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      2. 教師節(jié)英文的祝福語(yǔ)

        時(shí)間:2022-06-17 16:19:01 教師節(jié) 我要投稿





          A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ——Henry Adams


          You are a GREat teacher, like others lit a candle burning themselves. I wish you a happy holiday, take care of themselves!


          This is Teachers#39; Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers#39; Day.


          We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher#39;s Day!


          We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.


          No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.


          As parents we recognize the value of you in our child#39;s development. Thank you for what you have done.


          One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.


          To Sir, With Love.


          When I entered the gate that day, you have given me endless care, when I take the school that day, you have to pay you all. Fortunately, the expense of the teachers you!


          You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.



          1、I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.我深深地感激您所做的一切。

          2、The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.-- James Angel教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何謀生,而是使每個(gè)人生活得更香甜。 --安吉兒

          3、Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulne and thankfulne on this special day.在這特別的日子謹(jǐn)向您致以我們永恒的感激之情。

          4、As parents we recognize the value of you in our child’s development.Thank you for what you have done.作為父母,我們深知您在我們孩子成長(zhǎng)道路中的重要。謝謝您所做的一切。

          5、We all pitched to buy this gift.We are all grateful to you.Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no succe today.這是我們買給您的禮物,謝謝您,老師。沒(méi)有您無(wú)私的奉獻(xiàn),就不會(huì)有我們今天的成功。

          6、It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.現(xiàn)在是向您表達(dá)感激之情最為恰當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)刻。

          7、You are like a third parent.We all love you and respect you.您就象我們的家長(zhǎng),我們都敬愛(ài)您。

          8、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you.One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.沒(méi)有人比您更值得如此深厚的謝意。僅這一天遠(yuǎn)不足以表達(dá)我們對(duì)您的感激之情。

          9、You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend.Thank you for all that you have done.您不僅是一位合格的教師,更是一位好朋友,謝謝您所做的一切。

          10、The whole secret of the teacher’s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.教師力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改變的。

          11、One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.一個(gè)好教師具有化腐朽為神奇的力量。

          12、Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.教育兒童的教師應(yīng)當(dāng)享有比父母更多的榮譽(yù),父母只給孩子生命,而教師則創(chuàng)造了一個(gè)完善的生命。

          13、What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.-- Joseph

          Addison教育之于靈魂,猶如雕刻之于大理石。 --愛(ài)迪生

          14、The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.能使艱難之事變得容易的人是教育者。

          15、Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life.My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.老師,感謝您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,對(duì)您我滿懷感謝之情。

          16、I wish to expre my thanks to you for instructing my child.謝謝您對(duì)我孩子的教誨。

          17、This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulne.We all want to thank you.這件小小的禮物略表我們的感激之情。我們大家都很感謝您。

          18、We are more thankful than we can expre.對(duì)您的謝意,我們無(wú)法用語(yǔ)言來(lái)表達(dá)。

          19、This is Teachers’ Day and a

          time to be grateful to all teachers.This profeion deserves the special recognition and respect.There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field.You have my eternal gratefulne.Have a happy Teachers’ Day.時(shí)逢教師節(jié),是向所有教師表達(dá)謝意的日子。這個(gè)職業(yè)值得受到特別的重視和尊重。此刻是向您及您的同行們致敬的最佳時(shí)機(jī)。我永遠(yuǎn)感激您。祝節(jié)日快樂(lè)!

          20、Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.感謝您使我們把枯燥的學(xué)習(xí)變成了巨大的樂(lè)趣。

          21、Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.教育不是灌滿一桶水,而是點(diǎn)燃一團(tuán)生命的火焰。

          22、You are not only a good teacher but our close friend.Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.您不僅是一位好老師,也是我們親密的朋友,謝謝您幫助我們奮發(fā)有為。

          23、We wish to show our gratitude

          and thanks with a small gift.Happy Teacher’s Day!我們送您一件小禮物,以表我們對(duì)您的感激之情。教師節(jié)愉快!

          24、My sincere thanks to you for being my child’s teacher.()衷心感謝您,我孩子的恩師。

          25、We all like having you as our teacher.You have our respect and gratefulne.我們喜歡您做我們的老師,我們尊敬您、感激您。

          26、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts.The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.親愛(ài)的老師,您就象那春天的細(xì)雨,滋潤(rùn)著我們的心田。您給予我們的愛(ài)和關(guān)懷將鼓舞著我們走過(guò)艱難困苦。

          27、A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.-- Henry Adams一個(gè)教師對(duì)人的影響是永恒的'。 --亞當(dāng)斯

          28、My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher.On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me.What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view.On this day I honour you sincerely.親愛(ài)的老師,向您表達(dá)我最衷心的感謝。在人生旅途上,您為我點(diǎn)燃了希望之光,您所做的一切潤(rùn)澤了我的心靈,開(kāi)闊了我的視野。今天我向您致以崇高的敬意。

          29、My child speaks highly of you.Thank you very much.我的孩子很崇敬您。謝謝。


          1、We want to thank our teachers for teaching us the philosophy of being human and not losing ourselves in the complex and treacherous society.我們要感謝老師教給我們做人的哲理,不至于在復(fù)雜詭譎社會(huì)中迷失自我。

          2、Teacher, my child is really too hard for you. Thank you.老師,我這孩子真是太辛苦你,麻煩你了。謝謝。

          3、You are busy with the blooming of flowers and the ripening of fruits, silently hanging the shade of leaves! Ah, teacher, your spirit, always remember me!您為花的盛開(kāi),果的成熟忙碌著,默默地垂著葉的綠蔭!啊,老師,您的精神,永記我心!

          4、Three feet platform, three inches tongue, three inches pen, three thousand peaches and plums; ten years of trees, ten years of wind, ten years of rain, one hundred thousand beams.三尺講臺(tái),三寸舌,三寸筆,三千桃李;十年樹(shù)木,十載風(fēng),十載雨,十萬(wàn)棟梁。

          5、White chalk end, a burst of falling. It dyes your black hair white, but it sets off the green of your youth more strongly.白色的粉筆末,一陣陣的飄落。它染白了您的黑發(fā),卻將您青春的綠色映襯得更加濃郁。

          6、When the tide ebbs, leave colorful shells on the beach. When we graduate, we offer our sincere wishes to our teachers.海水退潮的時(shí)候,把五彩的貝殼留在沙灘上。我們畢業(yè)的時(shí)候,把誠(chéng)摯的祝愿獻(xiàn)給老師。

          7、You are a gardener, adding beauty to the mountains and rivers of the motherland; you are like spring rain, moistening peaches and plums, and the land of Shenzhou is full of fragrance. On this festive occasion, let me offer you a flower of my heart and express my heartfelt wishes.您是園丁,為祖國(guó)山川添秀色;您如春雨,潤(rùn)育桃李,神州大地盡芳菲。在這喜慶的節(jié)日里,讓我獻(xiàn)上一支心靈的鮮花,向您表達(dá)衷心的祝愿。

          8、Gardener - a noble title. Look at the flowers blooming on that branch. It's your hard sweat. Bless you: Peach and plum are everywhere, and spring is everywhere!園丁--崇高的稱號(hào)?茨侵︻^綻放的鮮花,是您辛勤的汗水灌澆。祝福您:桃李滿天下,春暉遍四方!

          9、Teachers and kindness are unforgettable, giving valuable life experience; teachers'long mentality, guiding us to a happy future; teachers love boundless, shaking the softest part of the soul. Teacher, we love you! We wish you well.師恩難忘,將寶貴的人生經(jīng)驗(yàn)饋贈(zèng);師情冗長(zhǎng),為我們指引幸福的前程;師愛(ài)無(wú)疆,震撼著心靈最柔軟的地方。老師,我們愛(ài)您!我們祝福您!

          10、Teacher, you are like a ladder, like a spring silkworm, like a loving mother, like a gardener, people sincerely wish you: always young, always happy!老師,您似人梯,又似春蠶,如慈母,又如園丁,人們衷心地祝福您:永遠(yuǎn)年輕,永遠(yuǎn)幸福!

          11、Teacher, what surges like the sea is your heart, what is as high as the sky is your mind, and what is as deep as the mountains is your kindness.老師,像大海一樣澎湃的是您的內(nèi)心,像天空一樣高遠(yuǎn)的是您的胸懷,像高山一樣深重的是您的恩情。

          12、Dear teacher, your teachings have made me realize such a beautiful world, and your efforts have made me realize the splendid and colorful life.敬愛(ài)的老師,您的教導(dǎo)使我認(rèn)識(shí)了如此美麗的世界,您的心血使我感悟到絢麗多彩的人生。


          1. Miss you, miss you - teachers! For your blessing and will miss the growing, Momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing Ying Man, the good life of peace!(想念您,懷念您--老師!對(duì)您的懷念與祝福將與日俱增,讓幕幕脈脈深情與祝福盈滿,好人生平安!)

          2. Night lights, illuminate your white hair, September your holidays, rest breaks!(深夜的燈光,照亮了您的白發(fā),您放假,休息休息吧!)

          3. Gently out GREetings, do not want to alarm you, you just want to really know whether all. Physical well-being of students is the greatest comfort.(輕輕聲問(wèn)候,不想驚擾您,只想真切知道您切是否安好。身體安康是學(xué)生們的安慰。)

          4. Thank you for all!(謝謝您付出的切!)

          5. sir, when I go to school in the little-known, but your respect, so that now I can no longer remain silent, I would say that out: Hello, teacher!(sir,在上學(xué)的時(shí)候我就默默無(wú)聞,但對(duì)于您的尊敬,使現(xiàn)在的我不能再沉默,我要說(shuō)聲:老師您好!)

          6. Teacher: every Yilv the sun is my best wishes for your every one I see the stars is your eyes, holding each Siyu I deeply miss you, miss you.(老師:每縷的陽(yáng)光是我對(duì)您的祝福,每顆星星是我看您的眼睛,每絲雨?duì)恐覍?duì)您深深地思念,想念你。)

          7. Never forget your smiling face, can not be forgotten memories of their youth heavy. Hopefully, the moon Trinidad send Love, Hello's life blessed peace.(忘不了您的笑臉,遺忘不了青春厚重的記憶。但愿明月千里寄相思,祝福您好人生平安。)

          8. Teacher, the teacher, dear teacher! September your birthday! Students wishing you always happy!(老老師,親愛(ài)的老師!月日,您的生日!學(xué)生祝您永遠(yuǎn)快樂(lè)!)

          9. I respect the teachers, my success is the support given to you, a thousand words a thank you - you're a teacher I will never, never a friend!(我尊敬的老師,我的成功是您給予的支持,千言萬(wàn)語(yǔ)聲謝謝--您是我永遠(yuǎn)的老師,永遠(yuǎn)的朋友!)

          10. Dear gardener: Hello! Under the hard work you have made GREat achievements,桃李滿天下. Sincerely wish you a happy Teacher's Day!(尊敬的園。耗!在辛勤耕耘下您已是碩果累累,桃李滿天下。衷心祝您教師節(jié)快樂(lè)!)

          11. Teachers, you accept a belated GREetings! When I at the beginning of the division well, I feel you have to become our efforts have paid a number!(老師,請(qǐng)您接受份遲到的問(wèn)候吧!當(dāng)我初為人師時(shí),我才感受到您曾經(jīng)為我們的成才付出了多少心血!)

          12. Teacher: I was the sun every Yilv of your blessings, each is a star I see your eyes, holding each slightest drizzle I deeply miss you, miss you.(老師:每縷陽(yáng)光是我對(duì)您的祝福,每顆星星是我看您的眼睛,每絲細(xì)雨?duì)恐覍?duì)您深深思念,想念您。)


          1. Who gave us a civilized language? Who taught us philosophy of life? Who taught us how to behave? Is you! Hard gardener! I wish you a happy holiday!

          2. Endless kindness, always remember heart. Grow every day, I will bless you, my teacher.

          3. Hello! My voice now? How are you? Children obedient? Student efforts? The memory of the campus and you smile, always around --

          4. Thank you teacher There's a rainbow don't appear in the also appears in the sky after the rain It is often appear in my heart clings to me... Serious to do things straight With a clean SLATE.

          5. My respected teacher, appreciation of the season The wind blows over my eyes, the rain fell in the heart, a few screen curtainfall again Can't help but remember childhood again Greeting you quietly.

          6. Save a miss deep in the heart forever forever...... Best wishes for you; Miss you my dear teacher.

          7. The bells jingle, coquettish flowers Are limited by time Only my blessing forever Forever wish you give me the teacher of the fountain of wisdom.

          8. Are you with the life of the torch light up my way forward, I want to sincerely say to you: thank you, teacher!

          9. On this special day, I want to say to the teacher you sound: the teacher happy holidays! To you in the future days happy and healthy!

          10. Dedicated to the beloved teacher, we search for those beautiful memories of people. Silently far bless you healthy and happy forever!

          11. I respect the teachers, my success is the support you have given, thousands of words a "thank you" - you are my teacher forever, forever friend!

          12. Hard sweat is your selfless dedication, filled with the whole country is the highest honor in the you. I wish you: happy holidays! Happiness forever!

          13. The teachers the sun, you are the sky shining stars, with your bright star light each student's heart, bless you, thank you!

          14. Success comes from your culture, outstanding from your work. Cheer for today at the same time, we always remember you at the beginning of teachings and proverbs!

          15. I miss you, miss you - teachers! Miss and blessing to you will be increasing, the good life of peace!

          16. Experienced wind and rain, just know your valuable; On the success, just know your greatest; - thank you, I respect the teacher!

          17. Let us admire your learning, you are, let's admit defeat, your holiday let us celebrate together! Teacher, happy holidays!

          18. You are like a hard gardener, we would like you to plant trees, we would like for you to resist the cold in the winter, the spring bring you green, bring you a cool summer, autumn bring you fruits!

          19. Along the way to have your teachings, to not be lost; All the way to have your attention, to more confident, brave teacher, thank you!

          20. Instructing you rush me trials and hardships, my blessings with you day and night.



          You are a stone step, bearing my step by step steadily upward climbing.


          Dear teacher, happy holidays. May you always be young, happy andhealthy.


          I wish my teacher Peach and Plum all the world, work smoothly, and goodhealth!


          Teacher, you take your heart out for us, send you blessings and wish youhappy!


          Thank you for your hard work, but also hope you can take good care of yourbody, everything goes well!


          Please accept the students'good wishes and wish you a happy Teachers' Dayand a happy day!


          I am the grass, you are the sun, shining my way of growth. Thank you,teacher!


          Teacher, you are the seeder of this hope and happiness! Thank you,teacher!


          With your hard sweat, you have nurtured the tender seedlings just broken inspring. Thank you, teacher!


          Every corner of the heart, every inch of the heart, is full of respect foryou.


          A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tearsdry only when it's burned down to ashes. Teacher, you worked hard!


          There is Bole in the world, and then there is Qianli Ma. Thank you, myteacher.


          Thank you, teacher, it is you who drive away my timidity, shine your eyesand face life bravely.


          Teacher, you have worked hard. May you be happy, healthy and happy all yourlife!


          Teacher, you use the selfless portrayal of your life to draw a growingflower roll.


          Between the friction of pen and paper, you have spent your holy life. Blessyou, teacher!


          We love you, dear teacher, and express our feelings with flowers in fullbloom.


          Thank you, dear teacher, for your influence and education that I will neverforget.


          Teachers, in this beautiful festival, sincerely wish a happyTeachers'Day!


          You are the most unforgettable person in my life. Thank you.



          Scholars will be studied for the division, kinya.


          The teacher is like a candle, burning himself, illuminating others.


          Your abilities, good Kai soul. We congratulate you on your success!


          You are the gardener, Tim Xiuse mountains of the motherland; you like rain, run Tao Li Yu, China do fangfei.


          Your hard work is our motivation, our success is your pride, however, we will be proud of you!


          Teacher, you are the ocean, I am a shell, you gave me a beautiful color, how I thank you!


          Ordinary career, but shows you a great personality; in full bloom, but also the heart of your love.


          Dissemination of knowledge, is sowing hope, sowing happiness. Teacher, you are the seed of hope and happiness!


          Every person I meet, more or less, is my teacher, because I have learned something from them.


          Today, when the first ray of summer light into your window, it is the student to the affectionate blessing: teacher, happy holidays!


          Because your love poured, some of the hard work, will have the magnificent peach, golden rice and wheat.


          You respected the sincere and honest, as a person in this way of life. You are a model for our students in mind.


          You work at present, but the construction of the motherland tomorrow; you teaching in the classroom, achievement is in the motherland in all directions.


          The bright and short meteor, bring us the best wishes and hope, but it has gone across the sky forever disappeared in there.


          In my mind, you are the most severe father, is the kind of mother; you are the unknown hero, is the teacher of the pulpit.


          Your post will never change, but your footprints in every direction; your temples will have a day now, your youth, but a hundred years is not bad.


          In the future, whether I will be tall and straight trees, or low shrubs, teachers, I will be the life of the green to pay tribute to you!


          Today the sun rises for you, today flowers to bloom, today's songs for you to sing, today's eagle for you spread your wings and fly!


          The sincere heart, bearing in mind the growth of bitterness, on the road to success forever can not be separated from your, my dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever!


          Miss you, my dear teacher! Gazing at my heart you mingmou collection, they are like two springs, always flowing in the valley of my heart.


        教師節(jié)祝福語(yǔ) 英文03-18







        教師節(jié)祝福語(yǔ)英文 教師節(jié)祝福語(yǔ)英文簡(jiǎn)單 【祝福語(yǔ)大全】08-13


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