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      2. 英語作文400字

        時(shí)間:2023-12-10 15:35:58 英語作文 我要投稿
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        英語作文400字 篇1


          我 坐在客廳里,一邊等客戶,一邊想象我說英語時(shí)的情景,還不停叨念著我要講的幾句話。剛過一會(huì)兒,媽媽就帶領(lǐng)客戶來到大廳了。媽媽先和他們聊了聊,就請(qǐng)我和 他們說說話。我羞怯地低下了頭,媽媽悄聲說:“你不是想要露一手嗎?快點(diǎn)吧!”聽到媽媽催促我,我才羞當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)刈叩剿麄兠媲啊?/p>

          開始時(shí),我很 緊張,不過還是克服了緊張,說了一句:“ Good morning!(早上好。笨蛻粲X得挺有意思,就應(yīng)了一聲,我突然想起他給我了幾個(gè)巧克力,很感激,說了一聲:“Thanks for your chocolate!(謝謝你的.巧克力。蔽矣珠_始自我介紹:“My name is Mona.(因?yàn)槲业挠⒄Z名叫MONA)”同時(shí)他也說出了自己的名字!癗ice to meet you.”"Nice to meet you,too"“How are you?”“I'm fine.”我和他逐漸成為了好朋友,我也不害怕了。


        英語作文400字 篇2

          Today is labor day, I decide to do some housework.

          When I eat, I say, "Mom, I'll do some housework for you after dinner." Mother nodded. After dinner, I asked my mother: what do I have to do? Mom said, "sweep the floor first and then sweep the floor clean." So I looked for a broom to start cleaning the room seriously. I soon to sweep over, picked up a mop, mop wrung water first began to mop the floor. I dragged a, tired sweating, or reluctant to rest, continue to work hard. At last, the room was clean and shiny. Mother boasts that I am a labor - loving child.

          I watched my work and smiled happily. I want to do more housework for adults. Be a good boy who loves to work.

        英語作文400字 篇3

          Some people love to play badminton, some love to play football, others love swimming, but my favorite sport is basketball. It is very popular in China because of Yao Ming. Because of him, many boys in China get to know about basketball. He is so excellent that everybody wants to play like him. He is my idol.

          After school, I often play basketball with my friends. I am the tallest boy in my class, so I play as center. Playing basketball is not only good for our health, but also helping us to make friends. I hope someday I can be an outstanding player just like Yao Ming. Maybe in the future, I will go to NBA and win the champion.

        英語作文400字 篇4


          In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules.

          The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads. When people are driving, they should wear a seat belt. Drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking. They must stop when the lights are red. Many people take buses. They should wait in line, and follow the rule "First get off, then get on".

          If everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer traffic accidents.





        英語作文400字 篇5

          假如你是王明,你將代表學(xué)校參加郴州市屮學(xué)生英詁演講比賽。演講的題目是 We should help parents

          parents do housework. Now many students are too lazy to do housework. But I think we should help parents do some housework because they are busy with their work and tired after work. I often help my parents do many chores. In the morning, I will make the bed and water flowers. They are relaxing and interesting.In the evening, I often clean the room and take out the trash. When I see the tidy room, I feel proud of myself. My parents are pleased with me. I think it's our duty to help our parents with some chores.

        英語作文400字 篇6

          flying kites is an activity favored by many people during the qingming festival. kites are not only flown at day time but also in the evening. little lanterns are tied to the kite or to the string that holds the kite. and when the kite is flying in the sky, the lanterns look like twinkling stars that add unique scenery to the sky during the night. what makes flying kites during this festival special is that people cut the string while the kite is in the sky to let it fly free. it is said this brings good luck and that diseases can be eliminated by doing this.

        英語作文400字 篇7

          In modern life we have many inventions.Thesemachines are very useful.They can make things better and faster than people.A washing machine can help us wash clothes.We have more time to do that we want to doduring this time.A printing machine prints a lot of books,newspapers and other things qiickly.Buses,bikes,cars,trains,planes and shipshelr us travel faster than before.The compter is wonderful machine.It is one of the most important inventions.Today it is used in many ways.It can store innformations and work out math problems millions of times faster than a person can.In a few years,the computer may touch the lives of everyone.Even people in faraway villages.

        英語作文400字 篇8

          speaking of my student life, its very interesting. besides studying, we have many parties at our school for special festivals. of course, we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day. i receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them. although sometimes we have many eams in our student life, it can be good for us. everyone hates eams, but it helps us realize how much weve learned from school. just enjoy your student life. it goes by fast.

        英語作文400字 篇9

          Conghua is a city with many beautiful places. It is famous for its hot springs. Many tourists like to come to Conghua to enjoy hot springs. It is very comfortable.

          If you like the beautiful nature, you can go to the Conghua Rose Garden and enjoy the beautiful flowers there. The most famous street in Conghua is street corner. This is the place to go if you want to visit some shops and department stores.

          You can still find delicious food in Conghua. Litchi is a specialty product of Conghua. summer is the harvest time, you can come and enjoy the delicous litchis.

          After listening to my introduction, why not visit Conghua this year?

        英語作文400字 篇10



          剛開始,顏老師給我們播放了一段英文字母歌曲的視頻。我們一邊一瞬不瞬地看著屏幕,一邊齊聲高唱:"A is for apple,a—a—apple。 B is for ball,b—b—ball……"一串串優(yōu)美的音符在教室里靈動(dòng)地跳躍著,多么動(dòng)聽,多么嘹亮!

          接下來,老師的講課內(nèi)容圍繞著一個(gè)繪本故事《Coats on sale》展開。她的講課方式非常生動(dòng),極大地帶動(dòng)了同學(xué)們的`積極性。當(dāng)老師向同學(xué)提問時(shí),很多同學(xué)都會(huì)將手舉得高高的,爭(zhēng)先恐后地踴躍發(fā)言。當(dāng)有同學(xué)回答得十分精彩時(shí),老師就會(huì)情不自禁地露出贊許的笑容:“A big hand!”緊接著,她就會(huì)為這位同學(xué)大聲鼓掌。這時(shí),同學(xué)們也會(huì)獻(xiàn)上熱烈的掌聲,氣氛十分活躍。





        英語作文 怎樣學(xué)習(xí)英語02-02








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