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      2. 英語作文交通規則

        時間:2023-01-23 08:29:32 規則 我要投稿





          As the saying goes: "the road is like a tiger's mouth." In recent years, traffic problems have become more and more serious due to the frequency of traffic accidents. Do you know the impact of traffic problems? One is that the total number of deaths and injuries in traffic accidents is increasing year by year, and the second is that most people fear every day for "doing".

          In order to avoid any further deterioration, we need to understand how the traffic accident is formed. The so-called traffic accident refers to the accident that happened in a period of time; And by far the most common traffic accidents is drunk driving and people who drink driving, just for their fast, and took the life of a used to be a mood, cause he somebody else apart of the tragedy, is it worth it? Therefore, how to reduce the incidence of traffic safety has become a concern.

          At present, the government in addition to actively promote the concept of traffic safety, in order to let we do obey the traffic rules, also provide many specific actions, first of all to start from education and propaganda, drama: education can be implemented by school and socialisation institutions at all levels to strengthen, and can cooperate implementation by all sorts of mass media, theatre can be performed by the school personnel, let kids know the importance of traffic safety, so people we should be very well informed the traffic safety rules; Secondly please every driver can slow down or to give way, will not take any chances, because of the traffic accident happen, are all in do not pay attention to happen, we also want to in when crossing the street, his eyes wide open, ears stand up, not likely to happen some unnecessary accidents.

          Traffic safety is the need for drivers to obey traffic order and pedestrians to pay attention to the vehicles, so that people can "go out happily, and go home safely", so that they can be relieved of the fear of "doing". Although the weather is unpredictable, we should only pay attention to the "road like the tiger's mouth", the traffic safety from you and me, everyone can be safe and healthy and happy.


          The ancients cloud: "no rules can't be square." Rules are everywhere in our lives. For example: school rules, rules, rules, rules and regulations... Today, my classmates and I formed a research group to investigate people's compliance with traffic.

          We first came to a more traffic lights, traffic found here, such as traffic lights, few people, almost everyone through a red light: primary school students, the elderly, boys and girls, office worker, etc.

          During a morning survey and observation, we found several problems: Chinese style crossing road. No matter the red light, the formation of the crowd, the street; In a hurry. Through the gaps between the two cars; The driver of the car does not dare to hit people, afraid to violate the rules, no matter what circumstances, the car will also stop to let a person go through... Something unexpected happened.

          When we were ready to leave, there was a burst of laughing and noise from behind us, and a group of little boys were chasing and playing. They ran past us at the traffic lights. As a result, they didn't see whether it was a red light or a green light, straight across the road. Just then a car came hurtling down the road. Just before a little boy was less than a meter away, the driver noticed someone running and stopped the speeding car. Luckily the driver found the boy, or there would be an unsalvageable tragedy!

          "A red light a million times, a life only once." Only if everyone obeys the traffic rules, life can be guaranteed and life is better!


          In recent years, with the increase of the vehicle, traffic jams on the roads are frequent, and accidents are followed by a series of accidents. As at 2 a.m. on December 4, a two-wheeled motorcycle ran a red light, colliding with a large van that was normally traveling across the street, causing a crash. Such things happen every day on the road, which is really a bad car accident.

          There are many causes of car accidents, such as overloading, drunken driving, running a red light, etc. When you're drinking heavily on a wine table, when you turn your back on the gas, when you turn a blind eye to the red light, death may be grinning at you. Driver friends, you may want to remember, the driver a cup of wine, the bereaved tears; You must understand the happiness of countless families at your feet. As long as you are not intentional, the car accident will be heartless, it is temperamental, turn face to deny person.

          As pedestrians, sometimes it is also the makers of car accidents, because of the lack of protection of pedestrians, also caused the death of life. Life is unique and precious, and the world is wonderful because of life. Do you treasure your life? For your life to be guaranteed, please follow the traffic rules. When the vehicle is galloping over your face, it may be because of your negligence or irregularity, which will bring inconvenience to the traffic, and also leave your soul in a shadow. When your parents remind you of the "safety of attention" and "traffic light," you don't care, and in the turn of red and green, the car crash comes quietly.

          Therefore, in order to have a good home, motorists must not violate traffic laws and regulations, and people should pay attention to traffic safety. Before you break the rules, think about the consequences; Before you cross the road, look at the past, see the six roads, listen in all directions, you should know the precious life only once. As the saying goes: life is heavier than mount tai. For yourself, for your family, for your life, please obey the traffic rules! Remember: harmony to beauty, avenue to smooth.


          As the saying goes, "a straight horse will go straight and the green light will stop at a red light." TV news reports daily, because people do not observe traffic rules and accidents; Because of the stampedes which the students did not obey the school rules...

          Once I saw a thrilling side. It was school time, the peak of the crowd. I was walking with my schoolbag on my back, and when I got to the traffic light, I looked up at the red light and stopped immediately. But I saw a group of parents taking their kids through the red lights, and I really wanted to run to the parents. At that moment, I came to a group of students, who went through the red light and I called them, but they were idle and said, "whatever is your business." But they didn't know the danger was coming. On their right came a tricycle, the driver was a fifty - sixty - old uncle. When the old man found in front of a group of children to the brake, it's too late, I called them, before it can be my voice just fell, just listen to "bang", one of the students were opened, his head, fainted. At once, the onlookers gathered together, and the time seemed to condense. After a while, some people called 120, and some people informed the student's parents.

          It took me a few days to realize that the student was not in danger. I was relieved. What a surprise! He brushed against death.

          "Alas!" The accident will not happen if the student obeys the traffic rules. If everyone in the world obeyed the rules, how peaceful the world should be, how beautiful!


          "Traffic" is a part of our lives, which is closely related to our personal safety. Sometimes a casual gesture can change a person's life! That's the traffic rule. A small accident can make a difference in your life. Let's talk about the traffic rules today.

          How many people have been jailed for violating the traffic order; Many people have died because of traffic accidents.

          How many people have been crippled for life because of traffic accidents. I remember seeing an example of a traffic violation. One day at noon, I went to school by bike in the second grade of junior high school. When he came to the crossroads, the red light came on. There was not much traffic on the street, so he looked around and saw that there was no car passing by. He immediately kicked off the pedals and rushed across the street. Just then a light blue car came quickly... Thus, a traffic accident that should not have happened is the result of this. It's very important to observe the traffic rules!

          We must obey the traffic rules. Stop at red light, yellow light and so on. Don't chase after the road. There is another case, a little boy went to the road, walk in front of the boy alive was a little girl, on the head with a pair of pink bowknot, wearing a beautiful white veil, is also preparing to cross the road, red light, green light has stopped the boy immediately stop along the road, the little girl is forward quickly. At that time, a car was sailing to the little girl just like an arrow. The driver had no time to brake, and the little girl lay on the ground, her blood stained with the beautiful white gauze dress. Her mother came to face her daughter's cold body and cried, crying, "my darling daughter, I have only one daughter. You're gone. What should I do? You're about to wake up!" Then her mother fainted on the spot. The traffic accident was so terrible that, in a flash, it took people's lives. The tragedy would not have happened if the little girl had not broken the traffic rules.

          In recent years, the average annual road traffic accident in China has been 600 000, and more than 100,000 people have died. Most of these accidents because the victims caused by violation of traffic rules, some drunken driving, some play on the road, do not pay attention to the traffic, light, and when driving in the clouds is the main reason for the accident. They paid a terrible price for their carelessness.

          In addition to the above heard, I also have seen a lot of news reports and media coverage about traffic accident, the bloody horrible horrible scenes, it gives us students pay attention to traffic rules the wake-up call. However, these tragedies are still one after another in life, which makes me feel pity and helpless. Helpless, unable to prevent the tragedy from happening, can only watch the beautiful life in violation of traffic safety.

          Life is precious, we should cherish life. Always pay attention to traffic safety and cherish a kind of expression of life, so each of us will be the traffic rules, even adults also want to keep in mind in the heart, let us reduce the number of traffic accidents caused by the damage on the life. Traffic safety records my heart, we must observe the traffic rules all the time, and influence others with our own actions, so that more people know the importance of traffic safety.


          "The rules of the road, and we must obey them consciously," is a sentence in our character book. Indeed, every one of us must obey the traffic rules so that the words "accident" leave our sights.

          I don't know if anyone has found out, but every time we walk, there are signposts to remind us to obey the law and be good citizens. One of the eight schools in our school is' walk on the right, the zebra crossing 'is the saying that keeps us on the line all the time. Zebra crossing is a kind of painting in the road traffic line markings on the road, let the pedestrians through the intersection focus by the fixed location through, also can remind the road driver passed through this area, pay attention to the safety of the pedestrians, comity each other car. A pedestrian crossing the road draws a striped stripe at a specific spot in the intersection. This is also for pedestrian safety.

          With the development of society, there are more cars. We should always think of the rules of the road. We should love ourselves and other people's lives, and do not let relatives shed tears of pain.

          The same sentence: "traffic rules, we must obey them consciously." Let us obey the traffic rules together and guard our beautiful tomorrow together


          In the society where the car is like the water horse and the dragon, the traffic rules affect all of us all the time since we have the modern means of transportation such as automobiles.

          When a man comes into the world, he should make a contribution to society. Life has always been the first. In ancient times, the historian sima qian said, "man is mortal, or he is lighter or heavier than mount tai." We should use the miracle of limited life, but how many people pay a heavy price for not obeying the traffic rules? People lose their precious life because they do not obey the traffic rules. Such death is as light as the feather, and the death is worthless. If everyone does, it is hollow to change the face of the poor, the poor and the poor, because no one can create everything. How important the traffic rules are to our lives! We should obey the traffic rules and cherish life.

          If there is no traffic rule, we can't restrain ourselves, and our lives will be in chaos, and many times will be spent in the chaos of endless cars. Our goal in life will be like a kite that has broken the line, let it flow and drift with the wind. If there were no traffic rules, the streets would be full of traffic, and the noise of the road would reverberate through the air, and our lives would not be so peaceful and comfortable. In this way, our quality of life will become more and more important, so the traffic rules are closely related to our life.

          Without traffic rules, a country cannot establish a good social image. If a country doesn't have traffic rules, how can people in this country raise their heads in front of foreigners? When important people from other countries come to visit, and see the chaos on the road, will he make a good impression on this country? We can't imagine how the country can stand up to the world in a modern society. Visible traffic rules represent the image of a country.

          As above the spoken, traffic rules and our life, our life, our life, our social image closely linked together, so we need the traffic rules, you need to obey the traffic rules.


          With the development of the society, China's social status is increasing, the transportation is more and more convenient, people are getting more and more convenient. People just get out of the house and go where they want to go without worrying. In the long run. However, I suggest you use public transport more so that you can keep the environment beautiful.

          Walking on the broad road, making people feel relaxed and happy, bad mood becomes smooth. The broad road will have a different look. In the evening, the street light illuminates the road, and the car rides in it, as in crossing the time and space tunnel, brings a different feeling to the person.

          , on the road to enjoy the happy mood must keep the traffic rules in mind in the heart can't forget, everyone has only one life, and this one life is parents give us is not a person.

          On that day, I saw a breathtaking picture on the road. A boy of fourteen and five was walking on a bicycle in the middle of the road, and he had to loosen his grip on his bicycle, and a speeding van rushed at him. Van to a 45 °, the boy panicked to hold the bike, in the driver's... The eyes escaped. My surprise was a big mouth, and then a sigh of relief for the boy. In retrospect, I was impressed. Fortunately, the driver was fast and fast, otherwise the living life would disappear in this beautiful and wonderful world.

          There are two sides to traffic. In the face of our advantages, it is harmful to us. We should make good use of the good side, increase the traffic rule to remember, reduce the harmful side in our side. Make our life more colorful.


          Life is full of traffic, and traffic rules are the rule for all kinds of vehicles and pedestrians on the crisscrossing streets.

          The traffic rules are the ethics and the legal norms, so I'll say drink and drive. In the May Day holiday just past, one of my neighbors to driving a car with his son to changzhou to play, to eat dinner, drink a lot of wine, the results on the way home, just hit the police procuratorial drunk driving procuratorial result is alcohol, was sentenced to the driver's 12 points and confiscated, 800 fine punishment, to settle the matter. The happy day was shattered by the incident. The neighbor went home and complained to us, and other people talked about it. Someone said, "you know you're going to drive and drink. You're asking for it." Someone else said: "fortunately, there's no big deal. You know, drive carefully, but don't let it happen again." I think the traffic rules are to be obeyed, the traffic order is to be maintained, we can not violate traffic rules, we should lead by example.

          We've narrowed it down to every little detail, and they're also very helpful to the traffic order. Such as "red light stop, green line" every time, every time a garbage pick up off the road or a few stones, each time to give way to the elderly, the disabled and so on, and help them to cross the road, etc., are our citizens can can reflect the mind and behavior of beauty. As middle school students, we are the motherland, the hope of the future should follow the traffic rules more, see those who violate traffic regulations that we have to reason with that person, hope to be able to let him also obey the traffic rules, the effort to maintain traffic order. We should also call on our parents, classmates, neighbors and friends to abide by the traffic rules.

          Hand in hand, let us obey traffic rules together, maintain traffic order, let traffic walk with us!


          "Obey the traffic rules", the word we almost can be heard at any time, in a traffic accident on how horrible it is bloody events, from which we should be able to clearly recognize the importance of traffic rules!

          China's population of nearly 1.4 billion people, 62m people may not be what we see, but what I want to tell you is the number of people who die every year in traffic accidents. Most of the traffic accidents occur because of alcohol and running red lights. And I understand that there will be a traffic accident every twenty-five seconds.

          Just the day before yesterday, I went to "master's college" to study and witnessed a traffic accident. A license plate number as "guangdong F471" red light blue cars and one from the other side of the normal walking about eight or nine years old boy collided, the little boy was hit about three or four meters away from cars. The boy was taken to hospital by the driver. I don't know if the little boy has anything. I'm really worried about him. I want to say to this driver: please stop your steps, don't pay the price of life because of the "shortcut". I hope the driver will be ashamed of himself.

          Rules are a beautiful landscape of life, and only by following the rules can society be more harmonious and beautiful.


          The journey of life is like a journey without a return journey. The steering wheel is in the hands of everyone, and the destination may vary.

          Your car is like your background and background, and it has been shaped by the time you were born -- there is no choice or bargaining. Its performance is critical, but determining whether you can drive faster, farther, and appreciate more and more of the beauty of the landscape is not the end of it.

          Your knowledge, self-cultivation and skills represent your driving level, and it will be your greatest guarantee of peace and speed throughout your journey. As socially those vulgar rich second generation and the arrogant officer the second generation, they have the top luxury car, but driving technology is very bad, because they disdain for driving training hard, finally can only be caused by the head or elderly, not to mention to appreciate the beauty of the distance.

          Be firm in your goals. On the journey to your destination, there will be too many turnoff and craggy mud. You must choose carefully and drive carefully. If you're not careful, you'll go wrong or get stuck in a swamp. So, always remind yourself of the steering wheel and don't stray from the right path. Like those who are lost or wandering, they have lost themselves in the path of life.

          Money and health can be compared to your fuel. You should learn to save this precious resource, and to replenish your fuel in time. Like some people, the car runs out of fuel and breaks down. Having too much fuel is useless, and may be a nuisance, but good enough.

          Follow a strict set of traffic rules on your way to the finish line. Law and morality are traffic regulations and signals. Even if you don't get a ticket, you'll pay a terrible price for your violation. Of course, it may be a fluke to go through a red light once in a while, but remember: there's no such thing as a perpetual fluke.

          Since the moment you set foot on the journey, there's no turning back. Therefore, the road behind you is not important to you, it is important to take the road ahead. The best scenery is at the end of the road, just to see if you can hold on to the end.


          I am one of the 100,000 people who die every year due to traffic accidents. This huge number makes China one of the world's no. 1 and no longer living. Don't know whether this phenomenon is the pride or misfortune of Chinese people? And I think this is a great misfortune, I was surprised "winners" of the "lucky", the beautiful sunset in my memory has been touched don't go, that is now a "ghosts" I still remember that evening that holds the perpetrators of the steering wheel to teach step on the gas.

          The day after I bought a loaf of bread as usual to across the road, my home is in the opposite of bring, from here you can find me the Windows of the room, red sun setting, the west more than reflect in the window with a warm golden, let a person heart starts to warm up. Such as green light up I walked quickly to across the road, but is that I want to see pleasant evening mother do good, heard a voice full of concern and desperate cries: "feather, be careful!" , and the battle cry come almost at the same time there is a speed driving BMW, so I with a lot of pain to a beautiful parabola said goodbye my youth, my best years, and I loved ones... At the moment I landed, I heard the cries of my mother tearing her heart apart. Mixed with anger, not to give up, anger... The tears of the last time slip through my cheek, I should go to reincarnation again, I was not in the black and white, I missed the time of birth. Turned into a ghost, a lifetime can only be nocturnal to watch the world of the lonely soul. I've seen too many traffic accidents in the last few years, and strangers who don't know each other have become the "most important, most memorable" people in their lives.

          I take the identity of a bystander and then abandon the conscience of the beast, the perpetrator of the beast, to take away the life of living light. If there were no such beasts, the world would be wonderful. Not long ago I ran into a few souls similar to my life, and we marveled at the impermanence of the world and the evil of the perpetrators. We sincerely hope that everyone will obey the traffic rules in the future, and do not have the same spirit as me.


          The sun was warm, the streets were busy, the traffic was bustling, and people were enjoying the abundance and happiness of life. But ignore the traffic rules, but produce several stories, let the person sigh, is thought-provoking. We might learn something from it.

          The man let the car out of the way

          You see! The man with a cigarette and a beard was crossing the road. The red light is like blood, shaking the eyes. But he did not seem to know the blood-red red light, and still walked on.

          Then, the attendant stopped him and said, "this gentleman, it is the red light now. Please wait for a moment." His uncle, who was talking about his cigarette, didn't look at him. He said arrogantly, "what do you want? Get out of here!" With that, he pushed away his uncle, who was wearing a yellow hat, and started to walk across the street. At that moment, a large truck came hurtling towards him, and was surprised to see that he was in a daze. The driver found him, panicked, slammed the steering wheel to the left, stepped on the brakes, and "wheezed --" the car suddenly stopped and drew a clear mark on the ground. But it was still a long time, and the uncle's legs were always on the road! The half-smoked cigarette was left far away, still smoking. At that moment, the light was green, but his legs were gone.

          Alas! If the uncle was to obey the traffic rules, the tragedy might not have happened.

          Cars give way to civilization

          Why did anyone cross the road at a red light? A black car was speeding ahead, as it was seen to cross the road, so it was slow. The car went slowly, but the pedestrians took advantage of the gap between the cars and walked slowly away from the car. There was no way, the car owner had to drive slowly, let the pedestrian next to the wheel. One, two, three... Several pedestrians walked past the gap between the cars, waiting for four or five cars and a long one. The car was only opened when the whole pedestrian was over.

          The sun was still so warm and the streets were still so busy. Ignoring the traffic rules is bound to lead to disaster. Let us remember that there is peace and happiness in obeying the traffic rules.


          Traffic is a noun that we can hear all the time in our daily life. Accidents and accidents are common in our country, which happens almost every day. Ride the vehicles, walk on the road, obey the traffic rules, such as at the intersection, the red light stop, the green light stop, the yellow light will wait; Pedestrians walk on sidewalks; Pedestrian traffic on the right side... Otherwise, there will be a hidden danger of traffic accidents.

          I am a high school student, and I may have a predestination with traffic, because my mother works in the highway service area of liaoi. Mother often tells us about the traffic rules after work, and sometimes says some traffic accidents. The following two traffic accidents happened recently, as a warning sign.

          It was a major road accident for drivers who were speeding and driving under the influence of drunk driving. It was one evening when a family of five went to a restaurant to celebrate their 60th birthday. The driver of the car was the mother's son and drank some wine. On the way back, because of the speed of the car, the brakes did not rear-end in time, and the car in front of the car collided, five people in the car only a teenage daughter suffered minor injuries, the other four died on the spot. Such a happy night became the sad night for the little girl to lose loved ones.

          This is a traffic accident caused by excessive fatigue of the driver, I saw it with my own eyes. That evening to play in the mother's unit, under the expressway service area doorway, see a van carrying 12 high-grade car trucks from the service area at the entrance to the open in, van car is very beautiful, as I appreciate the car at the same time, the tragic accident happened, the car turned over to the roadside ditch, van car are changed due to the extrusion shape, well there was no explosion owners not only love seriously, but also lost a large sum of money, this is a how painful lessons!

          Life is fragile and precious, and everyone has only one life. She will be stronger and more permanent only if she knows how to care for and cherish. Obeying the traffic laws is a way to add brick and brick to your life, so that it won't be easily blown down by the wind. Come on, let us abide by the traffic laws and regulations together, together happy and happy, together say: "cherish life, obey the traffic rules".


          To obey the traffic rules is to cherish life!

          Accidents can happen all the time, it is like the very powerful explosives, was careless, the ambush explosives would explode in our life, blown family broken, Fried popular bitterness, obey the traffic rules is to cherish life composition. So we should obey the traffic rules.

          There is a little girl near our house. Her father left her because of a traffic accident. The little girl is not rich, but she lives happily with her parents. Every morning, mother would make a delicious breakfast for her and her father, and the family was warm. After breakfast, dad took her to school by bike. Along the way, father and daughter always talk and laugh. After school, no matter how big, little girl always saw her father patiently waiting. On the way home, the little girl always happily tells her father about the interesting things that happened in the school day. The fourth grade of primary school composition, "obey the traffic rules is to cherish life composition".

          One day, the little girl's father went to school to pick up the little girl as usual. However, an oncoming big lorry drove the little girl's father to the ground, and her father died on the spot. Suddenly, death took away his life, and how he wished he were alive, how he wished to be with the little girl, how he wished to see his daughter grow up... The little girl did not know that his father had died, she is still as usual at the school gate waiting for her father to pick, waited for a long time, and no one came to pick her up, little girl thought: why dad hasn't come to meet at this time? Is there something wrong? What's in the family? The little girl was worried. When the little girl learned that her father was dead, she seemed silly, and she pounced on her father's body and pleaded, "dad, wake up! I want dad! I want dad... How she wished that the traffic accident had not happened, and how much she longed for her father to wake up and ride her up and down with her bike as usual!

          The traffic accident was so terrible that, in a flash, it took people's lives. There are more and more vehicles on the road, the road is more and more crowded, but also more and more traffic accidents at the same time, each year, how many lives were taken, how many families are destroyed, the number of people lost loved ones. If we all have traffic rules in our hearts, everyone can obey the traffic rules voluntarily. I am sure that many tragic accidents can be avoided. Let the rules of transportation take root in my heart. Let us remember that the rules of traffic are to cherish life!


          Don't know why, at the heart of the city streets, looked at the rows of tall building, the tower into the sky, green road traffic, watching and I pass by people in a hurry, I can't help but sigh: the world is so prosperity and prosperity, pace is so fast and won't have the slightest.

          But, every time I heard the sharp sharp brakes, the bright red color of terror, I began to shake again: in this beautiful and colorful life picture scroll, do you notice, is a "black ghost" enter, quietly quietly lurks in the colorful world, quietly and cruelly and break the calm and a good social...

          It's a splendid afternoon! The sunshine blurred the earth, the city is still so busy, even in such a beautiful and moving afternoon, people's carelessness will also appear that the dreaded "black".

          Remember on a road witnessed a motorcycle crazy wild speeding on the highway to the early 20 s, a pretty "beautiful", "young man" tilted body shaking in driving indoor, in the pedal, in one hand and a mobile phone, it seems, is laughing to say something... The red light went on and the bike ran forward as usual. In a flash, the "black ghost" was transformed, and a lorry sped steadily toward the motorbike. There was a loud bang, and the world was silent for a moment...

          The blood was in the air, and all around it was a scream of pain and tears, and a terrible tragedy. The "black ghost" gave a sneer and a cold stare at the blood turned into a black smoke and flew away. This is something I remember, and I can't forget the blood, and the consequences of not keeping the rules.

          China has 1.3 billion people, 1.3 billion people in our eyes may not sound like much, but in our country on the traffic deaths each year more than 100000, and our country almost every 25 seconds a traffic accident. How many people have lost their lives because of traffic accidents, and how many families have died because of traffic accidents.

          There are many people's blood on the road, and under the wheels is a young life. Traffic is an invisible killer, slowly approaching us. Therefore, we should observe the traffic rules all the time.

          Only once in a person's life, lose, you will not have. Let's call it together: following the rules of the road, everyone is responsible...


          The red light stops, the green light goes, the yellow light waits. This is the traffic rule we all know

          Then. But on this year's Lantern Festival, this traffic rule really impressed me.

          Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, the first day of school, and I lie in bed and fall asleep. Don't be so excited! Tomorrow will finally be able to chat with the little sisters again, can listen to the teacher's teachings also do not know when to fall asleep.

          But I don't forget the waking hours -- 7:25. The teacher asked us to report to the school at eight o 'clock. As the monitor, how can I be late? Dress, get up, wash, take two baozi, carry the bag to run to the school.

          The morning of nanyang street is always busy and busy. In particular, the road has been getting better and better in recent years.

          This is the west Oxbridge bridge. It's a red light. It's urgent. Look at the watch. It's a bad time. It's a fast time. It's too late. At this moment, a battery car sped past me, the owner did not seem to see the red light, the electric car has vanished into the blink of an eye. Why can't I run a red light when someone else can run a red light? No longer hesitating, he ran to the west Oxbridge. It's no coincidence that it's too late. When I got to the middle of the road, a motorcycle glanced off the left. I dodged and fell to the ground. My mother bought my new trousers worn out, and the skin on my legs was bruised. How can I get to school? My tears don't stop streaming down. The owner of the motorcycle was terrified and rushed me to the hospital.

          A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. Since then, I've never run a red light again. As soon as I saw the traffic light, the scene came to my eyes. I urge all people who love life to remember: don't rush to the red light!


          "Safe and law-abiding, accidents and lawlessness" - when you obey traffic rules, it's like having an angel who guards you and brings you good luck. And when you break the traffic rules, it's like having a demon that often comes with you and brings you bad luck.

          Today, the teacher takes us to visit the traffic safety knowledge card to raise our awareness. I was delighted to see it, but when I saw the CARDS, my mood was down: I saw a picture of the unseeing. Those who violate traffic safety are not broken arms, scars and blood. What exactly caused them to change? Yes, it's not just the drivers who violate traffic safety rules: if they obey the rules of car traffic safety, don't run through the red lights and don't overload their cars, there's no such thing as' tragedy '; This is still the fault of pedestrians who violate traffic safety rules: if they abide by pedestrian traffic safety rules, walk the zebra crossing, and don't go into the hurdles of "liu xiang", they will not be so cruelly. I thought, not only did I shiver, but I went home and decided to remind my parents that I would rather slow down for three minutes than fast for three seconds.

          Then we looked at the next knowledge card. This time the CARDS are in violation of traffic safety: overloading, crossing roads, running red lights, drunk driving... There are so many! I wondered: what was the courage to encourage him to break the law? Maybe one: it's for convenience; Maybe two: it's to be quicker than others; Maybe three: it's to be brave! In fact, while they are breaking the law, there is a "gate of hell" opening to them, and the bad things happen...

          And then we go on and on. This card is a cooperative traffic safety knowledge comic. They are visualizing and exaggerating each character in order to give the spirit of the duality.

          Then I read a lot of knowledge CARDS and learned a lot about safety.

          You must have learned something about these things. Do you want to choose angels or choose the devil to accompany you?












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