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      2. 送給媽媽的母親節(jié)祝福語英語

        時間:2023-05-12 16:23:56 羨儀 祝福語 我要投稿
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          1、What luck!This year your birthday and Mother's Day are on the same day. This calls for a double celebration.真幸運!今年您的生日和母親節(jié)是同一天。這需要雙重慶祝。

          2、On this Mother's Day I just want to say:I'm proud to be your daughter.在這個母親節(jié)里,我只是想說:我以身為您的女兒為榮。

          3、there y beall over the world,but you're the only one that tters to .全世界也許到處都有媽媽,但您是我惟一最在意的。

          4、here's a little token ofappreciation for all that you have done forover the years.這是我一點小小的心意,感謝您這么多年來所付出的一切。

          5、roses are red,violets are blue. this card on ther's day is especially for you.玫瑰是紅色的,紫羅蘭是藍色的。這張母親卡是特別給您的。

          6、I want to wish you a happy Mothers Day.祝福您母親節(jié)快樂。

          7、Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor.媽媽們應(yīng)該得到的不只是一個節(jié)日,她們該獲得榮譽勛章。

          8、Mother's day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepare breakfast.母親節(jié)這一天,媽媽們總會發(fā)現(xiàn)她們的孩子會做出一頓很美味的早餐。3、Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on mother's day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death.想想母親節(jié)時,孩子們?yōu)閶寢屗龅脑绮?顯然,如果沒有媽媽,孩子們會餓死。

          9、愿母親平安健康,幸福永遠,祝母親節(jié)快樂!May mother be safe and healthy, happy forever, and happy mothers Day!

          10、愿您永遠健康,永遠快樂,永遠美麗,永遠幸福!May you always be healthy, happy, beautiful and happy!

          11、母親節(jié)到了,送媽媽一個挎包,祝媽媽包攬快樂!Mothers Day is coming. Give mom a satchel. I wish mom a happy life!

          12、母親節(jié),把母親的快樂留住,讓她感受幸福。Mothers day, keep the happiness of mother, let her feel happiness.

          13、母親節(jié),愿我親愛的媽媽,一生幸福平安!Mothers day, I wish my dear mother a happy and safe life!

          14、母親節(jié),愛和親情流淌的季節(jié),祝母親快樂!Mothers day, the season of love and affection, wish mother happy!

          15、母親節(jié),祝福母親健康快樂,您幸福我就幸福。On Mothers day, I wish my mother health and happiness, and I will be happy if you are happy.

          16、This card comes from the whole family Happy Mother's Day.這張卡片是我們?nèi)液纤偷,祝您母親節(jié)快樂!

          17、This card is to let you know that you have done a superb job raising us children.這張卡片是想告訴您,在教養(yǎng)子女方面,您做得棒極了。

          18、You are the best mom that a son ever had.您是兒子心中最好的媽媽。

          19、Today is your day to relax and let us take care of youHappy Mother's Day.今天是您休息的日子,讓我們來照顧您。母親節(jié)快樂。

          20、Sometimes I cry and make you sigh,but you know that I love you so.有時候我哭泣而使您嘆息,但您卻知道,我是如此地愛您。

          21、This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for usThank you.在這個日子里,我們感謝媽媽為我們所做的一切。謝謝您。

          22、Mom,I once was a little bird by your side,enjoyed your love and care,and today I send you fragrant flowers.媽媽,我曾是您身邊的一只備受關(guān)懷的小鳥,今天它為您銜來了一束芬芳的鮮花。

          23、Mom,I am concerned about you not just on this special dayEveryday would be Mother's Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!并不是只有在母親節(jié)這天才要特別去關(guān)心母親,天里,每一天都是母親節(jié)。希望母親能天天快樂,日日幸福!

          24、Where would we be without you,mom?媽媽,沒有您我們將流落何方呢?

          25、Mom,thank you for being you.媽媽,謝謝您的一切。

          26、I've tried many times to tell you,but I'll say it again:I love you mother.我已經(jīng)告訴您許多次了,但是我將再說一次:我愛您,媽媽。

          27、Take good care of yourselfWe all love you,mom.請好好地照顧自己。我們都愛您,媽媽。

          28、You are the one that we love the mostHave a happy Mother's Day.您是我們最愛的人。祝您有一個快樂的母親節(jié)。

          29、I don't take the time to tell you this often,but I love you,mom.雖然我經(jīng)常沒有時間告訴您,但我真的愛您,媽媽。

          30、To the world's number one mom!給世界上最好的媽媽!

          31、There may be moms all over the world,but you're the only one that matters to me.全世界也許到處都有媽媽,但您是我惟一最在意的。

          32、Thank you for everything over the years,mom.媽媽,謝謝您這些年來所做的一切。

          33、Mom,thank you for being you.媽媽,謝謝您的一切。

          34、You are the best mom that a son ever had.您是兒子心中的媽媽。

          35、To the worlds number one mom!給世界上的媽媽!

          36、We will try to make this your best MothersDay ever.我們將努力使今天成為您過得最愉快的母親節(jié)。

          37、On this day we honor you,dear mother.親愛的媽媽,我們向您致敬。

          38、I may not often say it,but I do love you.我也許并不常掛在嘴上,但我真正愛您。

          39、Mom,I love you,because you gave me life and brought me up.媽媽,您是給我以生命并撫育我成長的土地,我深深地愛著您。

          40、Take good care of yourself.We all love you,mom.請好好地照顧自己。我們都愛您,媽媽。

          41、Mom is always the best in the world!If there were not heaven,there wouldnt be earth.If there were not you,there wouldnt be me!Thank you so much for bringing me everything!世上只有媽媽好,沒有天就沒有地,沒有您就沒有我,謝謝您給我?guī)淼囊磺幸磺小?/p>

          42、This card is from all of us. It may not be the greatest, but it's from the heart.這張卡片是我們合送的。它也許不是最棒的,但卻是出自內(nèi)心的。

          43、Mother, I just want to let you know that you are always in my thoughts.媽媽,我只是想讓您知道,您一直都在我的心中。

          44、We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.我們也許不是一直都像天使那樣乖巧,但我們確實感謝您的教誨。

          45、Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Mother's Day.謝謝您不斷地扶持我。祝您母親節(jié)快樂。

          46、This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother's Day.這張卡片是我們?nèi)液纤偷。祝您母親節(jié)快樂。

          47、哈哈哈愛,永生難忘。母親節(jié),祝媽媽幸福!My mother's love will never be forgotten. Happy mother's Day!

          48、媽媽,祝您身體健康,節(jié)日快樂,工作順利。Mom, I wish you good health, happy holidays and smooth work.

          49、媽,兒只希望您一直健康下去,讓兒能多盡孝心!Mom, I just hope you are healthy all the time, so that I can be more filial!

          50、人世間,母愛最永恒,愿天下母親平安健康。An the world, mother's love is the most eternal. May all mothers be safe and healthy.

          51、一枕青絲,為誰著雪;兩行清淚,因我成冰。A pillow of green silk, for whom the snow; Two lines of clear tears, because I become ice.

          52、媽媽:祝您健康長壽!永遠年輕!天天快樂!Mom: I wish you health and longevity! Always young! Happy every day!

          53、I wish my mother peace and happiness, a healthy life and a happy mother's day.


          55、May my mother always be healthy and happy.

          56、祝你的母親健康,幸福,也愿你生活和諧美滿!I wish your mother health, happiness, also wish you a harmonious and happy life!

          57、母親節(jié)到,祝媽媽健康永遠!Mother's day, I wish my mother health forever!

          58、母親節(jié),感謝媽媽無私的愛,祝福您永遠快樂幸福!On Mother's day, thank you for your selfless love and wish you happiness forever!

          59、風(fēng)風(fēng)雨雨,母愛滲進我心底。Ups and downs, maternal love penetrated into my heart.

          60、親愛的媽媽,心與你同行,愛與你同在。母親節(jié)快樂!Dear mom, my heart is with you, and love is with you. Happy mother's Day!

          61、在這個屬于您的節(jié)日里,祝您母親節(jié)快樂!I wish you a happy mother's day on this holiday that belongs to you!


          63、Give mother a rose, wish mother always young and beautiful, youth forever!

          64、愿母親開心快樂,永遠健康,生活幸福。May my mother be happy, healthy and happy forever.

          65、母親節(jié)到,祝母親生活幸福,開心無數(shù),身體健康,永遠吉祥。Mother's day, I wish my mother a happy life, happy countless, healthy, always auspicious.


          67、Mother, I love you. I wish you a happy mother's day and good health forever.

          68、軟萌的可愛動物,愿媽媽每天有暖暖的好心情喲。Soft cute animals, I wish my mother a warm and good mood every day.

          69、在我無法陪伴左右的日子里,愿媽媽您每一天都平安快樂。In the days when I can't accompany you, I wish you peace and happiness every day.

          70、祝福親愛的母親,幸?鞓,平平安安。I wish my dear mother happiness and peace.

          71、媽媽,謝謝您給我生命,讓我在你的呵護下成長。母親節(jié)快樂!Mom, thank you for giving me life, let me grow up under your care. Happy mother's Day!

          72、母親節(jié)到了,愿天下的媽媽,母親節(jié)快樂。Mother's Day is coming. I wish all mothers a happy mother's day.

          73、母愛似海,海有邊際愛無際;親情如天,天無根源情有源。Mother's love is like the sea, the sea is marginal, and the love is endless; Family love is like the sky, the sky has no root, love is active.

          74、母親節(jié)到了,愿天下母親幸福健康,開心每天。Mother's Day is coming. May all mothers be happy, healthy and happy every day.

          75、母親節(jié)到,愿親愛的母親生活甜甜蜜蜜,心情快快樂樂。On Mother's day, I wish my dear mother a happy life.

          76、我累一點沒關(guān)系,只希望你以后活得幸福。It doesn't matter if I'm tired. I just hope you will live happily in the future.

          77、祝福媽媽母親節(jié)快樂,媽媽我對你的愛在我的心中留!Wish mom happy mother's day, mom, my love for you in my heart!

          78、給您沏杯茉莉茶,潤喉沁脾養(yǎng)精神。I'll make you a cup of jasmine tea to moisten your throat and nourish your spirit.

          79、今日母親節(jié),祝福送給您,祝您身體健康,福壽安康。Today's mother's day, I wish you good health, longevity and well-being.

          80、謝謝您讓我心里充滿陽光,祝福您幸福萬年長!Thank you for making my heart full of sunshine. I wish you a happy life!

          81、母親節(jié)來臨,對媽媽說一聲:媽,祝您節(jié)日快樂,我愛您!Mother's Day is coming, say to Mom: Mom, I wish you a happy holiday, I love you!

          82、祝愿媽媽健康長壽,笑顏常在臉上。Wish mother health and longevity, smile often on the face.

          83、心中的思念,化作夜空璀璨的星星,閃耀著對您無限的感激與敬仰,在這樣的日子,愿我們一起祈禱,媽媽,母親節(jié)快樂,祝身體健康,一生平安。In the heart of miss, turned into bright stars in the night sky, shine infinite gratitude and admiration for you, in this day, let us pray together, mom, happy mother's day, wish a healthy body, the life and peace.

          84、鬢邊的銀發(fā),浸染著對兒女的牽掛;額邊的皺紋,鐫刻著對兒女的愛心;掌中的老繭,粘連著對兒女幸福的期盼。母親節(jié)到了,愿母親幸福快樂安康!Temples to the edge of the silver hair, oh the child care; Forehead wrinkles, engraved a pair of female love. Palm calluses, adhesion with the children happy. Happy mother's day arrived, wish mother happy ankang!

          85、山,沒有母親的愛高;海,沒有母親的愛深;天,沒有母親的愛廣闊;地,沒有母親的愛包容;太陽,沒有母親的愛溫暖;讓我們共祝母親健康快樂!High mountain, not a mother's love; The sea, no mother love is deep; Day, without a mother's love wide; , no mother love tolerance; The sun, no mother love warm; Let's join wish mother healthy and happy!

          86、兒女的成長,增加了媽媽的白發(fā);兒女的任性,將媽媽眉頭的皺眉刻畫;兒行千里時,帶走的是媽媽的牽掛。母親節(jié)到了說句真心話,愿媽媽健康長壽!The growth of the children, the mother's white hair; Children's capricious, will mother eyebrows's frown; When leaving home, take away the mother. Mother's day to say true, wish mother longevity and health!

          87、當你想拮取一枚紅葉時,她卻給了你一個楓林;當你想親吻一朵雪花時,她卻給了你整個冬天。她就是我們的母親,對天下所有的母親說:“媽,您辛苦了!”When would you like to pluck one red leaves, but she gave you a maple's woods; When you want to kiss a snowflake, she gave you the whole winter. She is our mother, said to all the mother: "mom, you were laborious!"

          88、一把梳子梳不盡母親的愁,你總把兒女掛在你心頭,撫養(yǎng)了兒女又為孫輩做,忙了屋里頭還要忙外頭。今天是母親節(jié),媽媽,您應(yīng)該好好休息!A comb to comb from the mother's sorrow, you hang the children always in your heart, to raise the children and grandchildren to do, the house head also busy busy outside. Today is mother's day, mom, you should have a good rest!

          89、今天是母親節(jié),用我的孝心來撫平您額上的皺紋,用我的陪伴來染黑您頭上的銀發(fā),用我的話語來驅(qū)散你心中的寂寞。愿你,節(jié)日快樂,健康幸福。Today is mother's day, with my filial piety to smooth the wrinkles on your forehead, with my companions to darken your head of silver hair, with my words to disperse the solitude of your heart. May you, festival happiness, health and happiness.

          90、今天是母親節(jié),我送您一件外套:幸福做領(lǐng)子,快樂做袖子,健康做扣子,平安做口袋,再用我的真情精心縫制,愿它伴您渡過每分每秒,母親節(jié)快樂!Today is mother's day, I sent you a coat: happiness do the collar, sleeves, happy do health do buttons, and peace do pockets, again with my true feelings carefully sewing, let it accompany you through every minute, happy mother's day!











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