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      2. 英語的演講稿

        時(shí)間:2022-12-03 14:45:52 英語演講稿 我要投稿






          Everyone in the growth process, will encounter this or that difficulties and setbacks. I think, how to deal with these difficulties and setbacks is essential. Faced with these difficulties, we should look at what it is what kind of action to overcome it and defeat it.

          In the face of difficulties, there are two situations: one is a strong determination, indomitable spirit and courage to face and overcome it; the other is scared in face of difficulties, and the courage to face and overcome it. I have also encountered some difficulties and frustration.

          Primary school graduation, my mother put me to the Han school. At the time, do not know what my mother would like, the day before school in the Pro and suddenly I transfer the. I'm even a little psychological preparation are not, unwittingly to a new, unfamiliar classes. Because I was Korean, not speak Chinese, the idea is not clear, word is always topsy-turvy, and people can not understand. I am very distressed. Would not speak, do not understand class and the results will slowly decline, relationships are a success. I am very sad, very blame my mother, why would I transfer it? So, I told my mother cry to: "Mom, I Can return to the school towards the family? In the Han school, I really can not stand." Mom shook her head, and I cried and cried, begged my mother for the answer. But it is futile. Mom is a serious [de] said to me: "Now that has already begun, to study hard. Only because of difficulties encountered little unfinished, I can not do!" After listening to my mother, I have nothing to say.

          Then gradually I adapted to the learning environment in the Han school, the teachers care and the help of students, I bravely overcome difficulties and achieved certain results.

          In the face of difficulties, my brave face it and overcome it. After elimination of the joy of the difficulties that I very happy.

          Thank you!


          Now more and more people are focusing on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. No nature, no life. Because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. And we started to gain every thing available from the nature. And this lasted so long a time. Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse.

          What is threatening the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. Let's take overpopulation as an example. What does overpopulation feel like? When we move slowly through the city in a tazi. When we enter a crowded slum district. When the temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke.

          The streets are crowded with people. The streets seem alive with people. People eating. People washing. Improving Beijing's environment for the Olympics Ladies and gentlemen: Good morning! Today, the title of my speech is Improving Beijing's environment for the Olympics. Have you ever seen animals cry? Do you know what makes them cry? It's the polluted world, a dirty world, caused by our irresponsible behaviors, that makes those lovely animals cry. Many of us are smart enough to know how terrible it is to have a world without animals and plants. But some people still persist in making the same errors and harming the environment. What's worse is that people are eating wild animals. Those people don't know, and more importantly, they don't want to know. This kind of behavior has caused some specific problems.

          For example, medical experts have suggested that eating wild animals helped spread the terrible disease SARS. Now, our world is no longer clean and beautiful. Why? Because air, water, and noise pollution has become more and more serious. Noise pollution makes us talk more loudly and become angry more easily. Water pollution makes our rivers and lakes very dirty. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Both air pollution and water pollution are not only dangerous to our health, but also dangerous to animals and plants. We're destroying our only world. A large number of trees have been cut down, so a lot of lands have been turned into deserts. Pollution can be seen everywhere! Unquestionably it is essential that we clean up our environment. Sadly, we've not always appreciated the importance of protecting the environment.

          On the streets, you can see cars producing smog. In the bathrooms, you can see students leaving the water tap on after using them. Not only the young people, but also the elderly ones throw things everywhere without thinking it's wrong, even in a beautiful park. these things are taking place every day, even in modern cities like Beijing. We can't do that any more. We must learn how to protect the environment. If everyone is aware of protecting it instead of destroying it, the world can become cleaner, more beautiful, and more peaceful. The theme of Beijing 20xx Olympic Games is "New Peking, New Olympic". It's the target owned by every Chinese. We should try our best to improve Beijing's environment for Olympics. , let's begin to act! First, start with the things around you. Don't throw rubbish onto the road. Don't talk loudly when you are outdoors. Turn off the water tap after using it. Go to school by bike or by bus instead of by private car.

          Save your pocket money and contribute to environmental protection organizations. Take me as an example, I take action in order to make our only world full of happiness. I pick up rubbish and throw it into a trashcan. I collect waste paper or bottles for recycling. I plant more trees and flowers, and so on. If you do all these things just like me, it means you have done something useful to improve the environment. We're grateful, because the emblem of the Beijing 20xx Olympic Games is a precious treasure dedicated to the Olympic Movement by the people of China. Under the guidance of the Olympic spirit, let us do a better job in all fields of our preparation and venue construction work in an efficient way.

          We will combine the Olympic Movement with the latest technology and advanced culture to make the Beijing Games the best Olympic Games ever! Welcome to Beijing! Thank you.


          One day I saw a comic book on the extracurricular book,with a lot ofstumps on a slippery hillside,a man sitting on a stump,smoking,and an axbeside the stump,and a bird flew over it,F(xiàn)inally,it was finally found,in theyoung man's head security of a nest. After reading this comic,I was in acontemplation ... ...

          Where is the bird's home?Why can not it find his own home?The bird isspiritual,and it clearly remembers that it is here,and here is their happyparadise. Where the birds are here,how happy are they,and how old are they,and the trees are turned into the stumps,and the birds are gone. Paradise isthe ignorant villagers who are ignorant of their own interests,they are theculprit of killing the birds happy.Human ah,quickly wake up. If the world isnot green trees and flowers,not this lively and lovely Of the birds accompaniedby my life will be how much lonely,how much monotonous ah!

          Yes,ah,these deforestation phenomenon is less?But,who knows?Earth onlyone,it is our beautiful home,we want to protect it,cherish her?With thecurrent statistics,China's forest area In the world ranked fifth,ranking 119.But people dare to be pleased that:we Jiangyin people's environmental awarenessis stronger than the park,community,roads and other places are full of trees,from afar,Like a green Pei Tsui,shiny,beautiful. Into each town of Jiangyin,are tree—lined,as if into the green ocean.

          I think:if everyone is kind of a tree,a flower,then how beautiful theearth mother will be,how charming!At that time,every corner of the world,there will be birds singing butterflies in the dancing,bees day and night YeHao,honey,human ah,let us hands together,hands together to become a realityit!Yes,afforestation can shelter;is afforestation can absorb noise;Yes,afforestation can give small animals A happy home,so that they grow freely,multiply descendants…… human,all this depends on you,let us worktogether!

          Humans,the earth's defense experts,you have to know:If there is only oneanimal in the world,then we are lonely,let us join hands to save the earthtogether,to protect the environment where human beings live!But there is onlyone,it is our beautiful home,we want to protect it,cherish her?With thecurrent statistics,China's forest area in the world ranked No. 1 in the world,F(xiàn)ive,per capita ranking of 119. But people dare to be pleased that:we Jiangyinpeople's environmental awareness is stronger than the park,community,roads andother places are full of trees,from afar,like a green Pei Tsui,shiny,beautiful. Into each town of Jiangyin,are tree—lined,as if into the greenocean.

          I think:if everyone is kind of a tree,a flower,then how beautiful theearth mother will be,how charming!At that time,every corner of the world,there will be birds singing butterflies in the dancing,bees day and night YeHao,honey,human ah,let us hands together,hands together to become a realityit!Yes,afforestation can shelter;is afforestation can absorb noise;Yes,afforestation can give small animals A happy home,so that they grow freely,multiply descendants ... ... human,all this depends on you,let us worktogether!

          Humans,the earth's defense experts,you have to know:If the world is onlya human animal,then we are lonely,let us join hands to save the earthtogether,to protect the environment for human survival it!


          There is a saying goes,“l(fā)ife without a friend is a life without a sun”,that isTo say,F(xiàn)riendship is indispensable to people's life.

          有句諺語說,“人生沒有了朋友就猶如失去了陽光”,這也就是說,友誼對人的生活是不可缺少的。 Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.

          友誼是我們的生活中的調(diào)味品。當(dāng)你快樂的時(shí)候,友誼就像是盛開的鮮花,展現(xiàn)在你面前,當(dāng)你可悲時(shí),友誼是一劑安慰;如果您遇到了麻煩,朋友們將會(huì)出現(xiàn)并幫你解除困難,如果你有一個(gè)難辦的事,您可以找朋友獲得幫助。 Every one need friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. Maybe you have social faults such snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc. All of that will drive your new acquaintances. Whatever your social faults may be, look at them honestly and make real effort to correct them.

          每個(gè)人都需要朋友,如果你不能交到朋友,就該反省自己,看是否的你的個(gè)性有什么問題;蛟S你有些在社交上應(yīng)該避諱的缺點(diǎn):譬如勢力、饒舌、說臟話等等。這些都會(huì)妨礙你結(jié)交新朋友。無論你有什么社交缺點(diǎn),都應(yīng)該正視它們,并努力改正。 However, what’s actual difficult is that friendship is easier made than kept.There are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship.

          然而,真正困難的是:友誼容易得到卻不易保持。要想維持友誼以下幾方面是必不可少的了. Listen .The ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good friendship.It helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelings,as well as shows that you really care. 善于傾聽。傾聽是友誼的基石,它有助于你更好的了解你的朋友同時(shí)又表示你在關(guān)心你的朋友。 Spend quality time with your friend .No relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend together.Make time for your friend,schedule get together.

          與朋友相聚。沒相聚就沒友誼。所以抽點(diǎn)時(shí)間與朋友一起聚聚 Be forgiving. There is not even one person in the world who is perfect.You know your own shortcomings,so don't expect perfection from others.I'm not saying that you should always accept a wrong doing on your friend's part.Tellthem when you didn't like something and be always ready to make up afterward.Don't hold grudges in your heart.It will help your friend to be long-suffering with you as well.

          寬容。人無完人,任何人都有自己的缺點(diǎn),所以就不要要求別人完美。我并不是叫你一味的縱容朋友的錯(cuò)誤,相反你應(yīng)該明確的告訴你的朋友,不要藏在心底,這對你和你們自己的友誼都是有好處的 Admit your faults .In every friendship there will be conflict sooner or later.When it comes,often the wrong is on both sides Admit your wrongs instead of just pointing out the wrongs of another person involved.This will help you both to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship

          勇于承認(rèn)自己的錯(cuò)誤.朋友相處遲早都會(huì)產(chǎn)生沖突的,但產(chǎn)生誤會(huì)和沖突時(shí)雙方都是有責(zé)任的我認(rèn)為勇于承認(rèn)自己的過錯(cuò)比追究責(zé)任更有助于解決問題和增進(jìn)友誼 In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.



          change the world? change ourselves

          good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.

          it’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech—change the world, change ourselves.

          it’s noticable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected. not long before about 10 doctors in beijing

          university and qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture.

          frankly speaking, i don’t quite agree with them.indeed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as china boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. (examples).but why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture. there are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in china. on the one hand, some of the western holidays which we chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as father’s day and april fool’s day etc. on the other hand,the prevalence of

          globalization enables western culture to prevail in china.

          overwhelmed by such a trend,chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.

          with the further development of the whole world, the cultural

          communication between different countries and nations becomes faster and more and more important. we are indeed from different nations, but we are the citizens of the same world, so the outstanding culture of different nations is the commom wealth of everyone on the

          earth.the only way for us to protect our traditional culture is to reject the foreign culture? the answer is definitely no. what we ought to do is to spare no effort to educate chinese to get to know and treasure our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign culture. only by educating can we set our confidence and belief towards our culture. only by educating can we preserve and promote the wealth that our ancesters left for us.

          at last i’d like to share a famouse saying of gandhi with all of you ,that is:if you want to change the world, then you must change yourself first.”


        Dear teacher, dear students:

          most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity? in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well.

          when we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial e_pression is an important part of our appearance. if we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.

          another important step is developing more consideration for others. we should always put others first and place their interests before our own. it's also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. however, no matter what we do, we must not gossip.

          above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. if we can do all of the above, i am sure popularity will come our way.


          this is a story about courage.

          the brutality has such a mythical grandeur that it occasionally resembles beauty.

          ultimately, gladiator is an honorable and inoffensive spectacle inated for and e, the slaver later, and the gladiator dying for his dreams at last, implying a kind of strength that can make us almodus' anger e only to find that he an colosseum. in his first event, he skillfully leads a band of gladiators to defeat an opposing force of chariots and archers, earning the cromodus' frustration, as it seems he cannot kill maximus or stop his ascending popularity.

          nomands, calling for the slaves to be freed, and poe.

          in my eyes, maximus is a hero, a real man with strong spirit and responsibility. he worth the honor people give him forever.


          Hello everyone:

          This Spring Festival is spent in an e_traordinary way. In epidemic prevention and control, no one is an "outsider" and no matter is a "foreign matter". The CPC Central Committee set up a leading working group to respond to the epidemic, launched a "first level response", and financial subsidies at all levels were issued. 100 million yuan (as of 0:00 on January 26), a batch of "retrograde" medical teams and people Do you say that you have no clothes, and you are the same as your son. This feeling of "dressing together" contains the original intention and mission of 1.4 billion Chinese people working together in the same direction; this common war "epidemic" practices the "rigid demand" of the peoples heart, and you and I work together.

          If you are worried about enlightenment, it will be difficult for you to prosper. In the joint fight against "epidemic", we "dress together" and share feelings, work together and walk together. I swear that I will practice it, never forget my original heart, keep in mind my mission, be responsible for local affairs, and fight ahead. We will have firm confidence and work together in the same boat. We will work together to prevent epidemic. One day, we will take off our masks and go where we want to go and sing about my dear motherland.


          good afternoon, my dear friends.

          i am very happy to meet you here.it is my great honor to communicate with you at such a special occation.first of all,please allow me to express my appreciation to you all to listion to me.

          i am proud of being a college student.the collegelife is fresh,new teachers, new classmates and new friends. i like the friendship, and their wide knowledge and opening mind. the grand library, school buildings and wide playground attrattde me very much.my college life is better than i expected, i can do anything i like. in the college we can not only learn the professional knowledge,but also develop our comprehensive abilities.if we can make full use of the period,we can learn many useful things.besides,we should have the active attitude to our life,do a contributionto the society.

          collegelife is the most precious time in our life.most of us want to become an outstanding man. but there are some students still waste their time. they get together for eating, drinking or playing cards. they're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they completely forget their task as college students.

          finally, i hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy person to our country, and make great contributions to the society!







          Dear teacher and classmates:

          I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I'd like to talk something about English.

          I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

          When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

          Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.

          On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

          I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Puyang.

          I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

          If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.



          我很高興可以在這個(gè)課堂上做一次演講.這一次,我想談?wù)動(dòng)⒄Z.我的話題是我愛英語. 正如每個(gè)人所知,英語在今天十分重要.它已經(jīng)被應(yīng)用到世界的各個(gè)角落.它已經(jīng)成為商業(yè)上最為通用的一門語言并廣泛的用于國際貿(mào)易.如果我們能說好英語,我們就有更多的機(jī)會(huì)成功.因?yàn)樵絹碓蕉嗟娜俗⒁獾竭@一點(diǎn),學(xué)英語的人數(shù)正在已很高的速度增長. 但是對我而言,我學(xué)英語不僅僅因?yàn)樗闹匾砸约八膶?shí)用性,更是因?yàn)槲蚁矏塾⒄Z.當(dāng)我學(xué)英語時(shí),我可以體會(huì)到一種不同的思維方式,它可以給我更多接觸世界的空間.當(dāng)我讀英語小說時(shí),我能感受到不同于閱讀翻譯文的快樂.當(dāng)我說英語時(shí),我可以感到自信.當(dāng)我寫英語時(shí),我能夠感到不同于漢語的那種美…… 我愛英語,它給了我一個(gè)色彩斑斕的夢.我希望有朝一日我可以暢游世界,用我流利的英語,我可以和世界各地的人交友.我能看到許多的名勝.我希望我能夠到倫敦去,因?yàn)槟抢锸怯⒄Z的故鄉(xiāng). 我也希望用我流利的英語來將我們的名勝介紹給說英語的朋友,我希望他們可以像我們一樣的愛我們的國家. 我知道,羅馬不是一天筑成的、(成功需要日積月累.)我相信在持續(xù)不斷的努力學(xué)習(xí)下,總有一天我可以擁有一口流利的英語.如果你想被愛,你就應(yīng)該學(xué)著去愛他人.所以我相信我對英語的愛定將換來它對我的愛.我相信總有一天我會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)我的夢! 謝謝!

          I Am Chinese

          Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

          I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Heng(張衡)and I've learned about Zheng He(鄭和).Who says the Yellow River Civilization has vanished(消失)?I know that my ancestors have made miracles(奇

          跡)on this fertile land and we're still making miracles. Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our GNP ranks No. 7 in the world? We have experienced the plunders (掠奪) by other nations, and we have experienced the war. Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----China, unyielding and unconquerable!

          I once came across an American tourist. She said, “China has a history of five thousand years, but the US only has a history of 200 years. Five thousand years ago, China took the lead in the world, and now it is the US that is leading.”My heart was deeply touched by these words. It is true that we're still a developing nation, but it doesn't mean that we can despise (鄙視) ourselves. We have such a long-standing history, we have such abundant resources, we have such intelligent and diligent people, and we have enough to be proud of. We have reasons to say proudly: we are sure to take the lead in the world in the future again, for our problems are big, but our ambition (雄心) is even bigger, our challenges (挑戰(zhàn)) are great, but our will is even greater.

          I am Chinese. I have inherited (繼承) black hair and black eyes. I have inherited the virtues of my ancestors. I have also taken over responsibility. I am sure, that wherever I go, whatever I do, I shall never forget that I am Chinese!

          I love you, China

          Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here. Today my topic is “I love you, China.”

          Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “I love you, China!”

          I love you, China, and I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.

          I love you, China, for I can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. Last year, I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America. During my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. While at table, he looked at me and asked: “Little boy, how long have you been in America?” “About a month,” I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “If you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school. I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I’m proud of you, China. For you are offering us the best education.”

          When I came back from the USA, my friends asked me: “How do you feel about your staying there?” “Wonderful” I said. “Then why do you come back?” Hearing this, I told them there were lots of beautiful countries in the world, but none of them can compare with our own country—China. How true the saying is: “There’s no place like home!”

          I love you, China. As a young student, all we should do is to study hard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly in the future, to the great cause of building you into an even stronger and greater country in the world. I love you, my dear motherland! I love you, China!

          Thank you for your listening !

          I love English

          When I was seven, I started learning English. I played games and sang English songs with other children. Sometimes, I watched English cartoons. It's funny. Then I discovered the beauty of the

          language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

          I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington, because my cousin is over there. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge University, I will be very happy.

          I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. Also I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, and the gardens in Suzhou. I will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country.

          I like the English language. To learn English is wonderful. I once wanted to be an English teacher . I also like Chinese literature. When I was really young, I was able to remember lots of poems. I also wanted to be a teacher of Chinese. Now I think that both of my dreams can come true: I will be able to use English to teach foreign friends Chinese and share Chinese culture with them. So that more and more people will be able to get to know the 5000 years' history culture, and the prosperity of our great China.

          My future is not a dream. I am confident that it will come true.







          Good morning/afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen. I’m glad to come here with you. The topic of my speech today is “Dream Comes True”.

          It’s a fine day today.

          I stare at the smart girl in the mirror for a long time. “I can do it well.” I give myself a sweet smile. I’m a guide for my hometown, Lishui. I’m very happy.

          How time flies! During these years, A simple little girl has become a famous guide. And an old city has taken on a splendid new look. The new high buildings with eye-catching colors have replaced the old houses. The city constructs the high ways. People are living a better and more comfortable life. I check my bag again to make sure that everything are there .Yes, I get them all……

          There’s a camera in it. It can take down all beautiful scenery of Lishui. and the beauty of friendship between our citizens and guests.

          There’s a small mirror in my bag too. I must keep a neat appearance for facing my guests. Today, I have a nice name, call Lishuier. I also write down some sentences on each card, such as “Welcome to Lishui” and “A big world, a warm family.” These will be sent to our dear guests.

          At last, I’m sure that I put the last important thing in ----my smile. A heart-warming smile stands a whole world. It’s a language used by everybody, no matter where he comes. I want our guests to remember the warm smile of our citizens and take it back to every corner of the world.

          With the bag in my arms, I open the door. It’s not only an ordinary door of my house, but also the access to my dreamlike reality. The sunlight is so lovely. It’s a fine day today. Thank you!

          I like sports

          Good morning, Everyone!

          I will talk about sports. I am an active boy. I like many kinds of sports, such as walking, skating, climbing, cycling and skipping. Doing sports gives me a good health and brings me a lot of fun.

          Now, I will tell you about my cycling sport. I often ride my bicycle when I am free. I like to ride my bicycle on a road near my house. It is an empty road. There are no cars and few people walking on the road. It is about four kilometers long. It has several long slopes. So it is very good for cycling. When I ride down the slopes, the bicycle runs very fast, and I feel I am flying. That’s a very good feeling for me. When I ride up the slopes, it is very difficult, but it is a good training for me. I always try my best to ride up as long as possible. Cycling there gives me lots of fun.

          Everyone can get ill, but doing sports is a good doctor. I know an English saying “Exercise one hour a day, keep illness away.” My own story has proved it. I once had an illness. I had to go to see the doctors and take medicines very often. After doing sports for several years, I have recovered now.

          Doing sports gives me a strong body and brings me lots of fun. So if you want to be strong, please do sports; if you want to enjoy a happy life, please do sports, too.

          Thank you

          I have a busy father and a kind mother.

          My father is a businessman. He is 42 years old. He is short. He likes reading newspapers after meals. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to work by car. He has got a nice black car. He often plays golf with his friends on the weekend. He does not often eat dinner with us.

          My mother is a housewife. She doesn’t work. She stays at home. She is beautiful. She has long hair. She does housework in the morning. She often goes shopping in the afternoon. She is kind, but she is strict to my study. She likes reading. She watches TV at night, too.

          I love my parents. And they love me too. I have many friends in my class. They're lovely and interesting. I would like to introduce some of them. Alice is very cute. She's also kind to everyone and she's very enthusiastic. She's always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. She always forgets to bring her textbooks, but our teachers always forgive her. Ben is the most talkative boy in our class. His nickname is “chatterbox.” He has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh. Linda is a quiet student. She is good at every subject but she never shows off. Allen is a very tall boy. He plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. He often says, “playing basketball is good for your health. How about your classmates? Do you like them? Try to admire your classmates. You will be happier.


          i have a dreamevery one has s own dream. when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.i have got quite different experience from other girls. wle they were playing toys at home, wle they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .i was running in the hard rain, jumping in the heavy snow, pitcng in the strong wind. notng could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete. yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete, i'm so proud of that all the time i was 10 years old ,i became a shot-put athlete. the training was really hard ,i couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands i can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.i have a dream that one day ,i can stand on the ghest place at the olympicgames. with all the cameras pointing at me. i will tell everyone that i'm so proud to be a cnese athlete!ts is my hope is the faith that i continue my steps with!!!with ts faith ,i will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !so let victory ring from my heart, from all of you. when we allow victory to ring .i must be the one!in my imagination, i'm a bird ,a magical bird. i carry my dreams all with me by my big wings. i fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea, to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!every night ,i have a dream ,i see a girl ---smiling~


          my name is richard daphne. i have over 30 years in different sizebusinesses, with many ups and downs. my question is for do you feel has been your biggest challenge, most exciting success? mrs.

          as an entrepreneur you try to balance yourown time, energy, focus, especially when you think big. you sometimes have to slow yourself down. so, to not -- to impose thediscipline on yourself to enable you to achieve the growth youwant, especially in the early days, you have limited people. you arejust launching a product or a service. you hopefully feel thatearly momentum. when you are an entrepreneur you have to be a visionary. we also have to be an secured her. successfulentrepreneurs are both. they dream big. they think big. they also are highly pragmatic, able to execute at the task at times there is an imbalance. i think for anyone to besuccessful, they have to reconcile those things. ultimately we were talking about it, in terms of recruitment, you are as good as your people. investing in your teams, your employees, making sureyou have cultivated a group that complements you, that pushesyou , that will enable you to succeed. for me, success that is scaled and done tremendously well is because they have a great team and great people.

          thank you for doing this work today. we are a marketing publicengagement firm. we are a serviced a bold veteran small business. we have been based in northern virginia for many years. virginia is the number one state for veteran owned businesses. our right to pursue the american dream is something i hold dear to my heart.i'm curious, i'm sure you have had the opportunity to meet greatentrepreneurs. is there one story that is the most inspirational story?

          it is been incredible to hear so many ng the two years prior campaigning, traveling around the country. one of the unique things about this experience, my father was running for president. people would come up to youwherever you were and tell you their stories. with suchtremendous detail, and tell you of their hardest challenges, and share with you things in a way they neither -- never would would never open themselves up to you in the same way theydo during the process of a campaign. now today, being part of this administration. i feel blessed for the candor in which people share their ideas and personal stories. linda and i were together in baltimore just days after the inauguration. we did a roundtable with small business owners, predominantly female, hosted by the national urban league. one of those women who actually i brought her to the white house a few months later is named lisa phillips. she had a small's ness. she told me her storyand i think -- we were all crying. it was so amazing. she started out homeless. she is now engaged. this spring she got her mastersdegree. she has a small but thriving small business and party planning. she is volunteering with homeless youth in baltimore. so this is -- these types of stories forever change you. it is unbelievable to hear the purser variants, the grant, the energy. i know she is going to make an enormous impact not just in her business but her community. we talk about small business, how it is going to grow our economy and benefit american workers, butthe amount of philanthropy being done on the local level by small business is a norm is enormous. i'm sure each of you can share your own stories just about how you are able to give act and you do in such a tremendous way. lisa story was moving to me.


          when i was seven, i started learning english.i played games and sangenglish songs with other times, i watched english ' i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dreamin the english world.

          i hope i can travel around the world someday.i want to go to america tovisit washington, because my cousin is over course, i want to go tolondon too, because england is where english language i can ridemy bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy.

          i hope i can speak english with everyone in the i'll introducechina to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou.i willteaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country.

          i like the english learn english is wonderful.i once wantedto be an english teacher .i also like chinese i was reallyyoung, i was able to remember lots of poems.i also wanted to be a teacher i think that both of my dreams can come true: i will be able to useenglish to teach foreign friends chinese and share chinese culture with at more and more people will be able to get to know the 5000 years' historyculture, and the prosperity of our great china.

          my future is not a dream.


          good evening, my fellow americans.

          first, i should like to express my gratitude to the radio and television networks for the opportunities they have given me over the years to bring reports and messages to our nation. my special thanks go to them for the opportunity of addressing you this evening.

          three days from now, after half century in the service of our country, i shall lay down the responsibilities of office as, in traditional and solemn ceremony, the authority of the presidency is vested in my successor. this evening, i come to you with a message of leave-taking and farewell, and to share a few final thoughts with you, my countrymen.

          like every other -- like every other citizen, i wish the new president, and all who will labor with him, godspeed. i pray that the coming years will be blessed with peace and prosperity for all.

          our people expect their president and the congress to find essential agreement on issues of great moment, the wise resolution of which will better shape the future of the nation. my own relations with the congress, which began on a remote and tenuous basis when, long ago, a member of the senate appointed me to west point, have since ranged to the intimate during the war and immediate post-war period, and finally to the mutually interdependent during these past eight years. in this final relationship, the congress and the administration have, on most vital issues, cooperated well, to serve the nation good, rather than mere partisanship, and so have assured that the business of the nation should go forward. so, my official relationship with the congress ends in a feeling -- on my part -- of gratitude that we have been able to do so much together.

          we now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations. three of these involved our own country. despite these holocausts, america is today the strongest, the most influential, and most productive nation in the world. understandably proud of this pre-eminence, we yet realize that america's leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress, riches, and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment.

          throughout america's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace, to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity, and integrity among peoples and among nations. to strive for less would be unworthy of a free and religious people. any failure traceable to arrogance, or our lack of comprehension, or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon us grievous hurt, both at home and abroad.

          progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. it commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. we face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insiduous [insidious] in method. unhappily, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. to meet it successfully, there is called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis, but rather those which enable us to carry forward steadily, surely, and without complaint the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle with liberty the stake. only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted course toward permanent peace and human betterment.

          crises there will continue to be. in meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all current difficulties. a huge increase in newer elements of our defenses; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research -- these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel.

          but each proposal must be weighed in the light of a broader consideration: the need to maintain balance in and among national programs, balance between the private and the public economy, balance between the cost and hoped for advantages, balance between the clearly necessary and the comfortably desirable, balance between our essential requirements as a nation and the duties imposed by the nation upon the individual, balance between actions of the moment and the national welfare of the future. good judgment seeks balance and progress. lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration. the record of many decades stands as proof that our people and their government have, in the main, understood these truths and have responded to them well, in the face of threat and stress.

          but threats, new in kind or degree, constantly arise. of these, i mention two only.

          a vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. our military organization today bears little relation to that known of any of my predecessors in peacetime, or, indeed, by the fighting men of world war ii or korea.

          until the latest of our world conflicts, the united states had no armaments industry. american makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. but we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. we annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all united states cooperations -- corporations.

          now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the american experience. the total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. we recognize the imperative need for this development. yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. so is the very structure of our society.

          in the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. we should take nothing for granted. only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

          akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades. in this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. a steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the federal government.

          today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. in the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. for every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. the prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present -- and is gravely to be regarded.

          yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

          it is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system -- ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.

          another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. as we peer into society's future, we -- you and i, and our government -- must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow. we cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. we want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.

          during the long lane of the history yet to be written, america knows that this world of ours, ever growing smaller, must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect. such a confederation must be one of equals. the weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength. that table, though scarred by many fast frustrations -- past frustrations, cannot be abandoned for the certain agony of disarmament -- of the battlefield.

          disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose. because this need is so sharp and apparent, i confess that i lay down my official responsibilities in this field with a definite sense of disappointment. as one who has witnessed the horror and the lingering sadness of war, as one who knows that another war could utterly destroy this civilization which has been so slowly and painfully built over thousands of years, i wish i could say tonight that a lasting peace is in sight.

          happily, i can say that war has been avoided. steady progress toward our ultimate goal has been made. but so much remains to be done. as a private citizen, i shall never cease to do what little i can to help the world advance along that road.

          so, in this, my last good night to you as your president, i thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for public service in war and in peace. i trust in that -- in that -- in that service you find some things worthy. as for the rest of it, i know you will find ways to improve performance in the future.

          you and i, my fellow citizens, need to be strong in our faith that all nations, under god, will reach the goal of peace with justice. may we be ever unswerving in devotion to principle, confident but humble with power, diligent in pursuit of the nations' great goals.

          to all the peoples of the world, i once more give expression to america's prayerful and continuing aspiration: we pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its few spiritual blessings. those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibility; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; and that the sources -- scourges of poverty, disease, and ignorance will be made [to] disappear from the earth; and that in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.

          now, on friday noon, i am to become a private citizen. i am proud to do so. i look forward to it.

          thank you, and good night.


          Since the quality of honesty applies to all behaviors, one cannot refuse to consider factual information, for example, in an unbiased manner and still claim that one's knowledge, belief or position is an attempt to be truthful. Such a belie

          f is clearly a product of one's desires and simply has nothing to do with the human ability to know. Basing one's positions on what one wants — rather than unbiased evidence gathering — is dishonest even when good intentions can be cited — after all even Hitler could cite good intentions and intended glory for a select group of people. Clearly then, an unbiased approach to the truth is a requirement of honesty.

          Because intentions are closely related to fairness and certainly affect the degree of honesty/dishonesty, there is a wide spread confusion about honesty--and a general belief that being dishonest means that one ALWAYS correctly understands if their behavior is either honest or dishonest. Self-perception of our morality is non-static and volatile. It's often at the moment we refuse to consider other perspectives that there is a clear indication we are not pursuing the truth, rather than simply and exclusively at the moment we can muster up evidence that we are right. Socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldn't do it — by definition. Unfortunately, honesty in the western tradition has been marginalized to specific instances — perhaps because a thorough understanding of honesty collides with ideologies of all types. Ideologies and idealism often exaggerate and suppress evidence in order to support their perspectives — at the eXPense of the truth. This process erodes the practice and understanding of honesty. To an ideologist the truth quite often becomes insignificant, what matters most are their ideals and what ever supports their desires to enjoy and spread those ideals.

          Human beings are inherently biased about what they believe to be good due to individual tastes & backgrounds, but once one understands that a decidedly biased approach to what is true — is inherently dishonest, one can also understand how idealism and ideology have poorly served the quest for an honest, moral society. Both honesty and morality require that we base our opinions about what is good — upon unbiased ideas of what is TRUE — rather than vice versa (determining what is true based on what we feel is good) — the way all ideologies would have us believe.












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