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      2. 高中英語《Animals in Danger》說課稿

        時間:2024-02-19 08:02:56 英語說課稿 我要投稿
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        高中英語《Animals in Danger》說課稿

          作為一名默默奉獻的教育工作者,很有必要精心設計一份說課稿,借助說課稿可以有效提高教學效率。怎樣寫說課稿才更能起到其作用呢?下面是小編幫大家整理的高中英語《Animals in Danger》說課稿,僅供參考,希望能夠幫助到大家。

        高中英語《Animals in Danger》說課稿

          Module 6 Animals in Danger

          Saving the Antelopes

          Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.My topic today is “Saving the Antelopes”. I have been ready to begin my presentation with following parts :

          1 Analysis of teaching materials

          This lesson is from FLTRP New Standard English Module 6 Animals in Danger, the reading part--Saving the Antelopes. This lesson is about the bad situation of the endangered wildlife and appeal people to protect them. Through this lesson, students can be aware that protecting animals is protecting ourselves, human beings.

          2 Analysis of students

          Our students are Senior high school students from the second grade. They are interested in the new topic. In addition, after many years of English learning, they’ve known many words, sentences and some skills to solve English problems. But they can’t use it to express themselves and communicate with others fluently. So in this period, I would arrange a variety fo activities to help them take part in the class.

          3 Analysis of teaching aims

          Based on the English curriculum standard and the charasteristics of the students, I set the following teaching aims:

          (1) Knowledge aims:

          Students can read and use the words “antelope, endanger, poacher and so on”.

          They will understand the passage and grasp the reading strategies of skimming and scanning.

          (2) Ability aims:

          Students will express their opinions in wildlife protection under the teacher’s guidance and use different reading strategies to get specific information in a limited time.

          (3) Emotional aims:

          Students will enhance their wildlife protection awareness and cultivate their social responsibilities.

          4 Analysis of teaching key points and difficult points

          The key points are the meaning and the usage of the words such as "endanger" and "poacher" and some eading strategies.

          The difficult points are how to arouse students’ awareness of wildlife protection and how to enable the students to use different strategies proficiently.

          5 Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods

          To help students achieve the teaching aims much better and easier, I’ll mainly use “Task-based” and “Communicative” teaching methods. For students, they will be encouraged to study by themselves, and they will learn to communicate with people, and become the real host of the class.

          6 Analysis of teaching aids

          In order to catch students’ attention, I prepare multi-media and pictures.

          7 Analysis of teaching procedures

          This is the most important part in this design, it can be divided into following steps:

          Step 1 Warming-up

          After greeting, I will ask the film clip of Mountain patrol which directed by the famous director Lu Chuan. And then I will give them some questions: what are they showing about? Wht’s the feelings?So they can find that is about saving the antelopes. By talking about the tough situation of antelopes, I can lead students to think why they were killed disastrously. Thus, we can move the real topic of the class ‘saving antelopes’.

          Step 2 Pre-reading

          Before reading I will explain some new words by showing pictures or paraphrasing,like ‘endanger’ ‘patrol’ and so on. I also can lead more words they’ve learnt before such as extinct which has the same meaning as endanger. By doing these, students are able to overcome the obstacles of new words in the passage and make the following reading steps go smoothly.

          Next I’d like to encourage them to make prediction according to the title and pictures on the book. They may find that the habitat of antelopes is not so safe as before. Through predictions students can quickly move their attention to the reading part.

          Step 3 While-reading

          For the while-reading. First, students should do a global reading, they need to find the main idea of this passage and divide the whole passage into three parts. Then they need to read quickly a gain and find the main idea of each parts. Part one is the 1st paragraph, it gives us an introduction to Jiesang Sounandajie ; Part two is 2-3 paragraphs, we can find the reason why the antelopes were killed, because of the illegal business; And the 3rd part is 4-5 paragraphs, it shows the results and the measure of protecting antelopes. During this activity, I also will give them some guidance that they should focus on the topic sentence which always lies in the first and last sentence of a paragraph, so they can find the main idea fast.

          After that I will give students a harder task. They need to read carefully and answer 3 questions.Q 1: How did Jiesang Suonandajie die? Q 2: What has the Chinese government done to heip the antelopes? Q 3: What will happen to the Tibetan Antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau? These questions are like clues of this passage, they can help them to understand this passage much better. In order to make sure that students can understand this passage deeply, I ‘d like to ask them to finish the task 3 on the book to explain different data such as 50,000, 2% and so on.

          Step 4 Post-reading

          Through all the readings students can get the key points of this lesson, so I would like to give a group discussion to improve their communicative ability. They need to work in groups of 4 and discuss what we ordinary people should do to protect endangered animals, not only antelopes, but also pandas, tigers and so on. They should know we need to study hard to master high science and technology to fight with poachers, as well as the government should establish more reserves and offer enough protection. So this discussion can achieve the emotional aims of arousing their awareness of wildlife protection and cultivating their social responsibilities. I will ask them to remember one sentence ‘No trade, no kill’.

          Step 5Summary and homework

          After all the activities I will show the key words the key points on the screen and summrise together to heip students to consolidate the passage.

          After class, they need to think what they will say to a poacher if they happen to see him trying to kill an endangered animal, and then write the words on the notebooks. It is a good way to check whether the students achieve the teaching aims, especially the emotional one.

          8 Analysis of blackboard design

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