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      2. 英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文

        時間:2021-03-29 11:31:52 學(xué)習(xí)英語 我要投稿




        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇1




          第三:提高英語閱讀理解能力。英語閱讀是比較重要的一個環(huán)節(jié),英語閱讀理解最好能做到每天至少練習(xí)一篇。英語閱讀理解能力簡單的.說就是:通過快速的閱讀文章、材料,快速的提取段落、文章的脈絡(luò)和重點(diǎn),促進(jìn)整理歸納分析,提高做題效率。快速閱讀是一種高效的閱讀方法,其原理在于激活“眼、腦”的潛能,培養(yǎng)和提高閱讀速度、整體感知、歸納理解、注意力集中等方面的能力,對應(yīng)于閱讀理解方面的幫助很大?焖匍喿x的練習(xí)可以參考《精英特全腦速讀記憶》。掌握快速閱讀后,可以快速的對文章的關(guān)鍵信息進(jìn)行提取,提高做題效率和準(zhǔn)確性,同時可節(jié)約大量的時間,做到游刃有余。 做英語閱讀理解的時候要注意:閱讀時不要逐字逐句的翻譯,也不要一句話反復(fù)閱讀,即閱讀時碰到一時不理解的句子就一遍一遍地沉浸在閱讀那個句子當(dāng)中,反復(fù)琢磨。其實(shí)完全沒有必要,因?yàn)橐x對答案并不意味著對原文的每個句子都要讀懂,抓住一些重點(diǎn)句子就夠了,正確的做法是,以理解整個段落和整篇文章為主,在涵蓋出題點(diǎn)的句子上用心捉摸。




        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇2

          Plan for English Learning

          Im a middle school student. I love English, but its hard for me. Now I have a good plan to learn English.

          I have a pronunciation problem. I cant pronounce so well. So I plan to listen to the tape and read after it. I cant read English passages quickly and cant write a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. As for listening, sometimes I cant understand what others are saying. So I plan to improve myself by listening to the radio and TV. Grammar is the most difficult for me. I have no idea of it, but I think my English teacher can help me with it.

          With this English-learning plan, Im hoping for great progress.




          我的發(fā)音有點(diǎn)問題。我發(fā)音不好。所以我打算聽磁帶并跟讀。我不能快速地閱讀英語文章,也不能清清楚楚地寫文章。現(xiàn)在我計劃看多些書,經(jīng)常練習(xí)寫 作。至于聽力,有時候我無法理解其他人在說什么。所以我打算通過聽收音機(jī)和電視來提高我自己。對我來說語法是最難的。我都不知道怎么辦,不過我覺得我的英 語老師能夠幫助我。

        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇3

          As a middle school student, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a good plan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside for playing.

          Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. I want to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must work hard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task of different. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for everyday and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With these different plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play.

        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇4

          1, Insist every day, make full use of all available time to learn English. No persistence study and will do a lot of security, everything is empty talk.

          Article 2 a day, dictation, this article as the center, to start a day's study.

          3, Five were to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing, and give priority to in order to hear.

          4, QiuZhi not quantity, the dictation of the article thoroughly understand is sufficient, don't lie, big dishonest. Solid, step-by-step, is the only way to learn English well.

          5, The spare time to make full use of to learn English, again and again.

          6, Dictation is a good way to learn English, to continue to strengthen.

          7, Early to bed and early to rise to learn English.

          8, Hold a set of teaching material is enough, don't blindly the replacement of materials.

          9, Study English every day must have a detailed practical plan, must resolutely implement, without any excuse.

          10, Believe in yourself, will be able to learn English well.

        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇5





        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇6

          Make A Study Plan

          As a middle schoolstudent, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a goodplan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside forplaying. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. Iwant to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must workhard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthlyplan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task ofdifferent. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for every day and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With thesedifferent plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play.


          作為一名初中生,我的學(xué)習(xí)負(fù)擔(dān)比以前更重了。因此,我必須給我的學(xué)習(xí)制定計劃從而使努力更有效果,制定學(xué)習(xí)計劃 同時騰出一些時間去玩。首先,我會為這學(xué)期制定一個大的計劃并設(shè)立目標(biāo)。我想要在期末考試中取得前三名,所以我必須為之努力。其次,我會制定幾個短期的計劃,比如說月計劃和周計劃。這樣一來,我就能夠清楚的知道我主要的不同的任務(wù)是什么。最后,每日計劃也是必要的。寫下我每天的任務(wù)并嚴(yán)格完成它們,記住不要把今天的任務(wù)留給明天。有了這些不同的計劃,我就可以合理的安排時間,并抽出時間來玩。

        英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃作文 篇7

          The new term is coming, so I think I should make a school schedule for myself. In the morning, I will read English texts to improve my spoken English. In each class, I will listen to the teachers carefully and make notes. After school, I will come back home on time and do my homework at once. After supper, I will go over what I learned in the day time and prepare for the tomorrow‘s classes. This is my school schedule












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