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      2. 快樂的端午節(jié) Happy Dragon Boat Festival

        時(shí)間:2021-11-22 12:42:50 端午節(jié) 我要投稿

        快樂的端午節(jié) Happy Dragon Boat Festival


        快樂的'端午節(jié) Happy Dragon Boat Festival

          Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a traditional Chinese folk festival. When I get up in the morning, I will go to grandmas house with my parents to bring presents and see grandma and grandpa.


          As soon as I arrived at the door, I smelled zongzixiang. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my grandfather making dumplings. My mother hurried to cook a table of good dishes


          After washing my hands, I came to the table and made myself a beautiful dumpling. I ate it with relish, and also had dumplings. It was a very rich lunch! At the dinner table, we chatted while eating. The room was full of the happy atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, filled with the fragrant taste of zongzi and the thick aroma of AI.


          I like eating dumplings and dumplings. I love Dragon Boat Festival and enjoy the happy atmosphere of the festival.

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