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      2. 尾隨同義詞及其英文造句

        時(shí)間:2021-03-31 09:56:29 造句 我要投稿




          尾隨 基本解釋

          尾隨[wěi suí]




          詞典dangle after:追求,尾隨。


          尾隨 網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

          1. tailgate:如,有進(jìn)才能出的防尾隨(Tailgate防反傳,前后兩次進(jìn)入相同區(qū)域的時(shí)間必須有一定的時(shí)間間隔;特別的伴隨進(jìn)入(Escort識(shí)別證的制作;影像鑒別;卡和密碼的并用;雙人雙七雙密碼并用進(jìn)入;點(diǎn)名(RollCall)功能,

          2. in the wake of:in the vicinity of 在鄰近 | in the wake of 尾隨 | in the warm 在暖和的地方

          3. tag along:tag after 尾隨 | tag along 尾隨 | tag day 街頭募捐日

          尾隨 雙語(yǔ)例句

          1. 另外重要的一點(diǎn)相似之間尾隨狼瘡和狗 Familiaris在于事實(shí),那就是一段醞釀在這兩個(gè)物種是63天。

          A further important point of resemblance between the Canis lupus and the Canis familiaris lies in the fact that the period of gestation in both species is sixty-three days.

          2. 正在此時(shí),幾天來(lái)一直尾隨其后的土耳其人抓住了時(shí)機(jī),向還沒(méi)有翻越山頂?shù)能婈?duì)發(fā)起了攻擊。

          It was at this point that the Turks, who had been following and feinting for many days, seized their opportunity and attacked those who had not yet crossed the summit.

          3. 我會(huì)尾隨你步入黑暗。。。

          I will follow you into the dark...

          4. 首先,讓我告訴你,如果你有用營(yíng)運(yùn)計(jì)劃只是尾隨。

          First, let me tell you that a trading plan is only useful if you follow it.

          5. 其中的一個(gè)尾隨他回到醫(yī)院。

          One of them followed him back to the hospital.

          6. 他就是在倫敦尾隨咱們的'那個(gè)人!

          He is the man who followed us in London!

          7. 我只是尾隨你這個(gè)小的貢獻(xiàn)。

          I am just following behind you with this small contribution.

          8. 他就是在倫敦尾隨咱們的那個(gè)人?

          He is the man who follwed us in London!

          9. 目前開發(fā)的防尾隨聯(lián)動(dòng)門產(chǎn)品包括三大系列近二十個(gè)品種,門體結(jié)構(gòu)有不銹鋼和碳鋼優(yōu)質(zhì)板。

          The current development of the anti-linked door behind the three series of products including nearly 20 varieties, the doors of the structure of high-quality carbon steel and stainless steel plate.

          10. 我公司是一家以生產(chǎn)防彈玻璃、鋼化玻璃、夾層玻璃、中空玻璃,防尾隨電子聯(lián)動(dòng)門、室內(nèi)外裝飾裝修為一體的專業(yè)公司。

          Our company is a production of bulletproof glass, tempered glass, laminated glass, insulating glass, anti-tail linkage of electronic door, indoor and outdoor decoration as one of the professional firms.

          11. 通常情況下,穿高跟鞋走路只有一種方式,一只腳邁在另一只腳前,然后另只腳尾隨而上。

          At the most basic level, there is only one way to walk in high heels. Put one foot in front of the other and go for it.

          12. 相比之下,歐洲發(fā)射的 COROT 衛(wèi)星軌道過(guò)低——地球、月球、太陽(yáng)會(huì)周期性地使其畫面變得模糊,但開普勒不會(huì)有這種煩惱,因?yàn)樗俏搽S著地球圍繞太陽(yáng)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。

          The European missionis hampered by its low orbit: the Earth, the moon and the sun periodicallyobscure its view. Kepler will not suffer that indignity, because it willbe placed in orbit around the sun, trailing behind the Earth.

          13. 開始測(cè)量尾隨的邊緣鰭像你那樣的領(lǐng)先地位。

          Start the measuring of the trailing edge of the fin like you did for the leading edge.

          14. 在另一次工作中,他所尾隨的目標(biāo)走進(jìn)了一間郵局。

          On another job, the subject he is tailing goes into a post office.

          15. 但重通過(guò)插入原始的框架之間很短黑幀,索尼可以不斷置的眼,你認(rèn)為更流暢和不議案尾隨的電視上的圖像。

          But by ing very short black frames between the original frames, Sony can constantly reset the eye, so you perceive the image on the TV as smoother and without motion trailing.

          16. 他們高高地居于云端,日月都尾隨在他們的后面。

          They perch loftily on cloud, the sun and the moon following them.

          17. 這家伙緊緊尾隨我的車6英里了。

          This guy has been tailgating me for six miles.

          18. 在某些情況下,有人認(rèn)為下一個(gè)尾隨類別,由用戶的選擇決定的要求。

          In some cases, there is a requirement that the next trailing category be determined by a user's selection.

          19. 另一種帶織物被綁定到織物的過(guò)每肋骨,虛假肋骨,尾隨的優(yōu)勢(shì),和領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力。

          Another strip of fabric was bound to the fabric over each rib, false rib, trailing edge, and leading edge.

          20. 當(dāng)然,回文既沒(méi)有領(lǐng)導(dǎo),也沒(méi)有尾隨零,所以0220不是回文。

          Of course, palindromes have neither leading nor trailing zeroes, so 0220 is not a palindrome.

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