̩?du)ԊijЩԊܵӡcWxڽ˼Ӱ푶@Ծߪ(d)صˇg(sh)퍡С̩?du)?a target='_blank'>(jng)Zgӭx!
ԽȇҸĖ|ֻͨ^ҁ@ʾԼ --̩?du)?/p>
˂Ԟ罻ǿ֮ʿ̩?du)sؑ(yng)ֻړ]ڷI(xin)]ȱĿ --̩?du)?/p>
κr֮(hu)D`(chung)˵;ʹ(jng)l(f)׃Ķõl(f) --̩?du)?/p>
ҟoxõõx --̩?du)?/p>
ףҪo֪ҲsȻ۵ --̩?du)?/p>
һl˹_菵\(yn)ӣܰѺˮһЩҎ(gu)õĺӵ(ni) --̩?du)?/p>
L(fng)Ù(qun)_ƽosKֹƽoҵķ_ĐĺҲ߀ǣҪֻҪ --̩?du)?̴
FһɽΑNN׃ --̩?du)?/p>
҂J(rn)e(cu)@(g)磬f_҂ --̩?du)?wB
õIJ(hu)Ϊ(d);SеĖ|һ --̩?du)?/p>
MհѴﱧڑտobh(yun) --̩?du)?Ξ
Nr(sh)˻ --̩?du)?/p>
Ҵ^һõE --̩?du)?/p>
ĬһNϲgǰĬһNų --̩?du)?/p>
õYa(chn)ʹõr(ji)ֵ life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love. --̩?du)?wB
҂(x)Tӹ(ji)҂pʢĕr(sh)(hu)@Ӱu@N˥ϕr(sh)҂òY(ji)㎤Ŀ҃߀(do)҂Ʈa(chn)Ă(w) --̩?du)?/p>
ΨһĿoһlĵ̉Ρ --̩?du)?̩?du)u
h(yun)ľx ǘ֦o s]нR܉E h(yun)ľx ֮g܉E ǿvȻ܉ER sD(zhun)˲go̎Ғ --̩?du)?bh(yun)ľx
ƽƽġ --̩?du)?/p>
һ·߁SеĴ̝ --̩?du)?wB
ֻҪϰĴoҾͽobһֻP(yng)傀(g)(g)߂(g)қQ{Јȥ……ҌҵѰ(x)҂Ҫ옷غ߂(g)ʮlӵҌڽ^ijСڳϴĕr(sh)҂һ(g)İććˡ --̩?du)?¼
յε{(ln)˴صı̾G֮gĿ՚@“……” --̩?du)?ٛ(zng)־Ħֻ
ҊɽȺg Լį砵ոՕ` ؏(f)Q^؏(f)Ҹ KоGޓuҷɳĮ --̩?du)?Ļ
ҪԼĴͳo@ --̩?du)?/p>
ֻн(jng)^تzĥ܄(chung)õ --̩?du)?/p>
“ˮѽfʲô?”“Ɇ”“ѽĻشʲô?”“ijĬ” --̩?du)?wB
Ըһ(g)ҹڽߣ˟ȥӰ --̩?du)?¼
ʱo(h)hԼtMtg the scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword. --̩?du)?wB
(dng)e(cu)^̫ꖶĕr(sh)ҲҪe(cu)^Ⱥ If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. --_e{·̩?du)?/p>
mֻЎʮ^ljһĻÜ磬oFɸힵijLx;(hu)õ --̩?du)?/p>
һl˹_菵\(yn)ӣܰѺˮһЩҎ(gu)˵ĺӵ(ni) --̩?du)?/p>
СĴ\ۊZλ --̩?du)?wB
҂(yng)ԓϧκδr(ji)ȥxĶʹܵۡǸĐ횠xҲǛ]k;^܉ȥô_(d)ľ --̩?du)?/p>
uŶқ]߽ --̩?du)?һo
ԷҷѬ˿՚K΄(w)ǰԼI(xin)o --̩?du)?/p>
I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes. --̩?du)?wB
Ãֻw㣬҂픾̵ --̩?du)?¼
ҵĐ ꖹһ ֽoxN --̩?du)?Ξ
ഺyʼKڪMСȦ?˺MĵľW(wng) --̩?du)?/p>
ʧȥ̫ꖶIĩҲʧȥȺˡ --̩?du)?/p>
Էĸ^Ҫ o the woodcutter's axe begged for its handle from the tree. the tree gave it. --̩?du)?wB
ǾԼČ(sh)HĿ(bio)M(jn)еճЄ(dng)@ʾӵһNЁ@NɫɫķʽCĴ --̩?du)?/p>
(dng)e(cu)^̫ꖵĕr(sh)ˣôҲҪe(cu)^Ⱥ --̩?du)?wB
㲻Ą(chung)?yn)?ni)N(yn)^ʣľ磬Խr(sh)gͿgĽͣɫɫұF(xin)ʽF(xin) --̩?du)?/p>
Let me thing that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dack unknown. O(sh)һһw(do)ҵȥԽδ֪ĺڰ --̩?du)?/p>
“”“”סʲôط?“ ش”ǟoܞߵĉ” Ask the Possible to the Impossible,”Where is your dwelling place?” ”In the dreams of the impotent,”comes the answer. --̩?du)?wB
ϵķNѿN(yn)ڃ(ni)ֻҪr(sh)ﲥN --̩?du)?/p>
“oһ䚈ҲҪ” “ǻд?” “Ҿ” “ֻĘƳһΐۑz۹͕(hu)ʹҵֱ߀۵” “ֻǚɫ?” “Ҫh(yun)̴ҵ” --̩?du)?/p>
Ц߁fʲôX@ѵȴľˡ --̩?du)?/p>
L(fng)ĹxӿM(jn)ҵ۾--@oĵϢʸ۾ҵ۾ҵĽ|p --̩?du)?̴
Ҫͯ»һM(fi)ꎣҪÿÿ붼Áx! --̩?du)?/p>
^ǿ“”ԟoȉˑB(ti)F(xin)Ǵݚ“f”ĻT --̩?du)?/p>
Л]гĺEѽ(jng)w^ --̩?du)?/p>
廨Tìܼ--ȻҲ˞ҲЬF(xin)(sh) --̩?du)?/p>
ףҪͽoЩ֪ҲsȻҵ --̩?du)?/p>
˶¶x_ ôһ(g)ҵ ͳ_܊ǰM(jn)! oڿL(fng) ããҹe ôһ(g)ҵ ʹc(din)ȼе ɞΨһĹ! --̩?du)?ΨһĹ
ЩDzܵȴ횑(zhn)ЈȡĵλͲܲ_hܺʹM(jn) --̩?du)?/p>
ЩџڱϵˣӰͶԼǰ they throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back. --̩?du)?wB
r(sh)ò by plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower. --̩?du)?wB
һ(g)oM ?yn)]ʲôĖ| ʹf߀һ(g) ?yn)ֻĐ˲֪DZ?--̩?du)?Ξ
ߵ^ÿ(g)İ˵TҵԼļֻ̎Ưܵ_(d)(ni)ĵThe traveler has to knock at every alien door to come tohis own, and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach theinnermost shrine at the end. --̩?du)?/p>
@һ̸е۹ҵ糿ꖹеijĬի@Ĺ¼ŵҰһ --̩?du)?wB
ԼЇLԇQ}ˣЩʹ(hu)ڂ!ЩHHѭҎ(gu)^ʹ(hu)M(jn)ֻʹ(hu)ԾSȥ --̩?du)?/p>
@]ϣ]пֲ @]Ϣ]еZ]к @]ϢĴ @ֻԼһp͟o·ա --̩?du)?@