1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. 喬丹普瑞特的出道機遇及歌詞欣賞

        時間:2022-08-21 00:57:58 歌詞 我要投稿
        • 相關推薦




          生長在Loganville, Georgia的喬丹,有著天生稟賦,超凡的嗓音,特別的聲線和嬌好的容貌,這些都讓這位15歲的新星獲得了一大堆不俗的成績。

          喬丹從4歲開始在公開場合唱歌。她總站在成千上萬的觀眾前面。她在喬治亞州著名的奧林匹克世紀公園、石山、六旗以及福克斯劇院開唱,吸引了眾多樂迷。最近,喬丹在洛杉磯和Aly、AJ一起參加迪斯尼聯合舉辦的2006 Youth Marketing大會的演出。

          必然的,喬丹終有一天會被音樂界發現。這一天終于來臨,當凱斯托馬斯聽到喬丹在喬治亞亞特蘭大的樣帶后,打了個電話給喬丹讓她到田納西弗蘭克林的錄音棚試音。他們的會晤,以及喬丹在錄音棚的出色演唱使得喬丹很快簽約Levosia Entertainment, LLC



          You got me

          I know that you always have

          Been there looking up over my sholder

          And you'll be there when I get older

          cause I'm depending on you

          and when I go wrong

          It's ok

          Im not alone your there beside me

          Confident cause im feelin you'd guide me

          I couldn't do without you, no

          troubles with my guy, issues with my girls

          you cover me with your love

          so I know It's ganna be allright

          I know its ganna work out fine

          There are sometimes when I'm running low

          and I here your voice like the radio

          Lifting me up

          Back to a better place

          Where love is unconditional

          When the world fights back

          When this train gets bit off track

          Remember your words

          "there's allways another way"

          Where love is unconditional

          You know me inside out

          know my good and bad but you still love me

          so thank you for taking care of me

          I know you always come through and

          even when i might fall down

          i dont know just how but you allways pick me up

          and I know you'll never remind me

          What would I do without you through

          troubles with my guy, issues with my girls

          you cover me with your love

          so I know its ganna be allright

          I know it's ganna work out fine

          There are sometimes when I'm running low

          and I here your voice like the radio

          Lifting me up

          Back to a better place

          Where love is unconditional

          When the world fights back

          When this train gets bit off track

          Remember your words

          "there's allways another way"

          Where love is unconditional

          And when i think im about to let go

          There you are

          cheering me on

          And it aint even about whats ur set record

          cause u ask for nothing in return

          its just unconditional

          ya ye ya ye


          There are sometimes when I'm running low

          and I here your voice like the radio

          Lifting me up

          Back to a better place

          Where love is unconditional

          When the world fights back

          When this train gets bit off track

          Remember your words

          "there's allways another way"

          Where love is unconditional











          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>