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      2. 一分鐘的英語自我介紹

        時間:2022-12-28 11:03:26 一分鐘自我介紹 我要投稿
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          "My name is Chen, a fish.Because it is ugly, once looked up, the swallow all of heaven to fall off, I have a nickname, that autumn yan.

          "My Name: WuDaShan is a chef, a hotel in soft, if you chef will be looking for me, as long as the hotel soft shouted:" WuDaShan kitchen ", I will out of the.

          "My name is Chen, the right to name Beck seems to be one, I do not know why, recently everyone mistakenly thought I was a photographe


          大家好。 我的名字叫XXX,我來自中國廣東。Hello everybody. My name is XXXX. I come from Guangdong province in China。我很高興來這里和你們一起念書,當我三天前來到這個學校時,我就喜歡上它了這里是那么美麗,那么振奮人心,這里的每個人都對我很親切,特別是Kim 老師。而這個班集體對我來說就像一個大家庭。

          I am very happy to come here to studywith you.When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it.It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone iskind to me especially Kim.This class feels just like one big family to me.


          I’m interested in sports, music and mountainclimbing.I also enjoy playing soccer. I would love to play with you sometime.I hope I can become your friend soon. Thankyou very much.


          我的性格沉穩(wěn),同時又不失開朗。善于交朋友,廣交朋友。 我的愛好廣泛:聽音樂,攝影,玩電腦,當然最喜歡的還是體育鍛煉,籃球乒乓球,足球等等,這也是我為什么選擇體育專業(yè)的原因。

          現(xiàn)在在大學的`我,想在大學里好好讀書,并積極參加學;顒优紶柸プ黾媛毠ぷ。 對于未來,四年后或許會延續(xù)我的專業(yè),利用專業(yè)知識找工作,或許我會選擇自主創(chuàng)業(yè)。 總之,我會用自己的雙手和能力創(chuàng)造無悔人生。


          loeveryonemy name is zhangjingi am come from wuhanmy birth day is june1st1994my favorite sport is basketball and foot balli like computer games tooi like playing chessi play it very goodand i am good at sport tooi like too make firends nice to meet you all


          Hello everyone, my name is Ji Hao this year just fifty year old half my age, less integrity of youth is a big guy.

          I'm wearing a two piece of glass, but still handsome, and explain my wisdom. I have experienced, was a glorious people's teacher, 79 meters big, than Yao short so some, but Pan Yangtze River than to high so half. Now,

          I doing it, but I never to suffer others play, because I will be no shadow kick. My brother had just arrived, please a lot of a lot of care.


          I will not elaborate on this appearance, the street, just grab a person will have and I know. Character fortunately, the doctrine of the mean is my ideal, but under the social reality force, often make some left leaning and right leaning things and cause I don't have much success, in addition to find me some very tempting fate of friends, I feel oneself is still very lonely. But only those who are on the high will feel lonely, with my own emptiness and loneliness, which is nothing to do with the young people.

          I deeply feel that their own good, so I determined the good are well rewarded, because I have no intention of good deeds I won many friends, the feeling is God's gift, but sometimes I feel very ruthless, especially to see able-bodied, able-bodied beggars, I strongly pretended not to see.

          As a boy, I very want to skin, is to face, and a bit overboard, may my skin especially thick, so it is particularly important to face, can not let my skin a little damage.

          Ha ha! Almost, this person is very simple, not a big man, not too much to say.












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