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      2. 英語(yǔ)作文600字

        時(shí)間:2023-07-16 11:30:59 英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿
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        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇1

          Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, p

          Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many different things. We use it to cook, make electricity, put out fires and so on. We use millions of liters of water every day.

          Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through water pipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories (we call water plants) that purify the water. When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line, and keep the water clean.

        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇2

          The spring rain is soft, see the spring rain on the branches of bamboo and bamboo leaves. The rain sometimes straight down, alternated with the wind, leaving a smoke, such as fog, such as yarn, such as silk, splashing rain as if right on the beating of the notes, playing a beautiful melody.

          the sky, how is multicoloured, make a person dazzling? Oh, the children are flying kites. Under the sky of the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are floating freely floating, soaring, how to make a happy scene! The soil of the woods is mixed with fresh smell, the blade of grass slowly probes, in the roots, in the bush, at your feet, quietly spread the unknown light green. Like light water.

          In the warm spring in the sun, and other birds, busy nesting, busy Prédateur, busy childbearing. They sing and sing throughout the day, as if to tell the story of spring, as if to sing the beauty of spring.

        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇3

          For most girls, I believe they must have read the story about Cinderella. The story tells about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother dies when she is very small, so his father marries another lady who has two daughters.

          When the father dies, Cinderella is bulled by his step-mother and step-sisters, but she keeps nice to them.

          One day, Cinderella meets a prince and when she joins the party, she has to run away before midnight. The prince finally finds her by his missing glass shoe. Finally, Cinderella lives a happy life and her step-mother and step-sisters are punished. The story tells people that if we are kind to others, we will have the good return.


        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇4




          內(nèi)容:1.唱中國(guó)歌 2.比賽用筷子 3.學(xué)習(xí)包餃子


          Good afternoon, everyone. May I have your attention, please?

          I’m the chairman of the Students’ Union. As the New Year is around the corner(即將到來(lái)), weare going to hold a New Year party for you, which is intended to enable you tohave a better understanding of Chinese culture.

          During the party, not only canyou sing a Chinese song, but you will also compete with each other to see howskilled you are at using chopsticks. What’s more, you’ll learn at the party howto make dumplings. Sounds great. doesn’t it? The party is scheduled(計(jì)劃于) in Room 101of the Teaching Building from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. next Friday.

          Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇5

          "Please put your phone down Daddy, we haven't finished the story!" Hearing these heartfelt words from my four year old daughter was an uncomfortable wake up call. How had I let the shiny electronic box in my hand take so much of my attention that it could even interrupt a short bedtime story with my precious children?

          It's no exaggeration to suggest that our mobile devices are in danger of taking over our entire lives. Time magazine found that 68% of users take their devices to bed with them, 20% check their phones every ten minutes and one third report feeling anxious when briefly separated from their beloved gadget. According to Osterman research, 79% of respondents take their work-related device on vacation and 33% admit to hiding from family and friends in order to check Face and Twitter. It's hard to deny that these are worrying trends.

        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇6

          Our government is aiming to build an “economized society”。 I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal。

          Firstly, we know that many restaurants have joined the “clear your plate” campaign against wasting food。 We students should do the same in our daily life especially when having dinner with our friends and relatives。 It is a good virtue for us to do so。 Secondly, make sure that the lights and all the other electric facilities are turned off when we finish our work and leave the room。 Also it is important to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used。 Saving energy isalso saving ourselves。

          In a word,if we pay much attention to our everyday behavior and take actions to reduce waste, we can make contributions to an economized society.Let’s work together from now on!

        英語(yǔ)作文600字 篇7

          I have a dog. It is my favourite animal. His name is Beibei. His name and my name are the same. I like Beibei very much. He is only one year old now. He is very small. He is black and white. And he has one sister. She is yellow and white. His mother is white. His father is black. It is very clever. And it is very lovely. So I like him. He has a very small nose, two eyes and two small ears. He has a small mouth, too. He has four legs and a small face. He loves meat very much.

          There is a bowl near his house. There is always some bones or pork in it. And it is always very clean. His house is very beautiful. The door is red. And there are two windows in the wall. The wall is white and pink. There is a lock in the door. The lock is yellow. It is very nice. Beibei loves his house very much.

          He usually sleeps and rests in the house. I always give him lots of food. He likes me very much. He is very friendly. I like him, too. He thinks I am very helpful. I think so, too.






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