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      2. 英文作文

        時間:2023-06-20 15:00:42 英語作文 我要投稿




        英文作文 篇1

          The Sorrows of Young Werther was written by the famous German author Goethe. The story was based on his own experiences of her adolescence. It is a dairy form so as to fully represent the changes of Werther’s inner world .

          Werther happened to meet Lotte and then he fell in love with the engaged girl Lotte secretly at once. lotte was a very beautiful ,charming and kind-hearted girl,and his fiance was a handsome, honest gentleman. Werther and Lotte became good friend, but Werther dared not to speak out his admiration to her ,because he didn’t want to separate the doomed couple and he didn’t think he deserved her love for his not being good enough. But Werther loved Lotte so much that he went to the parties and activities that Lotte participated. Every time he had the impulse to tell his love to her, but then he saw the fiance, and he swallowed the words. Time after time, he became more and more upset, and the more upset he was , he thought even more of his upset and gave him more sorrows.He felt like a little hopeless and lonely mouse.

          Then he went away from his hometown and Lotte to be a minister in somewhere else ,he wanted to get away from the sorrows. Then he was in a legation .But the life was not the same as he thought, he always be looked down on by the nobility and the gentry as he was not rich and he was not in the high status. Apart from that, he found himself totally different from the count who employed him. So he went back to the little village.

          The things there was worse than before, one of the two boys he drew picture for was dead, Lotte was married .He thought that the whole world was filled with bad things. He became desperate of life. Several days before Christmas, he went to Lotte’s place and hugged and kissed her deeply after reading a book. Two days later, after he ended his suicide note to Lotte ,midnight came, he shot himself with his sorrows.

          After reading this novel,I felt sorry about Werther .Did Werther have to die? Was Werther must be so upset? Can’t he just say out his love to Lotte?

          Only when a man goes back to the beginning ,will he unhappily turned to admit he was lost. Werther was lost in the world of love, he couldn’t go out, he couldn’t stop loving Lotte. He didn’t know to find another road ,he indulged himself in his sorrows. Nobody can help him, nobody can save him.He should learn how to control himself, he should learn how to get out of the upset feelings and think more about the much better things in th e world. But he didn’t ,so we should learn the things and control ourselves. We admire his love, but we can’t admire his suicide. He killed himself ,and also killed his love. After the death, his love came to be a history, it never can came ture. Love should be much stronger, and so do our hearts. When we know our love can’t be accepted ,we should say ”congratulations and good luck” to the one we love, because to love is not to make her yours but to make her feel happy. some says love makes people stupid, maybe Werther is the one he describes, but we shouldn’t be like that. We should keep cool and calm with love, then we can make the best choice, and then we’ll never say regret to ourselves.

          Werther had love , and we know love is the most amazing thing in the whole world ,but why didn’t dare to say his love out ?The cause is the feudal thought, the people at the time couldn’t put up with his love to an engaged woman. Besides this, why he was looked down by the nobility and the gentry ?The cause is also the feudal thought, so the feudal thought is the killer in some sense. We should fight against the feudal thought like Goethe .

          Werther was so kind that he didn’t want to break up the relationship between Lotte and his fiance. He always thought about the others, like the boys he ever drew pictures for, like Lotte. But then he found there is barely anybody care about him, he felt this world was full of crulty. No one could really heart and soul thought of him. His love to others was useless. The was a crul and cool world. He felt alone and lonely ,he couldn’t find some one he could depend on including Lotte—the one he loved most. Hopelessness and helplessness came to his mind ,and then death, suicide.

          The before , now ,the future are the forever ever topics we are talking about. Which one should we focus on mostly? Werther concentrate on the former days, he always thought about the upset and unhappy things once and again. He found more sorrows from one. And then more and more sorrows came up, these sorrows made him kill himself. So we should think more about the nowadays time and the future, especially the future, we can find more hope than hopelessness from the future. The lost days are just gone, we have no opportunity to think about them.

          At last, I think Werther is a kind-hearted, loving, treasonous man, he pursues individual liberation, he hopes to get love and happiness, he loves life ,he loves adolescence. But because of his own character and the cool world he lives in, he can’t get what he deserves to get, what he has got is just loneliness, hopelessness, helplessness, sorrows and at last death. So he is also a poor and pitiful one. I often feels sorry for him.

          The novel is not a long one, nor a hardly understood one. Goethe use the least ,best ,and also simplest words to make the best and most famous novel, what he gave us is more than Werther’s sorrows, but also the thoughts the book brought to us. We should be grateful to him and his book and we should also be grateful to the world we live in .Besides this ,we’d better think more about the future instead of the lost days. Always remember the experience of Werther, then we may be more sane to make the best choice in our own lives. And so we can avoid hurting ourselves or the people we love. We will make the world to be a better one.

        英文作文 篇2

          New Year's eve, is the day when I most like.

          Because mother said that the day can go to sleep in the morning, because even fell asleep will also be new firecrackers wake.

          On New Year's eve, in addition to being able to eat a lot of delicious things, can also receive a lot of red envelopes, you can also watch TV for a long long time, really is so happy.

          A red envelope is New Year's money, since ancient times, elders will send children lucky money on New Year's eve, seems to be a meaning of exorcism disaster, mother said to put "lucky money" in under the pillow, pillow to sleep on it. I really do as this way, because it is very new.

          I also looked at the Spring Festival gala, the deepest memory is the "hello, I am leave." "Why? Why is this?" Whenever I say this, mom and dad laughed, because I copy too like said.

        英文作文 篇3

          Experts are not single-minded

          Doctor: Well, then tell me your symptoms and I will judge your illness. Patient: But I don’t need your diagnosis. Just give me the pills I want.

          Doctor: Hey, who do you think is the expertAs a medical expert, I am quite

          familiar with almost all the diseases. You’d better follow my order!

          Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I only have to focus

          on fixing what’s wrong with ME! Now which one of us do you think is the expert

          The patient regards herself as an “expert”, taking it for granted that expert only means specialized. Apparently, she is wrong about not only the definition of an expert but also herself. Unfortunately, she jumps into the narrow well and become a frog that is conceited and ignorant. But is the doctor an expertWhat on earth is a real expert

          From my own perspective, it is extensive knowledge that an expert should basically have. After all, all the things in the universe are connected and so is knowledge. Just as an old saying goes, you’ll never know where your hometown is unless you go out of it. Being learned is the way to go out of hometown and only that will make a person be clear-headed in his subject and be superior to others as an expert.

          Of course, professional knowledge is another necessary quality. For instance, my aunt got ill the other day. She thought she caught a cold so she

          drank some hot water to get over it. But that didn’t take any effect and she felt even worse. So she went to the hospital. With the doctor’s treatment, she made a prompt recovery. Her wrong judgment prolongs her pain and that teaches me the significance of professional knowledge.

          However, all the theories must be applied to practice. So an expert should also be acquainted with sufficient concrete cases. Experts who don’t have experience can’t help us to solve problems in our daily life so that they are not useful to our society. That’s why most experts aren’t at a very young age. Time is needed for them to accumulate a wealth of experience and be proficient in solving common problems.

          Finally, the most indispensable quality of an expert is noble moral. An ordinary person is only concerned about every aspects of himself. But an

          expert has to be concerned about a single aspect of other people. That requires the expert to have the equal heart to love and care others and give his shoulder to others’ climbing. So an expert doesn’t simply mean professionalism but also means sacrifice.

          In brief, an expert must have extensive and professional knowledge, abundant experience and noble moral. I think Yuan Long ping has all the

          qualities. He devotes his entire life to hybrid rice and solves the grain issues of over six billion people. He has an unselfish heart to make sacrifice. His

          achievements tell us how to write the word “expert”! As for the doctor in the picture, we can’t judge whether he is an expert or not because there is no safe

          evidence of whether he has all of the qualities. Virtually, it is not easy to be an expert. Some self-appointed “experts” should take off their conceited coats and be engrossed in studying and accumulating.

        英文作文 篇4

          Today, I came back from the street when I saw a cat on the side of the road.

          The cat has a pair of sharp ears, black eyes, a small nose is black, four little short legs, I just want to take it home, suddenly saw a red rope on his neck, it has the original owner.

        英文作文 篇5

          Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent computer。 To shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and practices。 Ideas expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide。 Beyond emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities。 Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects。

          In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our lives。 Secondly, with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke。 No matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life。 Furthermore, computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides。

          But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people only with the company of computers, and make our lives more complicated。 Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of socks。 Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries。 Whether computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on different circumstance and the way you use it。

          As a new millennium approach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasyland by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide。

        英文作文 篇6

          1、A country full of illiterates would suffer from poverty, ignorance and backwardness, and would have no escape from humiliation, as is the case with old China.一個充滿文盲的國家將會承受貧窮、愚昧種落后,蒙受恥辱,就像舊中國一樣。

          2、Although there are some disadvantages to going abroad, the advantages seem to me outweigh the disadvantages.雖然出國有一些缺點,但在我看來似乎優(yōu)點多于缺點。

          3、As far as I am concerned, I am fond of living at college. 就我而言,我喜歡住校。

          4、By contrast, those who are against keeping pets believe pets can not only pollute the human environment but also threaten people’s health.相反,那些反對養(yǎng)寵物的人相信寵物不僅污染人類的環(huán)境而且威脅人類的健康。

          5、Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages.和汽車相比,自行車有很多優(yōu)點。

          6、Deciding all the things for the children will only make them a passive listener and dependent doer, which will do them no good in the long run. 事事替孩子做主,只會使孩子被動的順從,不能自立,從長遠觀點來看,這對孩子并無好處。

          7、Despite the popularity of a newer source of information ---television, reading a newspaper is still our most convenient way to find out about the world around us. 盡管一種更新的信息來源——電視一分受歡迎,讀報紙仍然是我們了解周圍的世界最方便的一種方式。

          8、For the sake of public health it is time to take actions to eliminate this cause of death.為了公眾的健康,是采取行動消除這種引起死亡原因的時候了。

          9、I think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores..我認為當今教育的`主要問題之一是過于強調(diào)考試的分數(shù)了。

          10、In choosing a hobby that will suit our individual needs we have to take account of several factors.要選擇一個適合自己需要的業(yè)余愛好,我們得考慮幾個因素。

          11、It is evident that traffic accidents may not only cause a lot of deaths but also produce economic losses.很明顯,交通事故不僅能引起眾多死亡,而且會造成經(jīng)濟損失。












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