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      2. 寫動物的英語作文

        時間:2022-01-01 09:06:54 動物類英語作文 我要投稿




        寫動物的英語作文 篇1

          Monarch butterfly is a beautiful insect.

          Monarch butterfly is insect, it is beautiful, every year , Milli0ns of Monarch butterflies fly from Canada to Mexico ,the way is about 4000 km. they fly 45km every day .Why do they go to Mexico? Because , Canada is too cold ,they are live in Mexico six months ,from April to October . And then, new Monarch butterflies are fly from Mexico to Canada, they are not “old” Monarch butterflies, because Monarch butterflies lay their eggs and the they die.

          In the Canada, new Monarch butterflies lay eggs ,and then die, the egg change to the Monarch butterfly caterpillar, the Monarch butterfly caterpillar change to the Monarch butterfly chrysalis , the Monarch butterfly chrysalis grow to the adult Monarch butterfly, the adult Monarch butterfly lay egg and then die ……

          I have a question : How do the Monarch butterfly know the way? Maybe only Monarch butterflies can answer this questions .

        寫動物的英語作文 篇2

          You know, there's a lovely puppy in the aunt's house. It has white hair all over the body, white as cotton candy; its eyes are black and white, like two precious stones; ears are semicircle, nose is black, tail is short. It's really beautiful!

          One day, I went to the aunt's home to play. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the dog barking in the doorway, as if welcoming me to his house. I saw it, smiled and said: "small naughty, do not worry, I will play with you immediately!"."

          As I entered the room, I sat down on the sofa and wanted to rest for a while. But it licks me with its tongue. I can't stand this kind of "affectionate" reception, so I have to go out with him.

          Outside, we played hide and seek. I hid in the middle of the back of the car, waiting for it to come to me. After a while, I saw him running nimbly towards this place. Suddenly, it came to me with a slam on the brakes, but it didn't realize my existence. So I decided to come and see what it was like.

          It was the body of the hair, like a bath. It spat out its tongue against the sun. Yes, the weather is so hot today, just like the fire on the ground. But it also found me at this time. Ah! It become more lovely! Light shining white hair, looks very smooth. Its eyes were fixed on me, a smile on my face, as if to say, "look, boy, I've found it."".

          I really like this cute puppy!

        寫動物的英語作文 篇3

          Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.

          Once there was a famous masician in our country. His name was Gongsun YI. He liked to play the lute very much. One day he saw a cow eating grass. He was very happy and began to play the lute to the cow. The music

          was very pleasant, but the cow still ate grass without listening to it.

          Gongsun Yi went away unhappily. He wondered why the cow didnot listen to the nice music. In fact the cow could not understand music. Gongsun Yi just played the music to the wrong audience.

        寫動物的英語作文 篇4

          Russian Scientists Surrounded by Polar Bears


          Relief supplies finally arrived on a remote Arctic island where a group of scientists had been trapped in a weather station. Up to a dozen polar bears had surrounded the station on the island of Troynoy and set up camp approximately two weeks ago. The bears were becoming more aggressive over time, killing one of the station's dogs and breaking a window. On Wednesday, a helicopter that picked up supplies from a nearby vessel arrived with dogs and flares and was able to scare away the bears and allow the researchers to get back to work.

          救災(zāi)物資終于抵達了偏遠的北極島嶼,有一批科學(xué)家被困在那里的氣象站中。大約兩周以前,十幾只北極熊將特洛伊諾伊島(Troynoy Island)上的一個氣象站團團包圍,并在那里安營扎寨。隨著時間的流逝,北極熊變得越來越有攻擊性,咬死了氣象站的狗,還打破了窗戶。周三,一架從附近船只上攜帶犬和照明彈物資的直升機到達島嶼,能夠?qū)⒈睒O熊嚇走,讓科學(xué)家正常工作。

        寫動物的英語作文 篇5

          My favorite animals are swans.they are white.they can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.they have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.they bring us love and make us happy.they are always friendly to us.We can't hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.they are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.they keep the thieves away.

          Dogs have the best listening and eyes.they can hear in the nosiy,see in the dark.If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they don't mind their lives.So,I love them.











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