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      2. 英文父親節(jié)祝福語(yǔ)

        時(shí)間:2023-06-21 19:15:40 藹媚 祝福語(yǔ) 我要投稿




          1、Words cant tell how much you mean to wish you happiness on this special day.我們無(wú)法用言語(yǔ)描述您對(duì)我們是多么重要,在這特別的一天,我們祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          2、Youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.您不僅是我的父親,您還是我的朋友,顧問(wèn)甚至更多。

          3、On this special day, i want to say im proud of you,appreciate all youve done for me and i love you.在這特別的一天,我想說(shuō)我為您感到驕傲,爸爸,謝謝您為我做的一切,我愛你。

          4、Over the years we have had our differences, but i always love you.這些年來(lái),雖然我們常有意見不合的地方,但我一直敬愛著您。

          5、I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad. happy fathers day.爸爸,我所有的為父之道都來(lái)自于您的恩賜。祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)。

          6、Happy fathers day to an extraordinary father!i love you so much!祝我獨(dú)一無(wú)二的老爸父親節(jié)快樂(lè),我非常愛您!

          7、Thanks for holding my hand when i needed it.謝謝您在我需要的時(shí)候伸出援助之手。

          8、I didnt realize that being a father would be so difficult. It makes me appreci ate you all the more.我不知道做一個(gè)父親竟然會(huì)這樣不容易。這使我更加感激您。

          9、I hope you know how proud i am of you, y fathers day! happiness always!爸爸,我希望您能知道我是多么為您感到自豪啊,祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè),永遠(yuǎn)快樂(lè)!

          10、I didnt see what a good father you were to us before, but i do now.我以前不知道您是一個(gè)多么好的父親,但是現(xiàn)在我知道了。

          11、父愛在彎彎脊梁里,一道一道堅(jiān)韌不屈。Fathers love in the curved ridge, together with a tough and indomitable.

          12、父愛至上,偉大光榮。Fathers love is supreme, great glory.

          13、父親是座山,堅(jiān)韌起脊梁,挺拔大地的芬芳。Father is a mountain, tough ridge, upright fragrance of the earth.

          14、父愛如同天廣,愿父親幸福安享。Fathers love is as broad as the sky. May father enjoy happiness.

          15、爸爸,是您讓我擁有了更廣闊的天空,是您讓我看得更高、更遠(yuǎn)。節(jié)日快樂(lè)!Dad, its you who make me have a broader sky, and its you who make me see higher and farther. Happy holidays!

          16、爸爸,你在我心中永遠(yuǎn)是最好的。節(jié)日快樂(lè)!Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!

          17、爸爸,這是我們最珍貴的默契和回憶!Dad, this is our most precious tacit understanding and memory!

          18、父愛是光,照亮前進(jìn)道路。Fathers love is light, illuminating the way forward.

          19、爸爸,您是我心中的驕傲,我愿意生生世世做您的女兒,祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!Dad, you are the pride of my heart. I would like to be your daughter all my life. Happy Fathers Day to you!

          20、您為了家庭和兒女付出太多,無(wú)論如何我也難以報(bào)答您的深恩。You have paid so much for your family and children that I cant repay you for your kindness in any case.

          21、父愛如月,在夜里為我們點(diǎn)亮前進(jìn)的道路。Fathers love is like the moon, lighting the way forward for us at night.

          22、我最親愛的爸爸,我愛你,父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!My dearest father, I love you, Happy Fathers Day!

          23、父愛像夏日小雨,絲絲給予你我涼爽。Fathers love is like summer rain, silk gives you and me cool.

          24、賞賞最美的霞光,愿父親健健康康。Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine. May father be healthy and healthy.

          25、不覺心酸珠淚淋,父愛偉大難報(bào)答。Fathers love is great and hard to repay.

          26、父親節(jié)了,說(shuō)聲愛您,像您愛著我!Fathers Day, say love you, like you love me!

          27、骨肉相連,血濃于水!老爸,我愛你!Bones and flesh are joined, blood is thicker than water! Dad, I love you!

          28、是您,給我一個(gè)家,讓我不懼風(fēng)雨來(lái)襲。Its you, give me a home, let me not fear the storm.

          29、父兮生我,母兮鞠我,撫我,畜我,長(zhǎng)我,育我,顧我,復(fù)我。Father begets me, mother bows me, caresses me, livestock me, grows me, raises me, cares for me, restores me.

          30、爸爸,謝謝你,辛苦地將我培育。Thank you, Dad, for your hard work in nurturing me.

          31、愿今天你是快樂(lè)的,今年你是順利的,今生你是幸福的,祝父親節(jié)好運(yùn)!May today you be happy, this year you are smooth, this life you are happy, wish Fathers Day good luck!

          32、您堅(jiān)韌不拔的性格,給我戰(zhàn)勝困難的力量。Your perseverance gives me the strength to overcome difficulties.

          33、您忙碌的身影,總令我掛念。I always miss your busy figure.

          34、牽掛我的人是您,思念我的人是您,孝順您的人是我,感恩您的人是我。The person who cares about me is you, the one who misses me is you, the one who is filial to you is me, and the one who is grateful to you is me.

          35、父親節(jié)到,由衷地說(shuō)一聲:爸爸,謝謝你!Fathers Day arrives, sincerely say: Dad, thank you!

          36、數(shù)數(shù)天上的星星,愿父親幸?祵。Count the stars in the sky and wish my father happiness and well-being.

          37、造一片樂(lè)土,不辭辛勞。Make a happy land, spare no effort.

          38、父親的愛是我心底做事做人的源泉,世界上再也沒(méi)有比親人的愛更寶貴了。Fathers love is the source of my hearts work and life. There is no more precious love in the world than that of my relatives.

          39、小時(shí)候那巍峨的高山,如今已經(jīng)蒼老。親愛的爸爸,您辛苦了!When I was a child, that lofty mountain is now old. Dear Dad, you worked hard!

          40、父親是片海,擎起了太陽(yáng),放飛希望的翅膀。Father is a sea, holding up the sun, flying the wings of hope.

          41、父親的慈愛,是真摯的,溫暖了家的港灣。Fathers kindness is sincere and warms the harbor of home.

          42、父親是一座山,讓你攀升領(lǐng)略山頂?shù)娘L(fēng)光。Father is a mountain, let you climb to enjoy the scenery of the top.

          43、父親節(jié)愛心連線,一頭是他,一頭是你!Fathers Day love connection, one end is him, one end is you!

          44、父親猶如一座山,巍峨而莊嚴(yán),令我尊敬。My father is like a mountain, lofty and solemn, which I respect.

          45、您是雄鷹,我就是小鳥,您護(hù)衛(wèi)著我成長(zhǎng)。You are an eagle, I am a bird, you guard my growth.

          46、女兒對(duì)父親的感激是無(wú)法言語(yǔ)的,謝謝,爸爸! Daughters gratitude to his father is beyond words. Thank you, Dad!

          47、吸煙有害健康,為了身體,您就少吸兩支吧!爸爸,祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!Smoking is harmful to health. For the sake of your health, you should smoke two less. Happy Fathers Day, Dad!

          48、您是慈父,包容一切。You are a loving father, inclusive of everything.

          49、世道坎坷,會(huì)有父愛激勵(lì)鼓舞。Fathers love will inspire and inspire you when the world is rough.

          50、父愛是一句祝福的話,鐫刻歲月的始終。Fathers love is a blessing, engraving the years always.

          51、永遠(yuǎn)我都會(huì)記得,在我肩上的雙手,風(fēng)起的時(shí)候,有多么溫?zé)。I will always remember how warm my hands on my shoulders are when the wind blows.

          52、父親,您是萬(wàn)重山,感謝你為我們撐起一片天,給了我們一個(gè)安身之所。Father, you are mount Wan, thank you for supporting us for a day and giving us a place to live in.

          53、父親,您是被中棉,感謝您在寒冬時(shí)刻,給了我們溫暖的懷抱。Father, you are in China cotton, thank you for giving us warm embrace in the cold winter.

          54、父愛是一把大傘,總在有雨的天里撐著。Fathers love is a big umbrella. It always stays there in rainy days.

          55、父親的愛如傘,為你遮風(fēng)擋雨;父親的愛如雨,為你濯洗心靈;父親的愛如路,伴你走完人生。Fathers love is like an umbrella to shelter you from the wind and rain; Fathers love is like rain to wash your heart; Fathers love is like a road to accompany you through life.

          56、操勞的您歇歇吧,讓兒女們盡盡孝心,為您捶捶背,讓您享享福!Work hard to take a rest, let the children do their best to beat you back and enjoy your life.

          57、父愛是我人生旅途中的一盞明燈,在我迷路時(shí),照亮我的行程。Fathers love is a beacon in my life journey, illuminating my journey when I am lost.

          58、您的付出、您的祈盼,只為我們的成長(zhǎng)。謝謝您,爸爸。Your effort and your hope are only for our growth. Thank you, Dad.

          59、父愛是太陽(yáng),即使在烏云密布的日子里,我也能感受到他的光芒。Fathers love is the sun. Even in cloudy days, I can feel his light.

          60、父愛是一片大海,讓你的靈魂即使遇到電閃雷鳴依然仁厚寬容。Fathers love is a sea, so that your soul will be generous and tolerant even if you encounter thunder and lightning.

          61、父親節(jié)來(lái)了,向老爸道一聲:辛苦了,祝您節(jié)日快樂(lè)!Fathers Day is coming. Say to Dad: Hard work, I wish you a happy holiday!

          62、父親節(jié),一聲祝福送給為家默默奉獻(xiàn)的您,我親愛的爸爸!節(jié)日快樂(lè)!Fathers Day, a blessing to you silently dedicated to your home, my dear father! Happy holidays!

          63、祝老爸永遠(yuǎn)沒(méi)煩惱,天天都美好,父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!Wish dad never worry, every day is beautiful, happy Fathers Day!

          64、父親,你就是我生命花園里最辛勤的園丁,給我暖暖的愛。Father, you are the hardest gardener in my life garden, give me warm love.

          65、親愛的父親,愿您永遠(yuǎn)健康,幸福永遠(yuǎn)!Dear father, may you always be healthy and happy forever!

          66、父親節(jié)里,愿父親健康開心,萬(wàn)事隨心。On Fathers Day, I wish my father health and happiness, everything is at his disposal.

          67、祝福像輕風(fēng)追尋你,把美麗心情帶給你,父親節(jié)祝一家快樂(lè)!Blessings like the breeze to pursue you, bring you a beautiful mood, Fathers Day wishes a happy family!

          68、父親節(jié)到了,我向你的父親致敬!希望他健康長(zhǎng)壽!Fathers Day is coming. I salute your father! I hope he will live a long and healthy life!

          69、父親節(jié)到了,我愿做父親生命里的橋,歌和天空,給他無(wú)盡的愛。Fathers Day is coming. I would like to be the bridge, song and sky in my fathers life, and give him endless love.

          70、人間萬(wàn)種情感,父愛最真最純,父愛最最偉大!There are all kinds of emotions in the world. Fathers love is the most true and pure, and fathers love is the greatest!

          71、Cui Wei of the number of mountains can not outline your Wei; how many years can not be extraordinary portrait of the wind out of your face, Father, I thank you all for me. Happy Fathers Day!多少座山的崔嵬也不能勾勒出您的偉岸;多少個(gè)超凡的歲月也不能刻畫出您面容的風(fēng)霜,爸爸,謝謝您為我做的一切。父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          72、Fathers teachings, like a lamp, to illuminate the future for me; fathers care as an umbrella for wind and rain I am obscure. I wish you a Happy Fathers Day!爸爸的教誨像一盞燈,為我照亮前程;爸爸的關(guān)懷像一把傘,為我遮蔽風(fēng)雨。祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          73、Dad, you will always be in my heart the most type, the best father, I wish you a Happy Fathers Day! !老爸,你在我心中永遠(yuǎn)是最有型,最棒的父親,祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)。

          74、I wish my father and I accomplished a very happy holiday season, you will always be the idol of my heart - is the star as characters!祝我我多才多藝的爸爸節(jié)日快樂(lè),你永遠(yuǎn)是我心中的偶像――就是明星那樣的人物!

          75、Whenever I think of you very proud, is to motivate you at all times I have been forging ahead. In this special festival, I bless you!每當(dāng)想起你我就無(wú)比的自豪,是你時(shí)刻在激勵(lì)我不斷奮進(jìn)。在這個(gè)特殊的節(jié)日里我祝福你!

          76、I will remember forever, in my hands on the shoulders, the wind from the time how warm; forever I will remember that I grew up with back, with your years of happiness into my worry-free! Dad wishes a happy holiday!永遠(yuǎn)我都會(huì)記得,在我肩上的雙手,風(fēng)起的時(shí)候,有多么溫?zé)?永遠(yuǎn)我都會(huì)記得,伴我成長(zhǎng)的背影,用你的歲月?lián)Q成我無(wú)憂的快樂(lè)!祝福爸爸節(jié)日快樂(lè)!

          77、Dad, you let me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther.爸爸,是您讓我擁有了更廣闊的天空,是您讓我看得更高、更遠(yuǎn)。

          78、Dad, Ill give you got to hear that you like the song, I wish the old man happy!老爸,我給你找來(lái)你喜歡聽的那首曲子了,祝老爸開心!

          79、On this special day, i want to say im proud of you,appreciate all youve done for me and i love you.在這特別的一天,我想說(shuō)我為您感到驕傲,爸爸,謝謝您為我做的一切,我愛你。

          80、Youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.您不僅是我的父親,您還是我的朋友,顧問(wèn)甚至更多。

          81、Over the years we have had our differences, but I always love you.這些年來(lái),雖然我們常有意見不合的地方,但我一直敬愛著您。

          82、Youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.您不僅是我的父親,您還是我的朋友,顧問(wèn)甚至更多。

          83、Words cant tell how much you mean to us,we wish you happiness on this special day.我們無(wú)法用言語(yǔ)描述您對(duì)我們是多么重要,在這特別的一天,我們祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          84、On this special day, I want to say I am proud of you.Appreciate all youve done for me and I love you.在這特別的一天,我想說(shuō)我為您感到驕傲,爸爸,謝謝您為我做的一切,我愛你。

          85、Thanks for holding my hand when i needed it.謝謝您在我需要的時(shí)候伸出援助之手。

          86、Happy fathers day to an extraordinary father,I love you so much!祝我獨(dú)一無(wú)二的老爸父親節(jié)快樂(lè),我非常愛您!

          87、I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad. happy fathers day.爸爸,我所有的為父之道都來(lái)自于您的恩賜。祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)。

          88、I didnt see what a good father you were to us before, but I do now.我以前不知道您是一個(gè)多么好的父親,但是現(xiàn)在我知道了。

          89、Now that I am a father, I can see what a good job you did in raising us.現(xiàn)在我已身為人父。我才知道,您在養(yǎng)育我們時(shí),做得多么好。

          90、I hope you know how proud I am of you, Wish you happy fathers day! Happiness always!爸爸,我希望您能知道我是多么為您感到自豪啊,祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè),永遠(yuǎn)快樂(lè)!

          91、是您給了我生命,是您撫育我成長(zhǎng)。Its you who gave me life, its you who brought me up.

          92、父愛堅(jiān)韌,一邊關(guān)愛,一邊嚴(yán)厲!athers love is tough, caring and strict.

          93、父愛是良言,讓我們作出正確的判斷。Fathers love is a good word, lets make the right judgment.

          94、父愛是拐杖,讓咱們?cè)谌松猩偎じ^。Fathers love is a crutch, let us less fall in life.

          95、父愛最偉大,父親節(jié)別忘提醒他,保重身體!Fathers love is the greatest. Dont forget to remind him on Fathers Day to take care of his health!

          96、父愛是燈,引導(dǎo)我們向前。Fathers love is the lamp that guides us forward.

          97、父親節(jié)快樂(lè),男人是鐵是鋼,可只要他當(dāng)了父親,他就有一顆溫柔的心。Happy Fathers Day, a man is iron and steel, but as long as he is a father, he has a gentle heart.

          98、父親是一場(chǎng)風(fēng),拂去生活的負(fù)重。Father is a wind that sweeps away the burden of life.

          99、我是您的作品,延續(xù)著您的青春,感受著您的關(guān)愛,快樂(lè)著您的心情。I am your best work, continuing your youth, feeling your love, happy your mood.

          100、父親的肩,最有安全感。Fathers shoulder, the most secure.

          101、You are the best dad in the world.您是世界上的爸爸。

          102、YOU HAVE BEEN THERE WHEN I NEEDED YOU.在我需要您的時(shí)候,您總是在那里。

          103、Youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.您不僅是我的父親,您還是我的朋友,顧問(wèn)甚至更多。

          104、父愛在彎彎脊梁里,一道一道堅(jiān)韌不屈。Fathers love in the curved ridge, together with a tough and indomitable.

          105、父愛至上,偉大光榮。Fathers love is supreme, great glory.

          106、父親是座山,堅(jiān)韌起脊梁,挺拔大地的芬芳。Father is a mountain, tough ridge, upright fragrance of the earth.

          107、父愛如同天廣,愿父親幸福安享。Fathers love is as broad as the sky. May father enjoy happiness.

          108、爸爸,是您讓我擁有了更廣闊的天空,是您讓我看得更高、更遠(yuǎn)。節(jié)日快樂(lè)!Dad, its you who make me have a broader sky, and its you who make me see higher and farther. Happy holidays!

          109、爸爸,你在我心中永遠(yuǎn)是的。節(jié)日快樂(lè)!Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!

          110、爸爸,這是我們最珍貴的默契和回憶!Dad, this is our most precious tacit understanding and memory!

          111、Wish beloved father good health, great happiness and good luck in everything on the coming Fathers Day!在父親節(jié)來(lái)臨之際,祝愿敬愛的父親身體健康,節(jié)日快樂(lè),萬(wàn)事如意!

          112、With warm wishes for Fathers Day!時(shí)值父親節(jié),致以最真摯的祝福!

          113、Happy Fathers Day to you!祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          114、The lucky star shines bright!吉星高照!

          115、Congratulate you on Fathers Day!恭賀父親節(jié)!

          116、Wish you a happy Fathers Day and the best of everything!祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!萬(wàn)事如意!

          117、I hope you know how proud I am of you, father. Happy Fathers Day! Happiness always!爸爸,我希望您能知道我是多么為您感到自豪啊,祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè),永遠(yuǎn)快樂(lè)!

          118、May all your wishes come true!愿您美夢(mèng)成真!

          119、Happy Fathers Day to you and good luck in everything!祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)、萬(wàn)事如意!

          120、I hope everything goes well.希望您諸事順利。

          121、May happiness in countless ways fill every moment of your holiday.愿數(shù)不盡的歡樂(lè)陪伴您佳節(jié)的每時(shí)每刻。

          122、Happy Fathers Day to you, my dear father! Thank you for everything youve done for me!父親節(jié)快樂(lè),親愛的爸爸!謝謝您為我所做的一切!

          123、appy Fathers Day to an extraordinary father!I love you so much!祝我獨(dú)一無(wú)二的老爸父親節(jié)快樂(lè),我非常愛您!

          124、HAVE THE BEST FATHER S DAY EVER.祝您有個(gè)最棒的父親節(jié)。

          125、Have the best Father’s Day ever.祝您有個(gè)最棒的父親節(jié)。

          126、I am glad that you are my dad.真高興您是我爸爸。

          127、I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.我愛您勝過(guò)一切。

          128、I made a present for you. I hope you like it.我為您做了一件禮物,希望您會(huì)喜歡。

          129、The annual day you, in the absence of time around I hope that too happily every seconds. Father, worked hard!一年一度您的日子,在沒(méi)有我在身邊的時(shí)候希望也能快快樂(lè)樂(lè)過(guò)每一分每一秒。老爸,辛苦

          130、This is for all the things that you have done for me.這是為了感謝您為我所做的一切。

          131、On this special day, I want to say I’m proud of you, appreciate all you’ve done for me and I love you.在這特別的一天,我想說(shuō)我為您感到驕傲,爸爸,謝謝您為我做的一切,我愛你。

          132、Thanks for holding my hand when I need it.謝謝您在我需要的時(shí)候握緊我的手。

          133、Wish beloved father good health, great happiness and good luck in everything on the coming Father’s Day.在父親節(jié)來(lái)臨之際,祝愿敬愛的父親身體健康,節(jié)日快樂(lè),萬(wàn)事如意!

          134、Wish you a happy Father’s Day and the best of everything.祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!萬(wàn)事如意!

          135、With warm wishes for Father’s Day.時(shí)值父親節(jié),致以最真摯的祝福!

          136、You have been there when I needed you在我需要您的時(shí)候,您總是在那里。

          137、You have always been so patient with me.您對(duì)我總是那么地有耐心。

          138、Fathers Day is a time to remember all the good things that Dad do for us..父親節(jié)是憶起爸爸們?yōu)槲覀兯龅囊磺械臅r(shí)刻。

          139、I love you more than anything else.我愛您勝過(guò)一切。

          140、Thanks for helping me through the tough times.謝謝您幫我度過(guò)許多艱苦的時(shí)光。

          141、Massage chairs are popular gifts for Fathers Day. 按摩椅一向是父親節(jié)的搶手禮物。

          142、Father, we love you. Happy Fathers Day. 爸爸,我們愛您。父親節(jié)快樂(lè)。

          143、Fathers Day is the third Sunday in June. 父親節(jié)在六月的第三個(gè)星期日。

          144、Have the best Fathers Day ever. 祝您能度過(guò)一個(gè)最棒的父親節(jié).

          145、Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddys in the World!! 向全世界所有的好爸爸道一聲:父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          146、Fathers Day has became a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. 父親節(jié)現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)成為向父親及所有扮演父親角色的人表達(dá)敬意的節(jié)日。

          147、The 3rd Sunday of June is Fathers Day. 6月的第三個(gè)周日是父親節(jié)。

          148、In 1972, President Nixon signed a law to establish Fathers Day. 1972年,尼克松總統(tǒng)正式簽署了建立父親節(jié)的議案。

          149、Ive got to get dad a Fathers Day gift. 我得去買父親節(jié)的禮物給老爸。

          150、Its Fathers Day tomorrow. Are you going to buy a Fathers Day card for your Dad? 明天是父親節(jié),你準(zhǔn)備給你老爸買父親節(jié)賀卡嗎?

          151、words cant tell how much you mean to us.we wish you happiness on this special day.我們無(wú)法用言語(yǔ)描述您對(duì)我們是多么重要,在這特別的一天,我們祝您父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          152、Fathers love is an umbrella, which is always supported in rainy days.父愛是一把大傘,總在有雨的天里撐著。

          153、i didnt realize that being a father would be so difficult. it makes me appreci ate you all the more.我不知道做一個(gè)父親竟然會(huì)這樣不容易。這使我更加感激您。

          154、Fathers love is like a book, plain on the surface, but full of knowledge.父親的愛像一本書,表面平淡無(wú)奇,書里卻充滿知識(shí)。

          155、it doesnt matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was.爸爸是什么樣的人并不重要,重要的是我心目的爸爸是什么樣的人。

          156、Daughters gratitude to father is beyond words. Thank you, Dad!女兒對(duì)父親的感激是無(wú)法言語(yǔ)的,謝謝你,爸爸!

          157、After four seasons, I will never forget my fathers love. Happy Fathers Day, Dad!走過(guò)四季,難忘父親的愛。爸爸,父親節(jié)快樂(lè)!

          158、over the years we have had our differences, but i always love you.這些年來(lái),雖然我們常有意見不合的地方,但我一直敬愛著您。

          159、on this special day, i want to say im proud of you,appreciate all youve done for me and i love you.在這特別的一天,我想說(shuō)我為您感到驕傲,爸爸,謝謝您為我做的一切,我愛你。

          160、Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!爸爸,你在我心中永遠(yuǎn)是最好的。節(jié)日快樂(lè)











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