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      2. 初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程

        時間:2022-09-29 15:42:22 英語作文 我要投稿

        初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程(精選6篇)

          在平時的學(xué)習(xí)、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地會接觸到作文吧,寫作文可以鍛煉我們的獨處習(xí)慣,讓自己的'心靜下來,思考自己未來的方向。你知道作文怎樣寫才規(guī)范嗎?下面是小編為大家整理的初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。

        初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程(精選6篇)

          初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程 篇1

          In class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some children in the country couldn't go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help out.

          After school I returned home. I wasgreatly moved by this. What should I do for Project Hope? I was wondering about this when I saw the money collection box on the table. Then I decided to send my pocket money, which I had saved for nearly one year, to the children who wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office. Together with the letter, Iposted the money and sent my best wishes to them.

          初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程 篇2

          Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country At the same time,China is not able to invest too much money in education now。

          This project is necessary to our country In the first place,this project will give the youngsters a chance to go back to school,which will contribute to their future success Hence,this project benefits the modernization of our country a lot。

          In my opinion,this project is of great importance to our country at the present time We are sure that more work will be done and every child in the countryside can receive elementary edueation.

          初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程 篇3

          Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country.However,because of historical factors,there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated.At the same time,China is not able to invest too much money in education now.It is in this particular situation that the authorities propose the "Hope Project"-- to donate money to those children who are unable to go to school due to poverty.

          This project is necessary to our country.It is an urgent measure that the government has taken.In the first place,this project will give the youngsters a chance to go back to school,which will contribute to their future success.Secondly,when people have acquired knowledge,they may use it in the construction of their homeland.Hence,this project benefits the modernization of our country a lot.Therefore,it may indirectly result in rising the living standards of our people.

          In my opinion,this project is of great importance to our country at the present time.And it also will have a profound effect on the future achievement of our country.We are sure that more work will be done and every child in the countryside can receive elementary edueation.

          初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程 篇4

          Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country.Without improving education,china will not be able to develop fast,to catch up with the developed countries technologically and economically,or to greatly improve the living standard of its people.Yet according to recent statistics,there are over 2 million school-age children who can not go to school in the poor rural areas.

          To help those poor kids go back to school,money seems to be the biggest problem.As there are thousands of things to be done in the construction of our country,our government simply does have enough money to help all those poor children in time.So a nation-wide drive called the “Hope Project” has been launched to help those children go back to school.

          The “Hope Project” helps the government a lot financially.It also brings hope to the children who can not go to school only by depending on their parents.Therefore,I hope that more and more people join in the “Hope Project” to help the poor children.

          初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程 篇5

          The Hope Project is a commonwealundertaking.It aims at helping the children who are out of school in the poorarea.

          What this organization usually do is subsidize the children in the poorplace to go to school.

          Hope Primary Schools are the result of it.I'm very movedfor the act of the Hope Project.With its help,more and more people in needcan go to school.

          I hope the helping spirit will last forever,as it is the traditionalof China.

          初中英語作文:project Hope希望工程 篇6

          Hope Project is a Chinese public service project organized by official organization.It aims to help children go back to school,build Hope Primary School and improve rural conditions in poor regions.In many poor areas in China,there are many school age children can't go to school because their families do not have enough money.As a result,they have to stay at home and help their families do the farm work.

          We often say that knowledge changes fate.Therefore,only study can help them go to the outside world and change their lives,even change the poor condition of their hometown.Through the Hope Project,much money and books and other materials can be collected to improve the poor conditions.That makes children can share more resources to get knowledge.Besides,many people in city have a chance and channel to show their kindness.

          The most important and meaningful is that they can help those children who are desperate in need.

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