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      2. 英語演講稿

        時間:2024-05-23 22:29:55 佩瑩 英語演講稿 我要投稿




          英語演講稿 1

          Dear teachers and classmates:

          Im glad to say something here. At this point, I want to talk about my hobbies.

          I have many hobbies. Firstly, I enjoy playing electronic games. Computer games are very cool. I can play all day. Secondly, I enjoy various sports. I like fresh air and sunshine. Playing football with friends is very interesting.

          Swimming in the sea is my favorite. I also enjoy drawing at home. Besides, I enjoy music. I like singing. I often sing movie songs while taking walks on the street. Of course, I learn English every day. As you know, English is used all over the world. So I study English very hard. I hope one day I can travel around the world and speak English to foreigners.

          There are more things I enjoy doing. There is also something I want to say. Maybe next time I can tell you more. Thank you all for listening.

          英語演講稿 2

          Dear judges and classmates:

          Good afternoon!

          Recently, there has been a heated debate in our society. College students are beneficiaries of a rare privilege, receiving special education in special places. But can we face challenges and overcome all difficulties? Can we improve the lives of others? Can we accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

          Cynics say that college students are a spoiled and lost generation, and they tend to shy away from the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are all eager to learn how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitories, go shopping together to negotiate prices, and work part-time to supplement our pocket money.

          Cynics say we only care about grades; We have overlooked the need for character development. But the cynics are wrong again. We deeply care for each other, we cherish freedom, we cherish justice, and we pursue truth. Last week, thousands of my classmates conducted blood type tests to contribute to children with blood cancer.

          As college students, we are teenagers at a critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each of which will profoundly affect our future, and even the future of our country. I believe in all my classmates. Although we still lack experience and may even be a bit childish. I believe we have the courage and belief to face any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to take on new responsibilities and tasks, and use the education we receive to make our world a better place. I believe in our future.

          英語演講稿 3

          Hi,good morning, everyone, lets begin.

          Shenzhen is located just north Of hong kong, its location gives it a geographical advantage for economic development. in 1980, the first economic zone Of china was built in then on, shenzhen become a highlighted city Of china, one known for its rapid economic growth. more than 30 years ago, shenzhen just was a small fishing village called baoan country. in 1979, it was renamed shenzhen city. when the special economic zone was built, the city was divided into 6 zones,four Of which are located in the special economic zone.

          While shenzhen city does not have as many historical attractions as other famous cities in china, it has created a number Of excellent theme parks which teach visitors about china and the world. such as, splendidchina and china folk culture villages introduce visitors to chinas long history and varied cultures, while window Of the world will take you to every corner Of the world in one day. additionally, if you want to make your stay even more luxurious ], visit happy valley[ the largest Of shenzhen citys theme attractions are: dameisha & xiaomeisha scenic area meridian view center, minsk[minsk] world, overseas chinese town east,shenzhen safari park, xiaomeisha sea world and xili lake resort . come enjoy the coastal view, the theme parks, the city, and especially the people Of shenzhen city.

          Two months ago, the tallest building in shenzhen is di wang edifice . but now it is kingkey 100, which set to rise 441.8 meters (1,449 ft) and contain 100 floors for Office space and a can see it from the pictures.

          At a height Of 944 meters, wutong mountain is the highest mountain in shenzhen. there are forest parks, sports parks and hiking tracks for visitors. on top Of the mountain, one can gaze[geiz] over hong kong and enjoy splendid sea and landscapes . and it is the source Of shenzhen river.

          That is all. thank you!

          英語演講稿 4

          Hi,everyone.Today my topic is about environmental protection. Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue.The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this,life on earth cannot survive.

          Pollution has been a serious problem for a certain time around the world.There are many causes for it.Transportation is the main factor of pollution.When the waste gas from cars is released,the air is polluted.People breathing in the polluted air can develop respiratory disease.Another factor is that people throw their garbage everywhere.All kinds of garbage not only spoil the splendid environment,but also cause environmental pollution.Wastewater from factories is also poured into rivers and this causes water pollution Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air,forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems,to use modern methods of birth control,to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future. OK,we have known that we can prevent pollution if everyone makes the efforts.So,let’s do it now .Thats it.

          Thank you everyone!

          英語演講稿 5

          Teachers and classmates:

          Good morning The title of my speech is "Who will wipe Moms face?".

          There is an old mother who has no hands or feet, but she is very happy. Because she has many children who are polite, know how to greet others, and are good at learning, she is full of hope for the children, so she feels very happy.

          But she is also very distressed, for what? (Let the students guess) So! This old mans face is very dirty. She has no hands or feet. Who will wash her face? Classmates, come up with a solution? (Let the students say) Yes! She has so many excellent children, why not come and help? Yes, the children also saw the dust on their mothers face, but they all thought that with so many children, someone would definitely clean it up. People who have been to their house say, "Hey, these children look so cute, but their mothers face is so dirty, indicating that they are not a good group of children!" What should we do if we are the son of an old mother? (Students say)

          Actually, ah! This mother is our campus. We live on campus every day, and the campus is like a mother watching us and listening to the sound of our reading. She is full of hope - because in the near future, excellent talents will emerge from her embrace in all parts of our country! But sometimes we casually put paper, milk boxes, fruit peels, bubble gum, even foam trays used after eating cake for birthday, and some garbage that cant even be named. How sad the campus is! She really wants to grow a pair of hands to wash her face, she really wants to grow a pair of feet. Even if she can walk a few steps, she must first clean up the garbage from her face. How much she hopes! But she cant do it! Watching children walk gracefully past the prominent garbage, she really doesnt understand! 1、 A second grade child who is not sensible can be forgiven, but other children have grown up and should be able to see the garbage on their mothers face? Yes, in order to protect my mothers face, the school has divided the work into hygiene areas, so some students have more reasons. Moms face is dirty, its not our fault. This is the hygiene area for third grade! Over there? Its our turn to clean tomorrow! Mom can only hope, a gust of wind will bring bad luck! The garbage would run here and there, "Who will wash my face?" Mom screamed in pain, but no one could hear it!

          Children, what should we do?

          英語演講稿 6

          Teachers and classmates:

          Good morning everyone!

          The theme of my speech today is "Love the Earth, Speak with Action". There was once a very intriguing story: on a river slope, there was a very decent small village where dozens of households lived. The lush forests on the hillside behind the village seem like a huge barrier. I dont know when, every family has had very sharp axes. Whoever wants to build a house, they pick up an axe and go up the mountain to chop down the trees one by one. Year after year has passed, and the trees on the slopes continue to decrease, while the exposed land continues to expand. There was a year of heavy rain, which lasted for five consecutive days and nights. It didnt stop until dawn on the sixth day. However, the small village was swept to an unknown place by the roaring flood.

          In fact, such phenomena and tragedies are not limited to this example! Dont believe it, please take a look at a set of scientific surveys and statistical data: Currently, 210000 square meters of forests disappear every minute in the world; Every minute, 110000 square meters of land are desertified; Every minute, 48000 tons of sediment flow into the sea, 850000 tons of sewage are discharged into rivers, lakes, and seas, and 28 people die from environmental pollution every minute. Our only village that can thrive - Earth - is being threatened by various environmental disasters created by humans themselves: water pollution, air pollution, sharp decline in vegetation, endangered species, river closures, garbage lockdowns, land desertification, ozone depletion, and so on

          Fortunately, humanity seems to have awakened from painful lessons and punishments, realizing that only by loving Mother Earth can we save ourselves and create a happy life. The day after tomorrow is April 22nd, also the 40th World Earth Day in the world. The theme of this years Earth Day is "Understanding the Earth, Ensuring Development - Understanding the Deep Part of Our Homeland." The World Earth Day event aims to awaken a strong environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility to love the Earth among global residents.

          I remember a song that goes like this: "Moms grassland is a warm cradle; Moms sky is a kind smiling face; Moms river is the source of love." In order for the grassland to last forever, the river to never dry up, and the smiling face to last forever, on this years World Earth Day, lets no longer stand idly by, no longer think that throwing a piece of garbage casually doesnt matter, no longer think that I just spit a little phlegm casually, no longer think that when the faucet is not turned off, its just a few drops of water.

          Classmates, lets all take active action and start with small things around us. We solemnly promise to Mother Earth: not to dispose of domestic wastewater, not to litter, and to pick up fruit peels and paper scraps scattered on the ground. We will save water, electricity, and the environment, and together we will be the little masters of protecting the Earth!

          Thank you all!

          英語演講稿 7

          Dear teachers and classmates

          Hello everyone!

          What is youth? "Youth is the most colorful and energetic time in life." Yes! Youth only comes once, and we should strive and strive in the most precious years. Although hard work may not necessarily lead to success, without it, we cannot succeed. Only through hard work can one have no regrets.

          Dont choose comfort at an age of hardship. Only by working hard can you win, and only by working hard can you create miracles.

          It has been a month since the start of school, and every student is working hard. If you are still idle, then you are no longer on the same starting line as other students.

          In the dormitory, students are all burning the lights and studying at night, working hard and striving!

          Youth only comes once, and it is a huge, infinitely noble gift that life endows us with. Gorky once said, "Cherish your youth! There is nothing more beautiful or precious than youth in the world! Youth is like gold, you can become whatever you want to be." Strive hard! Work hard! Qingchun has no regrets. Struggle and hard work never disappoint youth.

          Thank you.




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