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      2. 高一英語作文 端午節(jié)的故事

        時間:2021-10-15 09:58:08 端午節(jié) 我要投稿

        高一英語作文 端午節(jié)的故事

          在日常的學習、工作、生活中,說到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文根據體裁的不同可以分為記敘文、說明文、應用文、議論文。還是對作文一籌莫展嗎?下面是小編為大家整理的`高一英語作文 端午節(jié)的故事,歡迎閱讀與收藏。

        高一英語作文 端午節(jié)的故事

          The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is a traditional Chinese festival dedicated to the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan for his devotion to his native state.

          Qu Yuan lived in the state of Chu during the Warring States period (475~221 B.C.). Chu was in condtant danger of being invaded by the state of Qin, the strongest among the seven states then existing in central china. As one of the dukes, Qu Yuan advocated that Chu should join forces with the neighboring state of Qi to fight against Qin's troops. However, his patriotism and dedication were betrayed by capitulators who slandered him. The king of Chu believed them and sent Qu Yuan into exile. He wrote many immortal masterpieces exposing the corrupt and incompetent feudal regime. In his autobiographic works he expresses his political position and his ambition of rejuvenating his state. When Qu Yuan heard that Qin troops had occupied the Chu capital, he threw himself into the Miluo River in despair on the fifth day the fifth lunar month.

          Local people honor the memory of Qu Yuan on this day by holding dragon-boat races. It is said that the boat races were regarded as a symbol of the people's attempt to rescue Qu Yuan. For a long time now they have been a popular sport. China has a long history of making big wooden boats sport. The prow is a carved dragon's head, and the body id made in a dragon-like shape or following the design of fish, birds or shrimp. It is painted red, yellow, black or white according to the taste of the oarsmen. Different size boats hold different numbers of oarsmen, seated in pairs. Boat races are held in rivers going either up or downstream or from bank to bank, following the strict rules and regulations set by the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission. Winners are awarded trophies. Every year the “Qu Yuan Cup” is held in China. The boat race is also very popular in Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.

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