1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>

      2. Mother`love-初二作文

        時間:2022-02-03 09:13:30 初二作文 我要投稿


          Mother' s love is the umberlla when it is raining ,


          Under the umberlla there is my small face that won 't be wet ,

          Mother 's love is the string of the kite ,

          At the ends of the earth it always hovers in my heart ,

          Mother ' s love is the rhyme in my childhood ,

          It will never be old in the deep place of my memory .



        Deep Mother Love-深沉的母愛11-17

        My Mother07-21

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        英語作文:My Mother12-17

        小升初英語作文:My mother08-11

        介紹My Mother的英語作文08-10

        A letter to my mother英語作文06-26

        My mother作文350字07-18

          1. <rp id="zsypk"></rp>