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      2. 英語演講稿親情高中篇

        時(shí)間:2021-12-21 11:21:53 演講稿 我要投稿





          In this picture, a mother bird stays in her nest in a big three, watching herbabies flying away. I think she must be very proud of her children,who are ableto find their own food now. But she may also feel a sense of loss since they nolonger need her day-to-day care as they used to. This picture shows very wellthe mixed feelings of parents when watching their children grow up. For myparents, things will be much easier. We will set up our family blog to post ourphotos,journals and audios. Once I leave for college, we can conveniently shareour experiences and support each other no matter where we are. Their nest willnever beempty. 譯文: 在這幅畫中,母鳥呆在鳥巢三大,看著她嬰兒飛走。我認(rèn)為她必須為她的孩子們感到驕傲,他們現(xiàn)在能夠找到自己的食物。但她也感到失落,因?yàn)樗麄儾辉傩枰褚郧八娜粘1=。這張照片顯示的復(fù)雜的感情很好父母看著自己的孩子長大后。對于我的'父母,生活將會(huì)更加容易。我們將建立我們的家庭博客發(fā)布照片、日記和音頻。一旦我離開大學(xué),我們可以方便地分享我們的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和相互支持,無論我們在哪里。他們的'巢永遠(yuǎn)是空的。


          Every parents is very fond of his children, my parents is not exceptionalalso. My thing has my parental care a lot of, among them two things, of my for along time imprint in the heart. Once, I and father go into the street shop, thething on the street is too much really,

          I am absorbed in skipping repeatedly belt jump ground edge walks along anedge to look, which still consider the car on the side! Abrupt, an a sudden bigstride forward develops father to pull me toward the side, I am tooting themouth, blame father grouchily.

          Father tells me: "A moment ago on the side had sailed an autocycle, if youreturn the past 2 centimeters, your small order with respect to one cannot sayfor sure. " at this moment, I feel father is so great, tear is abrupt anexcessive is full my orbit. relatively father loves darkly then, maternal loveappears particularly meticulous, warm.


          "Maybe you will forget those who shared pleasure with you, but you willremember those who tasted tears with you. " Kahlil Cirbran

          Everyone has a lot of friends and he must have his own friendship as well.But usually only when you get into trouble, will you know what the truefriendship is. The friend in need is the friend in deed. Only the real friendswill help you when you are in trouble. If you establish your friendship when youare in trouble, make it go on forever.

          Maybe a boy and a girl become good friends. They feel very happy when theyare each other, but other students may think that they have fallen in love. Ifyou were one of them, what would you do? If I were in that position, I would notcare about what anyone else may say. I only care about her feeling. We shouldknow that our friendship is pure without anything bad mixed. Friendship is veryimportant for everyone, so I will let my friendship last forever.

          Everyone should know that he can not lose his opposite sex friends. If you donot make friends with your opposite sex classmates, then you have already losthalf of the friends. So you can make friends with all your classmates, and don'tbe shy. You should also pay enough attention to the friendship that you havealready established. Don’t undermine it unless you want to hurt him. You shouldnever try to do so, for if you do that you will lose much in emotion.

          Please cherish everything that you have already possessed. Maybe you don'tcare about it now. But when you lose it, you will find that how important itis.

          “你也許會(huì)忘記那些與你一同笑過的人,但是你將永遠(yuǎn)記住那些與你一同傷心落淚的人!---- kahlil Girbran每個(gè)人都有很多朋友,也一定有屬于他自己的友誼。但是,通常只有當(dāng)你遇到困難時(shí),你才能知道什么是真正的友誼;茧y見真情,只有真正的朋友會(huì)在你身處困境時(shí)幫助你。如果你在逆境中將友誼建立,那么請讓它繼續(xù)到永遠(yuǎn)。也許一個(gè)女孩和一個(gè)男孩成為了好朋友,他們在一起會(huì)感到很幸福。但是,其他同學(xué)會(huì)認(rèn)為他們相愛了。如果你是其中之一,你會(huì)怎么辦?如果是我,我將不會(huì)在乎別人說什么,我只在乎她的感覺。我們應(yīng)該明白,我們的友誼是純潔的,是不含任何雜質(zhì)的。友誼對每個(gè)人都很重要,所以我會(huì)讓我們的友誼繼續(xù)下去。每個(gè)人都應(yīng)該明白你不能失去異性的朋友如果你不與異性同學(xué)交朋友,那么你就已經(jīng)失去了一半朋友。所以你可以與你所有的同學(xué)交朋友,不要害羞。你同樣也應(yīng)該重視你已經(jīng)建立的友誼,不要破壞它,除非你想傷害他。不過,請不要去嘗試,如果你這么做你會(huì)失去太多的感情。請珍惜你所擁有的一切也許你現(xiàn)在并不在乎,但當(dāng)你失去時(shí)你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)它是多么的重要。


          Parents gave me life in this world,I love the most is them.

          Expressing of loving parents do not need to pass a language that I lovethem.Whatever we can do some little things.In the Father's Day or Mother'sDay,we can prepare a delicious breakfast for them.We can remember theirbirthdays.In their birthdays,we don't need to buy gifts,but have to say happybirthday.

          When parents come home from work,we can hand them a cup of hot water to makethem relax.We can help parents to share some of the housework,so that they havemore time to rest.As part of the family,we should take active to do housework.Ifwe read out,we should always contact them,tell them recent things of our own.Letthem not worry about us.

          It is known to all our parents love is priceless,is not asking foranything.We should love them in return. But,parents can be very simple love.Aslong as the life of more concern to them,for them to have been verysatisfied.Just do it.






          I was born in an ordinary family, but I never feel lacking anything in mylife. I receive love from my family. When I meet troubles, they support mewithout hesitation. The strong connection of kinship provides me the great powerto move on.


          Chinese people pay special attention to the family reunion. No matter how faraway they are, the family members will come home and have big dinner ontraditional festivals. The meal means so much for everyone. People enjoy themoment to have communication with each other and strengthen therelationship.


          With the family’s support, we will be a strong person, no matter how hard thelife is. When we meet difficulties, it is natural for us to think about ourfamilies, as they give us the motivation to get over the hard time. If we aretired, just go home and talk to our parents, then all the annoyances will beforgotten and they mean nothing to you compared to the kinship.


          The close kinship is the infinite power to lead us a positive life. I cherishall the love they give me.













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