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      2. 英語口語大賽演講稿

        時間:2023-03-12 13:01:19 英語演講稿 我要投稿





          The person I admire the most has to be Yang Li.

          Since he was young, he was very quiet, afraid to speak he was even too scared to answer the phone. He failed the same english exam many times. He was never specially trained in english at all. However, after intense practice he finally become a famous english radio presenter, bi-lingual TV host as well as a brilliant translator and the ' english seeding machine'.

          his exceptional speech has spreaded all over the world. He received many awards from the film " Crazy English" made by 西安電影制片廠攝制. Chinese people all over the world regard him as the somebody the nation should be proud of.

          In 20xx, he was voted first place in the Top 10 Young Influential People of the Country.

          He once said that ‘I am not afraid of humiliating but I enjoy it.'

          I was not a confident person, i worry about everything i do and because of this i lost many opportunities to elevate my personal value.

          Good evening everyone! Hello ladies and gentlemen! It's my great honor to stand here. As you know, there is a kind of beauty, it can make the person surprise, it make the person enjoy in retrospect. It is gorgeous and spectacular. There is a kind of beauty, it brings the intense emotion to life. It brings the sweet to life. This kind of beauty is the beauty of harmonious. Well, this is my today's topic:A harmonious campus.

          Harmonious, is one of the most popular words in the society at the present time. Now our governments are advocating building harmonious society. But what is harmonious? I looked it up in the dictionary. It says "in agreement, free from ill feeling."

          In some schools, there are a lot of problems. For instance, teachers do not have patience with students, some ever shout at them. Students fall in sleep during the class. Play truant is widespread. Cutter languages are often heard.

          Campus, which is of course one part of the project, plays an essential role in the society. If we want to build a harmonious society, first we should build a harmonious campus, and get rid of those problems.

          To a harmonious school, the surrounding is very important. On our campus, coconut trees growed line on the road. The green grais the always fine spring day. The various flowers and trees are the beautiful scenery, the green outside the classroom show its grave to the students. When the students are walking around the campus, their bodies and minds are pleasant.

          If we think of the harmonious campus as a tree, then the harmonious environment is the leaves of the tree. The good human relation of campus is the root.

          Only the campus with good human relationships can be called a harmonious campus.

          A harmonious campus has a harmonious relationship between teachers and students. Teacher, which is the person who teaches you knowledge, should be respect by us. We should cherish teachers' pays, respect their works. Thus we can create a harmonious study atmosphere.

          A harmonious campus also needs a good relationship among students. We should help those who have problems, and get along with them. Thus to create a harmonious social relationship.

          Bring hope to the helplessness, bring power to the young, bring light to the blind, and bring confidence to the weak. Our campus is a harmonious campus: it is a family of us all.


          Why Spend Your Days in Fear?

          Why do you spend your time in sadness? Know that you are the source of allhappiness。

          Why do you spend your days in fear? Know that your mere sight can makedifficulties disappear。 Why do you cry and ask for help?

          Know that you are the best man for your own help。 Why do you feel so weakand helpless? Know that you are, in all sides, matchless。 Why do you feel sodepressed?

          Know that you are the blessed。 Why do you feel so stressed? Know that youcan have anything at your orders。 Why don’t you act on opportunities? Know thatyou can go through all disasters。 Why don’t you live life to the full? Know thatthere is no point in being dull。 Why do you doubt your talent and skill? Knowthat you can achieve anything with your incredible will。 Why do you spend lifefeeling so miserable4?Know that no matter what, your soul is indestructible。













          …… 現(xiàn)在,是充滿生氣的20xx年。在這一年里,主席曾發(fā)表了這一段令人深思的教導(dǎo):“實現(xiàn)中國夢必須走中國道路,這就是中國特色社會主義道路。這條道路來之不易。它是在改革開放30多年的偉大實踐中走出來的,是在中華人民共和國成立60多年的持續(xù)探索中走出來的,是在對近代以

          來170多年中華民族發(fā)展歷程的深刻總結(jié)中走出來的,是在對中華民族5000多年悠久文明的傳承中走出來的,具有深厚的歷史淵源和廣泛的現(xiàn)實基礎(chǔ)。中華民族是具有非凡創(chuàng)造力的民族,我們創(chuàng)造了偉大的中華文明,我們也能夠繼續(xù)拓展和走好適合中國國情的發(fā)展道路。全國各族人民一定要增強對中國特色社會主義的理論自信、道路自信、制度自信,堅定不移沿著正確的中國道路奮勇前進。 “實現(xiàn)中國夢必須弘揚中國精神。這就是以愛國主義為核心的民族精神,以改革創(chuàng)新為核心的時代精神。這種精神是凝心聚力的興國之魂、強國之魂。愛國主義始終是把中華民族堅強團結(jié)在一起的精神力量,改革創(chuàng)新始終是鞭策我們在改革開放中與時俱進的精神力量。全國各族人民一定要弘揚偉大的民族精神和時代精神,不斷增強團結(jié)一心的精神紐帶、自強不息的精神動力,永遠朝氣蓬勃邁向未來。 “實現(xiàn)中國夢必須凝聚中國力量,這就是中國各族人民大團結(jié)的力量。中國夢是民族的夢。也是每個中國人的夢。只要我們緊密團結(jié),萬眾一心,為實現(xiàn)共同夢想而奮斗,實現(xiàn)夢想的力量就無比強大,我們每個人為實現(xiàn)自己夢想的努力就擁有廣闊的空間。生活在我們偉大祖國和偉大時代的中國人民,共同享有人生出彩的機會,共同享有夢想成真的機會,共同享有同祖國和時代一起成長與進步的機會。有夢想,有機會,有奮斗,一切美好的東西都能夠創(chuàng)造出來的。全國



          Don’t allow your troubles to get the best of you。 Instead,allow thosetroubles to make the best of you。

          Don’t tire yourself out fighting against the challenges。 Instead,find newenergy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create realvalue。

          Always remind yourself that discour-agement is nothing more than a responseyou’ve chosen。 When you find that you’ve chosen to let it be, you can just assurely choose to let it go。

          Replace discouragement with determin-ation。 It is your life’s energy,andyou can point it in whatever direction you choose。 Your most powerful responseis not based only on what has already happened。 Your most powerful response alsotakes into account what you wish to make happen next。

          Look forward,and envision in great detail the future you desire。 Thengather all your energy,and step forward to make it be.


          Surrounding you are angels, they are there to guide your path。 If weaknessoveres you, they’ll give you strength if you will ask。 They are your protectionwhen life seems too hard to bear, and though you feel alone at times, theangels, they are there…

          Their faces may be hidden, and their voices you might not hear, but theyare always with you through your laughter or your tears。

          They’ll walk along beside you, they’ll guide your steps along the way,they’ll fort you and hold you, protect you night and day。 They’ll hold to yourhand tightly, and will not ever let it go, and they’ll gently lead you forward,taking each step very slow。

          When life is overwhelming, and your spirit has grown tired, know thatthey’ll be there for you to uplift and to inspire。 And when you’re torn andlonely, and you see no hope ahead, know that they will nourish you, and yourspirit will be fed。

          For even in the darkest hour, when all of hope seems gone, they’ll give youstrength to live your life, and desire to go on。 And if your faith in Heavenshould ever fade away, they’ll help renew your spirit, and help you find yourway。

          Angles are always there; and upon their strength and guidance, you alwaysmay rely。








          Hello, everybody . My name is lucy , I'm eleven years old. I study in zhangshuping Primary School. I'm in Class one ,Grade five. I’m a quiet girl , but I like smiling . My hobby is writing . I am very happy every day. Now, Let’s share my happiness—— My happy day.

          March 22nd was a special day. I was so happy , why? Was it my birthday? No, no. Did I get an A in my test? No, no, no.

          But why was I so happy ? In fact , I was not so happy at first . In the morning, I had a terrible stomachache . Because I was ill , I didn’t go to school . But I didn’t kill the time . I wrote an article . Writing articles is my hobby . Writing articles can help me forget the time .

          Before I knew it, My mother came home from work . "Lucy , Lucy, come , a piece of news for you! " mother shouted. I didn’t see mom’s face , but her voice suggested that she was happy . She had good news for me . I ran quickly to her . I was glad to know that my blog article would be published . My article was "Yeah! I can get payment by writing articles now! "What a surprise! My dream did come true so soon. In my article , I hoped to get RMB from my father , I can get money from a magazine . I couldn’t believe it ."Mommy, is it true?" "Yes! Absolutely!"Mummy answered. Hearing the good news, Daddy said he would double my payment . "Oh! Goodbye my stomachache . I am so happy ! Mommy, I want to kiss you! "

          If you were I , would you be as happy as me ! Sure ! Right ?

          Thank you for sharing my happiness! Thank you!


          However difficult your life is, meet it and love it.


          Do not avoid it and call it names1. It is not as bad as you think. It lookspoorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.


          Love your life. Poor sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse asbrightly as from the rich man’s house. The snow melts before itsdoor as early in the spring. I can only see a quiet mind living as contentedlythere, and have as cheerful thoughts, as in a palace.


          The town’s poor seem to me to live the most independent lives of e they are simply great enough to receive without doubt. Mostthink that they are above being supported by the town, but it often happens thatthey are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should bemore disreputable4. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whetherclothes or friends. Turn to the old, and return to them.


          Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep yourthoughts.



          Let youth to become the most glorious memories

          Dear teachers, dear classmates, good morning, everyone!

          The title of my speech today is: let the youth to become the most glorious memories.

          From our play sound, the time from our naughty smile gently glides, between between us unprepared takes us into the youth.

          I often think: what is youth? Would like the born the sun is shining bright, or like the river pentium waves of passion, or will be like the eagle that soar the skies free?

          I think that youth is a finish a lot of songs, she will be romantic feelings and severe reality intertwined, will be everybody's heart dial. She, is moving, like spring flowers, summer is warm; Like the autumn, winter day busines. Youth, how beautiful!

          Youth, if we figure always beautiful natural and unrestrained, behavior always make public and unique personality. We want to make the dream of youth flying high, we want to make your life full of brilliance. So now we should seize every little dream, not because a little frustrated and stop chasing steps. Even if we don't have the ability to superman and great wisdom, we must also believe that as long as you work hard, there will be the future.

          World-famous bridge expert MAO yisheng, born in poverty, 7 annual revenues primary school, 10 years old in high school, at the age of 15 into the university, he studied hard, collected in the library information nearly thousands of words, there are exactly 200 this reading notes, walks to the United States, after only a year, get a master's degree as the Dr Ricky first engineering institute of technology, was only 24 years old, he can say to the glory of the youth set off to perfection. Zhou enlai as huangpu military academy, director of the political department of only 25 years old, at the age of 29 and led the nanchang uprising shocked the Chinese and foreign, become a generation of outstanding statesman, revolutionist. Newton discovered gravity, 23, 26 relativity, Einstein... Youth, is the eternal monument of their life!

          Youth, spring flowers. The journey of life has just begun, is waiting for our sun, wind and rain, we are fully cherish this wonderful time! Let youth to become the most brilliant memory!












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