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      2. 丑小鴨英語讀后感

        時(shí)間:2024-07-02 18:39:48 英文讀后感 我要投稿




          丑小鴨英語讀后感 1

          Ugly duckling illustrated, many tribulations into a white swan, it is because it has a dream of mind. It supports dream. In fact, no trajectory fate lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, they should learn to walk the feet. Every child will have a dream of their own, as long as they learn to establish life goals, self-confidence, self-improvement, Independence grow up, they will really struggle through the original can also become aware of their "white swan" like the ugly duckling can achieve the same dream in the heart

          After reading THE UGLY DUCK,I have a lot to say.

          In the story,the ugly duck lost his self-confidence.But after having a talk with the old duck,he became confident.At last,he even turned into a beautiful swan.

          If we do not have a pretty appearance,we can also be successful in the future.We can even go beyond others.When we are trapped,we should not lose our confidence but raise our heads and believe succeis waiting for us.

          The author pays homage to Hans Christian Andersen‘s compassionate tale with this faithful adaptation. Kids can relate to the duckling‘s dilemma; part of the growing-up proceis pulling away from those around you and developing a strong sense of self. Children have also witnessed or experienced the teasing that is part and parcel of childhood.

          This agelestory speaks acrogenerations with its reaffirming message. In this age of instant gratification, Andersen‘s tale reminds readers that some things are worth waiting for and that a pleasure deferred (whether by choice or necessity) is often the sweetest one of all.

          Pinkney‘s descri ptive passages resonate with the splendor of nature‘s beauty. The glowing watercolors, filled with intricate details, make each blade of gravisible, and the delicately drawn, nearly transparent mosquitoes are as ethereal as they are in life. The subtle details incorporated into the scenes--a frog catching a passing fly at the pond and a tiny mouse perched by a crate in the old woman‘s cottage--make children take another look.

          One day he heard a sound of whirring wings, and up in the air he saw a flock of birds flying high. They were as bright as the snow that had fallen during the night, and their long necks were stretched southward. Oh, if only he could go with them! But what sort of companion could he be to those beautiful beings?

          ‘I am too ugly even for a dog to eat,‘ the duckling thought. Jerry Pinkney‘s poignant text and rich artwork convey the timeleappeal of this tale of hardship and redemption. Anyone who has suffered the sting of ostracism can sympathize

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 2

          The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen must have been read by everyone. It is also a fairy tale known to women and children all over the world. After reading it, people may just laugh and pass, but I understand a truth of life from it.

          The Ugly Duckling mainly tells that the ugly duckling was born, because it is ugly, people and animals do not like it. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. Later, it survived by its own efforts. Finally, it flew up and became a beautiful swan. The ugly duckling turned into a swan by its own efforts.

          After reading the story of The Ugly Duckling, I understand a truth: no matter what you do, dont be afraid of being stupid, as long as you do it with your heart, you will succeed. Parents and teachers, please let go and let us learn to do everything! I believe that as long as we are like the ugly duckling, we will "fly to the blue sky" one day with our own hands.

          I have many ideals. Maybe I will be a doctor and cure countless patients; Maybe I will be an inventor, inventing clothes that can clean themselves; Maybe I will be a space engineer and go to the moon to build a beautiful paradise... Whatever I do, as long as I have the spirit of an ugly duckling, I will be able to do it.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 3

          Today, I read "The Ugly Duckling".

          The ugly duckling was born. People and animals dont like it because of Zhang Dechou. Wherever he goes, he gets cynicism. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. In spite of this, the ugly duckling did not give up his pursuit of freedom and beauty. With his strong belief and constant efforts, the ugly duckling finally changed his destiny and became a beautiful, beautiful and pleasing white swan.

          The ugly duckling became a white swan because of its great courage to withstand the pressure of survival, challenge the destiny and finally win the favor of the God of Destiny.

          After reading the story "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: the destiny is in your own hands, and growth will not be smooth. As long as you have strong faith, set lofty ideals, and keep working towards your goals, you will have a bright future, just like the ugly duckling becomes a white swan.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 4

          After the ugly duckling became a white swan, he made many friends at the farmers house and felt that he was not as lonely as before. Every day is very happy. After a long time, White Swan wanted to see Mother Duck. So he said goodbye to the farmer and flew home.

          When White Swan got home, he saw that Mother Duck and her brothers and sisters were living the same life as usual. Excited, she flew to the mother duck and shouted, "Mom, Im back!" The mother duck was very surprised and asked, "Who are you? Are you calling me?" "Im an ugly duckling, dont you remember me?" The white swan said. The white swan said, "I was stolen from the mother swans nest by the king of stolen eggs, and then robbed by the golden eagle. I fell into the ugly duckling hatched in your nest halfway!" The brothers and sisters who were looking for food heard this and came over. They could hardly believe that this was the ugly duckling they had bullied. Mother Duck and her brothers and sisters cheered happily and hugged each other tightly!

          Brother and sister apologized for their previous behavior of bullying the ugly duckling. And invited the white swan to stay and live together. The white swan agreed to their invitation and lived happily ever after with them.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 5

          The ugly duckling is my very like a fairy tale, it is a hit all the crowd out, laughed at, the image of the ugly duckling. But it always have a dream in the heart, because the dream, it in front of the difficulty not despair, there is no destruction, but always unyielding struggle, finally turned into a beautiful noble swan, it feel happy, feel warm.

          The beauty of love, there is. In the world who doesnt like beauty? But the beauty are important, but the beauty of mind is more important. If the heart beauty, character beauty, wisdom, beauty, language beauty, beauty action, this is the most beautiful thing in the world. Although the physical beauty, but in the mind is not beautiful, it is very ugly. Some people, for the sake of beauty, do not hesitate to sacrifice everything, that is beautiful? Some people, although ugly, but work hard, industrious, good, this is not to mind ugly, but just the opposite.

          After reading the text, cause me to understand that appearance is not important, the most important is whether the inner beauty, is pure. The ugly duckling into a swan, all this comes from it in mind that a dream of the eternal. Everyone can be as long as you firm faith, stick to their beautiful dreams, and diligently to struggle, you will be successful, you will become a beautiful swan, spread your wings and fly.

          From the ugly duckling in this text I experience the true meaning of beauty, understand the connotation of the beauty, inner beauty, let us become a swan, in a free flying high in the sky.





          丑小鴨英語讀后感 6

          I read the fairy tale The Ugly Duckling.

          When the ugly duckling was born, many elder brothers and sisters bullied him because she was ugly and he himself was very inferiority complex. One day, he found white feathers and beautiful posture by the river. It could not believe that the swan in the beautiful water was its own reflection. This ugly duckling is so happy! From then on, he raised his head confidently. Finally, he became a white swan by his own efforts!

          I think when you are not very good, you should say to yourself: I am not like this, I should be great! Although I am lagging behind others now, it is temporary and I will continue to work hard. And I will grow up, I will change, even if it is not very good now, I believe that one day, I will do better! I also want to become a "white swan".

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 7

          The Ugly Duckling is a well-known fairy tale written by Andersen. I read it in kindergarten. The ugly duckling was bullied, laughed at and ignored by everyone because of its ugly appearance. But she did not and began her adventure. Along the way, the ugly duckling has experienced many hardships, but it has always kept a beautiful and pure mind and finally turned into a beautiful white swan.

          I remember when I was just learning the piano, ten fingers were pounding "dang, dang, dang" on the keyboard, without any melody and dull. When I heard the beautiful melody played by others, I made up my mind to study hard. Finally, I can also fluently play such famous Chinese and foreign music as Cradmans "Wedding in a Dream", "Childhood", etc. Now I am also a beautiful "white swan".

          This story has taught me that as long as we persevere in pursuing good ideals and bravely overcome difficulties, we will be able to achieve success.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 8

          An ugly duckling was excluded and laughed at from birth. Even his brothers and sisters looked down upon him, and even his mother hated the duckling, but after countless hardships and setbacks, it became a beautiful and noble swan

          Such an ugly duckling can turn into a noble swan. How much effort he has made and how much suffering he has experienced! However, he endured. For his own dreams, he endured the exclusion, ridicule and bullying of others. But gold is not afraid of fire, it has become a noble and beautiful swan.

          In fact, life is the same. Perhaps you have been hit, perhaps you have encountered setbacks, do not be sad, do not hesitate. The sun is always in the wind and rain, how can we be blocked by the dark clouds in front of us to find the sun?

          Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. No one can casually succeed. Lets remember the lyrics. No matter what we will encounter in the future, as long as we persist, we will succeed. You can transform into a noble swan like an ugly duckling.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 9

          Today, my mother and I read the story "The Ugly Duckling", which tells the story of an ugly duckling who finally became a beautiful white swan through difficulties and hardships.

          From this story, I learned that people should not feel inferior, give up, or be discouraged. Gold always shines. Even when we were born poor, it doesnt matter. As long as we dont give up the opportunity easily, the final victory belongs to us.

          Parents: By reading this story with my child, I kept telling him that everyone has a love for beauty. As long as the soul is beautiful, everything will become beautiful. In fact, the difficulties are not terrible. The terrible thing is that we gave up without trying to win. The ugly duckling became a swan. All this comes from the eternal dream in his heart. As long as everyone works hard, he can become a swan flying.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 10

          The ugly duckling became the laughing object of all chickens and ducks because of its ugly appearance. Even its own brothers, sisters and mother bullied it, so it ran away and began a lonely life of wandering. It encountered many dangers and suffered many setbacks, but it did not give in, but worked hard to exercise itself. Finally, it found that it could fly and become a beautiful swan.

          After reading this fairy tale, I understand that adversity can make people grow. As long as you are like an ugly duckling, you are not afraid of difficulties, persevere, and strive to improve yourself, you will certainly succeed.

          Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. A person will inevitably experience many setbacks and difficulties in his life. If he loses confidence in himself and gives up his efforts, he will always be a loser. I will take the frustrations in life as sharpening my mind. As long as I work hard and be confident, I will one day become a beautiful white swan and soar in the blue sky like an ugly duckling.

          丑小鴨英語讀后感 11

          Today, I read the article "The Ugly Duckling", and I feel very much.

          The ugly duckling was born, because it is ugly, people and animals do not like it. In the cold winter, it suffered a lot in the forest. Later, with its own efforts, it finally flew up and became a beautiful white swan that could fly freely in the blue sky!

          The ugly duckling turned into a white swan entirely by his own efforts.

          After reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", I understand a truth: no matter what you do, dont be afraid of your own stupidity. As long as you study hard and work hard, you will succeed as long as you stick to it.

          Father, mother and teacher, please let me do everything independently! I believe that I will, like the ugly duckling, rely on my own efforts, keep learning and perseverance, and one day I will fly.





        丑小鴨讀后感推薦 讀《丑小鴨》有感05-09






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