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      2. 高一感恩的英語(yǔ)作文

        時(shí)間:2021-07-20 12:34:59 感恩 我要投稿





          Dear teachers, dear students, hello. Today, my topic is "learn to be grateful"

          Today, I want to talk to you about the topic of "gratitude".

          I think with a grateful heart, it is not simple patience and tolerance. When we enjoy a clean environment every day, we want to thank those cleaning workers; When we move into our new house, we want to thank the builders; When we travel, we want to thank the driver... Understand how to thank you. We should look at every life from an equal perspective and look at everyone around us again.

          What is gratitude? As the name implies, gratitude is that every one should have a heart of gratitude. Thank life, parents, teachers, friends, etc. Travel knows to love others and help others when you are young. At the same time, we should also give our love to other people who need help.

          Here is a small story that shows gratitude. If there is a doubt that a single woman moved, she found a poor family, a widow and two children next door. One night, there was a sudden blackout in that area, and the woman had to light the candle herself. Soon, she heard someone knocking at the door. The child who was next door neighbor was nervous and asked, "do you have any candles in your house?" The woman thought, "his family is so poor that there are no candles? Don't lend them, lest they rely on them. " So, he yelled at the child and said, "no!" Just as she was going to close the door, the poor child opened a loving smile and said, "I know you have no family." Finish. She took out two candles from her arms and said, "Mom and I are afraid you live alone with candles, so I will bring you two candles to send you."

          At this moment, the woman was very self-contained, holding the child in her arms.

          I believe that the warmest days come from darkness, and I believe that the warmest is actually an understanding of the cold and a feeling of gratitude.

          Students, let's act and learn to be grateful! We have gratitude everywhere in our life!

          My speech is over. Thank you.


          The days are always like the spinning yarn from the fingertips, passing away quietly. Those past sorrow, in the past years of washing away with the wave gently gone, and let in the memory of the depth of lasting. Don't ignore the true love, don't let the years of the wind and frost cover up the precious affection in the world“ There is always something that time can't melt away. " It will not be extinguished because of the passage of time. It is always around us, driving away the darkness and bringing light to us.

          Living in the modern society, we are surrounded by a strong sense of commercialization, just like being tied to a high-speed machine. We can't care to observe the emotional world of others, but also forget to taste our own emotional world. We are always used to not know how to cherish when we have, and only know how to be precious after we miss it. Inert 'power, let us lose a lot of beautiful things, in which family occupies a huge proportion. We should cherish all beautiful things, and don't think of compensation until we can't make up for it. It is the great wisdom of life to cherish what we have instead of waiting to regret what we have lost.

          Growing up, we often forget the way home, whether intentional or unintentional. But have we ever experienced the mood of parents in their old age? Go home to see our parents more, let our parents know that we still have them in our heart at least, run home more, because we already owe too much emotional debt.

          "There's an end to the road, there's no end to love." The reason why man is different from other animals is that he has emotion, morality, gratitude and justice. We often say "filial piety" is to require that as children, we must be grateful to our parents. Thanksgiving is a kind of morality, a philosophy of life, with a grateful heart, grateful to the people who gave birth to us, grateful to the people who raised us, and grateful to the people who helped us to mature.

          "Parents in, not far away" is a thousand years old saying, although some old, but it has its own truth. When we fight or play outside, don't be greedy. Remember that there are lonely old people at home who need our care from our parents!

          Fortunately, we still have the opportunity now. Please cherish the love and tolerance of our parents, so that our parents can live happily and happily. Don't hate them in our hearts. Let's think more about our parents, go home more to accompany our parents, and let our parents enjoy more family happiness in their lifetime.












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