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      2. 寫天氣的初一英語作文

        時間:2023-05-05 15:20:35 興亮 初一年級英語作文 我要投稿
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          寫天氣的初一英語作文 1

          Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy. Bad weather makes people sick and depressed. Be sides, on a fine day, one can go out for a walk or play a game in the open. On a rainy day, however, he can only stay indoors, in a word, weather is part of life for all of us.

          The first thing that many people do after getting up is to see what the weather is like. With a knowledge of the weather people can arrange work and life of the day. If it is fine, he may decide to go on a picnic. If it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house. Whatever the weather may be, one tends to adjust his activities to it accordingly.

          In order to know what the weather will he, special people are hired 1o provide this information. They collect data, analyze them and predict the weather of the coming day. This information, which is announced on the radio or on TV, is usually very accurate. Thanks to the efforts of those professionals, we can always know the weather in advance and get prepared for it.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 2

          My mood is like the weather, sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy: because today there is a Chinese exam, my mood is as changeable as the weather.

          When the bell rang, Miss Wei said solemnly, "Today's Chinese exam. I couldn't wait to take the paper and hurried off work. I heard the sound of pen and paper rubbing together. It was a beautiful piece of music. I finished the paper without realizing it. I checked again and thought, "I'm going to get 100 percent." So my mood is like sunshine. I'll hand in my paper later.

          Time to get excited! As the teacher began to announce the results, my heart raced and I felt suffocated. Zhu Jingyi 95. Five points, I'm happy.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 3

          "Shout! Oh! Make a phone call!" What's that sound? That's right! It was the wind, "Sand! Sand! Sand!" What's that sound? That's right! It was the sound of rain, "rumble!" What's that sound? That's right! This is thunder.

          There are various kinds of weather in nature, and the weather also has its own different sounds and states, so we can judge wind, rain, thunder, electricity by different sounds, so as to know what the weather will be.

          Weather is very important. If there is no wind, you won't feel cool on a hot summer day. If it doesn't rain, all the plants, flowers and trees will dry up and die. If there were no thunder, we would not easily know the arrival of spring and the renewal of all things! Really, every weather is important.

          When nature appears at historical moments, weather is an indispensable phenomenon. Normal weather requires us to live a continuous friendly life with nature and take care of the surrounding environment.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 4

          Summer is really hot!

          The sun is like a huge fireball, radiating a strong light, illuminating everything on earth, making people feel that they are in a hot kingdom. People don't want to go out of their homes. If they have something to do, they should wear sun hats or wet towels. As soon as they get home, they can't wait to turn on the electric fan or air conditioner and enjoy the cool wind they give off.

          Hot weather, no one is comfortable, had to stay quietly in the dormitory, sweat like a river flowing! Depressed!

          Study, class, the classroom is full of people! What's the use of a few electric fans? I don't know. Hot air, too.

          Sweltering weather can make a big change in temperament. Is anger good for the body? There is no basis for this!

          What can we do in this weather? Reading, will you calm down? Internet, the heat of the machine, also let you suffer! Trouble, trouble!

          I just hope this weather leaves us soon!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 5

          The weather is like a child's face, said to change. This morning, the weather is sunny, I go to my mother's place of work, the sun is shining on the earth, very warm. But after work, the sky blew a big phoenix, the leaves of the sky swaying, floating down from the sky, like butterflies dancing in the air, flying tired have to fall on the ground. The wind also added a thin light rain, light rain like spring girl gentle fall on my face.

          People on the road were in a hurry to get home, because it was going to rain heavily outside, and the sand blew in their eyes. Back home, home again power off, everywhere dark, the wind outside the window like ghosts crying Wolf. The wind clattered, clattered against the glass, and seemed to tear it.

          At night, I am afraid of sleeping alone, so I call my mother to sleep with me. The night is very warm with my mother.

          What a changeable weather it is!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 6

          The weather is strange today. It was still sunny in the morning, but I took a nap and found it was cloudy outside, the wind was blowing and the trees were falling all over the place. Suddenly, sand flying, dust flying, can not open their eyes, the wind whistling, and the garbage on the ground is rolled up, colorful butterflies flying around. There was a flash of lightning in the sky, followed by a "rumble" of thunder. I was reading a book when it thundered, so I made a big jump. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning appeared in the sky and hit the tree in front of the classroom. We were all stunned.

          At this moment, the rain from the air to every corner. Raindrops like crystal silver pearls, down the eaves, dripping to the ground, gradually merged into a stream. In an instant, between heaven and earth as if hanging a very wide bead curtain, the distant green mountains disappeared, the nearby houses and trees also blurred. The rain fell on the roof, splashing and forming a thin mist. How beautiful!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 7

          This morning, the sky is like gray, go outside, ah! It's so cold. I shrink my head. Then I heard someone say snow, I don't believe it, busy out, wow! It's really snowing.

          Snowflakes are very small, I put out my hand, there is a snowflake floating into my hand, cold, after a while, the snow melted, spondee snowflakes under the bigger, frozen I shivered. I thought: "Today the snow will cover the ground again."

          At noon, the snow disappeared, the road wet, the day gradually clear, there is a ray of sunshine through the window shone in, I looked up, the sun is high in the sky, as if to smile at us! My heart felt a kind of warmth, really strange, the day is like a doll's face, want to cry cry, want to laugh. That's a lot of change.

          This is really unpredictable weather.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 8

          When I got up this morning, I found the temperature was quite different from the usual hot weather. I used to wake up every morning and feel the sweat oozing from my body. Today is different. The cool breeze blowing out of the window makes people feel like autumn is coming and makes people feel refreshed.

          I quickly took a breath of fresh air, opened the balcony window and looked out. Turns out it rained last night. This morning, puddles of water, large and small, had piled up on the road, with droplets sticking to the leaves. No wonder it's so cool.

          It's only the end of July, but the cool weather is not easy, at least it can provide a break from the hot summer.

          I hope August is coming and the weather will cool down after Start of Autumn. I hope the hot weather won't last long. If only it were so cool.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 9

          A rainstorm is coming.

          Clouds rolling from the east, like thousands of black horses galloping, the sky gradually dark, like slowly spread out ink.

          One drop of rain fell on the grass, and another, and the rain grew thicker and thicker, and the bean-sized drops crackled down. They drench people as they go out; They bend the leaves; They hit the petals to the ground...

          A thunder shook the earth and the sky like an angry giant, wildly beating his drum, and then a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up houses and streets for an instant.

          At last the giant calmed down and the rain got lighter and lighter. The sun came out and a rainbow hung in the sky.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 10

          Sitting at my desk today in a daze because nothing happened today and my mom didn't tell me. She said, "You have to think for yourself, I can't help you every time." I just sat there thinking, "Ah! 61 is coming up. I can get along just fine without homework and a diary I hate to write in. If only I could grow a pair of wings, become a bird, fly into the sky, and play games with the sun and clouds. I also want to fly to cities all over the country to see how they celebrate June 1. I also want to fly to the disaster area to the children of the disaster area show, and they have a happy 61 together. I still want to..."

          "What are you still doing there? Don't finish your diary." "Said Mother, walking over. Alas! My mother broke my dream.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 11

          The weather is really very strange, it is hot, cold, cloudy, sunny, let a person have a kind of unfathomable feeling.

          For example: "The weather was hot like summer the other day, and cold like winter these two days." Today I put on my winter coat. I asked my mother why the weather was so strange. My mother told me that there were many reasons for the change of the weather. For example, the earth has been damaged, the environment has been polluted, spring will become as cold as winter, ah! Is our earth going to explode one day?

          I think we can start from the little things around us, not littering. I hope our human living environment is getting better and better.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 12

          Today I walked in the street above the sign "This shop is the last day of business, today free group any weather" I walked over to have a look, the queue is like a long long, I watch others rent weather. Seems a little curious.

          Youwei little brother walked over and said: "It rained heavily today, my mother didn't bring an umbrella, all the cars on the street came to you here to set the weather, those people are renting the rainstorm, I want to rent a sunny day." Little brother just fell, the clouds in the sky immediately did not!

          Then there is a farmer uncle, rented a rainy day said: "these days no water, please next several hours!" Under the farmer uncle happy to go home!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 13

          My favorite weather is snow.

          When the snow, a thick layer of cotton candy covered the earth, the tree also put on a white coat, although the river is frozen, but the river fish are still happy to play, small animals also began to hibernate.

          On snowy days, I like to have snowball fights outside. I quietly grabbed a lot of snow, threw to my father, father not only did not in my "secret", also put my snowball back, scared me "four feet in the air". After a while, I started a second round of "bombing", I quickly hid, dad looking for me, I knead a very big snowball, buckle in the father's head, in an instant, dad put on a pair of "white mask"!

          This is my kind of snow day.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 14

          Night, the surrounding mountains, like a winding dragon, like the tiger, lion, like yawning, did not wake up the little white sheep bowed his head, some like the fairy tale world unicorn horn, with can break all the injury force and similar to the elegant feeling, like the camel back "mountain", is that sudden night, the surrounding mountains, like a winding dragon, Like the proud tiger, lion, like yawning, did not wake up the little white sheep bowed his head, some like the fairy tale world of the unicorn horn, with can break all the hurt force and similar to the elegant feeling, like the camel back "mountain", is so prominent, high!

          The style of ice sculpture is really countless, some look like the goddess of the moon with the jade rabbit flying to the moon, some like a tiger, with the fierce eyes looking at you, some like the zodiac, row by row, some like lanterns, strange appearance, let you curious.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 15

          This morning, I was woken up by the howling wind. I looked at the ceiling. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the swaying branches outside the window and tapped the window. I pushed it away carefully, whooshing -- the wind came in cool. Shivering, I closed the window and went out. The campus is quiet, the wind is still blowing, the mood is desolate. The wind blew up the plastic bags on the ground, like a broken kite, and disappeared.

          As the students walked down Central Avenue, the wind showed its fury, blowing the little girl's hair out of shape and immobile. I finally entered the classroom and looked out. It's very vague. Alas, the window was covered with a layer of water. A large drop of water fell on the exercise book and spread. The wind is terrible.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 16

          As soon as I went out this morning, I felt a little cool. A few thick clouds floating in the sky, naughty wind girl blowing in my face feel very cold. Mom said, "It's raining today."

          In the afternoon after school, the rain gradually up. My mother took me home with an umbrella, we heard the sound of rain on the umbrella under the umbrella, dripping like singing to us.

          After dinner in the evening, I lie on the window to see, ah! It's snowing, watching the snowflakes fall from the sky. It falls on the ground and melts. I am very strange, why is it spring, but also snow?

          Today's weather is really unpredictable. There is wind, rain and snow all day. It's really a special day.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 17

          Thunder, like drops of water falling from the tip of the grass, came intermittently from a distance. The sky was dark, and heaven and earth merged together, and nothing could be seen. The earth seemed to fall asleep. The thunder, however, rolled and rumbled, as if it had been surrounded by dense clouds, and struggled to get out, with a dull, dull sound. There was a rustling of grass and trees, and nothing but the sound of thunder could be heard. There was no one on the road.

          Lightning, in the vast sky, on the torn cotton like clouds, flickering fire. Sultry, hot tree cicadas, even in the middle of the night called up. There was a damp, earthy smell in the air: heavy rain was on the way.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 18

          Of all the natural phenomena, I hate lightning the most. Every time I stand under a tree when there is lightning, I may be struck by lightning. The house without lightning rod is also very likely to be struck by lightning, and after hitting the tree, it will cause a fire, even a forest fire.

          However, lightning also has some benefits for nature. After each lightning strike, ozone is formed, and a large amount of ozone is formed into the ozone layer, which reduces the damage of ultraviolet rays.

          Lightning also produces nitric oxide, a gas that is so important to plants that all plants need it to survive. This gas is made from nitrogen and oxygen, and is very helpful to plant growth.

          Lightning also produces negative oxygen ions, a gas that can sterilize and purify the air. After a thunderstorm, there are a lot of negative oxygen ions in the air, making the air extra fresh, which is very good for human health.

          I will never hate lightning again.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 19

          All the year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter, rain and frost, after rain and sunshine ah, but still love you.

          Lying by the window, rain patter, some cool, cloudy days are always dreary, reluctant to open the beautiful smile. That afternoon, I saw the sun breaking through the clouds.

          I do not know how many times a breath of heat in the window, paint on the mist, almost as if for a moment, the design disappeared. Cold window, open, the wind is blowing into the cold rain, filar silk, into the heart, cool.

          Presently the rain stopped suddenly, as a crying child stops crying and crying, and the clouds parted a little, with a tinge of grey, and then gold seeped through them like it was about to break through, and at last the sun broke through the heavy gloom and broke free from them.

          The sun was warm on his face.

          The sun shines in my heart, melting.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 20

          I've been hearing the tick-tock of rain outside all night. In the morning, when I opened the window, a blast of fresh cold air rushed at me. Wow! It's so cold! I quickly closed the window. Yesterday people were wearing thin T-shirts, but today they have to wear thick cotton coats to ward off the cold after the spring rain.

          The weather is so changeable. Yesterday was summer, today is winter. Even the sun put away yesterday's dazzling light, until noon slowly emerged from the clouds. Red face like a little girl just woke up. It shone a soft red light in the white clouds, not at all dazzling. I also naughty from time to time hiding in the clouds and we play hide-and-seek.

          It's getting dark, the moon hasn't come out, the sky is scattered with a few stars, like shy. The wind was blowing at night, and it was still cold.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 21

          The weather is like a child's face. It changes whenever you say so. This morning, the weather is very fine. I went to work with my mother. The sun shines on the earth and is very warm. But when I got off work, the big phoenix exploded in the sky, the leaves all over the sky were swaying, falling from the sky, like butterflies flying in the air. Tired, one fell to the ground. The strong wind also has a thin light rain, like the spring girl gentle fall on my face.

          People on the road were in a hurry to go home, because it was going to rain heavily outside, and the sand was hard to see. When I got home, the power went out and everything was dark. The wind outside the window was like a Wolf crying. The wind beat against the glass as if to tear it to pieces.

          Afraid of sleeping alone at night, let my mother accompany me to sleep. It was warm at night when my mother and I went to bed.

          The weather is so changeable!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 22

          Overnight, the weather changed, yesterday was warm "summer", today becomes cold "winter".

          Yesterday it was sunny, the sun shone like a ball of fire on the earth, the pedestrians on the road wearing thin clothes, and some people wearing short sleeves! When I do morning exercises on the playground are sweating, thinking: this is winter? How hot it is!

          But today is particularly cold, on the way to school under a drizzle, a gust of wind blowing, the trees were blown to the ground, I was frozen to shiver, the sky is gray, everyone put on a thick coat.

          What strange weather it is! The weather seems to be on a roller coaster, hot and cold for a while, it may feel very fun, but I don't like it!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 23

          Stepping out of the house today is like stepping into a fairyland, like stepping into the clouds, like being in the vast universe.

          One into the school gate, can only see less than one hundred meters in front of the place, even the backyard also can't see, I dazed into the classroom, and dazed to see only a few people in the class, they are discussing Liu Zengge by the value of the week, I am curious also entered the discussion, I see the window has been eroded by the haze, like a white yarn.

          Class is over, a few naughty children, go outside to play, see them running around in wonderland, afraid of them a careless fall downstairs. What a big haze! Listen to my mother said: "fog is not harmful, haze is harmful gas."

          Please do not go out of the house. If you have to go out, you must wear a mask.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 24

          Yesterday at noon, the sun like a round fireball shining on the ground, sitting in the classroom feel a little stuffy. Think; If only I could eat a Popsicle to cool off! But Mom said now was not the time to eat popsicles. If only it could rain!

          After school in the afternoon, I went home early and did my homework for a while. Suddenly, out came the voice of "click - click - click". I thought it was someone else's clothes dripping on our awning. When I opened the curtain and looked out, oh, it was raining.

          After dinner, the rain stopped. My mother and I decided to take a walk outside. We came to the Lianshui River and felt the air outside was really cool.

          This changeable weather is like a child's face, you say change.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 25

          It is very changeable, now sunny, now cloudy, just like a child's face.

          Saturday afternoon, I was at home on the Internet, suddenly, a lightning tore through the sky, dark clouds with lightning attached to the sky slowly "eat" the whole sky, then, a thunder "shaking the earth", instantly, the size of the bullet raindrops "kill" down, hit the glass outside the window, patter straight ring, the sky like hanging a gauze curtain, a piece of, for a while, There was a stream on the ground, a small stream to the tree, the tree said happily: "I can finally take a bath... !"

          The rain gradually small, glittering and translucent drops of water on the ground shining colorful light.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 26

          It rained, the clouds covered, and suddenly it was dark, like a monster in the sky. Then it rained cats and dogs, like it was falling from the sky. But after a while, the rain lightened up, and the rain became bigger and smaller. It's a grimace.

          The rain falls on the hillside, which is like a flowing river; The rain falls on the ground and forms small ponds; The rain fell on the tree and the tree took a bath happily.

          After a while, the rain stopped, the sun smiled, white clouds like a magician into a horse and dragon. The water droplets on the trees glistened in the sunlight. The sun shines on the grass and it looks greener. Ah! How beautiful it is after the rain!

          The weather changes a lot with the grimace.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 27

          This morning, my mother asked me: "Chenchen, do you know the weather today?" I said, "Yes!" Let's say today! In the morning, the fog baby ran east and west to diffuse the whole city, as if covered with a thin layer of gauze, hazy, looming, such as fairyland.

          At noon, the mother of the sun out of the head, the baby obediently went home, then the red orange sun shining on the earth to everything put on a warm coat, the taste of the sun is warm.

          In the evening, the colorful sunset illuminates the clouds, the sky seems to be covered with a colorful cloak, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, beautiful.

          Night, the moon mother-in-law with it that flashing "small beans" out to play, they fly and jump and the horizon of the birds playing beautiful music.

          The weather is changeable, sunny and cloudy, warm and cold, so that people can not understand.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 28

          The Spring Festival arrived, the weather is still very cold, the wind blows the earth straight in fine spirits. On the afternoon of New Year's Day, my mother took me to look for the Linhai of the Spring Festival. The sea of Jin Mountain people mountain people sea, everyone wearing new clothes, with a smile on his face. Golden leaves covered the earth.

          From a distance, like a golden carpet. Leaves they returned to the earth mother's arms, enjoy a mother's love. A cold wind blew and the leaves that were about to fall beckoned to us.

          Look at the East Lake, the water of the East Lake is green, the breeze is blowing, the water surface is raising layers of fine waves, the colorful pavilion in the heart of the lake is reflected in the water, so beautiful! East Lake hung on the trees full of lanterns, square, diamond, round many kinds, in the evening, decorated, lively, lights ten shot.

          Linhai's Spring Festival, really intoxicating, people reluctant to leave.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 29

          The weather is like a naughty little actor, she often change different expressions, cry for a while, laugh for a while, let us ponder what she is thinking.

          Friday morning, I woke up to find the sky overcast, the whole sky like a piece of black cloth over. Spring thunder father-in-law played his drum, suddenly, loud thunder, the wind mother-in-law roadside trees blowing disordered, a lightning across the sky, I think: today, there must be a heavy rain, so I quickly urged my father to send me to school. But it didn't take long for the clouds to clear.

          In the school class, I saw the continuous spring rain suddenly from the sky drifting disorderly fall.

          After a while, the rain finished her show, quietly disappeared, the sun also quietly revealed the red face.

          How wonderful nature's weather is!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 30

          No sooner had I got up this morning than I heard it raining outside. I wonder why the sun was so bright yesterday and it is raining today. I guess I'll just get some more sleep. After a few minutes or so, the sun came out. I really don't want to be a sleepyhead. Get up put on my clothes and pants and run out. However, after a while, it was dark and raining again. After a while, the sun came out again. In this way, the sun and light rain take turns to go to work. Soon one day passed, until the moon took over, light rain did not want to leave work. This weather is terrible.

          I hate it when it rains. It's sunny today! What do you say, class? Ha ha! The answer must be the same as mine!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 31

          The recent weather is like a child's face, while an expression, is really unpredictable.

          Xi 'an this week, a hot and cold, Monday and Tuesday the sun like a shy little girl, do not know where to hide. But on Wednesday, she seemed to wake up and gleefully shine on the earth. Walking home on a sunny day with a gentle breeze on my face, I felt very comfortable. I thought to myself: The weather is clear at last. However, did not expect Thursday began to become cloudy, at noon directly under the drizzle, about an hour under the more than one hour, just when I worry that I did not bring an umbrella, the day became clear.

          Look! The weather, you say changeable is not changeable.

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 32

          It's coming to May Day, but people are still wearing heavy, some even wearing down jackets. If only at this time in the past, people would be wearing single clothes. What an unusual weather this year!

          Some days ago, the temperature difference was very big. Sometimes it was hot and sometimes it was very cold. The huge temperature difference made many people catch cold. Take yesterday for example, the weather was overcast and windy. When we were doing exercises, many students were freezing their hands and shoulders. When school was almost over in the afternoon, a light rain fell. Because of the bad weather, my mother and I went to bed early. The next morning, I opened the curtain to look outside, the house, the tree, the car are covered with a thin layer of snow, ah! This is spring snow. It's a rare sight.

          The weather is really unpredictable this year!

          寫天氣的初一英語作文 33

          March is about to pass and April is coming. At this time, the weather is as changeable as the Sichuan opera, sometimes good and sometimes bad, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy. Even the weather station will be confused, let alone us.

          Last night, I went to bed early, but this night is very boring, I feel the fire, plus my thick quilt, I really can't stand it, had to get up, hard scalp to mom and dad there, said to change the quilt, later! The quilt is changed into a thin, but because of this, our family did not sleep well.

          The recent weather changes quickly, we must pay attention to timely increase or decrease clothes, but do not catch a cold!











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