day.

          So the protection of the marine is extremely important.



          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 6

          Ocean, what is the ocean and how is the ocean?

          The ocean has abundant resources and is rich in salt. But what about us? We casually litter in the ocean, small rivers, streams... the ocean becomes very dirty.

          At night, I had a dream where the ocean was polluted and turned black, becoming very terrifying. At this moment, the ocean spoke. "You despicable humans, look how dirty you have made me. I was originally very beautiful, and many people came to see me, but now, now?" The ocean cried sadly. I couldnt help but think of the small river at my doorstep, which is filled with garbage every day and extremely dirty.

          We should protect the ocean from pollution.





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 7

          My hometown Chaolian Island is a very beautiful place. I often go to the beach to play, and my favorite thing is to pick seashells on the beach with my brother and sister.

          Grandpa said that there used to be many seashells, but we have been fishing in large quantities year after year and generation after generation. Now, there are fewer and fewer seashells, and there are not as many as before. The seawater used to be very clear, but now factories discharge a lot of wastewater, so the seawater is not as clear as before, and even there are fewer fish in the sea.

          I asked my grandfather, "Will there be this beautiful Chaolian beach in more than a decade? Can we still come here to pick up seashells?" My grandfather said, "As long as we protect the sea together, no longer pollute the sea, and dont eat all the fish and seashells, then there will be such a beautiful sea in the future. We can still come to this beautiful Chaolian beach to pick up seashells."

          I want to tell my dad, mom, and classmates to protect the sea together when I go back.





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 8

          Children, have you ever seen the ocean? The azure sea water is extremely beautiful! The ocean accounts for 70% of the Earths surface area, with endless views and abundant seafood, making it a precious treasure of humanity.

          But now the ocean has been polluted to varying degrees: first, sewage enters the ocean, second, garbage enters the ocean, third, oil and other pollutants pollute seawater, and so on. The pollution in the coastal areas is very serious, and some fish have become extinct. For example, in the Bohai and Yellow Seas areas of China, 150 species of organisms have become extinct within 20 years; Coastal pollution in the United States renders 490000 hectares of beach shells inedible; Marine pollution also directly affects the quality of salt, and peoples consumption of salt is inevitably affected. If we dont take measures to protect the ocean, humanity will be punished by nature.

          Classmates, lets take active action to protect the earth and the ocean. May our lives be better and our oceans be more beautiful!




          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 9

          On the weekend, my mother took us to Ocean World, and the one that left the deepest impression on me was the sea turtle.

          Turtles are very cute, with a big ingot head, they are so cute! Its limbs are like oars, swaying and swaying in the water, and in this way, its body swims up and down, as if dancing in an out of sync square dance. Turtles are reptiles that lay eggs on land. The male has a long tail, which is half of its body length. Turtles mainly feed on fish, seaweed, and other nutrients. Turtles are still second level protected animals in China!

          I saw many turtles in the turtle pond at the aquarium. They were so cute, but I saw some bad behavior from children. For example, when using a small stick to play with the head and back of a sea turtle, someone stopped them and they continued to play with the turtle, causing them to look very embarrassed.

          Seeing these, I think of our little turtle at home. I think we must protect marine animals, especially national protected animals. In the future, I will also be more concerned about little turtles.





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 10

          The ocean is one of the most spectacular landscapes on Earth. Because he also contains many endless secrets that require us to constantly explore.

          The first time I came into contact with the sea was probably a few years ago, when I first saw such a magnificent scenery, the feeling in my heart suddenly arrived. Facing the sea, I have no sense of unfamiliarity, on the contrary, the feeling of familiarity seems particularly strong. The waves beat against the coast one after another, and groups of seabirds soar in the air, as if they are in a paradise - away from the noisy world, away from the crowded crowd. Life can be so quiet and beautiful!

          However, with the development in recent years, the ocean has become the biggest victim. Peoples one-sided pursuit of benefits completely disregards ecology and nature. From then on, the children could no longer see birds flying in the air or fish swimming in the water. But who should be blamed for all of this?

          No one can bear such a great responsibility! Because this is not just about individuals or a nation, it is closely related to the entire Earth. So, on behalf of all children, I want to say a word to adults, please protect our ocean!





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 11

          Cherish sea turtles and protect the ocean. We should start from ourselves, not killing sea turtles indiscriminately, and protect the ecological environment of sea turtles. Lets take action to ensure that aquatic wildlife such as turtles and humans coexist harmoniously under the same blue sky.

          The South China Sea is a breeding ground for sea turtles, and the abundant fishing resources in the Nansha area have been a traditional fishing ground for our ancestors to engage in fishing production. It is the Nansha that has nurtured us. In the past, we used to see sea turtles frequently, but now its hard to see their traces. The reason is simple: a small number of people, disregarding national regulations, indiscriminately hunt and kill sea turtles for personal gain, resulting in a significant reduction of sea turtles and facing a survival crisis. Sea turtles are friends of humans and very spiritual animals. They cherish the environment where people and animals coexist harmoniously, and maintain marine ecological balance. In order to protect the environment where sea turtles and our descendants live together, we should actively participate in the special action to protect the aquatic wildlife of sea turtles in the South China Sea and long-term efforts to protect the marine environment. We should not arbitrarily hunt or kill sea turtles, protect the ecological environment of sea turtles, and report any behavior of catching sea turtles to relevant local departments. We should fight against such illegal behavior and be an active advocate for protecting aquatic wildlife such as sea turtles.

          Friend, lets take action together, cherish turtles, and protect the ocean.




          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 12

          If the ocean could wash everyones heart like a shell, then there would be no creatures that would become extinct due to our human indiscriminate hunting and killing. The ocean is our mother, it created all things and was destroyed by the humans it created. Can this be considered a reward? No, this is not. What else can we do when black oil stains cover the ocean and black exhaust fills the sky? The ocean belongs to nature, does nature belong to us? We belong to the ocean, does the ocean also belong to us?

          What are we doing here? Is it indiscriminate killing for personal gain? Destroying for oneself? No, no, no. I dont believe we will destroy the ocean that created us, and I dont believe people will despair when the ocean disappears. Because everyone is selfish.

          Is it humanity that the ocean created us and then destroyed us?

          Although we are working hard to protect the environment, it is already too late, unless time goes back, unless a miracle occurs, unless everything starts over again. I believe we can bring the ocean back to its youth. We are the smartest intelligent creatures.

          Everyone, for the bright future of the ocean, and also for our own protection of the ocean.






          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 13

          The vast ocean, from azure to verdant, is beautiful and spectacular. The ocean is not just a beautiful scenery, it is also the hope for the future of humanity.

          Since ancient times, there has been a saying of relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on the sea to eat the sea. The sea has abundant treasures, which are inexhaustible and can be used up. People can obtain countless material wealth from the ocean.

          During drought, people can use the method of "desalination" to turn salty seawater into sweet fresh water; Resource scarcity means that people can obtain many minerals from the seabed and use the power of tides and waves to generate electricity; When space is sparse, people can build "underwater cities" on the seabed; When food is scarce, people can obtain salt and high protein products from the sea

          However, the ocean may not always be gentle, and if people frantically demand it, the ocean will also show a fierce side. At that time, people will not regret it in a hurry, and it will always be ourselves who suffer. So, we should love and protect the ocean!





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 14

          On a Saturday, my dad and mom went to the beach to play. From afar, I could smell a foul odor; Seeing the dark sea water; Various packaging bags and food boxes float in the sea... Marine creatures are covered in oil and will soon die.

          Do you remember before, when I came: the clear blue sea water; Seagulls fly freely in the sky; Various marine creatures live happily in the ocean

          And why have they all become like this now? I searched for information and found out that some people want to save money by not building sewage treatment tanks and directly discharging sewage into the sea, which makes the sea stinky; The substandard quality of oil pipelines and improper operation methods have caused oil spills, resulting in a dark sea surface; Some people casually throw garbage into the sea, only then will the sea be filled with garbage

          In the future, we must protect the sea and discharge sewage into sewage treatment tanks; Put the garbage into the trash can; Not building large oil fields or chemical plants by the seaside; Catch marine creatures in moderation

          Lets take action, let the sea restore its former beauty!






          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 15

          I am a cute and beautiful clownfish. I grew up in a place with colorful coral reefs and green water plants. This is a colorful underwater world park, where I live comfortably and steadily. I have also made many close friends.

          I like to travel everywhere. Once, when I went out to play, I saw many fish with bodies several times larger than mine. I also saw the outstanding actor in the ocean, the "dolphin". The dolphins posture was very beautiful. When it showed off its dance posture, the fish under the sea were staring intently?

          Another time, when I was taking a walk, I saw a huge fish called the "whale", which is known as the giant in the sea. Whenever the whale breathes, it sprays long water columns from its head. That scene is really spectacular and beautiful!

          Since humans want to protect fish, they must first maintain a clean and tidy environment in the ocean. For example, they cannot litter or discharge sewage into the sea at will. These are good methods to protect the ocean. As long as humans abide by these principles, they can make fish live freely, happily, and comfortably in the ocean.





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 16

          It is said that humans are the primates of all things, but does this mean that someone can control and control all living beings, surpassing them?

          A recent news caught my attention. It was about a whale that was caught and opened its belly, revealing hundreds of plastic bags inside. This is exactly the cause of the whales death.

          In recent years, due to people dumping non decomposable items such as plastic bags into the sea, many marine creatures have died due to ingestion of these plastic bags and garbage.

          We all say that the ocean is an infinite treasure that nature has given us, so we should also cherish the creatures in the ocean. This is not only related to the diversity of marine species, but also to the entire fate of humanity. If all the creatures in the ocean were extinct due to human reasons. The losses it will bring to the world and the future are incalculable.

          Protecting marine life, at least during our next trip to the beach, is not only a basic respect for living beings, but also a protection for us humans.






          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 17

          The endless sea brings us joy and warm maternal love. In my mind, the sea is my mother. In the life of small fish, the sea is their home. The sea mother nurtures many free and carefree lives. The sea is so charming and mysterious!

          But now, the sea has already changed. The seawater has become turbid and no longer as clear as before. The sea washed ashore with piles of garbage, no longer the lively and cute fish. You must be curious about who did this, but in fact, it was all done by us humans. Some people casually throw their garbage into the sea after finishing their food while playing at the beach. Whats even more despicable is that the factory shamelessly discharges wastewater into the sea, putting a dirty coat on the blue seawater.

          Classmates, think about it. If one day the sea leaves us, what will the world become? What if the sea turns into foul smelling sewage? If it were me, I would never let the sea leave. Whenever I have time, I will go to the beach to pick up the garbage from the sea and put it in the trash can; And when you see people littering, you will remind them. We must start from ourselves, from the small things around us, so that the blue sky and sea are no longer just our dreams.

          The sea is the home of fish and our mother river. We should protect it, love it, and not let the sea leave us.





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 18

          The marine biological environment is a complex system that includes seawater, dissolved and suspended solids in seawater, seabed sediments, and marine organisms. The abundant biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources, and power resources in the ocean are an indispensable treasure trove of human resources, closely related to human survival and development.

          The current main goal of marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources from depletion, for sustainable use by humans. Special priority should be given to protecting valuable and endangered marine organisms. According to the investigation of relevant departments of the United Nations, overfishing, accidental hunting of marine organisms allowed to be killed by non targets, construction of coastal mudflat, deforestation of mangroves, and widespread marine environmental pollution have exhausted at least 25 of the worlds most valuable fishing grounds, and many marine animals, such as whales, turtles, manatees, are in danger of extinction. It is expected that with the expansion of ocean development scale, it may cause greater damage to marine biological resources.

          The task of marine protection should first stop the excessive use of marine biological resources, and then protect the habitat or habitat of marine organisms, especially the coasts, mudflat, estuaries, and coral reefs where they migrate, spawn, forage, and avoid enemies. It should prevent heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum, organic substances, and nutrients that are prone to eutrophication from polluting the sea. Maintain the regenerative capacity of marine biological resources and the natural purification ability of seawater, and maintain the ecological level of the ocean

          Please cherish the oceans and not let them become tragedies.





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 19

          This summer, under my rough and tough experiences, my parents finally agreed to take me to the beach to play. Thinking about the boundless blue sea in books and on TV, the active and rolling waves, the clear seawater, and the clean beach. With an immense longing for the sea, I saw it for the first time.

          However, the sea that caught my eye was completely different from what I had imagined. On the murky sea surface, there are foul smelling garbage floating, as well as many decaying fish corpses. A wave struck, leaving behind not lively little fish and shrimp on the beach, but piles of garbage. I asked my dad with a feeling of frustration and confusion: Is the sea in books and on TV both fake? Dad said: What is said in books and on TV is true, but that is already the ocean of the past. Now that its like this, its all done by us humans.

          Some tourists who go to the seaside always casually throw their garbage into the sea. Whats even more despicable is that some factories discharge toxic wastewater into the sea for their own benefit. Make the sea look like it is now. Many rare creatures living in the ocean are now on the brink of extinction.

          We once conducted an experiment where we compared a basin of water to the ocean, and then dropped a drop of ink into the ocean. The ink gradually became lighter until it became colorless. If ink drips continuously, the "ocean" becomes darker and eventually turns into black water. Now the sea is becoming more and more like that basin of water, getting darker and darker. We must not make that drop of ink.

          Dear friends, please dont forget that we only have one Earth, and there is only one ocean on Earth that we rely on for survival. So, lets take action together to protect the Earth and the oceans!






          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 20

          On our planet, there are vast oceans.

          There are abundant oil and gas resources in the ocean, and people have erected high drilling platforms on the sea surface to continuously transport oil and gas from the seabed to the land. There are countless fish, shrimp, crabs, and shells in the ocean. Since ancient times, people living by the sea and on islands have relied on the sea for a living. Every fishing season is the harvest season for fishermen, and the fishing boats that set sail will always return with a full load. The ocean truly deserves to be the "blue treasure trove".

          However, people pour a large amount of garbage and discharge wastewater into the water, which increases the harm to the ocean day by day. The ocean is constantly polluted, and people do not know how harmful it will be to the ocean. Fish, some with white bellies, and other animals in the sea have also suffered misfortune. One day, the whole ocean will turn into a stinky garbage dump. Moreover, there are many fish, shrimp, crabs, and shellfish inside, emitting a fishy smell. Only then will humans realize that they have done something wrong. People also transport all the resources from the ocean to the land. Although there are many resources in the sea, if the resources in the sea are continuously sent to the land every day, gradually the sea will become smaller day by day. One day, people will come to fetch it again, but the sea has already become a small river, and people will be dumbfounded. Marine life is a precious fishery resource, providing humans with abundant fish, shrimp, and various marine products every day.

          There are some unique plants on the seabed that are very beautiful, but some are facing extinction. This is because people curiously pick and pick, and in the end, they run out of them. Generations of descendants can no longer see it. So, dont pick those plants on the seabed, otherwise their situation will be very dangerous, of course, occasionally picking some is also possible. Now, the ocean is in a dangerous state, and I hope that humanity can join hands to protect the ocean and make it full of vitality again!





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 21

          The ocean, this vast and blue territory, carries the origin and reproduction of life on Earth, and is also the cradle of human civilization. However, with the process of industrialization and population growth, the ocean is facing unprecedented challenges and threats. Protecting the ocean has become an urgent responsibility for each and every one of us.

          Marine pollution is currently one of the most severe problems. A large amount of industrial wastewater, agricultural fertilizers, and household waste are discharged into the ocean, seriously damaging the marine ecological environment. These pollutants not only lead to a decrease in seawater quality, but also affect the growth and reproduction of marine organisms. Many rare fish and other marine organisms are on the brink of extinction due to environmental degradation.

          In addition to pollution, overfishing is also another major threat facing the ocean. In order to meet human demand for seafood, many fishing boats are willing to take risks and engage in illegal and excessive fishing activities. This not only leads to the depletion of fishery resources, but also disrupts the balance of marine ecosystems. Without enough prey, many marine creatures are facing a survival crisis.

          In addition, global warming has also had irreversible impacts on the oceans. The increasingly serious problems of rising sea levels and ocean acidification pose a huge threat to coastal cities and island countries. The stability and diversity of marine ecosystems have also been severely affected.

          Faced with these serious problems, each of us should take action to protect the ocean. Firstly, we should reduce the emissions of pollutants from the source. The government should strengthen environmental supervision, formulate strict environmental regulations, and ensure that industrial wastewater and household waste are properly treated. We should also start from our daily lives, reduce the use of disposable plastic products, and choose an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

          Secondly, we should make reasonable use of marine resources and avoid overfishing. The government can formulate scientific fishing policies, limit fishing quantities and methods, and ensure the sustainable use of marine resources. At the same time, we can also raise public awareness of marine biodiversity and enhance conservation awareness through popular science education.

          Finally, we should strengthen international cooperation and jointly address marine protection issues. The ocean is global, and pollution and destruction from any country can affect other countries. Therefore, countries should strengthen cooperation, jointly formulate marine protection policies, and jointly address issues of marine pollution and ecological damage.

          Protecting the ocean is not only for the benefit of our generation, but also for the well-being of future generations. Let us work together to protect this blue homeland, and let the ocean continue to bring vitality and energy to the earth. Only in this way can we achieve harmonious coexistence between humans and the ocean, and jointly create a beautiful future.









          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 22

          In the ocean, fish of all sizes and colors swim in the water, adding vitality and beauty to the ocean.

          This is the scene I saw while traveling in Sanya.

          What am I doing here? Of course, its because after a semester of hard study, I have temporarily relaxed!

          As soon as we arrived at the beach, my dad enrolled me in a deep diving project. I am full of anticipation and a little nervous. On the dock, someone took me on a boat to deeper waters. I have thought a lot on the ship: Is there any poisonous fish in the water? Will coral scratch me? Will I drown... My little nervousness seems to grow, gradually expanding and spreading like a thick drop of blue ink dripping into clear water. But later on, this blue ink and my fear were diluted into a new sensation and disappeared without a trace.

          I jumped into the sea and slowly descended. I opened the plastic bottle in my hand and poured out the fish food. Many colorful little fish began to swim around me. When the bottle was empty, I continued to dive and saw various corals... They dispelled the fear in my heart, illuminated the world in front of me, and made my heart incredibly bright.

          I heard from the teacher that life originated in the ocean, and now I have returned to the ocean. But the deep blue sea water also makes me worried about the future of the ocean. Because human destruction of marine ecology seems to have never stopped, some factories even discharge sewage into rivers, and river water eventually flows into the ocean, polluting seawater. Thinking of this, a series of tragedies that I once saw on TV came to mind: there were many dead fish floating on the sea surface; Seabirds are covered in oil stains and unable to move... How terrifying it is!

          We need to protect the ocean and prevent any damage to the marine environment. So, what can I do for the ocean? Becoming a marine biologist, environmental protection expert, crew member... but these are all too distant. Now, all I can do is bring this plastic fish food bottle ashore so that it can be reused!

          Thinking of this, I tightly grasped the bottle in my hand and swam towards the sea









          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 23

          "When I was a child, my mother told me that the sea is my hometown. Born by the sea, I grew up in the sea, and the sea, the sea, is where I grew up..." When I recall the song "Sea, Hometown", I think of the cradle of our lives, the root of our cultural history, the vast and blue treasure trove - the ocean. It is the hope of the 21st century, but it is facing an unprecedented crisis!

          There are various creatures living in the ocean, containing rich treasures with mysterious colors and unknown mysteries. The ocean is a vast family, inhabited by numerous and diverse "inhabitants": the "coastal guardian" - mangrove forests, the "deadly fairy" - jellyfish, the "fish doctor" in the ocean - neon finned fish... everything is so beautiful. They are all part of the co construction of the ocean and also a part of building a peaceful home. Without one of them, the ocean would not be so brilliant. At the same time, the ocean is also a huge "blue medicine bank" and "blue pasture". Its color and mystery constantly attract us to explore.

          I have been curious about the creatures in the ocean since I was young. For example, in my impression, sharks are vicious. Through reading, I have come to understand that in fact, it is indeed so. The whale shark has the largest head, a body length of about 25 meters, and a weight of up to 80 tons. It is a huge creature. The smallest shark is the dwarf horn shark, which is 20-27cm long and so small that it can be held in the hand. Sharks are considered a higher species in the ocean because they are mammals that feed on meat. Sometimes they also hunt turtles, crabs, and so on. Once a target is found while foraging, it will be immediately attacked and swallowed. This is inseparable from the sharks keen sense of smell and keen insight ability. It is very sensitive to the smell of blood, even a drop of blood from 30 meters away can be smelled, and any prey it is tracking is difficult to escape. But dont be fooled by the ferocity of sharks, they are full of treasures! The liver of sharks is rich in vitamin A and D. Therefore, scientists have been studying the mysteries of sharks, hoping to benefit humanity.

          Our beautiful earth has only one, and our beautiful home has only one. Similarly, our ocean has only one, making tomorrows ocean more brilliant! Lets work together to protect the ocean!





          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 24

          The ocean, that vast and boundless blue, is the most precious treasure of the earth and also our common home for humanity. However, with the continuous expansion of human activities, the ocean is facing unprecedented challenges and threats.

          Firstly, pollution is a major challenge facing the ocean. Industrial wastewater, household waste, oil tanker leaks and other pollutants continue to pour into the ocean, making the originally clear seawater polluted and unbearable. This not only disrupts the balance of marine ecosystems, but also affects the growth and reproduction of marine organisms, and even poses a serious threat to human health.

          Secondly, overfishing is also a serious problem facing the ocean. In order to meet human demand for seafood, fishing boats have set sail to catch it, causing a sharp decline in the number of many fish and other marine organisms, and even endangering extinction. This predatory fishing method not only damages marine biodiversity, but also affects the stability of marine ecosystems.

          In addition, global warming has also had irreversible impacts on the oceans. The increasingly serious problems of rising sea levels and ocean acidification have brought enormous challenges to marine ecosystems and human life.

          Faced with these issues, each of us has a responsibility and obligation to protect the ocean. Firstly, we should reduce the emissions of pollutants and protect the marine environment from the source. The government should strengthen the treatment of industrial wastewater and household waste to ensure that they do not flow into the ocean. At the same time, each of us should also start from our daily lives, reduce the use of disposable plastic products, and choose an environmentally friendly lifestyle.









          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 25

          The ocean is one of the most precious resources on Earth, covering most of the Earths surface and nurturing countless lives. However, in recent years, the ocean has faced unprecedented threats.

          Industrial wastewater and household waste continue to pour into the ocean, making the originally clear seawater polluted and unbearable. Overfishing and ocean pollution have caused serious damage to the homes of marine organisms, and many rare species are on the brink of extinction.

          Protecting the ocean is protecting our common home. We should start with small things around us, reduce the use of disposable plastic products, and avoid littering. The government should also strengthen supervision, formulate strict environmental regulations, and ensure that industrial wastewater and household waste are properly treated.

          At the same time, we should also strengthen our awareness of marine conservation, make more people aware of the importance of the ocean, and actively participate in marine conservation actions. Only when everyone takes action can we truly protect our oceans.

          The ocean is the source of life on Earth and the cradle of human civilization. Let us work together to protect this blue homeland and continue to bring vitality and energy to the earth through the ocean.






          保護(hù)海洋的英語(yǔ)作文 26

          The ocean is the cradle of life on Earth and also the cradle of human civilization. However, now this azure homeland is facing unprecedented threats.

          Industrial wastewater and household waste continue to pour into the ocean, making the seawater polluted and unbearable. Overfishing and ocean pollution have led to a sharp decline in the number of marine organisms and severe damage to marine ecology. Meanwhile, global warming has led to rising sea levels and ocean acidification, posing significant challenges to marine ecosystems.

          Protecting the ocean is urgent. We should all start with small things around us, reduce the use of disposable plastic products, and avoid littering. The government should strengthen supervision, formulate strict environmental regulations, and ensure that industrial wastewater and household waste are properly treated. At the same time, strengthening international cooperation and jointly addressing marine protection issues is also crucial.

          The ocean is the source of life on Earth and also the common home of humanity. Let us work together to protect this blue homeland and continue to bring vitality and energy to the earth through the ocean. Protecting the ocean is protecting ourselves and also protecting the future of future generations.
















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