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      2. 天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感

        時間:2022-06-08 15:34:11 觀后感 我要投稿




          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇1

          I had a very different class in the classroom this afternoon. Because this class is taught by the astronauts and teachers in the core module of the space core 400 kilometers away from us. They are teachers Wang Yaping, Zhai Zhigang and ye Guangfu.

          Mr. Wang Yaping first introduced to us the space home of the space nuclear core ship. There are treadmill, hot air heating device, microwave heating device, etc.

          The three teachers also did several experiments for us in the space home, among which the following impressed me. Mr. Ye Guangfu showed the research on cell growth and development under weightlessness. Cells become magical in space. I see beating cardiomyocytes, flashing and emitting a kind of light, which makes me feel that life in heaven is very different from life on earth. Teacher Ye Guangfu also showed us walking in space. Second, the flowers made by teacher Wang Yaping and her daughter bloomed in space, which opened my eyes. It turns out that under microgravity, the surface tension of the water film shows great power, and the water film water injection becomes a water ball. In the optical experiment in the water ball, a bubble is injected, and two positive and negative images are formed in the water ball. Once the effervescent tablet is put into the water polo, a lot of bubbles will bubble out of the water polo, which I think water is very magical in space.

          We want to thank Chinese astronauts for their bravery and strength, scientists for their hard work and the greatness of our country. We should study hard and make contributions to Chinas aerospace industry.

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇2

          During the running exercise this afternoon, my classmates and I watched the sky class together, which was very touching.

          In less than 60 minutes of live broadcast, three astronauts led us to know a new space life, opened our horizons and felt the wonder and incomparable from the new world.

          The work of cultivating cells in a weightless environment, which only needs to stare at the display and record information, has become magical and dreamy in our eyes. Although the cultured cardiomyocytes are a small individual, they show the tenacity of life and the dreamy color of life in the beating of stretching and shrinking. In the vast space, this is also the embodiment of a touch of vitality.

          A wonderful experiment that evolved from a water film into a water ball. A piece of paper flower blooming in space can see two opposite figures in the water ball with a tube of air. All these wonderful principles, which can only be seen in space, not only increase our knowledge, but also show us the door to a new world. This experiment covers a wide range of knowledge, and the surface tension in physics is very clear. I also benefited a lot from it.

          Through this study, I not only learned knowledge, but also understood some truth. Now we have superior living conditions and many dreams. There may be only a few dreams that can be realized, but as long as we persist and have confidence in our lofty dreams, we will be able to develop and contribute to the society and the country.

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇3

          Today, the teacher organized us to watch the Tiangong class. I went to see the Tiangong class with great expectation. I felt very excited about space life for the first time.

          First of all, I saw that when they drank water, they didn't use our ordinary cup, but a bag with a straw on it. I also found that instead of drinking at the beginning, they squeezed out the water first. Water can float in the air. With one mouth, you can drink the water floating in the air into your stomach. I learned that everything floats because there is no gravity in space.

          Then, they use the tension of water to make water balls from the water film. The convex lens imaging experiment is explained to us, which makes us understand the image principle of inverted convex lens.

          Through this Tiangong class, I learned a lot of space knowledge. Their spirit of exploration is worthy of our admiration! I must study hard and use my scientific and cultural knowledge to contribute to the aerospace industry of the motherland in the future!

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇4

          The second lesson of "Tiangong classroom" will be delivered at the China Space Station on the afternoon of March 23. Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu of Shenzhou 13 will cooperate with each other to teach. The space teaching activities continued to be conducted in the way of dialogue between heaven and earth. Astronauts demonstrated space "ice and snow" experiment, liquid bridge demonstration experiment, water oil separation experiment and space parabolic experiment in orbit, and introduced and displayed space science facilities. The second lesson of "Tiangong classroom" aims to spread and popularize space science knowledge and stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to constantly pursue the "scientific dream" and realize the "aerospace dream".

          As we all know, through the unremitting efforts of several generations, China's aerospace industry has made brilliant achievements. Chinese astronauts are not afraid of hardships, have the courage to climb and work hard. They strive for perfection in their work. They are a team that can bear hardships, fight and tackle key problems, thus forming the "aerospace spirit". If we want to inherit the aerospace spirit, we must rely on the majority of teenagers to take over the class. Therefore, the "Tiangong classroom" is the place where teenagers' Aerospace dream begins and a good platform to show the aerospace spirit.

          Through the vivid explanation of the three astronauts, the "Tiangong classroom" can make teenagers have a close and in-depth understanding of aerospace knowledge and intuitively feel the great mysteries of science. After watching the second lesson of "Tiangong classroom", I benefited a lot. I not only realized the importance of aerospace industry, but also became more enthusiastic about learning science. "Tiangong classroom" made me set up lofty ideals since childhood, planted the seeds of Science in my heart, and stimulated my endless desire for exploration!

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇5

          I like the beautiful Chinese knot hanging on the Tiangong space station. It is facing the bright five-star red flag. Such a space station is the most beautiful scenery in space and makes us feel more cordial.

          In space, you should control your body to adapt to the sense of weightlessness and walk around like a fish. The food was originally prepared on earth. Cultivating space plants is an important task in the mission.

          In space, although you can't take a hot bath like on earth, you can wash your face and hair. Researchers have specially developed a decomposition Shampoo - which can not only wash your hair very clean, but also save water. The water in the space station is very precious, so we should save water as much as possible.

          Sleeping on the space station is even more fun. As long as a sleeping bag is OK. The sleeping bag is generally required to be fixed on the bulkhead, but you can sleep anywhere if you like, such as on the ceiling.

          There are also many leisure activities in the space station. You can make video calls with your family, enjoy the beautiful earth at sunset from the porthole, and do morning exercises. The morning exercise project is a traditional Chinese fitness project - Taijiquan.

          The most important and exciting thing is the out of cabin activities. Put on the "flying" suit, come outside the cabin through the airlock cabin, and successfully complete relevant tasks outside the cabin through the joint efforts of ground dispatchers and cabin companions.

          There are also many happy events in space: the rice planted is heading, the space courier is welcomed, and new partners are also welcomed to carry out work handover. After staying in space for three months, I will say goodbye to the "Tiangong" space station and return to earth soon. I am very excited to see my relatives on earth soon.

          Space itself has been very charming. In the vast universe, everything with a five-star red flag makes every Chinese people feel more cordial and proud!

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇6

          The space teaching demonstrated to teenagers the physical phenomena that are difficult to see on the ground in the weightless environment of space. When these wonderful and wonderful phenomena were displayed in front of the students, I heard the students' exclamation and applause many times on the ground. Close to the big screen, I was also shocked by these wonderful phenomena. When Mr. Wang Yaping carried out difficult operations, such as pasting a Chinese knot on the water film, I felt that all the audience at the scene held their breath, and the small icon focused everyone's attention. When it was firmly pasted on the water film, the joy and emotion were difficult to describe in words.

          This way of teaching by highlighting the differences between heaven and earth has greatly stimulated students' interest in space, aerospace and even science. This teaching activity will leave an indelible impression in the minds of teenagers and will certainly accompany the students' lifelong search process.

          As a popular science teacher, astronauts have a cordial dialogue with students, narrowing the distance between the aerospace project representing China's cutting-edge scientific and technological level and the public, and improving teenagers' understanding and attention to the aerospace industry. For teenagers, it is a subtle transmission of Chinese feelings. The astronauts' clear thinking, smooth expression and accurate experimental demonstration left a deep impression on the national audience. We have to admire their extraordinary wisdom, outstanding skills and near perfect physical quality. Of course, it can also reflect their spirit of hard work, excellence and pursuit of excellence. Their performance has set an example for our teachers and is worth learning from.

          This space teaching has realized the continuous cooperation in the field of Aerospace Engineering, science popularization and education in cultivating teenagers, which has a great encouraging effect on physics teachers. History and art teachers and I feel a warmth of unity. This also encourages us to pay more attention to the connection and cooperation with other social and educational forces in our teaching work in the future, listen to teaching opinions from other fields, expand our knowledge and understanding of knowledge, so as to provide students with richer learning resources and create a learning environment more suitable for students' development.

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇7

          Today, we watched "Tiangong classroom". Through this viewing, I learned about the fun of astronauts living in space.

          When Shenzhou 13 successfully reached space, it was accompanied by two astronaut uncles and an astronaut aunt. I still remember that the faces of astronauts' uncles I saw on TV always felt fat. I thought the food in space was too delicious.

          Aunt explained to us why their faces are fat, oh! It turns out that the blood in the human body flows upward in space. Uncle and aunt also performed some programs for us, such as drinking water in space and flowering in water. But what impressed me most was the water table tennis. In our daily life, the table tennis we see is floating on the water. In space, my aunt puts the table tennis in a cup full of water. The table tennis doesn't float up like the earth, but sinks like a stone. This is the experiment of the disappearance of buoyancy.

          This "Tiangong classroom" let me know the different pleasures of life and broaden my horizons. At the same time, I also want to pay high tribute to the "uncles and aunts" of the space capsule. You are my example. After I grow up, I must be as loyal to my motherland as you and contribute to the bright future of my motherland.

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇8

          At 15:40 on March 23, 2022, the second lesson of "Tiangong classroom" officially opened. "Space teachers" Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu brought a wonderful space science course to the majority of teenagers on the China space station.

          This time, the Chinese astronauts passed on scientific knowledge in 300 kilometers of space and demonstrated the charm of the universe to the world with various space experiments, which stimulated the interest of countless students in mysterious space. Teachers, preach, teach and dispel doubts. However, teaching scientific knowledge in space can only be a feat that can be accomplished by modern mankind. When Confucius was studying in Xinglin, how could he think that one day his descendants would run to space like Chang'e and preach and teach in space to solve their doubts? It is said that "teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun", but Morgan and Wang Yaping sprinkled the brilliance of this profession into space and bathed the whole universe in the brilliance of human nature. If the vast universe is a book, then strong comprehensive national strength and solid aerospace technology are undoubtedly the smart key to open this book.

          The space teaching of Chinese astronauts has opened a magical space journey for us, and their "good voice of China" is also infecting and touching everyone around us. However, the unknown of the vast space and the far-reaching significance of education also put forward higher requirements for China's manned space industry. If we want to draw more nutrition from the universe, we must vigorously develop manned spaceflight and education. This time, we can cultivate more love for our motherland and inspire our students to learn more about science in our daily work, so as to stimulate our love for the future.

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇9

          Space teaching refreshes the inherent mode of popular science education and physics teaching, which is intuitive, vivid and enlightening. This kind of distance teaching based on the practice of space exploration is a precious educational resource. Through satellite live broadcasting, playback of the website of the Ministry of education, or repeated teaching in the form of courseware, high-quality educational resources can be shared by students all over the country, which is also a form of improving people's livelihood.

          In fact, the rewards of exploring space have gone deep into our lives. The GPS positioning system, solar roof, instant noodles, vegetable bags and sports shoes we use are all invented or developed in the practice of human exploration of space. Because of our tireless space exploration, we have developed satellite technology for disaster relief and meteorological monitoring, obtained higher quality crop varieties, invented fuel cells, obtained clean and efficient energy, conducted mobile calls through satellite transmission, and bid farewell to the occlusion of "communication basically depends on roar"... Space exploration is constantly changing the way of human life.

          More importantly, with the deepening of space exploration and the improvement of innovation ability, space resources and aviation technology will better serve the society, and the height of social people's livelihood will be effectively expanded: the success of each space launch and the realization of each space exploration will broaden and deepen human understanding of the universe, expand human thinking and activity radius, and provide more possibilities for improving people's basic necessities.

          天宮課堂第二課英語觀后感 篇10

          Today, we participated in the first space class of the "Tiangong classroom" of the Chinese space station in the classroom. The astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu of Shenzhou 13 gave us a lively and interesting physics class.

          First of all, Mr. Wang Yaping showed us the main structure of Tianhe core module and took us to the residential area, health area and space kitchen. Then, the teacher also introduced the usage of sports devices such as space treadmill, space bicycle and "Penguin suit", and explained the importance of exercise in space: there is almost no gravity in the space station, and the microgravity environment will make people's blood gush, bones loosen and muscles shrink. We need to keep exercising to keep healthy. Mr. Ye Guangfu also showed us how to walk and turn around in space, so that we can know more about the life of astronauts in space.

          Then comes the most exciting space experiment. The three teachers demonstrated the space cytology experiment, buoyancy experiment, effervescent tablet experiment and so on, among which the most impressive experiment was the water balloon imaging experiment. Mr. Wang Yaping first made a water film, and then slowly injected water into the water film. Due to the strong surface tension in microgravity environment, the water film becomes a crystal clear water ball. The teacher injected another bubble into the water. When he approached the water polo with his face, there were two images in the water polo, one positive and one negative. The teacher explained that this is because the bubble divides the water ball into two parts to make it image separately. After such a unique "Tiangong class", I finally understood the saying that "space teaching is the most vivid practical case in physics class".

          As teacher Wang Yaping said to our teenagers at the end of the course, "we are the budding flowers of our motherland, and we hope our dreams will bloom in the vast space". Our task now is to study scientific and cultural knowledge hard, serve our motherland in the future, and contribute to the aerospace industry and scientific and technological development of our ancestors.











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