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        時(shí)間:2024-10-11 14:28:05 資格考試 我要投稿




          NEWS 1

          Q1: What do we learn about the JetBlue Airlines flightfromthe news report?

          B.lt hit a bird shortly after takeoff.

          Q2: How did the passengers feel when the plane cameto a stop, according to Brian Healy?

          D. Relieved.

          NEWS 2

          Q3: What do we learn about the deadly snakefromthenews report?

          C.He has escaped the zoo once again.

          Q4: How have the zoo staff been feeling about thesnake?

          B. frustrated

          NEWS 3

          Q5: What do we learnfromthe news report about theintroduction of electric bikes into Jacksonville?

          A.lt is giving rise to safety concerns.

          Q6: What are electric bike riders supposed to do?

          D.Follow all the traffic rules drivers do.

          Q7: Why did City Council member Anna Cumberadvocate the introduction of electric bikes intoJacksonville?

          A. To bring new life into the city.

          Conversation 1

          Q8: What should we do with the topic of money.according to the woman?

          D.Discuss it regularly.

          Q9: How does the woman say money can be made realfor children?

          C. By citing concrete examples.

          Q10: What isthe common practice between the manand the woman?

          D.Paying their kids to help with housework.

          Q11: What is the woman always talking about to herelder daughter?

          A. The necessity of saying into a pension.

          Conversation 2

          Q12: What do we learn about the man?

          B. He has published a new bestseller.

          Q13: What does the woman say is the most controversial?

          B.The mans ideasabout education.

          Q14: What does the man say is his real goal?

          C. To motivate all students to be successful.

          Q15: What will be one option for funding the proposedrewards according to the man?

          A. Raising taxes.

          Passage 1

          Q16: Whyis the speakeraunching a campaign?

          C.To prevent peoplefromcomplaining about being“busy”

          Q17: What does the speaker advise us to do nexttime someone asks us how we are?

          D. Avoid saying we are busy.

          Q18: Why do many people make the lm busyresponse, according to the speaker?

          B. To cover up their failure to achieve somepurpose.

          Passage 2

          Q19: What may sound strange to say about extremesports?

          D. They will help one reduce fear.

          Q20: Why should one be highly focused when doingextreme sports?

          A. To avoid dangerous mistakes.

          Q21:How can extreme sports benefit us more thanstandard exercise routines and sports?

          A. By enabling us to get an all-over workout.

          Passage 3

          Q22: What does the passage say aboutconflictin organizations?

          C. lt is natural.

          Q23: Why do some people want to avoidconflict at all costs?

          B. To maintain workplace harmony.

          Q24: Whyis productive conflict importantfor teamsand organizations?

          C. lt stimulates innovative ideas.

          Q25: What does productive conflict need asa basis?



          NEWS 1

          Six people had to move awayfromtheir home toanother place after a fire broke out in a building onMain Street Saturday,officials said.Firefightersresponded to the three story building shortly after 1 pm. for a reported structure fire. According to NorwalkDeputy Fire Chief Adam Markiewicz.

          Markiewicz said crews encountered heavysmokecomingfromthe second floor when they arrived. Ateam of about 25 firefighters then spent about 25minutes extinguishing the flames. Officials describedthe structure as a mixed use building thatfeaturescommercial businesses onthe first floor andresidential on the second and third floors.

          Town records list four apartments in the building. Dueto smoke and heat damage, the four apartments weredeclared uninhabitable, and the six residents had tomove to another place, officials said. No iniuries werereported in connection with the fire. The Norwalk FireMarshal is investigating the cause and origin of thefire.

          Q1: Why did the 6 residents have to find another placeto stay?

          Q2:What does the news report say the Norwalk FireMarshal is doing?

          NEWS 2

          A new study has cast doubt onhistoric researchsuggesting that the season or month of someones birth isassociated with an increased risk of certain mental healthconditions. The study looks at symptoms of anxiety anddepression among more than 70,000 older adults inEurope. A number of past studies have found the linkbetween season of birth and mental health diagnoses.

          Researchers have suggested that such links could arisefromvarious things. These include nutrient intake, sunexposure,climate, and disease exposure varying across thecourse of the year. However, evidence has been mixed.More recent studies have suggested that factors such associal class or economic background have more to do withthese diagnoses than month of birth.

          Overall, the new study found no significant relationshipbetween participants month of birth and symptoms ofdepression or anxiety. There was some variability in somecountries.In Poland,depressive symptoms fluctuated alittle depending on birth month. In the Czech Republic, thesame was true of anxiety symptoms. But on the whole.there was no systematic pattern.

          Q3:What have a number of past studies found aboutseason of birth?

          Q4:What did the new study find about the relationshipbetween participantsmonth of birth and symptoms of depression?

          NEWS 3

          Genetic researchers in China have made a clone of astar police dog. The clone was born in a laboratory inBeijing in December. Tests show that the clone andher mother are almost identicalgenetically. Themother dog helped solve multiple murders and manyother crimes. The clone has already performed betterthan traditionally bred dogs on several tests.

          If the clone continues to perform as well as expected, itcould mean a huge reduction in the training time forpolice dogs, which usually takes about five years. Theultimate goal of scientists is to produce clones oftalented police dogs that can be trained in monthsinstead of years. However, this goal is not yetpossibledue to the current costs of the technology.

          This is not the first time a clone has been made of astar police dog.In South Korea, six clones beganworking with the police in2008.

          Q5:What do the researchers tests show about thecloned dog?

          Q6:What is the scientists purpose in cloning policedogs?

          Q7: Why does the news report say the scientists goal isnot yet possible?

          Conversation 1

          W: Tom, did you see thearticle onlineabout the new TV seriesbased on the book The Three Body Problem?M: A colleague mentioned the book, but lve been so busy writingmy thesis that l havent been able to read for pleasure in months.W: Well, sounds like if youre going to read anything for fun, this isthe book, lts written by a Chinese science fiction writer. l cantrememberhis name, but hes written three books in all, and TheThree Body Problem is the first in the series.l dont want to say toomuch and spoil it for you, but its definitely got some amazingtechnologicaland sociological concepts in it.M: lt does sound like it would suit my taste, but if they are making aTV series based on it now, l dont know ifl should read the book orwatch the show first.W: l think its better to read the book first. lts rare for the show ormovie to be better than the book. And then, you justendupruining the book for yourself, if the show isnt very good.M: When is the show supposed to start? im a bit overwhelmed withthe amount of data l still need to collect to finish my thesis. Butstill need to relax sometimes.W:l cant remember exactly. lts pretty soon, and its going to bequite long.There are 24 episodes.Well, maybe you coulddownload an electronic copy of the book and try to read it beforethe show starts.

          M:Thats a good idea. And then, maybe we can watch the seriestogether.Thanks for the tip, Alice. No problem.

          Q8: How did the man get to know about the book The Three BodyProblem?

          Q9: What does the woman say she cant remember about thebooks author?

          Q10: What does the man have to do to finish his thesis?

          Q11: What will the man most probably do first after theconversation?

          Conversation 2

          W:Hello, good afternoon.l have an inquiry to make. ltsabout the vegetarian food festival you are holding on the 19thof August at the Newcastle City Hall.M: Yes, of course. My names Philip. How can l help you?W:It says on yourwebsitethat you are still looking forvendors,andlgrow organic vegetables on my farm, as well asdoing my own home baking. Would i be able to sell both thevegetables and items bakedfromthem at the festival?M:Thats exactly the type of thing we are looking for. Weregetting close to the deadline, however. Do you prefer to fillout an application on the web, or to print it out and fill it in byhand and then post it back to us?Remember that you wilhave to have all your certificates to hand when you are fillingout the forms, as the standards are high and they will becarefully checked before anyone will be able to sell theirproduce at the event.W:l should be fine with doing it on yourwebsite, and l alreadyhave all my certificates, as we run a small farm shop too. Butcan you give me your details anyway?M:Sure.Please address it to the Organic Organization, VendolApplications, 112 Queens Road, Newcastle, Northumbria.The postcode is Nu 29 3Ly. Remember that the closing dateis next Tuesday, the 28th of June.W: Thats absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for yourhelp. Goodbye.

          Q12: why does the woman call the man?

          Q13: what is the man still looking for?

          Q14: what does the man say? They are getting close to.

          Q15:what does the man finally ask the woman to remember?

          Passage 1

          Supporters call it wild camping.Opponents callitillegal campingWhat both sides accept is that there has been a boom in the pastfew months, with increasing numbers ofvisitors pitching theirtents on any bit of land they fancy in the Uk.in part, this reflectsthe fact that officialcampsites have been wholly or partiallyclosed,or are overflowing, in a summer when fewer people aregoing abroad.

          It is also cheap, at a time when many are worried about what theeconomic future holds, But it may also be an expression of adesire for going outdoors. A response to the months oflockdownMost of the coverage of the boom in wild camping has beennegative.Campingin public parks has now been banned forAugust and the early part of September because campers dumplitter, human waste, and even their tents on the grassland.

          Similar action has been taken even in Scotland, where camping isusually permitted on most of its open land. Clearly, there have tobe rules. lt would make sense that wild campers need to ask forpermission to campfromlandowners, especially outside Scotlandwhere the law is far more restrictive.lt wouldbe common sensefor people to use small tents and leave no trace of their visit.

          They have been attracted by a patch ofland that is close towilderness, and it is their responsibility to keep it that way.

          Q16: Why has wild campingbecome popularin the Uk?

          Q17: Why is camping banned for part of the summer in publicparks?

          Q18: What does the speaker suggest campers do?

          Passage 2

          Imagine boating down the Amazon River, minding your ownbusiness, calmly keeping an eye out for alarmingly large snakes,and a curious pink dolphin appears to swim alongside. While thismay seem like a mythical creature, pink dolphins do exist in theAmazon region. The Amazon River Dolphin is a giant among itsspecies.

          It can measure up to 2 meters long and weigh around 204kilograms. Size isnt the only thing that sets the Amazon RiverDolphin apart, Thriving in South American rivers and temporarylakes caused by seasonal flooding, this freshwater dolphin issometimes shockingly pink. Although born gray, males of thespecies are easily identified as they enter adulthood by a decisivepink shade.

          Their unusual coloringis believed to be the result of scar tissuefromdolphin fights, whether play fighting or a serious bid for amate. The deeper the pink, the more attractive the males arebelieved to be, and the older the male, the more pink he will have.Theres also a theory that this color helps the dolphins more readilyblendin with their surroundings.

          During heavy rains, rivers along the Amazon rainforest turn a pinkshade, and with Male dolphins are harder to detect. The Amazonwetland system, fed by the Amazon River, is a crucial place for pinkdolphins to breed.And, since2018, has been grantedinternationallyprotected status.

          Q19: What does the passage say about pink dolphins?

          Q20: What is the unusual coloring of pink dolphins believed tooriginatein?

          Q21:What hasbecome of the Amazon wetland system since2018?

          Passage 3

          In a new Merrill Lynch Age Wave survey, a full 70 percent of the earlyadults said theyve received financial supportfromtheir parents inthe past year, and 58 percent said they couldnt afford their currentlifestyles without it. Themost common types of financial supportinclude cell phone plans, food, school costs and car expenses.

          Parental financial support of early adults, said Ken Dichtwald, CEO ofAge Wave, is the new normal. But 64 percent of the young adultssurveyed said parents financial support to children aged 25-34 is abad thing, because it makes those kids dependent. By contrast, only29 percent thought supporting men and women aged 18-24 is bad.

          The remaining 7l percent thought that assistance helps the adultchildren get ahead. Dick Fould believes the young women and mensurveyed were saying that by 25,young adults ought to be financiallyindependent.In fact, the respondents said financial independencedefines adulthood. Financial independence is something they werestruggling with and challenged by.

          And it scared them a bit, Dichtwald said. One big reason theyrestruggling is attributed to college loans, of which the averageamounts to $37,000. Many of the parents have taken on college loansfor the kids too, sometimes at the expense of their own finances. Inthe survey, 60 percent of early adults define financial success asbeing debt-free. Whether thats likely,or even possible, anytimesoon, is anyones guess.

          Q22: What do we learnfroma new survey by Merrill Lynch Age Wave?

          Q23: Why did most young adults in the survey say financial support tochildren aged 25-34 is a bad thing?

          Q24: What did the respondents in the survey say regarding financiaindependence?

          Q25: What is one big reason young adults are struggling?

          NEWS 1(第二套

          AjetBlue Airlines flightfromWest Palm Beachto NewYork Citywas forced to turn around andland Sunday morning after the plane struck abird, The flightfromPalm/Beach lnternationa.Airport to LaGuardia Airport turned around justminutes after takeoff following the strike.

          No injuries were reported on the plane, and theflight took off once again, 7.5 hours after thefirst attempt, "lt was like a split second of paniothat resulted in this nervous reaction on theplane, said passenger Brian Healy, "there wastotal quiet.And then there was relief when theplane came to a stop," An emailfromJetBlueread, "our team is working toaccommodatecustomers on later flights,"級

          Q1: What do we learn about the JetBlue Airlinesflightfromthe news report?

          Q2: How did the passengers feel when the planecame to a stop, according to Brian Healy?

          NEWS 2(第二套

          A deadly snake, which had finally been tracked downafter escaping a zoo has slipped away for the secondtime.The poisonous snake forced the closure of theattraction last weekwhen staff noticed thedisappearance.After,sixdays of desperatesearching, he was eventually found and placed in asupposedlysecure area.由見7

          But, it seems the animalis no fan of the zoo,becauseyet again, he is out on the loose. The snake is arelativenewcomerto the zoo,but has already beenfrustrating its staff, The staff believe he squeezedhimself outlof a gap located around new energysaving bulbs installed inside the snake house. Hewas only found the first time around because stafbrought in a special machine to trace him inside awallopening.有道

          This kind of snake is one of the most deadly andpoisonous in the wild, and they can rangefrom3 to 5meters inlength.

          Q3: What do we learn about the deadly snakefromthe news report?

          Q4: How have the zoo staff been feeling about the snake?

          NEWS 3(第二套

          Electric bikes have beenthe craze in downtownJacksonville since they were first introduced earlier thismonth as a one-year pilot program, but theyre leadingto safety concerns, mainly at night when some ridersdont follow the rules of the road. As the night goes ongroups of riders are often seen traveling in just aboutevery direction in the streets and on pedestrian paths.

          That is increasing the probability of dangerousaccidents/Electric bike riders have to follow all thesame rules as you would if you were in an automobile.That means no running red lights or traveling intheoppositedirection of traffic on one way streets.由

          City GouncilMemberAnna Kumber was instrumentalinintroducing the electric bikes to Jacksonville as a wayto bring new life into downtown.And shes aware of theconcerns.Cumber said, people can have fun, but bothdrivers and riders are responsible for paying attentionwhile on the road.And never assume the driver is goingto stop orsee you.

          Q5: What do we learnfromthe news report about theintroduction of electric bikes into vacksonville?

          Q6: What are electric bike riders supposed to do?

          Q7 :Why did Citycouncil member Anna cumberadvocatenthe introduction of electrie bikes into Jacksonville?

          Conversation 1 Echo

          M: Whats the best way to teach children how to save and spendtheir money?

          W: You should make money a regular topic of discussion, Its best to start young, so its instinctive rather thana scary subject,

          M: In our family, we talk openly about things like the budget for holidays, how taxes reduce yourincome, andhow to shop around for the best deals.

          W: Indeed. Its also essential to make money real for children through practical examples. Working out howmuch we save using discount pizza coupons, for example, is much more relevant than abstract sums.

          M: We also give our kids pocket money, and the amount they get is linked to chores, such as putting the binsout and emptying the dishwasher.

          W: We do that too, and its paid according to their age. Two pounds for each year, so they can see someprogression.

          M: Teaching them to save is important, We opened a savings account when they were young. After birthdaysand Christmas, they would go to the branch and deposit their gift money.

          W: oh, I hadnt considered doing that.

          In our house, we have transparent money boxes for them to put small change in, so they can see their savingsgrow.

          M: When the time is right, ill start talking to our children about investing and show them how the moneysaved for theirfurther education has grown.

          W: I am always talking to my elder daughter about the importance of saving into a pension.Shes just started a part time job and was thinking of not contributing to her pension. Luckily, I managed topersuade her otherwise.

          M: Yes, its such an important lesson to learn.

          Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

          Question 8. What should we do with the topic of money, according to the woman?

          Question 9, How does the woman say money can be made real for children?

          Question 10, What isthe common practice between the man and the woman?

          Question 11, what is the woman always talking about toelder daughter?

          Conversation 2 Endeavor

          W: Welcome to Books in Review. Our guest today is John Banks, the author of the best selling new bookRewarding Success.

          M: Glad to be here, Jane.

          W: Your book has sold 2 million copies, but before we discuss why its getting so much attention, lets talkabout your background. Youre an economist and spent two decades teaching at universities?

          M: I spent 25 years as a professor, actually, And then, for the last 10 years, ive worked as a politicalconsultant, advising politicians at the national level about problems in our country.

          W: You discuss three of those problems in the book, improvingpublic education, reducing our nations healthcare burden, and increasing personal savings, But your ideasabout education are the most controversial.

          M: Absolutely. A lot of people think Im trying to punish students who arent doing wel, when actually my goalis to give all students more incentive to succeed.

          W: Im not sure I agree with you. Your proposal to pay cash rewards to students who get good grades is aparticular problem, What about students who dont get good grades? it seems like youre blaming them for notsucceeding, when poor performance in school isnt a childs fault.

          M: But My proposal is not just to reward students with good grades, but also students who showimprovement.

          W: Okay, another criticism of the plan is the cash rewards themselves, Where wil themoney comefrom?

          M: If students do better, wel spendless on schooling, So, in theend, the rewards will pay for themselves

          W: What about now? How will we fund the rewards in the meantime?

          M: Well, by increasing taxes or moving moneyfromother areas of the budgetinto education.

          Q12: What do we learn about the man?

          Q13: What does the woman say is the most controversial?

          Q14: What does the man say is his real goal?

          Q15: What will be one option for funding the proposed rewards according to the man?


          met three different people today, and each time, whenl askedhow are you, the reply was exactly the same.lm busy. Honestly,hear the same answerfromthe vast majority of people l meet.So l started to think, guess what? Everybodys busy.im busy.Youre busy. Everybodys busy. So you being busy doesnt makeme sympathetic at all, because busy is the state of the world.

          Solm launching a campaign to stoppeople complaining aboutbeing busy.lt may sound harsh, but the truth is, nobody cares. Ina busy world, being busy doesnt stand out, nor does it meanproductive,creative,accomplished, or professional. SteveMaraboli once said,When someone tells you they are too busy,its not a reflection of theirschedule, its a reflection of your spoton theirschedule.

          Donna Lynn Hope has also remarked, Busy doesnt mean better.I have never envied a busy person. The one who likes to point outtheir busy lives to others. The reality is, nobodys too busy. ltsjust about priorities. So the next time someone asks you how youare, maybe respond differently.In my experience, the lm busyresponse is really covering up the fact that theyre notactuallyaccomplishing their real purpose, and being busy is the lie theytell themselves about why they cant achieve it.

          Q16: Why is the speaker launching a campaign?

          Q17: What does the speaker advise us to do next time someoneasks us how we are?

          Q18: Why do many people make the lm busy response,according to the speaker?

          Passage 2(第二套)

          After all, if you can jump out of a plane or off a bridge, thenyou can face anything else easily.When doing extremesports, you have tobecome more focused. Youll be pushedto your limits, and if you arent focused, youll makedangerous mistakes. Learning to be this focused whenenjoying extreme sports will help you to be focused at work,keeping you more productive and ultimately moresuccessful

          Its great to stay fit and healthy, but standard exerciseroutines and sports only work the same muscles repeatedlyWith extreme sports, youll be working entirely differentmuscles.And that means you get an all over workout.Extreme sports also burn a lot more calories than othersports.Skateboarding, for example, can burn as many as 500calories per hour.Basketball burns around 300 in the sametime.

          When you find that you canovercome the physical or mentachallenges involved in extreme sports, youll feelsuperhuman and your self confidence will be at an all timehigh.

          Q19: What may sound strange to say about extreme sports?

          Q20: Why should one be highly focused when doing extremesports?

          Q21:How can extreme sports benefit us more than standardexercise routines and sports?

          Passage3(第二套)Most of us have been in teamsor organizations where weve hadconflict with the people that were working with around the ideasor decisions that were discussing. Conflict is natural. We all bringdifferent life and work experiences to the table. We all havedifferent personality preferences and tendencies.

          Were not all going to have the same ideas on how to approachpolicies, programs, or problems. But too often, we get caught inthis place where conflict is perceived to be negative. Something wewant to avoid, so that we can maintain the harmony of ourworkplace.This could be because some people want to avoidconflict at all costs.

          After all, they still have to work together. But this kind of artificialharmonyisnt the answer. Productive conflict is a vital part ofteamsand organizations that want to push forward and do more.Without conflict, were often stuck in this artificial harmony wherepeople dont express potentiallyinnovative ideas for fear that theymay start conflict with others.

          But if youre in a place where you have a basis of trust, conflict canbe extremely productive. lt can lead to increased innovation andgreater trust on teams.lt may be anuncomfortable process, butgood leaders and healthy teams recognize that productive andhealthy conflict is an important part of how they function.

          Q22: What does the passage say about conflictin organizations?

          Q23: Why do some people want to avoid conflict at all costs?

          Q24: Why is productive conflict important for teamsandorganizations?

          Q25: What does productive conflict need as a basis?












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