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      2. 難忘的一節課初中英語作文

        時間:2024-04-19 08:40:13 煒玲 初中英語作文 我要投稿
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          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 1

          How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?

          Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked over-aged in our school.He should have retired from teaching last year.But he didnt want to leave his platform,his all students,and stay till last month.On the morning of April 22,Wednesday,he stood at the gate of the classroom as usual.The bell rang and Mr Zhang appeared on the platform.Much to our surprise,he was wearing the coat he wore for the first class a few years ago.“Boys and girls,I am sorry this is the last lesson I give you...”He wispered,tears came to his eyes.Hearing such words,all of us were shocked.“Why? Mr Zhang.Why did you say that?”It turned out that Mr Zhang had suffered lung cancer.He knew about that long ago but he didnt tell us because he didnt want us to worry about him.And now the disease had got worse and he had to receive treatment.We didnt and couldnt believe!

          In the class,Mr Zhang encourged us to study diligently and be good perons in the future.

          This was my unforgettable lesson.Ill keep it in mind forever.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 2

          When it comes to "an unforgettable lesson", I always think of a lesson at the beginning of the year. The reason why that lesson is so unforgettable to me is that I took the stage to have a speech like sharing.

          Thats a geography lesson in our class. Our geography teacher is a travel enthusiast. That lesson was transformed into a travel sharing lesson by our teacher. The students who have not traveled sit in the classroom as the audience, while the students who have traveled stand on the platform to share the travel story. Because my parents also love traveling, when I was very young, they began to take me to travel. Naturally, I stand on the platform to share the story of the trip.

          It was the first time that I was timid to go on stage for a speech like sharing. I was so nervous that my heart jumped to my throat. Even now I still remember the feeling of sweating in my palm. What I share with you is my experience of going to Xian with my parents. When it comes to the terra cotta warriors and horses in the mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, only one or two of my classmates responded to me. When it comes to rougamo and cold skin, all the students cheered and shouted under the platform, which also made me nervous and timid to share with you the delicious food in Xian. I told you all the snacks that my parents and I had eaten in some food markets in Xian, so that the sharing would be concluded later Bundle up, many students who have never talked to me began to ask me what other delicious food there is in Xian after class.

          I remember that in that class, there were several people who shared. What impressed me most was the sharing of my delicious Xian trip, and what impressed me most was the last crescent spring shared by our geography teacher. After the teacher said the beauty of Yueya spring, I also planted the hope to visit Yueya spring in my heart. I also hope that when I share the travel story in the future, I will not always introduce the delicious food that everyone likes because of timidity and nervousness. I will bravely introduce the truly beautiful but unknown scenery like the teacher.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 3

          The most unforgettable class for me was a regular Chinese class.

          Class is over, and the teacher teaches us to take out a piece of paper for dictation. Sometimes, the teacher will ask a few of us to write on the blackboard. This time, I am honored to have won the prize.

          "Haha, I reviewed last night and Im not afraid today," I confidently went up. The teacher started dictating, and I started writing with chalk. Every time the teacher finished speaking a word, I quickly finished it. After finishing writing, the teacher asked me to write ancient poems silently. I finished writing them in three strokes, five divisions, and two. After finishing, I looked at others happily.

          After a while, I returned to my seat and the teacher began to check. I know I wrote it perfectly, so I didnt even read it. After finishing the exam, the teacher said that everything I did was correct. "Yeah!" Sure enough, its all right. I didnt waste reading last nights book. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, I was all right when he said another sentence: "Although it was all right, the handwriting was very unsightly. I just glanced at the blackboard and searched and searched for it. It took me a long time to find what I had written. Huh? Why is it so small? When I wrote it, it was quite big.".

          The teacher said again, "You are too confident, which leads to your arrogance. Overconfidence is arrogance!"

          Looking back, every time I take an exam, there are always questions that I make mistakes due to carelessness. If I hadnt been arrogant and checked them after the exam, there wouldnt have been so many wrong questions. Confidence is necessary, but not too much, because excessive confidence is arrogance! Confidence makes one progress, and self ambassador makes one fall back!

          I will never forget this Chinese class, let alone what the teacher said.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 4

          Although I have experienced it, I am still a bit unforgettable. Because this is not an ordinary physical education class, but a physical education class full of strong love.

          Our classmates get excited during the physical education class from Monday to Tuesday. Because we could play basketball with our old class in this physical education class, I, as a sports enthusiast, didnt miss it either. I hurriedly ran towards the playground holding the basketball.

          Suddenly, the teacher threw a three pointer into the air, and then the intense game began. Firstly, the teacher passed the ball to his teammates and saw Xiao Yao jump high, ready to throw the ball. Suddenly, the pony reached out and slapped the racket away. Xiaochen seized the ball with ease. Three step layup threw the ball in. Finally, the ball landed in my hand, and they chased after me. I accidentally fell to the ground, and the teacher quickly ran over to comfort me. I asked the teacher to play a game without caring about me, but the teacher didnt do that and stayed by to comfort me. He sat quietly next to me and watched them playing games with enthusiasm.

          At this moment, my heart was warm, as if drinking a cup of warm milk tea, warming from inside out. I cant forget that you patiently taught us how to play basketball; I cant forget how you created more shooting opportunities for us, running time and time again; I cant forget you, cheering happily for our basket.

          I deeply feel the teachers love for us. He nurtures us like a gardener. We must study hard and never let down the teachers love for us.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 5

          In the long river of my memory, there are many things that have left a lasting impression on me to this day.

          It was a snowy morning, and the world wrapped in silver outside the window was intoxicating. The teacher led us to the playground for physical education class, and coincidentally, another class was also on the playground. I looked at the thick layer of "white cotton quilt" covering the ground, and my little plan came up with a devilish idea. Do as you please. I grabbed a handful of snow and kneaded it into a snowball. Taking advantage of the situation, I threw the snowball out of my hand. The snowball drew a perfect arc in the air and hit a classmate in another class who was warming up. As the snowball had little killing power, I only heard an extremely angry roar. Then, several snowballs of different sizes flew over from the other side. Immediately, several of our classmates were hit, and several students who were unaware immediately retaliated. In an instant, dozens of snowballs appeared in the sky, flying straight towards the opposite side. Immediately, a fierce snow battle caused by me began. I bravely fought against the enemy, killed countless enemies, and was invincible. Suddenly, a big snowball hit my back. As I expected, it was my classmate who was ambushed by me before who came to take revenge on me, with a smile of victory on his lips. Happy times are always so brief, and the snowball battle ended with our laughter and shouts.

          This physical education class left a very deep impression on me and added a colorful touch to my dull elementary school life.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 6

          As a sixth grade student, I have taken many classes, but among them, that class left the deepest impression on me.

          That was when I was in fourth grade. One day, as soon as the teacher walked in, he quickly connected the computer to the big screen and released a set of photos. The whole class immediately fell silent. The photo showed a little boy carrying a few bricks on his back walking towards the construction site.

          Afterwards, the teacher explained these photos to us in detail: This is a homeless child from a certain place. Because his mother is seriously ill and there is also a little brother at home, he is the pillar of the family. As a last resort, the little boy gave up school to work and walks on the construction site carrying dozens of pounds of bricks every day

          At this point, I couldnt help but fall into contemplation. How pitiful it is that the little boy can only earn 3 yuan and 30 cents by carrying dozens of bricks and walking more than ten miles a day! This can only be earned by walking more than ten miles!

          This incident reminds us of our own lives. Usually, we dont even pay attention to 5 or 10 yuan. Some students even ask their parents to buy branded clothes for us. If their parents dont agree or buy them, they will cry and make a scene. They will also say things like "running away from home" and "you dont love me anymore". You know, how sad your parents should be when they hear this!

          This is the most unforgettable lesson I have had in my six years of elementary school. It deeply shook my heart.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 7

          This morning we had the most unforgettable tongue twister lesson.

          The first round of the competition has begun. Suddenly, there was a complete silence in the classroom, and even a needle could be heard falling to the ground. The three contestants wore smiles on their faces, confident and confident. The first contestant started reading aloud and soon passed the level easily. At this point, the other players on the side became a bit nervous, worried that they wouldnt win the championship. As a result, they made a few mistakes due to nervousness. In the end, the first contestant won the championship, but the teacher still gave them each a small gift.

          The second round of competition is about to begin. The teacher called five contestants on stage this time, and all five contestants walked on with smiles on their faces. In no time, the first contestant began to read, and her expression immediately became serious, completely different from before, and she began to read seriously. The second player came on stage and he was also reading carefully. Suddenly, the classmates couldnt help but laugh. Some covered their mouths and laughed, some lay on the table and laughed, and some laughed so hard that they couldnt stop. The classroom is full of vitality and energy. What exactly is going on? Originally, the contestant laughed on his own. Time passed by minute by second, and the fourth contestant came on stage. She read proficiently, fluent like water in a small river, and her voice was clear and loud, so I think she must have won the championship. As expected, the fourth contestant won the championship and received a prize.

          Unconsciously, the bell rang for the end of class, and it was about to end. But I will never forget this class - the most unforgettable one.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 8

          The incident occurred at the beginning of fourth grade when Teacher Zhangs throat became inflamed. Every time I say a word, my throat hurts particularly. In order to relieve the pain in Teacher Zhangs throat and allow her classmates to attend class, Teacher Zhang came up with a good solution: she asked a few students to choose one or two new words on their own, and prepared them to go up and speak the new words. Teacher Zhang asked us to copy the new words first and then write them down from memory.

          Tang Zisu, Li Yulong, Sun Jiale, and Shi Kexin who took the stage to speak new characters. After getting ready, Tang Zisu took the lead on the podium and passionately talked about the content; Li Yulong walked up to the podium the second time and confidently spoke the new words he should have spoken; Sun Jiale was the third to step onto the podium and spoke with great vitality; Shi Kexin finally walked onto the podium and spoke with a high spirited tone about the new words she should have spoken. After speaking the new words, the whole class immediately burst into thunderous applause. Teacher Zhang also suppressed the pain, praised them, and encouraged the students: in the future, students who want to speak new words can also boldly go to the podium to speak new words. After hearing this news, the students immediately exclaimed and danced excitedly, feeling very happy. Teacher Zhang endured the pain and chatted with us again... Unconsciously, class ended.

          From then on, this class became the most unforgettable one for me.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 9

          Strange noses appeared before everyones eyes, and classmates were laughing and laughing. Do you know what game we were playing? Yes, we were playing the game of "blindfolded nose drawing". Do you want to play it

          Today, I went to Xintianhua to have a Chinese class. As soon as I entered the classroom, the teacher said, "We dont have class today, lets play games!" As soon as I finished speaking, the classroom exploded like a sea of joy. Suddenly, someone asked the teacher, "What game are you playing?" The classroom finally quieted down, and the teacher said slowly, "Today were going to play - blindfold and draw noses!"!

          The game started, and the teacher only asked two classmates to turn left and right three times at the back of the classroom. Then, blindfolded, they walked to the whiteboard and drew their noses based on their own feelings. They had just drawn their noses on the whiteboard, and the classmates laughed so hard that they couldnt stand up. It turned out that they had drawn their noses outside their faces!

          Another round came, this time the teacher found four people, two of whom were commanders and the remaining two were nose painters. Lets start! This time, it was obviously better than last time because there were two more conductors, so they all painted on their faces. The teacher came and asked us to play together for several rounds, all painted on our faces, except that some were slightly to the right, some were slightly to the left, some were slightly upwards, and some were slightly downwards. The laughter of our classmates turned into a roar, and we were extremely happy! Thats it

          The game came to an end amidst laughter and cheers!

          This game has taught me a lesson: to do anything, one must work together as a team, and everyone should cooperate with each other. Otherwise, nothing will be successful!

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 10

          I love attending English classes the most because English teachers always use games to make the class lively and interesting, while also helping us learn new words.

          In an English class, the teacher wrote new words and phonetic symbols on the blackboard and taught us how to read them over and over again. When we learned that we were proficient in reading, the teacher drew two bombs after the words and said, "Lets play a game today called Word Bomb. Which word did I point to, which one did you read? If there is a bomb after the word I pointed to, you cannot read. Students who have read it should stand up and lets bomb them together, okay?" "Okay!" The students agreed in unison.

          The game has started! The teacher occasionally pointed to words with bombs painted on them. At first, the students were quite serious and didnt jump into the teachers trap. However, a few students would read along with the teachers gesture without thinking. The teacher immediately laughed proudly, and the other students also laughed and fired at them with their hands. With a loud bang, a mischievous student deliberately pretended to be injured and collapsed on the desk, making everyone burst into laughter.

          Playing interesting games, accompanied by joyful laughter, we learned new words and deeply remembered them. The whole English class was immersed in a joyful atmosphere. Can I forget such an English class?

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 11

          During summer vacation, I went to my aunts studio to paint. There are many children in the painting class, some big and some small, all very cute and lively!

          The class started, and the aunt explained to everyone seriously: Guess what to draw today? Originally, today I painted a plant with thorns. As soon as the aunt spoke, everyone cheerfully replied in unison, "Cactus!"

          Cactus looks simple, but its not easy to draw. There are so many steps. In the first class, we first drew a brown desert and a yellow sky. Because it was painted with watercolor, it must be air dried for a while. So, we recited ancient poems and sang songs, and even blew air into the dry paintings, so happy!

          In the second class, we tried to draw the general outline of the cactus and then painted it dark green. I painted the best in the class because I am the oldest and have been in the painting class for the longest time. Cactus, how can a cactus without thorns? We painted it with a thin and thick layer of hard thorns and light green stripes with a black border marker, and then made small and exquisite flowers with red, rose, and yellow colored clay. Good spirit cactus!

          Auntie found us beautiful colored cardboard again and pasted the painted cactus on it. The next step, of course, is to take photos! We posed beautifully, and the aunt recorded our cute little faces in the photos.

          Todays art class is truly colorful. I have learned a lot about drawing and learned to be patient and cautious in doing things. I will come to learn painting more in the future!

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 12

          Dont go there! Xiao Ming shouted loudly, and soon the classroom turned into a vegetable market. At this moment, our mood is both excited and nervous, afraid of accidentally drawing in the wrong place.

          Everyone wants the teacher to choose themselves. Once they have chosen, lets start the competition! The teacher said. Some students say to point upwards; Some say point downwards, while others say point further to the right. Some of the contestants in the competition painted on their foreheads, some on their chin, and some on the white wall. However, our teams player Xiao Li appeared calm and confident. She calmly picked up her pen and quickly ran to the back of the classroom three times after the teacher put on her eye mask. Then, she used her hands to explore left and right to avoid touching the table. She quickly walked to the podium and patiently started drawing. In a short while, she completed the task. She quickly took off her eye mask and jumped up excitedly, suddenly shouting, "Yeah!"! Our team has won! Only then did we realize. The losing team has been complaining about their contestant all along, but I think everyone should unite and encourage their teammates more, instead of just complaining and blaming. This not only helps but also damages everyones harmony.

          This is the most unforgettable lesson I have had during my summer vacation. It taught me that unity is strength, and only when we work together and unite can we achieve ultimate victory.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 13

          With the ringing of the bell, our Class 65 welcomed a humorous and witty class, which was Teacher Yangs Chinese class.

          Many interesting things happened in Chinese class, do you want to know? And listen to me speak slowly.

          In this Chinese class, the teacher checked the recitation of the text. The teacher first asked us to raise our hands if we can recite, and those who raise their hands indicate that we can recite.

          After finishing the statistics, the teacher said, "Those who can recite should sit upright and recite carefully. Those who cannot recite should pitifully read books." This statement caused us to burst into laughter.

          While reciting the text, I glanced at the people who were reading. Those students who couldnt memorize looked really pitiful. I think they will definitely work hard to memorize next time.

          After memorizing the text, the teacher seemed to be worried about us and was afraid that someone would falsify or make up the numbers, so he ordered someone to memorize the text.

          This persons name is Hai Yuchen, and he only memorized one sentence: "The mountains and waters of Guilin are unique and beautiful, Hangzhou, Hangzhou..." He seems to not know it anymore. The teacher reminded, "The heavy makeup and light makeup of West Lake in Hangzhou..." He followed the teacher and recited a sentence.

          The teacher came up with a plan: "The magnificent waves of the East China Sea..." He even said this sentence, and we all burst into laughter. I laughed so much that my stomach hurt.

          The teacher said two more words: "The rough waves in the South China Sea and the waves in the North Sea." He followed the teachers instructions and carried his back, causing us to laugh back and forth again. The teacher was also infected and burst into laughter.

          This class was very interesting and I wont forget it for a long time.

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 14

          This class was really unforgettable, but it only happens once a year. I wonder if we can still take this kind of class next year?

          As it is the first time in class, the teacher said that students, as it is just the beginning of the class, lets play games. All the classmates in the class agreed in unison to start grouping, with one male and one female group. So, why are we only two boys and three girls? This is unfair. The boys protest is ineffective. Lets play a game of guessing idioms. The teacher wrote three thirds and three fives on the blackboard, and before the science teacher could finish, I said the answer. Therefore, our boy team added one point. But later, the boy team made the girl catch up to 25 points, and we were very excited. We thought to ourselves, Oh my goodness, its done. The girl team must have won, and we must have lost. And just as we were all hopeless and self destructive, the teacher gave a response. The question I have been studying, and I am already familiar with this type of question. The teacher said that in the end, give the boy a chance to know the question. If he answers correctly, he will receive a 20 point bonus, and the girl can also answer the question. If he answers correctly, he will receive a 20 point bonus. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, my answer blurted out. The designated teacher said that if the boy answered correctly, he would get an extra 20 points. Thats great, he would surpass the girl by five points. It happened to be the end of class. The teacher said that the boy team won by 20 points over 30 points, and the girls had to leave with a disheveled expression. I couldnt help but feel very happy when I saw their expressions. Who let them delay us when they dont score too high? Now they know our strength, haha!!

          I had a particularly relaxed math class today

          難忘的一節課初中英語作文 15

          The open day of the parent teacher meeting has finally arrived. Many parents came to our seventh grade and seventh class to listen to the class. With excitement in our class, everyone sat in their seats very neatly. The text the teacher taught us was "The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace". During the lesson, the teacher not only asked us to write the topic, but also taught us how to write new characters stroke by stroke. During the class, the Chinese teacher explained to us how the Old Summer Palace was destroyed?

          It is because the British and French coalition attacked our Old Summer Palace, which you all know is an immeasurable loss in the world. When answering the question, only I actively answered it. The teacher told us about the glory and destruction of Old Summer Palace, which described its former glory and expressed the authors love for the splendid culture of our country. At the same time, it also reflects the immense hatred towards the barbaric acts of plunder, destruction, and burning by the aggressors. I feel that the British and French coalition forces are very shameless.

          The teacher spoke very vividly, and some parents were infected to start taking photos and recording videos. Class will be over in a few more minutes, and I stood up excitedly to answer the questions seriously. After this class, all of our classmates have gained a lot. After class, every parent couldnt help but start applauding and bowing neatly to their classmates.

          This class was very unforgettable to me. I will never forget this moment.












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