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      2. 英語課堂演講稿

        時間:2022-12-04 14:30:53 英語演講稿 我要投稿





          happineis like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples. as stevenson has said, being happy is a duty.

          there is no exact definition of the word happiness. happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. the key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy.

          being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend. but staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character. it is not selfish to strive for it. it is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

          being unhappy is like an infectious disease. it causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. he soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. there is, however, a cure so si-mp-le as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous; if you don’t feel happy, pretend to be!

          it works. before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. you discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

          then the make-believe becomes a reality. you possethe secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.

          being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends.



          1. Genghis Khan‘s Mausoleum 成吉思汗陵

          2. Caspian Sea 里海

          3. West Xia Kingdom 西夏王國


          Genghis Khan, "Khan of Khans", was the great leader of Mongolians. At the end of 12th century, he united Mongolian tribes and challenged other powers to expand his huge Mongolian empire, which extended from South China to the Caspian Sea.

          In 1277, Khan attacked the West Xia Kingdom (presently Ningxia) and encountered strong resistance. He died of disease and age. The great emperor was later buried secretly according to Mongolian custom. It says that after the burial 2,000 men were slaughtered by some 800 soldiers who were in turn executed so that the location of the real tomb remains a secret.

          There are four sacrifice ceremonies held annually to commemorate the great hero and leader of the Mongolian people. The ceremony, held on March 21st on lunar calendar, is the grandest. After the ceremony, horse racing, archery and wrestling are held as entertainment.


          Good morning.Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to be here today to give you this speech. My name is Coco. I'd like to talk about job satisfaction. I have divided my talk into three parts:firstly,the importance of job satisfaction; secondly,the factors of job satisfaction;finally,how to achieve job satisfaction.

          Now, let's start with the first part: the importance of job satisfaction.

          A job provides an individual with the necessary means to remain satisfied in almost every aspect of life such as leisure,health and social life.Several key factors are thought to be critical for an employee to achieve job satisfaction.

          Let's turn to the second part: the factors of job satisfaction. A reasonable salary is of course the most important factor in job satisfaction.In many people's minds,an ideal job is first of all a well-paid one, which makes the employee feel that he is fairly rewarded for what he has done for the company.Another important element of job satisfaction is the nature of the job itself. Job satisfaction can never be achieved if the employee's education , skills and interests.Finally,job satisfaction is closely associated with being part of the decision-making process in the company as well as having opportunities for promotion.


          Good afternoon, everybody!

          the footsteps of the 20xx world expo is getting closer and closer to us, civilized and harmonious call is still ringing in my ears. shanghai, china obtained the right to host the world expo 20xx, expo 20xx shanghai china will be a world event, the development of shanghai's new round of golden opportunity, as it is an important embodiment of our national spirit.

          world expo is a great influence and a long history of international activities, is the largest gathering of human beings. people from around the world gathered in one place display their products and skills, boast of their hometown and motherland. expo set the culmination of human civilization, which has a unique appeal, make you feel surging.

          world expo is a platform, we are the masters. she put up a platform for us to let the world know us; she built a bridge for us, so we better communicate with the world. this platform may let us display self wantonly. we are the masters here, we have to landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness.

          everyone to contribute for the expo, we are no exception, as a living piece of fertile land in pudong's teachers, we are proud and pride. in the vision of a better tomorrow, we have to do for the world expo will own a wonderful ability, we have through our hands, warm heart and sincerity to practical action to achieve the commitment of shanghai to the world.

          we should educate the many students: do not throw garbage anywhere, no spitting, no jaywalking ... ..., hello, thank you frequently mention, let the material on this city with the new york comparable to the spiritual civilization. educate our students to exciting 20xx, willing to shanghai's future by copies of power, if only planted a small tree, participants in the shanghai world expo foreign guests feel: this is a forest city, pollution-free city, ancient and civilized city. better city, better life! until the time of the 20xx expo, then, we want to become a glorious volunteers, to changing our foreign friends in shanghai and china's long history, about our education for the world expo will contribute their efforts.

          we expect the majority of teachers will be great enthusiasm for the world expo into practical action to meet the world expo, the expo will be a total growth, and the city of development, the development of shanghai devote their efforts to advance hand in hand with shanghai.


          I often wonder what friendship is. Friendship is too big a topic to talk about either specifically or generally. I guemost of us are still in a puzzling state about what friendship is, and I myself should be included. Maybe people who define friendship according to his own life experience will say that they have a good concept of friendship, which I think is too narrow to get an objective definition of it. But how hard it would be to talk about friendship without mixing personal feeling in it, especially when it comes to the matter of CLOSEST friend. So here I would like to share my views with you about friendship, about my closest friend. I have had friends since I was born, some of whom have come along with me through my life, and it is impossible to always keep your friends around you since departure is one part of life that everybody must experience. Though some of you may oppose me by exaggerating the connotation of the concept of being together that is friends may not stay together physically but they can stay together always psychologically,

          I still hold that departure is an absolute thing. How could it be possible that your friend (even your closest friend) always keeps you in heart as he/she had, is having and will have different experiences from yours? Somehow different experiences make up of different hearts. Man’s heart is a quite strange thing. Never think that one can wholly touch it. Sometimes our heart is so abstract that you don’t even know how to get to them. If we take heart as a cube, and closest friend a gentle breeze, this breeze can only blow one facet of this cube from one direction and can rarely reach any other sides of your heart. I’m not sure whether I have put it very clearly but believe me that there are no fixed closest friend in your life. With different time, place, space, emotion and situation, you have different closest friends. When I play basketball, I have a closest friend who knows how to cooperate with me and together give our opponents a deadly attack; when I am alone and feel so lonely, I have a friend who can always comfort me by saying that he is my friend; when I am in need of money, the one who comes all the way and lend his money to me without any hesitation is my closest friend;

          When I am proud and a friend dares to stand out to warn me that I should keep modest, he is my closest friend; and, when I read Old Man and the Sea, I think Hemingway is my best friend. You see then, how many closest friends I have. But I must say, though I always want to keep all of them in my heart, they are not actually always in my heart. They have their own friends and their own life. Winston Churchill once said that there’s no perpetual friend, nor perpetual enemy, only perpetual interest. I guehe’s right in some way.Personally I think it is a shame for people who take a pet as his closest friend as this is a sheer insult to human being and an absolute indignity for the word FRIENDSHIP. If a dog is his closest friend, what is human to him? You can imagine how would a person with his ANIMAL closest friend do to PEOPLE. And maybe sometimes a dog can give him mental comfort, but what a dog likes best is just a bone.

          Friendship is indeed an inborn desire of mankind, and it is relationship between people, not between people and animals. If you seek friendship, please seek it from people, from people around you.Actually I have much more to say but… your criticism welcome!


          Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family dispute. Right before I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channels we had already had. In prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. Therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what to watch. Finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" programme... If we could agree what that was.

          However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV, there were only one or two channels available. The increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice.

          Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one colour. Today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades.

          Fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. Today, we read English newspapers like the China Daily and the 21st Century, as well as various Chinese newspapers.

          Fifteen years ago, English majors took only courses in language and literature. Today, we also study Western culture, journalism, business communications, international relations, and computer science.

          The emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in China's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the Chinese nation.

          We enjoy the abundance of choice. But this has not come easily.

          About 150 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference.

          Like others of my age, I'm too young to have experienced the time when the Chinese people had no right to choose. However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people?

          Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? Is choice an empty promise that never materializes? Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it?

          First, I would like to say: To choose means to claim opportunities.

          I am a third-year English major. An important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation. I can go to graduate school, at home or abroad. I can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. Actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in China.

          Indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice. I would love to work in such big cities as Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen. I would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development. I would love to stay in the coastal area where life is exciting and fast-paced. I would also love to put down roots in central and western China, which is underdeveloped, but holds great potential.

          All of these sound good. But they are only possibilities. To those of us who are bewildered at the abundance of opportunities, I would like to say: To choose means to accept challenge.

          To us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of competition. In the next century, competition will not only come from other college graduates, but also from people of all ages and of all origins.

          With increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing competition from the whole outside world. This is calling for a higher level of our personal development.

          Fifteen years ago, the knowledge of a foreign language or of computer operation was considered merely an advantage. But today, with wider educational opportunities, this same knowledge has become essential to everyone.

          Given this situation, even our smallest choices will require great wisdom and personal determination.

          As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.

          As we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.

          Nuclear power, for instance, may improve our quality of life. But it can also be used to damage the lives and possessions of millions.

          Economic development has enriched our lives but brought with it serious harm to our air, water and health.

          To those of us who are blind to the consequences of their choices, I would like to say, To choose means to take responsibility. When we are making choices for ourselves, we cannot casually say: "It's just my own business. " As policy makers of the next century, we cannot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.

          The traditional Chinese culture teaches us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our family. To me, however, this family is not just the five of us who quarreled over television programmes. Rather, it is the whole of the human family. As I am making my choices, I will not forget the smile of my teacher when I correctly spelled out the word "China" for the first time, I will not forget the happy faces of the boys and girls we helped to send back to school in the mountains of Jiangxi Province. I will not forget the tearful eyes of women and children in Bosnia, Chechnya and Somali, where millions are suffering from war, famine or poverty.

          All these people, known and unknown, make up our big human family. At different points, they came into my life and broaden my perspective. Now as I am to make choices for myself, it is time to make efforts to improve their lives, because a world will benefit us all only if every one in it can lead a peaceful and prosperous life.


          Good evening ,ladies and gentlemen:

          Thank you very much for choosing to e in such a cold night。today my topic is about choice and process。a research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day。with so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life。 in my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice。 there is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference。 life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get。

          Forrest gump made no decision by and for himself but he acplished great success with his strong will in the process。 the process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles。 take myself as an example, i changed my major when i became a postgraduate。 after the choice,days have been harsh for me。i cannot understand the new lessons at all。

          For they are closely related to mathmatics which i learned nothing about before。 however wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,i persisted。

          I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life。 gradually i could understand some parts and even found maths interesting。moreover,

          I learned to act instead of plaining。 in retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months bees an unforgetable experience in my life。 no matter what the choice is, enjoy the process。 in the process, your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will e to you。

          These are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see it。these make your life colorful。

          There is no need and i donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but i congratulate to myself for i gain and enjoy this fantastic experience。 so my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process。 i am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to e here。 thank you!


          Good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen :

          Today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.

          First, i'd like to define the word"talent" in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big powers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke us.however, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more literated.more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games……

          To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that's all,thank you.


          students, guests , teachers and honorable judges good morning !

          my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher…

          as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don't expect complete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life.

          i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

          i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that's the real communication of heart to heart.

          i have the belief that my dreams should come true. i am looking forward to some day coming when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.


          ear students:How are you!

          In the previous several exams, I have gained good results, first of all thanks to my efforts, of course, learning is also very important. Next, I gave you about my learning experience.I feel good in order to learn first-come interested in learning. As the saying goes: "Interest is the best teacher." With interest will be motivated to learn, the more naturally learn better. Second, in order to improve learning, we must master the correct way to learn, learn to digest, giving top priority, this is the most important. In learning, our minds must have three words - "Why!" Smart people know that; wise men know to listen to; smart people know to ask. The last is sure to be hard work, this is the most important, even Thomas Edison said "Genius needs ninety-nine percent perspiration."School should seriously lectures, and pay attention to more independent thinking, do not know want to ask, to exercise their thinking skills. Careful and meticulous to teacher assignments, must not be careless.

          There is, to take notes, preview before clathe best, first have a preliminary understanding of the text, which for the next clacan more easily absorb. After-school must also be reviewed, and consolidate the knowledge about good teachers, and lay a solid foundation. The ancients have said: "Reviewing the Old, to be a teacher." Not also the truth? Best to pay attention to work and rest. Only care about the death of reading is of no use to let my mind relax properly for the job such as playing baseball, listening to music, watch TV news.Finally, I want to say "do not you go stronger than others, then you have to and they are better than weak, you challenged yourself to stay on a par before himself, and you will reap better than others."I finished the speech Thank you!


          The rapid rise in world population is not creating problems only for the developing countries. The whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production can not keep up with the population increase. People in rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world's resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution. A baby born in the United States will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the world's resources than a baby born in India. Unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth. For example, China has carried out birth control for years. And this plan has a great effect on the world the population continues to increase, if the air and water continue to be polluted, if we don't do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining. Species and biological communities have difficulty adapting to change. Economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk. By protecting nature, we protect 's unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the can make this world in which to live. Hand in hand. Control the population growth. Take good care of our nature.


          Hi everyone, glad to introduce myself.

          I graduated from xx junior high school, my name is xxx, comes from a beautiful city named xx.

          I like making friend with others, playing computer and reading.

          I am proud of studying with everyone in the same class for the coming years.

          I am sure our common dreams will come true from now on. Thanks.


          Let's leave that there, now, let's come to the last part: how to achieve job satisfaction. for an individual employee,finding the right job and trying to stay positive might be the first step towards achieving job fulfillment and satisfaction.

          I'll briefly summarize the main parts. Let me just run over the key points again. Firstly,the importance of job satisfaction;secondly,.the factors of job satisfaction;finally,how to achieve job satisfaction.

          In conclusion, job satisfaction plays an important role in the company and individual.It is the key index to influence the company performance.So we should try our best to achieve it.


          My name is xxxx. I am graduate from xxxx senior high school and major in xxxx. There are xxxx people in my family.

          My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.

          In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge.

          As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.

          In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.

          But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.

          My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.

          I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


          If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

          Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

          Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

          Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.











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