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      2. 我的夢(mèng)想英語(yǔ)作文

        時(shí)間:2022-08-14 08:38:23 英語(yǔ)作文 我要投稿




        我的夢(mèng)想英語(yǔ)作文 篇1

          I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. I want to make a robot by myself. It can help my mother to do the housework, help my father to drive his car, and help me to walk my dog. I think my parents will like it very much.


        我的夢(mèng)想英語(yǔ)作文 篇2

          I have a dream : I want to be a lawyer .The reason I want to be a lawyer r is I think this profession is very important and meaningful. If I am a lawyer, I will can contribute to maintaining the fairness and justice of society in the form of law: On one hand, I can take advantage of my expertise help mediate people's conflicts and disputes, so that they can live in harmony. On the other hand, can defend Legitimate rights and interests I for innocent, avoiding them suffering injury. In addition, I can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to Teaching them some basic legal knowledge, therefore they can obey the law and apply the law. However,the legal knowledge that I have learned now is not enough,so in order to getting my dream come true in the future , I should word hard from now on.

        我的夢(mèng)想英語(yǔ)作文 篇3

          My dream is to grow up to want to be a teacher, the teacher's culture is very high, want to be a teacher is very not easy thing.

          I do with my three heart can understand the teacher's famous, respectively is careful. With your heart. Patience, their word is different, can be tightly connected. Do our homework every day, the teacher only see which questions carefully, you still need to have corrected the monitor to send back to us. In class, the same to our teacher li. She is very gentle. Considerate, sometimes the students in class not earnest, she will only in the class not seriously remind her, beside there is patience to endure yourself, this is a very difficult thing.

          The teacher in class. Easy to write wrong words in the text. She is a while to teach us not to write wrong. When we want to have a new lesson next time, she always QianDingNing wan advised to say; "Preview the text to sketch word sequence and radical, but also write words manual, read the text. When meet don't know the words to the dictionary..." It is with the heart.

          When the teacher how tired, I don't want to how much, when people do not one thing. All is how difficult! I grew up in is what I want to be a teacher, to teach students, I must let them contribute to the motherland, to add a bright homeland was, more brilliant!


          我用我的三種心能體會(huì)到做老師的幸苦,分別是細(xì)心。用心。耐心,他們的字不同,可意思是緊緊相連的。做老師每天要批改作業(yè),只有細(xì)心地觀察哪道題目,批改好了還要交給班長(zhǎng)才發(fā)還給了我們。上課時(shí),要向我們李老師一樣。 她十分溫柔。體貼,有時(shí)同學(xué)們上課不認(rèn)真,她只會(huì)在那個(gè)上課不認(rèn)真的人旁邊提醒她一下,這有是耐心忍住了自己,這是個(gè)十分不容易的事兒。


          當(dāng)老師要怎么勞累,我一定不想怎么多,當(dāng)人做沒一件事的時(shí)候。都是多么困難啊! 我上長(zhǎng)大就是要當(dāng)老師,被我教過的學(xué)生,我一定要讓他們?yōu)樽鎳?guó)做貢獻(xiàn),為燦爛的祖國(guó)曾添一筆,變得更燦爛!


        我的夢(mèng)想英語(yǔ)作文80詞 我的夢(mèng)想英語(yǔ)作文精選07-26






        英語(yǔ)作文 我的夢(mèng)想08-04




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