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      2. 愛抽煙的爸爸英語作文帶翻譯

        時間:2021-09-17 12:07:38 爸爸 我要投稿




          Dad's addiction is back.

          吃完晚飯后,爸爸在身上左找右找,心想:“我把寶貝——煙放哪兒去了?怎么找不到了呢?對了,我可以出去買呀,于是爸爸對我說:”我出去走一走,聞聞新鮮空氣去!說完就走了。我告訴拉媽 媽,媽媽說:“你爸爸一定不是出去走走,而是出去買煙,我們不讓他抽煙,所以就到外面買煙抽。”我立馬跑到窗戶邊上,果真看見爸爸在小店子里買煙。這時,爸爸買了煙之后就往回走了,但是過了 好久也沒有叫爸爸回來。我又對媽媽說:“爸爸過了這么就還沒有回來,會不會真的去走走呀?”媽媽又對我說:“你爸爸一定就在這門后面抽煙,我還不知道你爸爸,不信你打開門看看。”我連忙打 開了門,果然看見地上有許多根煙頭子。而且還有一股很大很大的煙味聞了就讓人不舒服。我還看見有一個影子從上一樓消失。我想一定是爸爸,于是我就上去了。看見爸爸在抽煙,爸爸看見我上來了 ,連忙把煙藏在后面,我要爸爸把煙拿出來,爸爸就是不拿出來,我只好自己去找。我真的在爸爸身上找到了一包煙,我打開一看,頓時傻了眼,里面只有十來根煙了。爸爸就對我說:“你千萬不要告 訴媽媽我在抽煙!蔽艺f:“媽媽早就已經(jīng)猜到你在抽煙了!蹦悄憔透銒寢屨f我沒有抽煙,你可以給我作證!啊边@是不可能的!啊鼻笄竽懔,你就幫幫我吧,我給你買好吃的的!啊边@也不行 。“我氣憤地說。但是爸爸總是給我說好聽的`,我沒辦法,只好答應了。

          After dinner, dad looked left and right on his body, thinking, "where did I put my baby cigarettes? Why can't I find it? By the way, I can go out to buy it, so my father said to me, "I'll go out for a walk and smell the fresh air!"! Then he left. I told my mother, "your father must not go out for a walk, but go out to buy cigarettes. We don't let him smoke, so we go out to buy cigarettes." I ran to the window and saw my father buying cigarettes in the shop. At this time, dad bought cigarettes and went back, but after a long time did not call dad back. I said to my mother, "Dad has not come back after this, will he really go for a walk?" My mother said to me, "your father must be smoking right behind this door. I don't know your father yet. Open the door and have a look." I quickly opened the door and saw many cigarette butts on the ground. And there's a big smell of smoke that makes people uncomfortable. I also saw a shadow disappear from the upper floor. I thought it must be dad, so I went up. Seeing my father smoking, my father saw me coming up. He quickly hid the smoke in the back. I asked my father to take out the smoke, but he didn't take it out. I had to find it myself. I really found a pack of cigarettes on my father. I opened it and looked at it. Suddenly I was stupid. There were only ten cigarettes in it. Dad said to me, "you mustn't tell mom I'm smoking." I said, "mom already guessed you were smoking." Then you can tell your mother that I didn't smoke. You can testify to me. "" this is not possible. "Please, help me. I'll buy you delicious food. "" that's not good either. "I said angrily. But my father always told me good things. I couldn't help but agree.


          This is my father. This is my smoking father. I wish I could get rid of dad's smoking habit.







        我的爸爸英語作文帶翻譯 My father02-07




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