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      2. 英文的自薦信

        時(shí)間:2022-02-24 15:18:57 自薦信 我要投稿




        英文的自薦信 篇1

        Dear Sir,

          I am looking for employment as from the summer of 20xx。 I am enrolled in the graduate division of the Department of Education at the University of Michigan。 My major is Education。 I feel qualified to work as a teacher at the primary or secondary level。 My teaching experience is quite extensive and varied, but I have concentrated most of all on instruction of physical sciences in middle schools。

          I would be very happy to work within school if this is possible。 Since your agency has a fine reputation for helping students locate work, I hope you will be able to provide me with something both remunerative and related to my interests。 Thank you very much for your kind attention。 Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience。

          Respectfully yours,

        英文的自薦信 篇2

          Dear leaders:


          Thank you for sparing the time to put themselves forward through my materials, I am a xxxx University of Economics and Political Science graduates in economics in 20xx. I have long known慕貴company, well aware of the strength of your company, active in the work atmosphere, strict working attitude, highly energetic. Can use my knowledge for the effectiveness of your company will be the glory, I have not yet. I hope that my wish to apply to your company for my humble contributions. Four years in college, I seriously and systematically study the economics of the basic knowledge and professional skills, focusing on learning the business management and staff management, dynamic Hotel participated in staff training and other units, to write the "staff motivation" , "inspired in the human resources management in the use of" and other papers.

          Over the past few years I tried to learn professional knowledge, from the basics of course, the efforts to master the basic skills of their skills, fine deep-drilling research, and to seek its inherent laws, and have achieved good results, has won a scholarship. Chongqing as an auto parts manufacturing Co., Ltd. Production Assistant during the production-oriented enterprises are familiar with the mode of operation and management, has accumulated some experience. Social practice in a rich cast of my strong self-learning ability and advance the spirit of the quality of their good physical and mental qualities, but also accumulated a great deal of valuable experience. Xxxx when the University of librarians during the term of office, in addition to active service for the students outside, also learned a lot of inside knowledge, increase their knowledge. I think that only the wisdom of a person applied to work in practice, service to society, is good for the community so that effective and efficient to prove himself in order to truly embody the value of their own!

          I firmly believe that the road is out of step by step. Only down-to-earth, hard work to achieve the full potential of the people to make even better results and achieve the greatest value in life! "Devices will test the Prophet its利鈍, Ma Liang will be inferior horse riding and then know." I am sure: if I find a fulcrum, the entire planet will be able to撬起, give me a piece of soil as long as I am going to cloud the lives of young workers, the you can not only see my success, but also throughout the autumn harvest. This is my commitment to self-confidence and ability. Jian-ming setting, the period to the sound. I look forward to this kind grass-inch heart, deep feelings with absolute sincerity that you share a common fate with the development and progress. Please give me a chance to leadership, I will use action to prove himself. Finally, I sincerely wish your company well-developed business and bright future.




        英文的自薦信 篇3

          Letters of Self-introduction



          構(gòu)詞特點(diǎn):introduce (v.介紹)+ tion(名詞后綴)

          短語:make an introduction作介紹

          e.g.Please make a self-introduction.

          He is reading the introduction of the new product (產(chǎn)品).

          1 You are a member of the“Pen Pals”club at the school.你是學(xué)!肮P友俱樂部”的一名成員。

          pen pal (又作pen friend) a Person who you make friends with by exchanging letters, even though you may never meet筆友

          e.g.I have communicated (交流) with my pen pal for many years. Many pen pals may never (從未) meet each other.

          The club often receives letters from students of various countries.俱樂部常常會(huì)收到來自世界不同國家的學(xué)生的來信。

          club n.a(chǎn) society of people who join together for a certain purpose,for example,sport or amusement俱樂部

          e.g.We belong to the golf (高爾夫球) club.

          I've joined the school football club.

          various adj.different from each other;of (many) different kinds不同的,多方面的;各種各樣的

          e.g.There are various ways to answer this question.

          He decided to leave school for various reasons (原因).

          In those letters the writers all introduce themselves.They want to ask for pen pals.他們?cè)谛胖袝?huì)介紹自己,并希望找到筆友。

          introduce vt.①to make one person known for the first time to another介紹

          常用搭配:introduce sb.to sb.else把某人介紹給??

         、趖o bring in or use something for the first

          e.g.May I introduce my friend Johnson to you?

          He introduced himself as a bank clerk(職員).

          Potatoes were introduced into Europe(歐洲)from South America (南美洲).

          Now the director of the club is putting them up on the school’s bulletin board.現(xiàn)在,俱樂部的'管理員正打算把這些信張貼到學(xué)校的公告欄上。

          director n.①a person who controls or manages an organization or company負(fù)責(zé)人,理事

          ②someone who directs a play or film,deciding how it is

          performed and filmed導(dǎo)演

          構(gòu)詞特點(diǎn):direct (v.指示)+-or(名詞后綴:參加某種活動(dòng)的人)

          e.g.She was appointed (任命) to the position (職位) of sales director.

          The director of the film also appeared(出席)at the party.

          bulletin n.a(chǎn) short official notice or news report intended to be made

          public without delay公告;布告

          e.g.Here is the latest (最新的) bulletin about the President’s (總統(tǒng)的) health.

          There is a new notice on the bulletin board.

          boardn.a(chǎn) long thin flat piece of cut wood木板

          短語:on board在船上(火車上、飛機(jī)上),在公共交通工具上 擴(kuò)展:blackboard黑板

          e.g.She pinned(釘上)the name list (名單) up on the notice board. Get on board!

          You may choose or your pen pal there.你可以從中選擇你的筆友。 What will affect your decision?It can be age, gender or interests. 年齡、性別或興趣都可能影響你的決定。

          affect vt.to influence or to cause a result or change in something影響 e.g.This area will be affected by the hurricane(颶風(fēng)).

          She was deeply affected by the news of his death.

          decision n.a(chǎn) choice of one out of a number of possibilities決定;裁決 構(gòu)詞特點(diǎn):decide(vt.決定)+.sion(名詞后綴)

          短語:make a decision做出決定

          Eg. Who made the decision to go there?

          The moment of decision has arrived.

          Interest n. 興趣

          Vt. 使(某人)感興趣

          e.g.I have no interest in politics(政治).

          The child’s interest must come first.

          Are you interested in history?

          Read the letters below and choose the one you are interested in.請(qǐng)看下面這幾封信,并從中選擇一位你感興趣的筆友。

          2 “I am a Finnish girl.a(chǎn)nd I am 19.I want to write to a pleasant Chinese student who can speak English.I also study English at schoo1.我是一名來自芬蘭的女孩,今年19歲。我希望能與一位會(huì)講英語的、討人喜歡的中國學(xué)生通信。我也正在學(xué)校學(xué)習(xí)英語。 What I like to do most after class is cooking,swimming and collecting stamps.在課外,我最喜歡的是烹飪、游泳和集郵。

          Collect vt.to gather together收集,收藏

          e.g.Collect the books and put them on my desk.

          She likes collecting foreign coins(硬幣).

          Please write to:PO Box 135,00382 Helsinki,F(xiàn)inland.”請(qǐng)致信以下地址:芬蘭赫爾辛基郵政信箱135,郵編00382!

          3 “I am a Japanese boy.a(chǎn)nd I am 18 years old.I have English lessons at school and I like them very much.“我是一個(gè)日本男孩,18歲。我的學(xué)校開設(shè)了英語課,而且我很喜歡英語。

          I would like a pen pal who is also learning English so that we could exchange letters in English.所以,我想結(jié)交一名同樣也在學(xué)習(xí)英語的筆友,這樣我們就可以用英語互相寫信了。

          Exchange vt.to give something to someone who gives you something else交換,互換;交流


          e.g.I exchanged the goods (貨物) for cash(現(xiàn)金).

          They exchanged their ideas(想法).

          My hobbies are pop music,football,and coin collecting.我的興趣是流行音樂,足球和收集硬幣。

          hobby n.a(chǎn)n activity which you enjoy doing in your free time業(yè)余愛好 e.g.Do you have a hobby?

          Playing table tennis is his hobby.

          coin n.a(chǎn) Diece of money made of metal硬幣

          短語:toss a coin扔硬幣(決定某事)

          e.g.I need some coins for the ticket machine(自動(dòng)售票機(jī)). We tossed (扔,擲) a coin to decide who will have the ticket.

          We can talk about our hobbies in our letters.Please write to me at this address:PO Box 138,Tokyo,Japan.”在信中,我們可以聊聊各自的興趣愛好。請(qǐng)按以下地址寫信給我:日本東京郵政信箱138號(hào)。” address n.details of where someone works or lives地址

          e.g.I can’t rcad the address.Where should I send the letter? Tell me your address,please.

          4“I am Charlie Smith of the United States,and I am a college student.“我叫查理·史密斯,來自美國。我是一名大學(xué)生。

        英文的自薦信 篇4

        dear leaders:


          thank you for your busy schedule to review my letter, want to give me a chance.

          my name is xxx, is xx pharmaceutical engineering graduates 20xx. university of 4 years, i learned the system, pharmaceutical preparations, pharmaceutical technology, drug analysis, etc., in its pharmaceutical preparations not only know how, production technology, quality analysis, but also to understand the application of engineering and technology capacity, at the same time, i have a strong english listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, there are four cet certificate, two computers through the provincial exams, can skilled use of common office software and networks.

          i grew up in the hospital from a young age is my sass firms determination to apply for the chinese medicine profession, i believe that the pharmacy profession is the sunrise industry of the 21st century, with a bright future in particular.

          while reading in the science, but i am a good liberal arts foundation, there are some good text. like the chinese medicine profession, professionals prefer to read popular science books and other reading materials.

          in school, i also actively participated in various community organizations, such as love hua agency, radio stations, but also as a number of small office and joined the party, the practice so that i know how to live in harmony with people, but also i am a more pragmatic, more responsibility, i believe that this is an important experience in my life and a valuable asset.

          i believe that fate, if it can be won your appreciation, give me a chance, i will be grateful, some serious, down-to-earth, hard work, sincerity and performance with the return of your love.

          i hope that the leadership can be taken into account for me, i eagerly look forward to hearing from you.

        英文的自薦信 篇5

        Dear Sir / Miss:

          Hello! I am afraid to disturb. I am a just accounting from Hunan University Business School graduates. I am honored to organic submitted back to you my personal data. A time when they participate in social, in order to find their own professional work and interests, but also good to play to their talents and realize their life values, the leadership would like to make a self-recommendation.

          The circumstances of their brief as follows:As a professional accounting students, I love my profession and put their great enthusiasm and energy. In the four years of study and life, I studied the contents, including from the basis of accounting knowledge to use and many other area. through knowledge of these, I have knowledge in this field have a certain degree of understanding and mastering, this is a professional tool, and the ability to make use of this tool is the most important, in parallel with the course of a variety of relevant and practical in practice, with a certain degree of practical ability and technology. the school work, to strengthen the ability of life skills training, learning management knowledge, management experience absorption.

          I know that computers and networks are a tool for the future, in the study under the premise of the professional, I have had a huge computer and read a great deal of interest in books, Windows98/20xx, UFIDA financial systems, application software, Foxpro, VB language and other programming languages.

          I was in a life full of energy at the moment, I desire in a wider world in order to expose their own, I am not satisfied with the existing level of knowledge, the expectations have been tempered in practice and improve, so I hope to be able to join your unit . I will do a good job of their own, do all the work achieved in the results. I believe that through their own hard work and efforts, will make due contributions.

          Just to thank you in his busy schedule by providing me with concern, the cause of success would like your organization, achievements, and wish you the cause of white scale success in the future!

          I hope that the leadership can be taken into account for me, I eagerly look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!



        英文的自薦信 篇6

        dear leaders:


          my heartfelt thanks to you i am busy reading this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!

          i xx university of cost engineers, a professional vocational graduates year xx, through 3 years of learning in particular courses of study for two years, i think they have mastered the basic construction and installation of the budget over the budget of some of the basic knowledge, through the workplace after a period of time equal to unit practice arrangements for my work.

          寒窗more than ten years studying, cast my knowledge and self-confidence. university of the growth phase of the study and more practice i will improve my self! "pains, a harvest"! i will do my best efforts, hard work and realize the value of your life. three years of university training and their own hard work hard work, especially in the specialized subjects results are generally excellent, i think this is their hard work over the past three years, learning and the result of hard work. in its future work and learning, i will be the cause of their infinite love for education and dedication, to be creative and work ethic of cooperation for the cornerstone of learning progress, as a cost engineer, the work of their own personality permeate the work of the project management .

          social practice of learning, let me realize that teamwork is the work of the importance of synergy between the ability of my colleagues is a necessary condition for the development. optimistic, positive, good attitude will allow me to work quickly to find their own values and find a sense of belonging! work is their life after a large part of why i treasure the work! i hope i can get work! i love to engage in the cause of your organization, eager to look forward to your leadership, for the glorious cause of building blocks. if your organization can provide a copy of my employment, i will be very grateful, and take concrete actions to prove that they live up

          to your choice. i really want the job, work in your company!

          i firmly believe that no-regrets options in your company, hope you can give me a chance, i have the confidence and ability to prove that: you will have no reason to regret on my choice!



        英文的自薦信 篇7




        英文的自薦信 篇8

          dear leaders:


          learning that your school in an orderly, well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation. i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth, eager to be able to work in such an environment, their own talent. allow me to own to tell us about you.

          i am a pre-xxxx ** session students hard at school during the hard-working, not only in the outstanding achievements of the professionals, but also other psychology, english and other areas to expand their knowledge. four years, in the repair of more than 30 courses in the door, almost more than two-thirds of gifted, learning the psychology of all professional courses, the psychology has reached the professional level. in addition, i also trained hard under the basic skills classes, have stronger language skills, organization and management of scientific research capacity and ability to use modern teaching methods for teaching and learning. normal practice in hunan, the fully reflects the higher overall quality of their own, the practice of recognized units.

          trivial busy social work literature, not only good exercise their literary quality, but also cultivate their own organization and management of higher capacity. in the meantime, i have said many times in the hospital's literary journal published an article, an essay contest to obtain good results in the third by the students at home.

          university life will soon be passed, and i a solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge, rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school gave me a chance.



        英文的自薦信 篇9

          Dear leaders:


          First of all, thank you for your interest in my written, I hope that this is to display their talent and realize self-value of a good start.

          I School Students, glad to hear that your company is in need of such professionals to join us, your company strong and growing prospects for the development of deeply attracted me, more Su-Wen has attached much importance to your company, love it such as the Po, so I hope to be able to join the group in the development of the company Tim blocks, do my part. As the old saying goes: "the world has horses, and then there are Chollima" I dare not claim it is Chollima, but vying for the determination and confidence Chollima drum has been filled heart, I believe, give me a stage to play, I will be able to well to prove their own performance.

          Enclose a curriculum vitae and other materials, for a deeper understanding and look forward to your interview!

          Finally, I wish you successful work!



        英文的自薦信 篇10

          I am Wangfeifei,19-year-old, from Yantai No. 2 high school, Shandong province. I`m a bright and confident girl, have wide interest, enjoying a happy childhood and good family education. Fond of swimming exercises my body,seven years` study of zither makes me find the peace of mind,taking Olympic mathematics lessons improves my interest in my mathematics and science. The books I like most are history books, from which I can learn lessons and gain illumination and wisdom. As a little child, I had a strong desire of knowledge and exploration. Hong Kong is a land of magic, an open international financial center. As an "oriental pearl" at the estuary of Zhujiang river, Hong Kong draws my great interest in its economy and finance.

          The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology which owns the foremost international perspective, sophisticated scientific research, and diversity of cultural environment, has a long history with a good fame. These will help me lay a good foundation on my study in the mainland, further broad my vision, cultivate my innovation ability, and become a comprehensive talent.

          I greatly worship the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology`s motto“Hands on the present and eyes for the future". I think our modern society needs complete talents with good personality and high learning. Therefore, in my high school, I began to attach great importance to cultivating my abilities, actively participated in many

          activities, such as simulating United Nations` society and young volunteer services, and etc. I experienced great happiness of commitment and cooperation from these activities and also developed a spirit of challenging difficulty and delighting in struggle. At the same time, I had been class cadres from primary school and became the minister of the Student Union in the high school. These experiences greatly developed my leadership and communication skills.

          Four years` university life is a person`s most valuable youth. I would like to spend my four precious years in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I have great confidence that I will never abuse the expectations of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.












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