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      2. 小學英語作文:My father’s job

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        小學英語作文:My father’s job(精選22篇)

          在我們平凡的日常里,說到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,借助作文人們可以反映客觀事物、表達思想感情、傳遞知識信息。你寫作文時總是無從下筆?下面是小編幫大家整理的小學英語作文:My father’s job,歡迎大家借鑒與參考,希望對大家有所幫助。

        小學英語作文:My father’s job(精選22篇)

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇1

          my father is a nice man. he likes to play computer games. he is an owner of a factory which produces many things .he is good at designing. he works very hard. i love him very much because, sometimes, i can help him to do something in his factory .he is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time . therefore, he doesn’t have any time to play with me but i don’t blame him for that. i often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so i have something to do. my mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn’t listen to her. so my mother and i sometimes are upset and i don’t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late.

          i love my father but not his job!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇2

          Today, I just noticed that my father is a "work bug", I vowed to love work as much as my father.

          Today, I intentionally pretend to sleep (who also didn't find), wait until 4 o 'clock to see dad come back, I dare not to meet dad, so I can pack to sleep, want to see the content below, so I hear the voice of the typing, original, father is afraid we worry, so, my father will be back in our home work didn't finish my work, 5 o 'clock, I just saw my father come to sleep, I think: if my father work every day to today, the body will become worse.

          I really want to say to dad: "The body is the most important!"

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇3

          My father is a policeman, he has a high nose, thick eyebrows, and a pair of keen and bright eyes, my father is still a workaholic!

          Remember once, my father promised to accompany me and my mother to go shopping and swimming. Just arrived at the Rainbow shopping mall, after getting off, our family heard someone Shouting: "robbery, robbery." With professional sensitivity, Dad's eye came into play again. Dad's radar looked around. Dad found the thief and ran to him as fast as he could. Three five divided by two, the thief was caught by my father. The crowd suddenly gathered around. When I saw these onlookers praising my father for his bravery, I was very proud.

          This is my workaholic -- dad.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇4

          My father has small eyes and a beer belly.

          My father is a doctor, in the home opened a clinic, there are a lot of people to see the doctor all day.

          My father gets up to see patients at six o 'clock every day. On Sunday, my father was busy before I got up. It was almost ten o 'clock, and my father was still busy. He didn't even have breakfast. I can't starve past 12. My stomach's already growling.

          Dad said, "Let your grandmother cook for you." I had to ride the car to call grandma. Grandma cooked the meal, father gulped up to eat, finished, and quickly went to his post.

          Father sleep also sleep not dependable, often just sleep, was to see a doctor woke up, and put on clothes to see a doctor for him. In the dead of night, if my father's mobile phone suddenly rang, open a listen, must be to father riding to his home to see a doctor, every time my father came back to touch the bed fell asleep.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇5

          My father loves to work so much that sometimes he can't even eat!

          Once, my father went to a far away place to work, said before walking at 10 o 'clock to clock back, but the next morning did not see dad's figure! Then my mother made a phone call to my father. My mother asked, "When will you be back?" Dad said: "Ha ha fast, didn't go home last night, sorry!" Oh, Dad really loves to work! No wonder Mom calls Dad a workaholic!

          This is not, these few nights, my father said from work "a little faster cooking, a little faster cooking," my mother said "what?" Dad said "go to work overtime!"

          Sometimes, my father's friend asked my father to work, actually in the stone mortar where! But when Dad heard about the job, he stared and agreed! So far away, dad even did not think to agree, it is incredible!

          My father is even busier now. He has no time to go to grandma's house, let alone go out to play with me. His mind is full of work.

          I decided that when I grow up, I must love work and make friends with work just like my father. I admire my father!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇6

          My father has tall, lanky cheeks and a pair of black-rimmed glasses that have been with him for years. Dad was strong and athletic. But like an old cow, he is always busy, so his skin is sallow.

          Dad and work are inseparable, like a part of life. On one occasion, our family had a good dinner early, my father immediately went to the workshop to work, I took a bath ready to sleep, found the workshop lights are still on, so, I was involved in the machine sound in a dream......

          "Bang" I was the sound of closing the door woke up, the original father came, a pair of black eyes with red bloodshot, eye socket is blue, showing many days of fatigue and sleepiness. Dad came to bed feebly, shivered, and then went to sleep.

          Dad also has a characteristic, he is very persistent, as long as there is anything not done, he must do well, regardless of the wind and rain, all persevere.

          Dad, my good dad, I think the world is not only good mother, there is a good father in the world.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇7

          I had a welder dad who wouldn't give up.

          Dad black eyes like a black grapes with a mouth below he is neither tall nor short, belly fat, like a big iron ball, the boss for each time, my father, father will be serious to complete the matter, sometimes the old daddy don't know how to install, dad will serious others, others tell dad, this step, how to install, this step, How to turn, and, dad's memory is very good, every time the boss praised him!

          Once the weather was very hot at two o 'clock in the afternoon, the temperature reached 30℃ to 40℃ dad work in the hot afternoon, suddenly sweating, and then fainted in the ground, others saw immediately told the boss boss know this thing, the boss immediately sent dad to the hospital after the doctor said: "Dad, sunstroke, to rest for a few days", one day after the past, dad woke up, said thank you to the boss!

          I should also be like dad to stick to not give up, do things well, I love my welder dad!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇8

          My father comes home in the middle of the night every day. So, what is he doing?

          Once, my father took us out to play. But in the evening, instead of taking us home, he drove to a large factory.

          I saw dad get out of the car and talk to someone. He seemed very happy and smiled from time to time. Dad walked into the factory again, in order to satisfy my curiosity, I followed him to go in. I saw, he directed a group of workers, in the installation of a large crane, finger pointing here, finger pointing there, a quick walk to the front of the machine, a big step to the side of the machine...... He had the air of a leader commanding a battle.

          Dad just finished directing the scene, and into the workers' bedrooms, and they began to chat...

          Dad went there for a while and came here for a while. I got tired of reminding dad to go home, but dad didn't seem to hear my voice and didn't take me seriously. I went back to my car and slept. When I woke up, I was home, but it was two o 'clock in the morning.

          It is because my father is a workaholic that I admire him!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇9

          My father is tall, big head, eyebrows thick and thick, nose straight, and a big mouth. He is a conscientious and responsible teacher. As long as there is something wrong, he will never leave the school.

          There was a typhoon, my father's school classrooms, offices, gymnasiums piled up thirty centimeters of water. In order not to let the rain more flooding, dad did not come home that day, has been using sandbags to block up the water, and then water ladle after ladle to send out, the whole night did not sleep. My father was tired after working for the school for several days, but he didn't complain.

          Usually my father goes to work early and goes home late. Every morning when I am still asleep, my father is already at work. He would stand at the school gate every morning to greet teachers and students. From Monday to Friday, my father came home very late, often at seven o 'clock to get home, dinner often take the last one. On Saturdays, sometimes my father would bring the students' test papers home for grading.

          In my eyes my father is a "workaholic", I guess because he loves his work and his students very much. "Be serious when you do things." He said so and did so.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇10

          My father was an electrician and, in his own words, a small one. Although his daily income is not more than 250, but he has been working hard to earn money, to support the family spent a lot of efforts.

          Maybe in other people's eyes, electrician is a small occupation, but my father is a great man in my heart. Growing up, I never saw anything he couldn't make, anything he couldn't fix. He he also served as a soldier, agile, on the ground can drive us south and north, high can go up the house snow, climbing trees to get a kite.

          Once there was so much snow on the roof that it blocked the drain. Dad a hand to shovel shovel picked up, in the second floor attic directly climbed to the top of the third floor, humming while shovel snow, not five minutes, the snow on the roof was all shovel light, and quickly ran down. I was impressed.

          Dad was a strong electrician, and I could do several push-ups on him. Like the mother's tonnage, Dad can also pick up.

          My electrician dad. I'm so proud of him.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇11

          My father is a workaholic. He works all day long. If you ask him why he works all day, he will answer, "Work needs, work needs!" Dad works all day, and sometimes he forgets home because of work, which is often the cause of "family wars" in our family. That time, there was no food at home, and my mother was very busy, so I asked my father to go to the market to buy some food when he came back from work. But the father came back but attracted the mother's "volcanic eruption" : "you look at you, all day only know work, in order to work even home can ignore it?" Dad reflected at this time, slowly answered: "Just now I found some problems with the article, and then modified the modification, who knows......" Suddenly, my mother and I laughed, my father seems not to know because of what it is!

          Father also because of his love of the work and paid the price, cervical spondylosis, fever and other diseases often come and father do "neighbors", probably father's "bad habits" too popular with them! My father loved his work so much, even when he had a high fever.

          Although Dad has many "bad habits" like this, but, I am proud of him!

          My father's job is my father's job

          My father works away from home and seldom comes home. Dad said he looked up at the moon when he was homesick.

          "Dad, what should Mom and I do when we miss you?" "Look up at the moon, too! In that way, we don't meet "dad taught me back a lot of chanting moon, sustenance of missing poetry, from Li Bai's" look at the moon, lower the head think hometown." To Zhang Jiuling's "sea rising moon, the horizon together at this time." From Wang Anshi's "spring breeze and green river south bank, when the moon as I also?" To Su Shi's "when the moon, wine asked the sky." The moon has many special meanings for my father and me, and my father believed that I would understand his words. Yes, of course I understood what Dad said! People meet happy spirit, month to the Mid-Autumn Festival especially bright. Exactly. The moon is especially round and bright tonight. Dad, are you Mochizuki? I seem to hear you crooning: "people have joys and sorrows at separation and union, the month has cloudy or sunny circle, this ancient difficult to complete."

          Dad, do you see me and my mother's eyes clear moon? Did you hear us recite the words "Long life, beautiful woman"?

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇12

          My father is 40 years old this year. He is a university teacher who loves his job very much and is a complete workaholic.

          My father is very busy with his work. Every day, he corrects papers for students, guides them to do experiments and holds meetings. There are just too many things to count.

          Once a winter vacation, my father and mother and I took the high-speed rail back home for the New Year, but before the high-speed rail started, my father took out his laptop from the bag and began his "work trip". He was staring at the computer screen, his hands expertly tapping the keyboard. I looked at the computer screen. There were so many words on it. After a while, I said to my father, "Dad, drink some water." How could he not hear! It shows how hard he works. After a while, to lunch time, my mother bought lunch, I said to my father: "eat, or the rice will be cold!" The result, father said: "you eat first, I change this paper to eat again." I have no choice but to eat first. A few hours later, the high-speed train arrived at the station, the meal was cold, but my father was still immersed in the "world of work", no one can take him...

          Father's "crazy", is the love of students, serious work, I will become a father in the future.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇13

          "Feed! What are you doing over there?" The children were scared stiff and stood at attention -- "Hello, Chief!" That's right! My father is the dean of students at the school.

          While others were snoring in the warm quilt, he was already up, like an early rooster. Father gets to school earlier than the students every day. Once at school, into the office, there are always a lot of documents on the desk to see, a lot of homework to change; Dad not only look at the document to change homework, but also patrol the campus, to protect the safety of children.

          Remember one typhoon day, my father also went to school. It was when the wind and rain were the biggest, my father was drenched into a drowned rat, wet body came home, let me feel that my father is really hard, also let me love dearly!

          Don't think that my father is only angry, but you are wrong! When my father is happy, what he wants, what he has, just like the father-in-law with a kind face, he is always ready for anything!

          Although dad angry very scary, but as long as don't make him angry, in fact, he is a very good director, is also my good father.

          Thank you father for the school family busy running, often in the middle of the night, dragging tired body back home, really hard! I hope Dad can take care of his health. I wish him good health and all the best!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇14

          Today, my mother took me to the place where my father works. My father opened a garage in partnership with some uncles. The working conditions there were not very good. It smelled like motor oil everywhere.

          Dad worked hard every day under the bad smell, busy in and out every day. He's the sheet-metal guy, he's the mechanic, he's the busboy. Dad is a real magician. He can turn an old car into a brand new one. Dad used a lift to lift the car first, then he leaned his head back half squat, holding a wrench and screwdriver began to repair the car. Dad first carefully check every part of the car, picked up the tools at the bottom of the car, for a while, the screw to unscrew. Watching Dad's skillful movements, the car was soon repaired. Dad got out from under the car, his hair, face and clothes covered with dust, and he looked like a gray mouse.

          My father was meticulous and diligent in his work. He often taught me that learning is just like repairing a car. When encountering difficulties, we must consult others modestly and constantly explore in practice. Only in this way can we do better.

          Today I accompanied my father to work for a day, although my hands and clothes are also covered with oil, but I realized the hardships of life. I must follow my father's teachings, study strenuously, and make a contribution to society in the future.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇15

          My father standard height of 1 meter 80, tall big figure is particularly burly, dad has a pair of sharp eyes, can see through everything in your heart; White skin and energetic hair look both energetic and handsome!

          I admire my dad at work. My father is very devoted to his work. Even if he is very skilled in the operation process, he will be meticulous and treat every link seriously. Once, I went with my father to the central control room of the office building where he worked. My father let me do my homework in the rest office at the entrance of the control room, and repeatedly told me not to run inside. I looked through the super wide super large glass wall: Wow! How big it is in there! There are dozens of computers lined up side by side, but each to control the place and content are different, father and Uncle Tian division of operations. Dad watched every computer in front of him very carefully, for fear that there would be the slightest mistake. Dad's rigorous, serious attitude to work let me respect!

          As the saying goes, "No pains, no gains". Dad diligent, down-to-earth work attitude won the recognition of the whole unit. At the end of the year, when the evaluation, dad in the overall situation will get advanced awards. When I saw my father on the honor roll, I thought my father was the most amazing father!

          This is my father, love work father, my dearest father.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇16

          My father in the construction company as a quality supervisor, listen to my mother said that the quality supervisor just sit and help others sign, so my father and I went to the company, want to see how leisurely my father work.

          To the office, colleagues are playing computer games, my father also opened the computer, but is in the drawing of as-built drawings. I approached my father but my father did not pay attention to me, I several times in the past are the same, it seems that my father is putting his mind into the drawing.

          Every time Dad drew a picture, he checked it. Father just draw half, wrinkled brows, on the painting all d, "this is not good, how d?" "I interrupted," No, there is a point of dissatisfaction I want to change! Dad said to me, later, I didn't interrupt.

          When it was time to get off work, my colleague said to my father, "It's time to get off work. Go home." Dad casually replied, "OK, I see." Dad didn't promise to colleagues, about one hour, dad to get good pictures, but also not the end, my father from the drawer and took out the file, and fine to on the computer, at this time, is already after three hours work, dad watch carefully for several times, and on the diagram drew a striking red circle, draw good, dad said to me: "go home."

          On the way, I asked my father what he was looking for just now. My father said, "The document is three centimeters away from the actual situation. I finally found out the loophole."

          I think dad at work, the heart should only have two words, that is, serious.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇17

          Holiday at last! I jumped up with joy. But the teacher let us work with parents, ah, true fate! I have to grade papers for Dad.

          To my father's office, my father took out two piles of papers: "You help my father put papers in accordance with the student number row!" 'Yes, Father! As I finished the paper my father handed me, I said, "I'll have it ready for you soon!"

          However, organizing the papers is not so simple! I picked out number 1 and picked out number 2. What a bother! At this time, my father taught me a good way, such as pick out a number, and a number 3, then the number 3 under the number one is good! Get a number two. Why don't you put number two on top of number three? "Yes, why didn't I think of that?" So, I will according to what my father said to sort out. Sure enough, I finished in no time. I took the paper back to my father, my father picked up the red pen and corrected it carefully. When I finished sorting out the two piles of papers, dad only marked a dozen! I looked at my father's test paper, wow, it was so difficult! No wonder Dad is so slow to correct! However, my father's calculation points are very fast, and the difference of the feeling is over! Father while correcting papers, I also "work", and my job is to help my father copy the score, copy in my father's work log. Copy finished, dad also finished correcting, we are exhausted to go home.

          Dad batch papers can be really hard, after I want to help mom and dad to share a little more things I can do, try to let mom and dad no longer so tired, so hard!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇18

          My father has beautiful features, gentle and kind personality. He has an oval face. There is a pair of bright eyes on his face. This time, he suddenly have something to find me, the original is to find me to help him work - washing clothes! I promised him without hesitation.

          I came to the bathroom, immediately rolled up the corners of the pants, pull up the skirt, took off the socks began. I filled a basin of water, then put the clothes in the water, soak for three or four minutes. He took another pair of trousers and washed them with a brush and fat spring.

          I brush east, brush west. Then I saw a stain on my trousers that had not been cleaned. So, I used the strength of my milk hard brush. After brushing for a long time, I saw that the stain had not been brushed off, and it was still obvious. I thought: Why is this stain so hard to remove? Maybe I don't put enough water in it.

          So, I use a cup to catch a little water, and then pour the water into the pants, and then use soap to wipe a layer on the pants, and then use a brush on the pants back and forth to brush to brush. Sure enough, the stain on the pants disappeared.

          Dad came over and saw me wash the clothes clean. He smiled and said to me: "You are my son. It's great to wash clothes so clean!" Finished, handed me a school supplies said: "This is your 'pay'." I smiled.

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇19

          "Why don't you go home?" "Soon, soon." Hearing my mother say this, I know that my mother is urging my father to hurry home. My father is a workaholic, he often loses track of time when he is working.

          It was cold, and the snow spirit danced in the air to show people her beautiful movements. Our family is having lunch, suddenly, my father's cell phone rang, "Hello? Thank you director? All right, I'll be right there." Dad finished his meal in a hurry and said, "The company has a document to deal with, I won't come back to eat in the evening." "Go home early." "Oh!" By ten o 'clock in the evening, my father had not come back, my mother and I were very sleepy, had to sleep first. The next day, I saw my dad drag his tired body back. Dad saw me and said, "I'm going to bed. Don't bother me." Looking at Dad, I felt terrible.

          On another occasion, my father went to the company to work overtime and didn't get home until midnight, which made my mother and I worried bad. Dad called Dad, and as a result, he lost his phone at home. Finally, Dad came home, but it was the next day. Old MAMA worried GROUND ASK: "CAN't come back EARLIER?" "No, put off till tomorrow what you can do today." "Dad said with a smile.

          Dad, can you come back earlier next time? Your health is more important than your work, right?

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇20

          I have a father who loves to work. He is a workhorse from dawn to dusk.

          This evening, I finished my homework early, looking forward to my father can miraculously come home on time, and I can play chess. However, the reality is not as beautiful as imagined, one minute passed, two minutes passed, ten minutes passed...

          After a long time, the door came to the "key symphony", I quickly came to the door to meet dad, but I didn't have time to speak, my father ran into his room, open the computer has not closed, kept knocking the keyboard and mouse, busy work up. He quickly plugged in the flash drive and rubbed his cold hands. In order to save time, my father rode the battery car back, and his thin hands seemed to seal a layer of frost. At this time, he even warm a warm all ignore, his hands kept hitting the keyboard, from time to time point a few mouse, frowning, his mouth whispered. In fact, Dad did this almost every day. He worked late and went to bed.

          Another time, my father can take a day off, he gave me a poached egg, but one hand still holding the phone, he quickly point to the screen, poached eggs are scorched he did not find, if it wasn't for when I found, poached eggs have become "black eggs". Workaholics deserve their reputation!

          I have a workaholic father!

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇21

          My father tall, back broad chest wide, standing in front of, like a tower. Black hair with a few white hair, this is the time in his body left traces. A pair of myopic glasses, covering the black eyes, the two thick black eyebrows, like the lake wild duck wings.

          Dad is a work maniac, often because of work and forget life, as if only eyes work.

          This morning, my mother woke up and found the clothes that my father said yesterday were still lying on the sofa and laughing. Mom asked, Where did these clothes come from? Didn't you say you wanted it washed yesterday? Dad said: wait a little longer, soon to wash. Then he went to the meeting in the voice of his colleagues.

          After a long time, my mother found the clothes in their place and decided to go upstairs to see what was going on. I found that my father was concentrating on his work, and my mother said: It turns out that your time is everlasting. Dad smiled, put down the phone, went down to wash clothes.

          One day at noon, my father cooked for us. When I was cooking, I received a call from my colleague. I did not pay attention to the dishes in the pot at all.

          After a long time, we smelled a smell of mush, found that my father was concentrating on the phone, forgot to turn off the fire, even the mush did not smell, dad work is really single-minded ah.

          Dad is a work maniac, although sometimes because of work forget life, but isn't that what makes people admire? The same is true of our study. If we can reach the level of our father, why worry about learning?

          小學英語作文:My father’s job 篇22

          My father is not fan smoke is not fan wine, not fan computer not fan TV, usually do not have any special hobbies. But he had an innate passion for his work.

          Dad used to be an excellent surgeon. He loved his job. He went to work early and stayed late every day. Dad is always responsible for the patient, a day after dinner, father would go and see the patient to the hospital, look at their condition, the illness is stable, also talk with them, to ease their burden in his heart, always won't go home until eight at nine o 'clock, returned home to see medical books, in order to work often busy late into the night. Countless times, there are emergency patients in the hospital, as long as you call dad, dad will not hesitate to rush out of the house, into the work of rescuing patients...

          Now my father is transferred to the Health bureau. Although he has changed his post, he is still so serious and responsible for his work. He leaves home at 7:30 every day and doesn't go home until 5:30 at night. Many times, he took the materials home to write, said that during the day things, no time, others do not rest assured, had to work overtime at home. Last year, in order to write a research material, many days did not rest, but he always without complaint, busy. Now my father is on a business trip more times, things are more, home time is also later, even Sunday also rarely have time to accompany us, all day is conscientious work.

          This is my father, a total work fan.

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